nounced The vessel was last seen whose contracts were not renewed Benefit Luncheon stationary on the sea. the com- New York for the at the Guderian Naming Seen Fertilizer on Water Allied Air Philharmonic coming year request Spreading Squadrons munique said. of the incoming orchestra director, Under of the Ladies' Aid -' auspices Moles Harbor, on the island half Artur Rodzinski, said the controversy Season Be Canceled Soc:r y cf the Rockville Baptist As Indication Hitler Found to Aid the Fish way between Crete and the Greek May over the failure to renew the con- Set to was ihe Prc*s. a luncheon will be served at Crop Fires Sicilian mainland, successfully attacked By Associated tracts was "mainly a labor question Church, and one medium Stimulates Growth of Which merchant vessel NEW YORK. Frb. 22.—The possi- and not a matter of music policy.' the church tomorrow. It will be in Micro-organisms was blown up and a smaller ship that the New bility York Philhar- charge of a committee headed by Still set on fire, it was announced. Directs Army Are Basis of Food Cycles in Ponds Harbor of Palermo monic Symphony Orchestra might Four Allied were In Mrs. E. Chris Ramey, president of planes lost j not have a 1943-4 concert season U. S. Alsatians Set By ?hf A^onated Press. Up Tank Expert Appointed provides food for othpr small organ- Axis Merchant Vessel these operations. was raised today after the orchestra's the society. The proceeds will be Have heard about you spreading isms. in turn devoured by insects. union chairman declared its players to Aid Province applied to the church debt. to Group General of fertilizer on a fish pond make the Bream, a forage fnh. live off Blown An Italian high command com- would refuse to the season Inspector Up, Three Others j open next Alsatians in the United States fish grow ? Tine Soil Conservation plants and small water insects, but broadcast from Rome ad- October rather than munique consent to a for Nazi Armored Forces it Hit in : have established a Committee Service reported yesterday that are in turn devoured by the large- Mediterranean mitted damage to "civilian build- of a management proposal program Defense of the Rights of French works. mouth black bass. ings" when American Liberators reduced from 28 weeks to 24. E> thp Pre.-s. By ihp Associated Press. AL«ace and Lorraine, with Theodore Tire fish are and so is The potential production in prop- blasted the port of Naples yesterday Adolf Hitler's appointment, of Col. growing- j "If the Philharmonic management Seltzer as its it was an- fish is CAIRO, Feb. 22.—Allied aerial and said that. 119 were killed ! president, PIANOS the idea of fish ponds to in- erly managed ponds high, persons on Gen Heinz Guderian to serve as in- stocking insists the 24-week program the nounced today by the Free French Fvcivtt. WiTliUer, lister. crease the food A and all the farmer has to lemember set fires in and 332 injured. Axis airports in mrl Othfrv spector general of German armored supply. mounting squadrons the Sicilian union will sign no contract, which Press and Information Service. i>iev is that when he can't see 18 Crete also were bombed. pile of inquiries to the service at- beyond means PIANOS FOR RENT forces "under the Feuhrer’s direct harbor of Palermo Saturday there will be no philhar- Mr. Seltzer said the group has re- tests to that. inches into the water of his fish pond The broadcast, recorded by the command" was regarded by some ob- monic orchestra to open the season affirmed the allegiance cf their 1330 G Street there is sufficient algae growing to night, blew up one Axis merchant Associated Press, said Axis planes servers today as an indication that. The fish pond fertilizing plan next October." Calmen Fleisig, province to France. JSuA A A B9 < Middle cl Block) maintain the cycle of life within the vessel and damaged three others bombed oil refineries and dumps in Hitler was retaining personal direc- works this way: chairman of the orchestra's com- in a raids cn in and Beirut. tion of his armies in the East. pond. i series of Mediterranean Tripoli, Syria mittee for Local 802 of the American The farmer spreads over the pond If is the water not murky enough, a British The Berlin radio announced the a chemical com- sweeps, communique Federation of Musicians AFL), said fertilizer similar in fertilizer is added. | appointment last night in a broad- to field fertilizers, said today. yesterday. position though fish or for cast recorded Associated Young fingerlings 3,000,000 British Women by the not quite so high in nitrogen con- Weather conditions were again He said the union had rejected the stocking a farm fish pond can be Press. tent. to have new contract obtained Soil Conser- reported hampered aerial management's pro- The broadcast said Gen. Guderian through any Called for War Work The of operations over the forward areas posal as "an impossible on fertilizer stimulates growth vation distrirt. office or through the By thp Associated Press. hardship now was "joining a group of those where the the men." and had ★ CLOTHING ★ FIELD GLASSES ★ CAMERAS micro-organisms in the pond, which Fish and Wildlife Service. British 8th Army faces demanded in- men who are endowed LONDON. Feb. 22.—Three million with special parts of Marshal Erwin Rommel's stead a 30-week season with an in- * the Fuehrer for concen- more British women between 31 and ★ JEWELRY * TYPEWRITERS powers by Afrika Korps along the Mareth line. crease of 15 per cent in basic pay. all their 40 came under the wartime author- ^NSTRUMENTS trating respective spheres The communique did not. mention The present contract expires in ★ DIAMONDS ★ Argentina Producing of BINOCULARS ^ for a victory of German arms." 132 Selectees Slated ground fighting. ity Labor Minister Ernest Bevin April. PAWNTICKETS The new appointee retired from Homemade today, subject to draft for full or ★ LUGGAGE * SHOTGUNS ★ RADIOS Engines One of tlie Mediterranean Mr Fleisig, one of 14 musicians ♦he Central Russian front in' No- sweeps part-time work if they have no chil- Argentina has begun construction was against a. destroyer-escorted vember. 1941, "for his health." the dren udor 14 living at home To Tomorrow of "homemade” lor its state com ov. Berlin radio said, adding that now Report engines A majority of the new group have bad ! he had completely recuperated. railways. Despite very visibility, smoke never before clone outside work. sTe Inducted Feb. 16 was seen from a A veteran of the campaign of Group Tlie Tafi Viejo workshops of the rising large mer- Women between 18 and 50 pre- Free chant vessel after the the FOR TPMIM PD'C Established Poland, he also directed German State attacks,” viously had been drafted for war SERVICE Was on Reserve Status Railways will build 15 Pacific said. Parking 1 LrH/LLIt 1911 armor in the invasion of Belgium communique work. NY MAKE CAR «3 type locomotives for about, $35,000 Another west-bound was at- PAWNBROKERS SALES CO. and helped pierce the Maginot line A total of 132 District selectees ship ; One of every three war workers in each. Hitherto the shops have only tacked and i FLOOD POHTIAC He is 54 and round-faced, and is on on re- by torpedo planes Great Britain now Is a woman, and inducted February 1G and OLDEST PONTIAC DEALER !N D. C. repaired locomotives, using imported bombers and a hit was scored their number is to noted for his panzer vehicles serve status for a week will on! expected be dou- 913 D St. N.W. MEt. 9339 riding report 1 4221 CONN. AVE. WO. 8400 spare parts. the stem of the vessel, it was an- bled within a few into battle. tomorrow morning for assignment months. He was chief of staff in 1935 when to Army camps. ♦he new was panzer troop corps The group incluies: formed. Koolberscn. Olio V Wrherou Dona id W Oswald. Edwin M Alsop. Lawrence F Clifford. Marvin B. Weaver. Barrette S. Coyne. Bernard R. Ehrmantrau'. J. E Enarel. Nathan Couchman. H L Newton Ahiberg. William A Satterfield. Clem M. Haigh James R Heap William A. (Continued From First Page.'1 Dunkum. Paul B Strickland, c A Bouchard. Lewi* P. Kelly. Howard R. Durkin. Donald F Dow. Raymond P Avengers, planes which contributed Anderson Vacnel W Cider Cedeir L. Si rau man. G A to our victories in the Pacific. Schockcn. Max G largely DelCrosso. Nicholas Gasuine. Benito Yard Needs Skills. Gibson. Roy m. Fessler. Richard E Navy Ragusa. Peter J Lazo. Charles R Capt, E. F. Enright, manager of Garth, Leonard I Langston. Elberf L. the Boston Yard, declared that Davis. Ollie S Wallace. Harry E Navy Brown. Ryvcrce P Haney. William M. 6.000 skilled men were needed badly Mehnng. Charles W Van Aman. H J. to the at Fitzgerald. S. F Nielsen C D 1r. meet production demand Sinclair. E S .ir. Hayes. John W the yard. He added that practically Brown. Cleave ft. Taylor. William E FitzpatricK. C. J jr. Harbaugh. Chari's J. all skilled trades were needed, in- Shepherd. Ernest J. Fierro. Louis cluding pipefitters, shipfitters, weld- Polakoski. S. R. Bartley. Edwin C. ! Asselta. John V Alman. William E. ers and machinists. While 3.000 Schemes, Harry Stone. Joseph E. women are currently Capt Mancini. Alfred E. Downey. Roy E employed. Rickers. Robert W. Morris. Warren O. Enright believes the number cannot Mier. Victor A Hnzbic, Calvin C. Jores.
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