Holiday decorations from y UJ~ ?W 1 1 ' •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •!• 83rd Year, Issue 45 @ 1993 For the w eek beginning December 3, 1993 Newark, Del. • 35e THIS WEEK A fruitful AJOllY ARRivAL In sports Black Friday DElAWARE Local merchants happy GRIDDERS EDGE with holiday shopping By JENNIFER RODGERS weekend shopping for the past few weekends. MONTANA IN NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER " Whe n l see peopl e with Shoppers were up early and bags, that means they are not THRillER. waiting in line for Christiana on ly window shopping, but lB Mall to open the day after they' re s pe ndin g m o ney," Thanksgiving. Williams aid . " Last year it wa Ron Williams, regional man­ good , but it s tarted in mid ager of Christiana M a ll said December, this year it . tarted CHRISTIANA FALLS people were lined up at the early." doors at 8 a. m. when the mall Loca l me rc ha nt s s uch as opened on Black Friday- a term Vonna Taylor, a co-owner of IN STATE coine d by me rc hants that Grassroots on Main Street, said describes the first day of the they "did fine". busiest shopping season of the ·•we did a little better th an FOOTBAll year. last year," said Taylor. " We ' re Willi am s reported that very positive about it. SEMIFINALS. department stores and smaller Stle MERCHANTS , 9A ... lB shops had seen an increase in BLUE HEN Metts remains mum Newark Department Store manager on busing decision Pat Dunion welcomed Santa Claus to BASKETBALL TEAM Newark (top photo) when he arrived By JENNIFER RODGERS order were to pass today she by helicopter in the Newark Shopping wou ld have to " think hard " Center on Nov. 26. About 200 peop le WINSHOME NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER 5B about taking her daughter who watched Santa's helicopter land in Chris tina School Di strict atte nds Banc roft out of the the parking lot to help kick off the OPENER. Superintendent Iri Metts is school. hu sh hush about Tuesday' pro­ When Pat Todd first moved start of the holiday season. The first to posed consent order to end court to the area she was again st court share a wish list with Santa was ordered desegregation. Now. In the news orde red desegregation in her Newarker Victoria Berry (rig ht). district and three others. she sees some positive sides. Children can see Santa in th e Newark Bob Reyno lds, Chris t ina "I probabl y would opt to keep my daughter at Bancroft. Shop ping Center Monday through School District's public infor­ Friday from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday NO SOLUTION mation officer, said Metts and and he would probably feel the orricials fTom other affected dis­ same- she likes it there," Todd and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. tricts - Red Clay, Colonial and said. IN THE NEAR Brandywine - have made a pact Todd is acti ve in the school to hold public comment unti l a district thro ug h the PTA and later date. fund raising projects. When she FUTURE FORCITY An executive session with move d into th e Chri ti a na membe rs of the four school School district the fir t th ing she boards wi ll be he ld Monday and her husband did was go to POUCE UNION evening to discuss the detai Is of Bancroft and "take a look at it the consent order. for themselv e -'." [f the order is approved by "Some parents compla in to TALKS. board members of all four di s­ me and J ask them if they ' ve 2A tricts, the document will be pre­ been down there (Bancroft) and Passenger rail is Newark bound sented to th e district court for th ey say no," Todd said . "The approval. Upon approval each parents say, well my kid told me By TONJA CASTANEDA vice of carryi ng pas engers but Philadelphia area. district would achi e ve unitary what was going on and 1 say, Amtrak has to agree to let SEPTA Andrews said in the beginni1 g DETECTIVES HERE status and the 1978 desegrega­ well go down there and check it NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER use their railroad tracks. four to eight train · would arrive and tion order would be lifted. out, talk to the teachers." Commuter rail service fro m "'The SEPTA train come as far depart from Newark during week ~ Until Tuesday members of Todd said s he has a hard ewark to Wilmington cou ld be us Wilmington," said Hickey. day rush hour periods. HAVE THEIR WORK the board have not seen the con­ time listening to some people's coming a~ soon as April 1994. ·• we·re just negotiating wi th th em Delaware Railroad ditions of the consent o rd er complaints because they aren't Tom Hickey of th e Delaware to come farther.'' Administration officials have been because the State requested con­ involved enough to know what Rail road Administration said the Doug Andrews, also of the working to bring the commuter fid entiality at the beginning of is goin g o n. She believes department hopes to ign with the elaware Railroad Administrati on, trains to the ewark area for thr e CUTOUT negotiation . Ba nc roft has a n excell e nt Southe.tste rn Pen nsylvania said th SEPTA line from years. 4A admini s tra tion and teaching Wilmingtoli run: t0 Philadelphia A local pare nt a nd active Transportmion Authority (SEPTA) Drawings showing the proposals FOR THEM. m embe r of Banc roft taff. this mo th . and acce s se ~ tht: cntu. I.:PTA s y~­ E lementary' PTA said if the See BUSING , 9A ... He said SEPTA will run the ser- tem that covers the metropolitan See TRAIN S, 4A ... KIDS TURN OUT BFAR SPEAKS OUT FORANNUAL 7A Was a Bear man, coming to his neighbor's rescue in the middle of the night, justified in firing a gun TURKEY TROT. that ended up killing an 18-year-old tress passer? Here's what the e area residents had to say: In Lifestyle Crime LOCAL capsule: HOUDAY n Nov. 26, 18- FESTMTIES year-o ld John OC . Pa rke r a ttempte d to e nte r a UNDERWAY. home in the 600 block 14A of Fox C hase in the Fox Run Development Index off US 40 in Bear. Sound of breaking glass wakened the resi­ NEWS 1-18A d e nts ins ide. It was POLICE 2A about 4 a.m. A neigh­ bor heard creams for ~ OM M UNI TY _M_ help coming from the ''He wasn't a police offi cer, ''My feeling is if you don't ''I wou ld thin k if a guy kept '' I'm not sure the guy OBITUARIES SA home, grabbed hi s gun, so he had no bu siness want to be shot at, don't com ing at you- you don 't deserved to die for break­ OPINION 10A and confronted Parker shooti ng him." break into someone's know if he has a gun or ing into a house, but I in the yard, telling him LI FESTYlE 14A house in the middle of the not- you wouldn't know what wasn 't there . I wouldn 't have at gunpoint to stay put night." to do. If I found somebody in the nerve to shoot anybody. DIVERSIONS 17A until police arrived. my house, I'd shoot him ." 1_!1A Parker came toward He could have just shot him ARTS the nieghbor and was J ---- in the leg ." ~PORTS 1-78 shot fa tall y in the chest CLASSJFIEDS 8-128 -Jamie Guerrieri , Bear - Bonnie Mucha , Bear - Carl Gandee , Bear -Gary Thorpe, Bear ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~--- PAGE 2A • NFWARK Po"T • D~CF\Il\FR 3, 19 3 ewark 0 talks drag on Robbers force Acme DON'T MISS OUT. Send your news to the Newark Post, 153 E. By JENNIFER L. RODGERS ment,'' said Long. changed the location of the hearing employees into freezer The FOP wi ll fi le their statement w ithout posting its new location. Chestnut Hill Rd., Newark, NEWAR K POST STAFF WRITER first, then the ci ty will re pond and • The FOP all eged the it y said DE 19713. It wi ll probably be as long a state its position, and finall y the its positio n wo uld not c hange By TONJA CASTANEDA entered the Acme market prior to Those sending informa­ three and a half month. before a FOP '' ill fi le an additional state­ regardle of informati on found by ............................................... the closing of the store and hid in NEWAR K POST STAFF WRITER tion on events and activi­ decision is reached on eming the ment in re ponce to the ity's posi­ the fact finding report compiled the store. o ngoing unfair labor di spute tion. after the hearing. Two Ne w York me n were When the store closed for the ties should be sure such bet ween the Fraternal 1der of After a ll posi tion sta te ments • T he FOP all eged the city re fus­ arrested on Nov. 27 for robbing night the men, am1ed with hand­ information is received in Polt e Lodge o. 4 and 1he ity of have been f il ed, PERB wi ll close es to grant full retroactivity of a 4 th e Ac me s upe rmarke t a t gun s, forced eight employees into our office at least two ewark.
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