CHENEY :4“ FRIDAT. AUGUST f. IMS \ ] AFoagfl M r Cbcdatlfla Phraroatir! T *w ll5er earaaa r ■w iRanrlr^otpr Sogtilttfli Ijgndh Bkr fha MoOfe oC M U . tUS ondtag Uds afferasro; ciroring Smith and M in P eanor GareoB, bars. Udob their return to oMMaa- 8 , 9 0 9 ^ oomplaUd BBrty this *ft*"*°” *; departed today for tiM wUda of tion. they expect their dedtiBaWcB nad cooler toalghtt Saaday fair, lEuTttttm U r r ^ eoolsr nad Isro haaold. Thabwrrtors which haro been 6« Girl Scouts Vermont where they wiU spend two to be the neereet ice cream parlor. Town Officials arsetod o b the eaat and wsat s l^ weeks hiking on the Long TntL T baV ls Uklng the Wp, Batty A b o u t T ow n HohL R ^ n n e Beckwith, t ^ r e o f the bridge were then Their first climb will be Caaiel'a Mtmehesier-‘^A City o f Village Charm ' 'i ^ -------------------------------------------- and It waa opened for vehicl Goinjg on Tri|> Hump after which they wilt pro­ OldiL Artemis PaXianoa. Janet Legion Guests traffic. ceed gradually northward to their Schreiber, and EUXAbath Graea, PRICE THREE CENTg ____ m MaoMi o f tte ft” " and their leaders will be Jcbied the aa fboa 8S) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 194$ (TWELVE PAGES) Hoi 11 Howvdt of destination, French Camp. They VOL.LXV„N0.16B To Hike the Long Trail will epend eeveral days at ML ■eeond week by Mrs. Peggy MoH- S& »“.** SLsa^^ Tressupcr sn^ TsX Col* Seeks to Erect Manefleld, the higheat racontaln arty of Avon, In Vermont Daring the In Vermont and one of tha noat lector to Speak at Mon­ beautiful, eXploring aide trails. IMM at *ho Ow»t*y ^ *2 ^ SiX New Houses NeXt Two Weeks Byrnes *Leta Himself Go’ yy]ll bo of Attoraoy Houooo day Night Meeting During the two weeks the glrle ___ Th« attoBdonco prtM will eXiet mainly en dehydrated j|Molotov Quits Peace siX Senior Otrl Scouts of Troop __ foods, canned g o ^ and chocolate n e e d a NEW Peaceful Settlement The Nuhomes. Town Treaaur^ day made application to Uie build I and their leaden, Mlga Emily Ibo Oooaoctlcot Powor oo. dell and Town TaX Samuel Nelson will be “ Ing inspector for- P*''?"*"**” " ^ e ^ auT houses of four rwms m u f f l e r ? I'i,; Ptranta Amt BUvonrtoln, ^ “ »*** the monthly social ti tar o f Mr. and Mro. *. M. worth-Corncll Host, the A m e rt^ each at a cost of |5,.V)0 Three o f these houses are to M Conference as Name gtatn. o f Stopbon otr* ^ J** Legion, on next Monday Ouick ...... .$6.96 . Of Chinese Civil War tavrtaoa yoaro oJd H« Mr. Waddell and Mr. Nels<m ^11 erected on Loomis street and ’37-M2 B^inta oboerved tbo occarfoti i^tb .UW.11M town finances and the tax three on Margaret rtreet. TOs •34-’42 Chevrolet . .$4.46 corporation now hw e^Srolly party held at the Sheridan situation aa they may Chrysler .... .$6.45 raitauraat last oveninf. feet aenrlce men. It is J "* ' etruction nine •35-’42 there will be a large turn-out of In tha vicinity of Broad strert In •35-M2 Dodge ,.... It$6.46 Mentioned by Greek Hie eon bom to Mr. and Mra World War U veterans since the tha Homestead Park tract T h ^ Seen as Im possible Ford ...... .$3.95 Smott R Dod»e of Moplo« speakera will have much of inter have recently •37-’40 ▲iiffiiflt S hBM been named Kulott Bart J. Campbell lots 117. 118 and •37-’42 Hudson .... .$6.95 eat for them. 119 on Hawthorne street in the fflS 5oS. Jft-m Following the post meeting there •37-’42 Olfjsmobile . .$4.95 Stalks Out as Tsaldarii Hfi cnndchild of Mr. and Mra. will be a gathering of dclegataa Plnahurs^ tract. __ Marshall and Stuart Is­ and alternates to the State con- ♦37-’42 Packard . .$5.50 Russian Shift May Waves Manuscript atroot. ___. vention in Hartford on A u ^ t 15, Plymouth ., .$5.95 sue Frankly Pessi­ How Vets Collect 16 and 17. th e delegates will adopt Fire Tiixch Due •37-’42 In General Directioa The Scouto of the CJenter church a' policy on various matters that '37-M2 Pontiae .... .$4.95 mistic Statements as During Heated D» end the Mancheoter Omen t w o wiu come before the convention. NeXt Thurwlay rwwBBrat enens at 8 A. M. Saturday • * . Cleaaa at S F. M. Dismember Austria will nlay their echrtuled, baaeball Wedaeaiay at aeirt week, Angu<,t 14tb. win be aaaaal Mravbaata* Marines in Nogth C3iina Terminal Pay Due on Question ol ■anJ^iSht at'Memorlal Field at Day aad ear store will he cloned all day. BRUNNER'S EXchange Fresh Shots r S c t a * ^ r p . AU ScouU are to Park Street Bridge Thomas Weir, collector of tMes Wa W « Iwve a g«»od variety of Cheeae ready for ywi Satair- *Reserve Right* to Invai- Inviting Albania t« moot at tbo Held. for the South Manchester Fire Dis­ day , . Siloed Swisn f heene. Old Fashioned Store Cbeao% Bdam 80'Oakland St. Tel. 5191 With Chinese Who Questions Ansteerkd on Albanian Will Participate in Cud trict, will start collecting Thurs­ f heeae, Oreaai Cboese, Velvet# and Half-poand SqnBroa. t 6 Persons Die idale Four-Power Con­ . Robert A. Sturtevant 8 Ker^ Open for Vehicles day,. August 15. 'The taX In the dis­ Blow Up Goal -Train Procedure to Follow rent Paris Sessiouf atfoot: Cbarleo F. Waahbum, <rf trict Is two mills and was laid iMt New Itama . KORDITR CLOTHES LINE . aaew. rain LEE'S They Are Guarding trol by Following Sep­ Give Answer IM Groan road; John I t May. It becomes due on Auguat 16 and Btm doea not affect it. Oet'n tougher the longer It ateya oaL When Bombers In Applying for Pay of 46 Lenoa atroot and Gordon T. The Park atreet bridge, closed and muat be paid by September 16 50 feet 81.40, 260 feet 82.95. DeLUxo Can Openera, fSJO. Good Under Bill Just Signed arate Rules in J^one Paris, Aug. 10.— (/P) Sa Meddow of 4 Broad atreet, are IW- for the past' four months while aa September 15 falla on a Sunday, slaed Garbage Cen« (Just the thing to carry oat to tbe atraet. ESSO S TA TIO N Nanking, Aug. 10.—<flP)— viet Foreign Minister V. M ^ ^ the Naval roerultlnf office the new structure was being built, To 7 Queries Mr. Weir haa aaaigned houra for until yoa eoavlnoe the town that this Is not necessary), 88-80 aaeh. Vifiniifl, Aug. to.—-(JP)— A Molotov stalked out of a In Now Haven, aa w u opened to vehicle traffic thle n o Center St. TeL 4540 Peaceful settlement of Chi­ Crash at Fair Wsshington, Aug. 10.—(/P) the collection of taXes at which Whiek BraaaM, SOc each. * ____ Soviet sbout-ffice on the na- sion of the Paris Peace con* bi tbo Navy durln* the laat monui. afternoon at one o'clock. Tha time he will be at No. 4 Hoee House na’s spreading civil war ap­ —Questions and answers on bridge hss been opened to pedes- IF TOU WANT REAI.LY FRESH BiriTER, tba Sneat eb- tionalUation of industry Documented ferenee today aa Prem ia on School etreet. The hours are talaable. eome to Pinelntrst Saturday and bay a poaad of State pears impossible, Gen. George, ^ how some 16,000,000 veter­ Preparing MoBry A. Berk, 8 l-o, 8* VUrrf triane for about a month, while Auguat 16, 20. 23, 27, 20, Septem­ C. Marshall and U. S. Am- threatened today to dismem­ etraet waa boeioraWy d la ^ r*e< i temporary wires were strung Brand Batter. Army Trying to Com Reply In Effort *o ber 8, 5, 10 from 5 to 7 p. m„ and ans will collect an estimated ber Austria, aa the Rusaians Wedaeoday from Naval aervlM at along the north side of the brlUge. on August 17, 24. 31. September 7, Oal moat department wll featara Rib Roaato of Ckiod aad bassador John Leighton | pl^te Identification of $2,700,000,000 for unused tbo Naval Peraonnel SeparaUoei awaiting the arrival of the menh Stuart declared today in a bluntly “reserved the right" te rm iiie AdmissionUian diplomat by name anc 14 from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. On oth­ Choice 4|aall^ Beef at-59o pound . SiXth aad Seventh RIbo, leave time Under the terminal Oentar at Udo Beach. Long laland aiding. The posts which bold 40e. Plenty of Franktarto and Oroond Beef for Plealoa. Charred Bodies; 20,- to invalidate four-power con­ To United Nations waved a mMuscript in ^ er days the taXes msy be paid at .frankly peseimistic state­ pay bill President Truman tha wire roeeh were Installed last hts home at 117 Summer etreet ment issued even as U. S. Ma­ trol by following a separate * 'general direction during Dr. Murray B. Schwarta, ^ of week, but another delay waa eX­ Hale’s 000 See Fatal Accident signed yesterday: „ w .debate on the queetloB o l 'vrhethii Mr. and Mra. Frank Schwarta, of perienced by the non-arrival of rines In north Chin# eXchanged set of rules for their own oc­ New York. Aug. Xfi—<ff)—Aba- Uo invite Albania to ths 117 Birch atroet, baa r e c ^ j r p * ^ the wire. liresh shot# with ditneM who Great Falls, .Mont, Aug. 10—(ff) Q. Who is eligible? cupation sons. nla’s rapreaentatlve waa preparing I «noe.
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