SELECTED ARTICLES OF INTEREST IN RECENT VOLUMES OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK American Jewish Fiction Turns Inward, Sylvia Barack Fishman 1960-1990 91:35-69 American Jewish Museums: Trends and Issues Ruth R.Seldin 91:71-113 Anti-Semitism in Europe Since the Holocaust Robert S. Wistrich 93:3-23 Counting Jewish Populations: Methods and Paul Ritterband, Barry A. Problems Kosmin, and Jeffrey Scheckner 88:204-221 Current Trends in American Jewish Jack Wertheimer 97:3-92 Philanthropy U.O. Schmelz and Sergio The Demography of Latin American Jewry DellaPergola 85:51-102 Steven Kaplan and Ethiopian Jews in Israel Chaim Rosen 94:59-109 Ethnic Differences Among Israeli Jews: A New U.O. Schmelz, Sergio Look DellaPergola, and Uri Avner 90:3-204 The Impact of Feminism on American Jewish Sylvia B. Fishman 89:3-62 Life Israeli Literature and the American Reader Alan Mintz 97:93-114 Israelis in the United States Steven J. Gold and Bruce A. Phillips 96:51-101 Jewish Experience on Film—An American Joel Rosenberg 96:3-50 Overview Jewish Identity in Conversionary and Mixed Peter Y. Medding, Gary A. Marriages Tobin, Sylvia Barack Fishman, and Mordechai Rimor 92:3-76 653 654 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1998 Jewish Organizational Life in the Jack Wertheimer 95:3-98 United States Since 1945 Jewish Theology in North America: Arnold Eisen 91:3-33 Notes on Two Decades Jews in the European Community: Sergio DellaPergola 93:25-82 Sociodemographic Trends and Challenges Judith Laikin Elkin 85:3-49 Latin American Jewry Today Bruce A. Phillips 86:126-49 Los Angeles Jewry: A Demographic Portrait Nathan Glazer 87:3-19 New Perspectives in American Jewish Sociology U.O. Schmelz 87:39-113 The Population of Reunited Jerusalem, 1967-1985 Sidney Goldstein 92:77-173 Profile of American Jewry: Insights from the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey David E. Fishman 97:391^00 The Rebirth of Jewish Scholarship in Russia Gary A. Tobin and Alvin Recent Jewish Community Population Studies: Chenkin 85:154-178 A Roundup Jack Wertheimer 89:63-162 Recent Trends in American Judaism Paul Ritterband and Steven M.Cohen 84:128 The Social Characteristics of the New York Area Jewish Community, 1981 Sergio DellaPergola and Allie A. Dubb 88:59-140 South African Jewry: A Sociodemographic Profile Gideon Shimoni 88:3-58 South African Jews and the Apartheid Crisis Steven J. Gold 94:3-57 Soviet Jews in the United States Bernard Lazerwitz, J. Alan Winter, Arnold Dashefsky, A Study of Jewish Denominational and Ephraim Tabory Preferences: Summary Findings 97:115-37 OBITUARIES Leo Baeck By Max Gruenwald 59:478-82 Salo W. Baron By Lloyd P. Gartner 91:544-54 Jacob Blaustein By John Slawson 72:547-57 Martin Buber By Seymour Siegel 67:37^3 Abraham Cahan By Mendel Osherowitch 53:527-29 Albert Einstein By Jacob Bronowski 58:480-85 Louis Finkelstein By Abraham J. Karp 93:527-34 Felix Frankfurter By Paul A. Freund 67:31-36 Louis Ginzberg By Louis Finkelstein 56:573-79 Jacob Glatstein By Shmuel Lapin 73:611-17 Sidney Goldmann By Milton R. Konvitz 85:401-03 Hayim Greenberg By Marie Syrkin 56:589-94 Abraham Joshua Heschel By Fritz A. Rothschild 74:533^4 Horace Meyer Kallen By Milton R. Konvitz 75:55-80 Mordecai Kaplan By Ludwig Nadelmann 85:404-11 Herbert H. Lehman By Louis Finkelstein 66:3-20 Judah L. Magnes By James Marshall 51:512-15 Jacob Rader Marcus By Jonathan D. Sarna 97:633^0 Alexander Marx By Abraham S. Halkin 56:580-88 Reinhold Niebuhr By Seymour Siegel 73:605-10 Joseph Proskauer By David Sher 73:618-28 Maurice Samuel By Milton H. Hindus 74:545-53 Isaac Bashevis Singer By Hillel Halkin 93:535-38 John Slawson By Murray Friedman 91:555-58 Joseph B. Soloveitchik By Moshe Sokol 95:575-84 Leo Strauss By Ralph Lerner 76:91-97 Max Weinreich By Lucy S. Dawidowicz 70:59-68 Chaim Weizmann By Harry Sacher 55:462-69 Stephen S. Wise By Philip S. Bernstein 51:515-18 Harry Austryn Wolfson By Isadore Twersky 76:99-111 655 Index Aaron, Ethel, 411 Aleksandrova, V., 499/2 Aaron, Rafi, 209 ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, 542 Abadi, Moussa, 270 Alexander, Mirjam, 280 Abella, Irving, 107, 206, 208 Alfonsin, Raul, 221 Aberbach, David, 247 Algemeiner Journal, 594 Abraham, S. Daniel, 115 Allen, Woody, 158 Abraham Fund, 527 Allerhand, Jacob, 339 Abrahams, Sam, 406 Allon, Yigal, 423 Abrams, Elliott, 139 Al-Massara, Mohammed, 238 Abramson, Glenda, 245 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 564 Abu Ala, 415, 423 Alter, Robert, 154 Abu Ghosh, Yusuf, 475 Altman, Ilya, 373 Abu Kamal, Ali, 84 Altshuler, Mordechai, 497«, 498« Abu Maizar, Ghazi Ibrahim, 85 Al-Turki, Abdullah, 224 Abu Marzook, Mousa Mohammed, 83, 84, ALYN-American Society for Handicapped 474 Children in Israel, 527 AbuMazen, 419, 422,426 AMC Cancer Research Center, 566 Abu Medein, Freikh, 422 Amcha for Tsedakah, 566 Abush, Sergio, 216 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, 527 Abu-Shakra, Asim, 268 America-Israel Friendship League, 527 Academy for Jewish Religion, 553 American Academy for Jewish Research, Adelson, Alan, 246 520 AFN Shvel, 594 American Associates, Ben-Gurion Univer- Afuta, David, 476 sity of the Negev, 528 Agenda: Jewish Education, 594 American Association of Jews from the For- Agnon, S.Y., 20 mer USSR, 564 Agudah Women of America-N'Shei Agu- American Association of Rabbis, 543 dath Israel, 542 American Civil Liberties Union, 100 Agudath Israel of America, 125, 128, 130, American Committee for Shaare Zedek 131,542 Medical Center in Jerusalem, 528 Agudath Israel World Organization, 542 American Committee for Shenkar College Aguinis, Marcos, 213. 233 in Israel, 528 Ahad Ha'am, 53, 69 American Committee for the Beer-Sheva Ahumada, Ernesto Corripio, 219 Foundation, 528 Aigen, Ron, 209 American Committee for the Weizmann In- A JS Review, 159 stitute of Science, 528 Akron Jewish News, 598 American Conference of Cantors, 550 Albright, Madeleine, 81, 83, 113, 114, American Council for Judaism, 515 115,144, 145, 345, 422, 424, 425, 427, American Federation of Jews from Central 441,442,443 Europe, 564 656 INDEX / 657 American Friends of Assaf Harofeh Med- American Jewish Committee, 54,55, 56,77, ical Center, 528 89, 91, 92, 94-98, 100, 101, 104, 106, American Friends of Bar-Ilan University, 110, 111, 130, 141, 145, 226, 237, 261, 529 316,321,322,373,395,515 American Friends of Beth Hatefutsoth, American Jewish Congress, 80, 90, 92, 93, 529 101, 103, 116, 145,516 American Friends of Herzog Hospital/ American Jewish Correctional Chaplains Ezrath Nashim-Jerusalem, 530 Association, 566 American Friends of Likud, 529 American Jewish Historical Society, 150, American Friends of Meretz, 529 520 American Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat American Jewish History, 592 al-Salam, 529 American Jewish Joint Distribution Com- American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, mittee (JDC), 147, 242, 296, 342, 343, 529 349, 353, 354, 356, 359, 361, 372, 374, American Friends of Rambam Medical 383, 540 Center, 529 American Jewish League for Israel, 531 American Friends of Tel Aviv University, American Jewish Periodical Center, 556 529 American Jewish Philanthropic Fund, 540 American Friends of the Alliance Israelite American Jewish Press Association, 520 Universelle, 540 American Jewish Public Relations Society, American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- 571 sity, 530 American Jewish Society for Service, 566 American Friends of the Israel Community American Jewish Times Outlook, 598 Development Foundation, 530 American Jewish World, 593 American Friends of the Israel Museum, American Jewish World Service, 540 530 American Jewish Year Book, 164, 594 American Friends of the Israel Philhar- American ORT, 540 monic Orchestra, 530 American Physicians Fellowship for Medi- American Friends of the Open University of cine in Israel, 531 Israel, 530 American Red Magen David for Israel, 531 American Friends of the Shalom Hartman American Sephardi Federation, 520 Institute, 530 Americans for a Safe Israel, 531 American Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum Americans for Peace Now, 110, 113, 115, of Art, 530 116,532 American Friends of Young Israel in Israel, Americans for Progressive Israel, 532 547 American Society for Jewish Music, 520 American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust American Society for Technion-Israel Insti- Survivors, 520 tute of Technology, 532 American Guild of Judaic Art, 520 American Society for the Protection of Na- American-Israel Environmental Council, ture in Israel, 532 531 American Society for Yad Vashem, 532 American-Israeli Lighthouse, 531 American Society of the University of American Israelite, 598 Haifa, 532 American Israel Public Affairs Committee American Students to Activate Pride, 543 (AIPAC), 78, 79, 81,82, 111, 113, 114, American Veterans of Israel 564 421,531 American Zionist Movement, 532 American Jewish Archives, 598 Amichai, Yehuda, 156 American Jewish Archives, Jacob Rader Amir, Yigal, 41,465 Marcus Center, 556 Amit, 532 658 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1998 Amit, 594 Association of Jewish Community Organi- Ampal-American Israel Corporation, 533 zation Personnel, 566 Andoni, Ghassan, 419 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Andreev, Evgeni, 498n tions Workers, 516 Angel, Marc, 129 Association of Jewish Family and Children's Anissimov, Myriam, 269 Agencies, 567 An-Ski (Ansky), S., 157,267 Association of Jewish Genealogical Soci- Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 56, 83, 87, eties, 521 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 103, 110, Association of Jewish Libraries, 521 111, 144, 145, 149, 339, 342, 355, 378, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, 516 543 Antisemitism World Report, 237 Association of Reform Zionists of America, Antonescu, Ion, 355 119 Apfel, Joseph, 247 Association
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