Avcfaea Daily Net Prwa Ron PA ETWELTI MONDAY, MARCH 10, 19SI 6 Far ON W N k Sadteg * iSanrlffster gogttt^ IjgraKt r J ■ ■Bmcb a H w speaktr at tha Piibbo Af­ at. Mamret Siary’a MoUiera fairs lecture of the IfancheaUr Circle will meet Wedneedey eve­ 10378 About Town Seven<Room House *Hits the Road* Mdter af tha AaOt branch, Hartford County TWCA, ning et a e'eleek et the home of Denies Cheney ... *Tjr, ^ tomorrow afternoon at 1 :1Q at the Mrs. Henry 0emeu*y, 57$ Hart­ aaas at grialaMiua c^gmOsTb WteOjTa Tha M>monUily knMtinc of Dil* Community Y Will be Alan H. ford roed. MoncAesfer— 3 City o f Village Charm wotU»-Oornell-Qu«y Port No. ,102, Olmstead. editorial writer of The Move to South * " " ■ ' i— r American Legion, will be held to­ Herald. He will apeak on "A Pro­ morrow night at the poet home. The Mereh meeting of St (43lamlflad AdvarOalag as Paga 18) gram for World Peace." The pub­ M eiye 80-80 Club wee held lart VOL. LXXL NO. 137 MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1952 Commander Chester Hogan calls lic is invited to attend this lecture, (SIXTEEN PAGES). PRICE PIVE Y»£N1M the attention of all members to Fridey night ia the perieh hall, *Alway§ /Studying* Com­ which is the fifth in the series with e record ettendence of 100 thU meeting and urgM them to "United States and Our World Re­ pare live Productioq attend. S ., members, both new-end bid. A /ter sponsibilities." A coffee hour at e delicious potiuck end the regu­ 12:48 will precede the lecture. Costs,^ Mallory' States The choir of the Concor^a L«th- lar meeting, bn evening of movies ■ • ■ a Ik e H ead s was enjoyed by the riuh. TKe. Name Two Valedictorians, eran Church will have a special Henry R. Mallory, '«ecuttve rehearsal this evening at 7:30, The March meeting! of Our committee in charge of the enter­ Lady of Fatima Mothera Circle tainment Included Mr. and Mrs. vice president o f Cheney Broth­ after which the monthly meeting ers, today (Racounted rumors his will take place. All members are will be cancelled. Member! are to Herbert Kingabury end Mr. ' end T a ftin N .H . watch The Herald for noticea of Arm la contemplattiig a move to urged to be present. Mrs. Irvin Nelson. Two Salutatorians at MHS V further meetings. the South. Mallory said "we are always 0 - Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. The Brotherhood, o f Emanuel studying the situation” of com­ Early Vote and A M., will hold a stated com­ Rev. William Leary of New Ha- Lutheran Church will hold He For the first time in . its U’en. who la the main apeaker at parative production costa here and munication at the Miasonic Temple monthly meeting, tomorrow night, in the South, but "there ia no defi­ hiutory Manchester High tomorrow evening' at'7:80,' Follow­ I the Lenten'services every Monday at 8 o'clock in the church veetry. C$m 0 0 m 4 Win Top Honors at High SchiMtl evening at St. Jamea' Church, ia a nite plan afoot" for a move. On School will have two valedic­ By RELMAN MORIN ing the business meeting the Fel- The program will conaist o f e the other hand, he stated that if lowcraft degree will be conferred, j cousin of Simon Hildebrand of SO Almatrip and records entitled "This torians and two Balutatorians Concord. N. H., March U — iLlnden- street. Father Leary ia the economic pressure, becomes S t 0 f $ r with Senior Warden Graham L. la Our Church," a gra|ihlc survey much greater, some departments at graduation exercises June t - ' ^ —<iciwi«l Dwight D. T o Stall^Baaikruptcy fknowTi as "(■*alher Bill" to the flre- Clark in charge of the degree of the life and activity of the imen in the' Park Street. Fire De- might be force<] to move. 13,_ The names of the four Eiwnhbwer (R) and ^ n a to r work. At the conclusion of the Auguatana Lutheran Church of work there will be a social hour partment. Hartford, where he was He added that Cheney Broth­ y ^ a r i t t f t student graduation speideers' " KSaiiver ' (D) heldf America. There will be a brief ers will close for the week of and refreshments. formerly fire chief. were announced at an assem-, leads today in New buslneaa sesainn, followed by re­ April 14 to avoid run-outs in the freshments and a social hour. All bly for senior students at the Hampshire's first-of-the-year Voters Arrive for Presidential Primary Memorial Temple. Pythian Sis­ St. Raymond's Mothera Circle face of material shortages in some will meet at "the home of Mrs. men of Emanuel are cordially in­ departments and to balance pro­ high school this morning. Pjresidential preference pri­ Lifts Prices ters will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. vited. Mr. J. L Blrthtr Co-valedictoriana are Barbara In Odd Fellows Hall. The business Reginald Pelletier. 27 Tyler circle, duction with orders in others, pn mary on the basis of the first session will be followert hy enter­ tomorrow night at S o'clock. the whole the company has an ex­ Bengtaon and Fenna Lm Fiaher. three small towns to report. tainment, and refreshments will be Manchester Assembly, No. 18, cellent backlog of orders, he said. Co-salutatoriana are Thelma With returns in from the towns Pierce and Elisabeth Whitney. sers’ed by the social committee. A British Aincrtian riuh members Order of Rainbow, for Girls, wilt He further stated that plant ac­ TW 4imcM o f WaUrvilte Valley. Miltsneld F__r o r - F ood i^ good attendance is hoped for. will meet at thr clubhouse tomor­ meet this evening at 7:30 In the tivity should be good in 1952. 88 Honor Studrats and Hart's Location, Eisenhower row night at 7:30-and proceed In Masonic Temple. The buslneaa will Herald PRnto Riprtstitaffvt fnm The names of 56 honor students, had 13 votes and Senator Robert a body to Burke's Funeral Home, include the initiation of candidates. A. Taft, 4. Motorists going east on Center Who have earned 280 or more Guts Buying to pay respects to Thomas Baxter, The Divine Spiritual Circle will | quality points based upon their Kefauvor got one vot* each in A repreaentative of the . Evans who was a member of the club. Manchester Garden Club mem­ meet tonight at 8 o'clock In tha street about 9:48 thia morning MALE HELP letter grades, were also announced Mlllafield and Hart’s Location to m a t t r e s s e s ber! who motored up to the Me­ Lithuanian Social Hall on Golwayi were greeted by the sight of a Bros., Inc., which did the moving, today. These four speakera, 84 top President Truman who re­ ^ndon, March 11—(/P):— A son. was born to Mr and Mrs. chanics Building, Boston, today for street. The apeaker will be Wll- , said the quarter-mile i trip would honor students, and six other stu- two-and-one-half - atory seven - take AteiR ja n hour's traveUng KAHN ceived one vote in Nillsfield. Britain raised taxes and {ood It is better to bavA a Kood Frank. i,.!8e.dlacek of, .32.4 HJlls- the Slat.... New ..England .spring liare^Bra^rd of th ___ room- fram e house moving eiowiy - WHHIED . denta. nameduthla. jnomlng... make. — Eiaenhbwer g ot aeven votea in town road Friday at the St. Fran­ flower show of the Maasachuiietta TJHL O MiU^ € O i~ up the top quarter of the gradu- prices and slashed ' iiftporta" rebuilt mattreM than a toward them, tn the tow of a The houae^aa pulled off its old Waterrille Valley and six in cis Hospital. Horticultural Society, Included Mra. Loyal Circle, Kings Daughters, truck. The uprooted house is a t ladloMlMlit jatlng class of 258. Hart'a_Localion. Taft got his four anew today in on effort to cheap new one. VVe re­ will meet tonight at 7:48 in the site about 9:30 this morning, W. W. Bella, Harold Elells. MIsa shown -here at Center and Olcott < Miss Bengtaon, one of the co- In Mlllafield. stem inflation and head off make and sterilize all types Ellen Buckley, Mrs. Christina Mc­ Federation room of the Center towed to Center street and down Apply To street. Center to Adams, off Adams to WMI N At Ow Stwe valedictorians. Is a staffer on the Harold A. Stasaen, a third Re­ bankruptcy. of mattresses. Veigh, Mra. George Reynolds, Mrs. Church. Following the buaineaa Owned by the Alexander Jarvis High School World, a member of publican candidate, got one vote B. F. Crehore and Mrs. H. B. meeting the group will work on .Picott street and then to 'Trebbe ThoB. Halieity. Sept. A new excess profits tax of Company, the house was being re­ llrtve. both Sock and Buskin and Paint in MlUsileld. Learned. The show opened yester­ the folding of bandages, and re­ moved from ita location at 582 and Powder, the Honor Society, Beagtaoa Feaaa Lee Palis Opea at Naoa 30 per cent was ordered, re­ PRESCRIPTIONS day and will continue threhrough freshments will be served by Mrs. Telephone linemen helped in the troactive to Jan. The JoRM FHrniturt and Center street to Trebbe drive after moving, elevaUng the telephone Thnrti, March 13 the Current Affairs Club, and the There was no way to gauge 1, tax Carefully Compounded Saturday of this week.
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