Happy Birthday! SEE PAGE 7 July 23,1981 RPCV Conference Explores PC Role in the 80s "...And to promote a better understanding of other people on the part of the American people." . The Peace Corps Act, 1961 (goal three) Loret Ruppe addresses conference More than 1,800 former Peace Corps volunteers and staff attended the National Conference of Re- turned Peace Corps Volunteers and Staff, June 19 Other speakers at the plenary sessions were: and 20 in Washington, D.C. His Eminence Stephen Cardinal Kim Sou Hwan, The forum capped a series of year-long events archbishop of Seoul, Korea; Andre Wright, Niger's celebrating Peace Corps' 20th anniversary, and was ambassador to the United States; Sargent Shriver, designed to strengthen the network of some first director of the Peace Corps; M. Peter McPher- 80,000 former volunteers. It explored ways in son, AID administrator and a former volunteer which they could effectively increase awareness who served in Peru; Senator Paul Tsongas (RPCV among Americans about the Third World and the Ethiopia) and Calvin Williams (RPCV Niger and role Peace Corps plays in international develop Morocco), now vice-president of Chase Manhattan ment. Further, participants were provided the op- Bank. portunity to share perspectives and strategies in Talks by the former volunteers filled the large meeting those developmental needs over the next auditorium with warmth and laughter as they re- two decades. called their PCV days. But on a more serious note, "The real challenge," said Peace Corps Director they all reminded the RPCVs of their continuing Loret Ruppe, "is to let people know that Peace obligation to the third goal of the Peace Corps. Corps has been and continues to be a success story. Tsongas urged them to get the word out, "You We need you to continue the job of educating your have a responsibility ...y ou have a task. I'm asking fellow Americans to the reality of that world out you to 'volunteer' again, not only for the sake of there, " and she told the RPCVs, "I am counting the countries in which we served, but most of all on you.. your influence ... and your ideas on what for the sake of our own country." we can do to make people want to share in the Following the opening day addresses, conferees Peace Corps." attended seminars on the countries where they Speakers at the conference included Jamaica's served. "We selected panel members, experts in Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, who cited Peace their fields, who could give the returned volunteers Corps' "development strategy of building from solid economic, political and social updates on the the bottom up. In this world of ordinary problems countries," explained conference Coordinator Bill and ordinary folk, helping to build a water tank, Reese. Those initial meetings were followed on the teaching farmers in the field, bringing literacy to second day by a series of development issue +he unschooled, are mightier messages of inter- seminars on such topics as world environment, in- tonal friendship than the treaties and concords ternational economic policy, food, population, re- rh resolve conflicts and hostilities between 9' fugees, health, women in development and educa- :s. tion. (cont. page 4) budget proposals. All RIFs would be completed by September 1981, unless the current RIF notice is extended or a new one issued. It has not yet been determined which employees may be affected, but specific RIF notices will be issued as soon as any decision is made, and at least five days prior to the effective date. Employees have been assured that any RIF ACTION came out of the House budget battle action will be in accordance with their rights under in surprisingly good shape. applicable law and regulation, and specific RIF While cutting $38 billion from President Carter's notices will inform employees of their appeal January budget in the now famous "reconcilia- rights. No RIF action may be appealed until after tion" act, the House ,voted to restore important its effective date. funds for ACTION programs. The House Education and Labor Committee had earlier slashed the Older American Volunteer Pro- Veteran Recruiter grams by 26 percent, knocked out two-thirds of the support money needed to keep the programs Stresses Uniaue going, cancelled funds for ACTION'S Student Vol- unteer programs and eliminated all volunteer de- Talents of ~eiiors monstration projects. The Republican reconciliation amendment approved by the House brought most of the ACTION programs back up to the level of funding requested by the Reagan administration. The House action applies to fiscal years, 1982, 1983 and 1984. Everybody at ACTION owes a big "thank you" to Congressman Bob Michel of Illinois, the Re- publican House leader, for his assistance in bringing ACTION'S funds back in line with the administra- tion's request. We also owe a special debt to Congressman George O'Brien of Illinois, a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, who gave special assistance in clearing up the legislative intent of certain provisions of the ACTION por- Left to right: Tom Moore, Winnie Pizzano, Bea tions of the "reconciliation" act. Alford, Tom Pauken. The House bill must now go to conference with the Senate to'settle differences between the two A veteran of two tours as a Peace Corps volun- bills. Altogether, the complete "reconciliation" bill teer (Belize and Jamaica) and an ACTION/PC re- is more than 400 pages long. The Senate provisions cruiter for over ten years, Bea Alford, 78, has no for ACTION closely parallel the House bill. We're plans to retire. In fact, what she'd really like is not out of the woods yet, but at least the trees another PCV assignment. But, she explains, "I aren't falling on us. have a cataract problem, so I guess for now I'll stay in Los Angeles and go on recruiting." Best regards, 1 And recruiting is something Alford does very well. She is admittedly partial to seeking out potential older volunteers. "I'm a fm believer that they have something special to offer, and often have an easier time being accepted by host Thomas W. Pauken country nationals. Maybe it's all that grey hair," Director she jokes. Alford has never been reticent about expressing her conviction about the unique talents of older Agency Faces people ..." Their experience and maturity is needed in this world." This belief is something she discus- sed with ACTION Director Tom Pauken during her recent trip to Washington. In a meeting with A general Reduction-in-Force (RIF) notice has Pauken, ACTION Deputy Directordesignate been issued to all ACTION employees. Any Winnie Pizzano, Recruitment Director Tom Moore' agency-wide RIF would result from the elirnina- and Alford, the four considered ways in which Bea tion, curtailment and/or consolidation of some Alford's expertise could be used to recruit older agency programs under the administration's 1982 volunteers for the agency's new programs. D.C. Youth Working - in Peace Corps Dear Peace Corps and ACTION staffers: Twelve junior and senior high school students, I want to thank ou for the impressive job done age 15-18, are working at Peace Corps under the in the true spirit o Yboth our agencies to make the District of Columbia's Summer Youth Employ- Second National Conference of Former Peace ment Program. The purpose of the program is to Corps Volunteers and Staff such a tremendous enable these youths to gain a valuable work-world success. experience and to learn about developing coun- Your commitment and the number of hours you tries. They are assigned to one of seven offices: put in, helped me to focus once more on how Personnel Management Division, Information Col- fortunate I am to have such dedicated people lection Exchange, Office of Peace Corps Place- working with me. I believe the conference speakers ment, Office of Special Services, and the Africa and participants conveyed to all of us how import- and!NANEAP regions. ant Peace Corps is in the role of effecting world A breakfast series is taking place each Tuesday, peace. It's a role we welcome and a challenge we beginning June 30, until August 4, 9:30-10:30 must meet. A.M., during which guest speakers, facilitators, I call upon you to continue that spirit which was overseas staff and former volunteers will interact so evidenced at the conference. Based on our two- with the youths. Peace Corps films will be shown, day reunion, I know that Peace Corps continues and staff members are invited to participate. to make a difference throughout the world. Thanks to you. A Ruppe Welcomes Loret Miller Ruppe Minority Interns Peace Corps Director Sixteen second and third year college students were sworn in as Peace Corps Minority Summer Interns by Director Loret Ruppe on June 11. Elton King, project coordinator, said of the in- terns, "The group this year is ethnically diverse and comes from traditionally minority institutions. They are intelligent, serious individuals who are committed to working with the developing world Peace Corps Visited and very interested in Peace Corps. I am proud of them." by 4-H Students The interns are at Peace Corps headquarters for eight weeks of structured work-study programs on Thirty high school and college students from development and international affairs. The first Indiana, under the auspices of the National 4-H segment of the program consists of a series of Center in Washington, D.C., visited Peace Corps guest speakers on "Voluntarism and Social headquarters on June 23 as part of a visitor's Change," who are focusing on the international program.
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