HACKAMKrrTO UAIL.Y KSGOBI^B&iOJN, MONDAY, AWJIL 14, 18J>0. MORALITY AND RELIGION. COMMERCIAL. good medium, 27oVj0c ft lb; do, thin, 20c »B>; MISCELLAXEOny. CALIFORNIA AND COAST. Goat Skins, Ssc ap'.ece for prime and perfect, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Rev. O. P. Massey on the Question of SACRAMENTO MARKET. 'tOCO:*. '•- •oedtU'.a. 10c ear-'i for small Conscience and Moral Obligation. FRF-'il \u25a04B*JFj—Following are the rates for whole Baßs*vCj 'rim s!a:igiiterer* to dealers: C. Massey spoke yesterday HACfcAirstrr,. April 12th. Rev. P. morn- IrKtrlT—Lfisooe—SlcilT, ?5.~55j •*. x-t Beef—hire: quality, ;-.',.:; snx::fl quality,Sß '.*! thiriic-jility, The President of Mills Seminary i ing upon the ultimate facts in conscience lfnrniu. f2Si3, UKteS, '£<\u25a0£(> 'f. Tv:., Wejjll s%rs; 4;.v...;c fib. Veal—Quotable j *BAKER & HAMILTON,* is 11W; JteaaueJ 68*}8 50 •-. tvinr.n W :.:.ote.i: at 4SSSr: Tor large ani 5 So ?4 E> 'or smaiL and moral obligation, and selected for his Co-.oaircss, «%:: Apples, 81 25<g.2 50 » box: Mutton Quotable at GcG>£c ? lb. Lamb— IMPORTERS AXS JQBBSBB CF Under a Deep Cloud. 33: Ortliges Riveiside Navels, W @ 4 5"; River- Spung, —;i -.lOc ?*fi>. Pori—Live Hogs, ou foot, text Jeremiah sxxi., "After these — 3 \ siSe Seedlings, $2 2308 50; Los Angeles Seed- grain ted, he<ivy, b;ab)ic; light, 5 4 'iuT,e; days, saith the Lord, I willput my law lings, S2: Los Angeles Navels, 83(«ij 59 box; dresjed Hogs, BJfCSe !'. in their inward parts, and write it in Applet, Eastern, bbi. So bo<s6. • their DRIKD FRUITS—New> crop Apples, sliced, s<g EASTEKX AND lOKLIGS KIBKErS. A DEDICATION AT PASADENA. hearts, and will be their Uod, and they 7c (S* 2); evaporateci,li)®llc-, do quartered, 4©cc; IKON, STEEL, COAL, POWDER, be my people." th« Pears, peeled, 6«57c; Plums, pitted, 4i£sc; Xew York. April 12th. shall Mr. Massev said Peaches, 8@10c; do, peeled, 12@15c; Prunes, Ger "WHEAT—9:;-! for cash, 91c for April. 91c for passage is taken from one of the later of man, 6ffl7c; Freiic!h,«wMe; French Prunes, evap May, 90"^c for June. 90KC for July, 89}4 e for A "Well Known Citizen Pound Dead the Hebrew prophets, and is «n Indication orated,losllc; Blackberries, 12«£Kc; Figs, Cali- August, S9J4C lor September and 91%clor De- Agricultural Implements a-lic; & MacMnes, fornia, 4#sc; S Nectarines, S@9c; tbat the truth to ur .11 Apricots, cember. in the Foothills of Xj:>s An- was beginning dawn 25; Centrifugal. **C?ZZT California Figs, Tfr 20-Ib bx, 51 per pound in SUGAR—Cuba 5 T-16c. the imaginations of men; that a mere 14@15c; geles County—Etc. sks, sc; Smyrna Ovals, 14c; Flats, Tabs, , Chicago, April 12th. Ogggagg; Boltliasr. etc formal observance of religion, a simply 9@loc; Dates, Fard, 50-B bxs, !<>£<a;loe; Dates, "WHEAT—So'„c for Mey, 85%e for June and ritualistic piety, may be useful in -many Persian, 6<&7c: Dates, Cartoons, ll'ol2c. S3Kc for July. A VETERAN. may ar.d TABLE FRTJIT— Assorted, cans, w dcr, CORX-:;.'"s®3Sc for July. ways, and furuish buttresses sup- 7u; S^X.-lb Iwas wounded in thele* at the battle ofStone ISFZCIAL OISPi-'fCHBa TO TZB BECOED-CMOH. I ports for of 81 Peaches, Sl 'Jij©2 Bart'.ctt Pears, Sl ST"-..: Liverpool. River, :flst, 1862, many conditions faith, but that Plurss, Sl 50; Blackberries, Sl 90; Goose- Avril 12th. Dec. My blood was poisoned o_ ,s- as advances culture and a WI 1EAT-Moderate demaud. Calilornia spot from the effects of the "wound, and the leg Sacramento Lumber Company {™SfS: man to a larger berries, Sl 75, Strawberries, S2 55; Apricots, 6s to coast, Sosg&s 3&; just to size, o. better appreciation of arational Grapes, 60; Currants, lots, lid "s>id; otf swelled double its natural and remained street, and and X street*, S.rrimenl. himself as Sl 60; Muscat Sl Red due, Sis; cargoes coast, so many years. extended to Main Offlee: Second trn M. Yard: Front MILLS COLLEGE. and responsible being, it is imperative that 12; Cherries, S2 25. shipped, 345: nearly off for The poison . 'VtMlc.'£Abii&.— demand fair; on passage, prices a shsde higher; my whole system, and I suffered a thousand of a Serious must possess and Onions, S7 ©8; Cabbage, any Charges Character BrongSit religion for him a deeper JI s':"<l 7S; Cartota 50<<ri0r.n 100 Its: Tru-nips, English countiy markets, generally dearer; deaths. Nothing did me good until I took Agniiist. President Stratton. more intimate sanction. The whole ques- new,il2iyi53?.csci;biUici;TecetabieiiN X"? Wheat and Fiour ivl-'aris, steady. Swiff'sSpecific, which took the ihii-io:i out of "cheapest to the of morality and iieet,--. Ibcaiil; my system, and enabled me to tool myself a and Fkakcisco, April last tion as rival claims doien: Paisnios. 81@1 50; remedy bestT^ Ball 13th.—Since Horsa Getl!:, 40@452; man again. S. S. S. is the f.ir"li!o,xl Janury the management MillsSeminary religion to supplant each other in the Radi-h, 7aioc*is; Arti- LIST OF LETTERS poison. John Conway. O. of world's regard, ia here opened-jp, and op- chokes. 500 $ dos.; OaßliQowei, Sl; Cel- London. Fcr CLOTHING, BOOT 3and SHOES, HATS aid CAPS. UNDERWEAR, has not been conducted with complete har- ery, 6C@7oc 9 dozen : Dried Peppers, ; Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed b-jtween portunity 13 ofiered for an acijustment of lC%c»c; Kemaiuinsin the Posto!lice at Sacramento on mony the President, Dr. C. 0. Green Peas, S@9c; dotweet, lOo: Rhubarb. Monday, April 14, lbyO: free. And all kinds of FCKNISIIINQ tiOODS. the prim Ipal place Is Stratton, lady our conceptions respecting two words in Asparagus, common, 4c: Bouldiu Island, Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta. oa. and the teachers, and this sc; Ladies' fact became pttblicly known yesterday. the vocabulary, which are pepularly made Cucumbers, Sl & 150 doz; LSew lAst. saoxxi.4a,xngss.ys. trouble to carry ideas of difleriac and almost Potatoes, 6c; Early Rose, 82 25; Peerless, Andress. Mrs Neiiie Kearsley. Lora int. 300 ar st. The wes commenced by charges S2@2 25; Burbanks S2 25@2 50 ?» ctl; Oregon Baker, Mrs M Keeuan" Miss Kittie against of Sl.-atton antagonizing relations. £2:52-5; SnowSivKes, LINIMENT. made the conduct Dr. Burbanks, Ni-vada $2 7d!a> Barnes, M:ss Stella Kinu. M:-*I. the of For ages the world has insisted 325; Eastern,Jl Spinach, Sc^lb; •ELYS Catarrh while discharpnag duties his position. npon 25£225 $ctl: Bingham, MUs Alice Kiuiiil,Kate \u25a0 B I>KS. LIEHIG k CO., tho OWesl tin.! Most at that religion depended revela- Red Cabbage, 'A>< ¥> dozen; W inter Squash, 3c ¥ Boydn. Mrs I Kuhn, Miss Bertha Specialists Eoliablo The Doctor once demanded an investi- Mb; Bain] &? \u25a0 on the Pacific "rmrt. JIBflasp fTtrsit. flmpaiiliiiii.tail tion of some miraculous -and exceptional Schrives. loe fl launch. Bowles, Mrs Emma t endee. Mi?? Minnie Cream LSI \u25a0"• **«*oway. Bnt»s OUy, Monaiaa, to speedily and gation, but ell inquiries made by the ft*; 55;S W^r^^ ftj 5 II'lentlycureallchrouie.siKs-ial. eonlbne perma- kind for its anthority, but men have grad- BEANS—Bayo. M 25W4 ! I»108 Lima. Brown. Mis> Mamie C Lapes, Vsabel H \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 private ami no Trustees in the matter were met with re- ©5 50: Pink, MfaA 5;; I'ca, {2 BBe>2 75; Bui- how complicated wast'iiir.iisMse*. matter ually understand that revelation Hurt, Mrs E L Muson, Miss Clara PU H| or whouas failetl; Blckhl ami >k •: I';.-, i.m-. .seminal luctant responses. come to ler, S2 Ti&3; White, 609*35; $2 Calais, Eliza Mastin, wSiknisai, Ixiss of Vigor and ia but the reflection of the moral Small 82 iied. 60 Mrs Mrs Woodley Vasal H^i I KarihirrHt. Prnatatnrrhca. fltrlotnrc, cto. Then a ceainiiitee of three persons was so-called, &3; l>ryGrreen Peas, S2-di3. Castro, Dona Senora.D F MeClainc, Mrs Alma Hm H seinl for ilhistratc.l pa|s r explaining whj- thoijiamls cauuot get cured enlightenment of a people; ia possessed of iJKiiADSTTJFFb—j lour. 84 25*4 pel, OatraCE.', Chancey, F^^osM^cW/V^HEAdJ ,& w M of al'ovu diseases and ciinplications. appointed February 10th and Mrs Miuuie-J McDowell, Catharine AU*yBPaiuandSf,.. J 0,1.1. ..,-i-<ii:kti tc meet on than the conscience of 10-B> sack, lb, 100-B) Cornmeal; VEp(Aj3 £, **leblir'» t\ Ito 1 Imirorator ta the no higher authority 3%c S3 55 sack: Clavton. Miss Gussie E McDonald, Mrs M J VFr 5v \u25a0 f IK r.,i hear accusations from those "A'ho had worshipers, and discloses nothing that white, 82 25-9> sacks, 82 15 » 10-» sacks' Coofield, Mrs A T Jinrsis, 9Mh A> wP **''"Perllle c-oniplnf made thero. The committee reported the yellow. 10- *'" to is to pure heart 82 » 25-ft sacks, S2 15 in Davis, Mrs Fred O'Meara, Mr",J Heals . $<§S& the Trustees that the reewlt of ti.e investi- not discovered a and a con- --n eacs.::; Cracked* Wheat, S2 50, lt?-ft eackf; S2 SO, Davidson. Miss Mattie Fetterssan, Amanda theSor.-s.jJH> "'^a'MßMaMKSeSw* Iddr-eaa lOi> UE.tB) ST., : gation did science void of orleuse. 100-K, Baoiii; Hominy. (3 25,10-B sack: W 05 MtflH not reflect in any manner upon « Donahue, Miss Mamie Kay, Mrs Lewseoder the conduct of the Some of the greatest .thinkers of our 108 Rs; Graham, 32 SO, 10-lb sacks; 82 10.
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