VOL. 9-NUMBER 199. LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1910. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT IMPROVEMENTS TO SIXTEEN KILLED IN BIG HORTICULTURAL 33 CANDIDATES IN DEEVES AGAIN HEAD MIDOLETOWNSCHDOLS EXHIBIT FOR FAIR OF PROPERTY HOLDERS Millionaire Board of Education WRECK OF TRAINS RUN Handsome Trophies Offered As THE FIELD FOR EIGHT Cottagers' Society Hold* An- Making Buildings Among Premiums At Red Bank Eleotion and Dltousses Best In State BY STRIKEBREAKERS Exhibition COUNTY OFFICES Improvements The Board of Education of Middle- The Horticultural Show of the com- nichard Deerca, the Now York town township hiis recently completed Six More May Die, Bringing Death List Up to 22, ing "Blue Ribbon Fair" promises to Ten Democrats and Seven Republicans Out Forbuilder, with « summer home at thfe several Improvements to the schools be of great beauty and merit, under corner of Norwood »nd Cedar »Y»- of the township In preparation for the the able management of Mr. Butter- Mum, was reeleeted president of tks coming school year. in Rear-End Collision of Grand Trunk Pas- bach, whose many friends and as Five Freeholder Nominations and Eleven Dem- I OIIK Branch Property Holder*' AJ«>- la order that the children attending sociates are only too happy to exhibit ciatlon at the annual meeting held the -Navesink, l^eonardvilte and Chap- any beautiful flowers or plants that last nlxht at th» Ocean avenue brok- el Hilt schools might have good play senger Trains in Michigan Last are at their disposal. This part o ocrats and Five Republicans in Race erage office of Harry Content ft grounds during the winter reason, the show will exceed any of the kin< Son. Thp meeting was largely attend- when inclement weather prevails, the Night at any fair. The prizes of gold are For Three Assembly Nominations ed. Report* from the officers showed basements of these three buildings many and large. Several silver cups a large and Increasing membership. have been cemented, and otherwise Im- have been offered; an especially flue Durand, Mich., Aug. 25.—Fifteen of one being given by Mr. Tatum. of Mid The finance* of the association are In proved for the use of the children. At FOXHOUNDS_AT FAIR MR. WOOLLEY IMPROVING Yesterday being the Isnt day in a healthy condition. the first named school this Improve- twenty passengers on the Pullman dletown. This Is shown In Salz's win sleeper Nebraska were killed in a rear which petitions as candidates for The other officers elected are M ment will mean much, but there have Robert Collier To , Exhibit Famous dow, and is to be competed for b> Long Branch Cottager on Way Home county or State odceB could be filed, been still greater Improvements made end collision of two Grand Trunk pass- amateurs only. The one obtaining tho follows: Vice president. Or. Edwin* H- enger trains east of here last night. Pack For the First Time at From Carlsbad—Long Branch a glance at the records in the county Sternberger; second vice president, that make this schoolhouse one of the Red Bank. most first premiums becoming tho er« Read Record There. clerk's office at Freehold this morning best from a sanitary standpoint of any The other five were seriously Injured. happy possessor of this valuable piece Rwen Mclntyro; secretary. Park M. Rohert Collier, who in now spend- In a letter dated Carlsbad, Austria, discloses the fact that there in to be Woolley; treasurer, Oustav M. L. in the township. No. 14, a Chicago-Toronto train, was of art. no dearth of candidates In either party stopped by a breakdown. Engineer ing a sojourn in the North Woods, August Hth, Mrs. park M. Won)ley, Sacks. puring the Summer a new ventila- Mitchell went beneath the engine and near the Canadian border line, li;i- Mrs. M. A. Rice, of Leoiiardvllle, has who wont abroad with her daughter at the coming primary election. The directors elected are: Richard ting, heating and sanitary system Brakeman Graham was sent back to come to the realization of the fact that also given a very beautiful cup which and husband July &th last, said tho The Democrats of Moumouth coun Deeves, P. Stanford Boss. Park M. lias been Installed, which has no su- signal the approaching No. 4 to stop. the fair of the Monmouth County Agri- Is offered In this department to the party intended leaving for Paris on ty. It appears, are especially confident Woolley, Huftis Blodgett, Arthur H perior throughout the state. The Mo. 4 missed the signal, for it crashed cultural Associalion this year will be gardener who displays the iargest the 21st. Mrs. Woolley said her hus- of the outcome at the ensuing election, Hearn, Rwen Mclntyre, Ijouts Steg- grounds about the school have alao into the rear of No. 14, completely one of the greatest In the history of group of foliage plants, with $25 for band was very much Improved In there being no fewer than eleven can- been Improved, and this adfta greatly second, |15 for third as added prem- bert, Charles A. Wtmpfhelmer, p. J :elescoplng the sleeper, and catching the State. As a result, he has decided health, and that his course of treat- didates In the field for member* of the Casey, Clarence Q. Van Note, Brent to the appearance of the school prop- :he sleeping passengers In their to enter his famous pack of fox iums. ment at Carlsbad terminated on the Assembly, with but threo to be elect- erty. flood. J. W. Cunningham. (I M. L berths. hounds as a pack, fn the dog show. The Monmouth County Horticul- 21st. This nows is very -gratifying to ed. Then there are ten Democratic Sacks, Dr. Edwin H. Sternberg«r, The Bedford school, which was re- The wreck caught fire so quickly This matter may not seem to be urai Society and tho ISIberon llortt the friends of the well-known Bath candidates for freeholder, with but Harry Content, Solomon Tim, Loula cently erected and In an imposing :hat only two bodies were recivered. out of the ordinary run of entiles, but cultural Society have also offered avenue cottager, who was forced to five to be elected. Only five Repub- Tim, Jacob A. King, Mai Drey, H. Kd brick structure, has also 'been brought Engineer Mitchell was crushed under when it is considered that these dogs upa. go abroad on account of Impaired lican candidates for members of the gar Mason, Simon Hess, Henry M. to a perfect condition from a sanitary the engine and died. are the finest of their breed probably There are many fine estates from health. Assembly jhave filed petitions to have Fitch, Louis Runkel, James M. Blng- standuollit. New meta\ ceilngs and in the country, and that at the dog Red Bank to Point Pleasant and the their names placed on tho primary roofn \t.4vt- been installed at an outlay Chas. Silencer, engineer of No. 4, The Woolley family have kept In ham, Gufitav Mlnzeshelmer, Marks says he heard a torpedo and threw on shows at Madison Square Garden but gardeners of these places expect to (ouch with hong Branch affairs tickets, but seven Republican candi- Arnhelm, Oeorgo Cowen. of $1,100. Other minor improvements show groups of palms, choice plants, dates fur freeholder havo filed tholr for tho convenience of the children the air brakes but too late to avoid one or two of these famous dogs were through the Dally Record, and Its ar The association discussed a number exhibited, It moans that the rr-gard ferns nncl cut flowers. Several of the petitions. There were eight petitions have ateo been completed. he crash. He escaped by jumping, arne seedsmen of New York, will rival was always anxiously awaited. of important matters. It was decided but his fireman was fatally injured. of Mr. Collier for ttte coming county When they were through with the pa- filed, but one, that of Abljah C. Fisher, make an extensive exhibit of bulbs. of Freehold, a member of tho present not to hold the annual shore dinner Tiie-uncroU school, which for some A wrecking train with doctors and fair is above- that of the everyday dog per they turned It over to Myron Op- this year. time was considered as one of the irscs on board was rushed to the owner. A pool of wator in which will be penheim, another well-known summer Hoard of Freeholders, was withdrawn. moat poorly kept schools, now has the growing lilies, lotus flowers and oth- The candidates who have filed peti- Among tb« Important matters con- scene from Battle Creek. When the pack of hounds belonging cottager at this place, who was Just as Kidered were the fixing of holes In distinction of having no ccompetition Both trains In the wreck were man- to Mr. Collier passes the judges on er plants of that order will he an un- anxious to receive it. tions are: for tab honor of the moat beautiful isual feature and wHl attract much Ocean avenue, a new outlet to the ned by strike breakers retained at dog show Gay at the fair, it will be After leaving Paris the Woolleys Democratic Assembly—Howard 8. West End station and the reolllng of grouifds and surroundingssurroundin . This attention to me name and house of Higginson, Rod Bank; James A. Hen- greatj improvement can be attributed he end of the strike that recently tied tho first time in the history of dog Henry Dreer, of Philadelphia, 111 visit several prominent places, the New Jersey Southern roadbed be- greatj improvement can be up the Grand Trunk syntein and only shows that they have ever been ex- drickflon, Red Bank; Klmer H.
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