Mic+Llg·An --I) I " T- I1

Mic+Llg·An --I) I " T- I1

," ...... .-- ..... ,. to . ~ . CeieJ;n~~> IIf -You -SeeK A Delightful ! 0 ,- 1-- - GloyiOui E~urth- IPeninsUJa.r._~k Abbv.t You. hi.}iorthviIl~- Motto Gf M1cl1ip.zl. '" I .. - .... - ~J}ortbbiIlt~-l\tcorb":- - -..-:,. -'- .,,- - ,,' NorthviHe: Michiianr Friday, June 2, 1939' - ;.- .- ,.- " -- -l " 1 ..L&i - , -:r t - OfJ~ " '"- r: , - _I --i I mIC+llG·An --I) i " t- 1I " ~I ! " i ' " r'" PRO,SPERITY- " J f f. ~ Ontc:s: '~~ 'J 'rmlJ8., " lllr" '.;U7ft ..., U. "'MfJ Jnd~t ..}'l 0,/ Mt.tt,. .. J1c~ i"Q~,Q1IrQt:.d' Q. Ma,ptlfgn 'U .p~ (~~~t-rfo:.1 lJ.C'thU, fa , .... .-tIt •• a:t P'd Ii•• .&laC',," 10 »arkJ oad - - fWW, "'4Ji" '*'l.l.'&:rll .1\4 IIF,r:uJsf4re hG' t".-1u1"t1'lll "tit JaC. _ J~ ljhU P'lU.c .;tr ....,.,d aOr;J".tn1= ... IZ~~ ,~s, ..."r"u i" .tSp.:lIrlJI' ;t4~tr O/~'C~'flGlt fr"~ u:uJd ~:t.:3:;;':C:=l!~~~r~:~~Jt~~,~n~{:.iJ~~:~,i:n:·...rd rJ P1IDLt8, Mlr:IIJ~" $~oJlall 0'\0' dftlUD:DI!~ h U. IL~,"MI" Pj-h1: tM "'I • .,n.", "f .4" erO"hJCUU • .,td 1I~• .aG4e- .t~o.b ",",a.t: o,a .. frlll"C;"I'l~;"'t:(I~."" Au'rfc:r;;n. ,font!'(n-01 ~J' ltl1l"Vt d..-J thff'- ~::~;.,,:::/j~t /Toa '/,/JOI.n1. du~r't..cU.("'~ 0/ I.i. prd" ;, :; ';;, J. flIIR,TaR& ... 11 ,l,Llt'u D.. lJJ.cl'llaon" a~lt'''Il07 pJ 1l......i'JUrH .f M'dl· 1"on, So ~/I, ...tQ2JlI ;roc!C\t. tlie' perS64 oJ J~, 1 'Co lO ,,,,-.!UUVI' tel' bl "J/:tc"';'G1'J rut- ./D?' lItchlg;JJ'J F""PI"1f.~·", ant! ,-r"iI ell Jt,cH"GII~;af.en. to 0'1u tfl.'r .....D.l~- 1 ~;:r;~~p~:~P:;?1:;,.:::1i1:,.;:; ..;;;;~~tt:a:u~1J~t:~.·~ -l ,I I , , G'U1II "MIl:' .... 'aM AM .~ .. ..,.,t ~~:~~:!ihiii::~;:~~;.:{. \ Ifs~ ., .wr ... ,. 1"_. 'r,a,.. or 1 ClUJ" L.,rll" OIII~ f1\.l"Ila...d EUi:f ~re" Gad t'fL'rl.,-J"" ca19d'1 -,1- I j O.,.. , .. lSlt4 "". CIf. B\6AOr.d:-,._""Ii. ...U·C" " I .. p ! I 8-.~< ..-(,...}h -~...... I " I .~ J , ":l ;0 , !I I I' i I Il·- II" I I i . ~ < ~. -1- - ~II' r ! I I ., I j I I~I r, ·1I I I " I 1I " " -' -, " ~ , tHE NORT:HyILLE. RECORD ---.._---- ..:. ,.HE NORTHVILLE RECORD \ Northvale's Vanilla c· .' f These f~~~~:~~~~~~~~~: Esrabllshed< 1869 _ . ~ \" -" ames. rom_ 'Oldest Paper <m Wayne County Outsiiie the City of l,)etroit - , - ., 'I ' - , In _~uipment ~~ as_\hiol ~ d e\'~.rf Fqday m~m~<::lmd entered at-the :N( rthVllle. Ml~higan, I produced the extracts that haVl!~ .- , _. :.; PO~t ot:l:e :'5 s~on9-.-cl~ m-,~tto:r - _1 made'" the XOl'thville i.:.b.,ktori~, c' _"" '..' ' I Inc.) leadfrs iJI. its~field. TWo and "V m. H, C,<'l!1sfHo1a.......c.Edltorand Publisher _ ' I - • c I fou: II)Ia va.iiillii e>"-tr:>.cts~re iWi4eJ " A. new.spaper ~~ted ~o th.e welfare of the c')mr,lU!llty~ I in the. glass-lined ~(>1atoi'S PiC~ ...J_ ...._"'" In tVrdch 1& is pubh.s.t"1.ed ~- "- tured aoo\e- at the-left ..... Between - ,C; • 'lelf\phone ~OO ' · -~ ~" -, , , rI pr~ and bottling the ~ I <'1 suilscim:>T'ION RAT"ES, " I tt:at!sW'e kej)t iJI. ~1aSS,iinea sror-I ;.~~ ~ ,_$150' SL': !,,!~:'1,hS~__: __?5e : Three Mo:>tJo.s .40~! ~:~~~:tla.!:t~.those ~o~ ~~~£l~hville~ J"Jfichigan, Friday, June 2,-1939 f 'Thea~ plant is OIU" of .the - -.:.... I state's'many fudDStri~ to. wlilch · --' ,- , ! att;§tlOn '.is_lJein~ ~red dllIing f rho:-Wili-Ask Protection? ~ I '':'llichigan' Days for l\Iichigaa I "Qulet, Homelike Pi.tvacy" ;ge-dy struck c!o-;e ~t·h~~elast' vleek when thr~ell P:~ri:y,: fane 1-~/}:,- ~ 1--- , 'le you---ths"illlHO;vly eSf::~;ed death at an l.mP:r~~ ~ - , , I -RflY J -C'nSTf--R-ll'n f- - P';'neral "--Home ~:~~oh~:;t~~notn~~~~~:~~v:~:gg'e~~~'~~·p~fn:h~~~~l-N-·OR-"' 'T'~H- V--~IL'LE- ''-S':: Y:;'~E-~STElID-~-'---A'Y-S',,!'Local ~lews'~ 1\~o~~e:;k~;~~d~';~'JL , ~ -.-~ l-n~_ ::' , • ' _ 0 _. I ' - - ~ ,1'''J~. - ' and son of DetrOIt. ': '" plcr~da'Ys to corne. ~ ... ::"' - - r .... I ~ --.., I -: - '~i"""'~EA.S"h'Of~"'d'returned'Tues ~ UNEXCE~-b.· -<LEO-'fEAC[LITIE'S . ~ _., c' ,- •. ._ ' 1 ~ -- ~ - -:.......::.l _ ~ E, Tunnan, ~ent flShIng last _ .......".,"' _ ~ ~ _ _ _ - ,c c, ,- r, • :> :>' da ave you ever suffered the agony of auto injunes,-or _ ,. '-, _ _ - _ _ _ _ week at :port Huron. l J( fr?rtl-Grani3.FcA'llds; wnl::re she '- ,J -~ - • - - - - ;Y.QUJ: eyes UpOll the hruised, -racked brl)k~[!andbloodYo • Orie ~ar Ago _ . :. '"dry IS comple~e anetreac!.§ fof occu.:, -?4!S E",J. Cobb assisted Mondayl spent ,he W~.~d._ - '" -"; -Ray _ J.- Caste!lfne, -::'Person a!, Director .' ~ , . 0, "_ _ _ pa.."'l.C)' - •• Brad d - - • I "S;J;!nUel R,_Pen!.eld, Class of 190~, _ ,- -- --~ - - - 'PHOnf-265 o( crasg .victi,Jils? ' If you ha,e you 'will .not neetl 1 ~rtl1V1ne'Ms m!of~e~.th: §l~.e Cliarlie D)lph's nl§v'hO'hseis tak- JU L~~US B::k~ ~r:~~~~ 'IN~f!liVlile, ~,~l, no~ of:-Shl- 122- W est D~lap; NorthVill~ - :Michigs.n . - t ., -th " k' - ti ' -. .De-partmem of Healtb Df 1<.:> WIDJUg- J - _ • - ~ ~ - • ~ cago, has oeen -ap\Xlinted westem /' ~ -.,. - ~ , ,g 0 J om.-.WI ~s m as 'mg .l'rot~c O_ll at <the tra~lC nesS'to be connected 'wl!h }he pro- ring 0';: a neat :'comW' aJlpearance tft~m wS;~dLake~ w~er:'he bll,(j spent :nanag'er ot"'t!le _CU(~_ FUbllslili1!f ~~-=-:=' : - '" :- -- -- -=' =- - =S£"l. th g. _ If not ~spare yourself unpleasant dreams taKe 'Posed "Wayne Cvunty' Se=ge DlS-l. Erji.st lVilllen; new honse l.S all r,.,en~ - - [comp~y, hop'. Pen!leJd.. has been. - - - - " ' -..~ ~ ; _ '~ ;' _ ..- , __ -,'.- , 0 posal'system wl'-.l~h IS> under-con-! e,1cl?~ed andJ1l"dy for- the..fmlsh~ ,~'o!r aniLMr'S. ~._-!}3Zl~lm~eisj;-f,Y;:!th t~ Ladies Rome Journal ~U1ee ' - - - , r.doan? Jo.n WJJh_l1S. ,,,,' - " ~~.e Struction under the -supervJ.SlO~ cf'mO' toucheS. - -""'~ ',< er a~er.ded 8.-_I::eglon PIC!llC ):'ues-!192Q, aIld.,CQveredthel'.!lcbl"an terol t qaeer coin'djience other c\'ossings oll'tbe. railroad the l!o"rct of' County CommiSsion-I :' ,.\C • , - ,,' ,~-' - '" " ' _ - Jday a} ~'Je.Guthr!e fann..;;.hear "New: Irltnry unW'J.928, 1\'hen~ J:>~ 3vent U» • - • - , - ~ -" .0-" :;,. - <. 'ers. - , _ - ", ~. - _- I ~ "",' r-:"" .::( '"' .";" " • 1burg_, .'~ ",' -, 1tlie'Cfucag<TOfflce. ~Perull!1d- ~1 ---= La s tin g - . - , _t~ete~ .• The sce~e<cof the tl-~ged:rf mo!~ _oustrU$t- Koithville -losr.1t>·~0Idest reSldent<-4'5' -BAN- ,- 0- -M'~E~'M·QB'~EH-'-S~ ~fi~'Fmnces 131.1:I'cal1JWm-rt;tllrn a-sgi'Lo! '?Jilliam~B. -?~1e1d, "no, ~'-- 1'fre dangerous, because or-angle~ u'ees, b'.r:uge, ·and last we~ hf,1Jle death oC.-\. 'B ~- ~ '" ,~ ,L'1>s week fr6m_a ii!.on-th~'\'aCatlon{ln:ed,m~q~h\'iUe for-se:v'e&l-year!;J ,W'" -=;- -' ., - 'N- e--~-'!>-~---- -.-- ~f h-' • -'b d '. "?-t' 'd' T-h " k' 'dd""MccniTougb,9!. o?.:;-- - l. ".. _ - '-"'~~lf('rn.a=,"She1Sa:se¢~t;;rymfwfuletraVeIIngfOrtifeHalIliHonAn·l .- - on 0 t e roa", e ,::; lLllPlf( ec~e, e .ex ee a _s ~ ,.,;r< ,i'i _,:!.. ~ ,f' r "'-'-. ;"" ,_,- ." the oiflce of "tilE' 1'071 ~WP"::l..:n' ':Rifte cdiiijlifuy of 'P1)'lnouth. 0 , ' = dsbjroften·c!othing the er:ossing in mistofofOg. ~ And ill~:Fe;f~~/~:~~~y-"~?;:~: G[f'::AEnov fOR ,;-- :company':' ~'.::f' 12;. ·.Jk ",<;0. 'j -' : ,I, ce' ". - _ ",. 0" I fore by Aeduct!Gll' 0:' a0v pl'Ocess of reasoning this OI]" cll-Efch ,by,tne-ReT. Fr. Josephj [; ~ ~ U 11 '" ?Ir;; ~ 'R~~e\:an~er ~<t.'4augh-"i ,- o,~SSIO~S>HPSPlT.A.L.!)O" OJ, .,:;; DU PON-l' H' ,L 'vsr~-)<_p'A' ='N~T - , - .'d b . - d' - = - ' G;SehU1~r sa=da",monllng -:lfa:: - ,,) /:;e:- . .L-OJ.lse,_ll,~t~deo the voc~~re, - MrS 9l~dys_:Meyers_ under ~ntll I nz ShClUJ • e l!lot,,:::te . , .,' -,' • Zll. for',).Iiss·Frances Sutton and1fl'UMMER EVENTS . - _ 'c1ta' gl'7en T)1Epday evenmg. J<1aYtan'lWpeJ:aectomY,"weon~Y, May....:. n ckind frierres. hel'e's the-l'ub, The crO"~lmgis OQ~ Gordon Moffitv son-ofY.r ana I • ""!25,-":I.).!ISS DOr~t}],~,t>e~·at the' 31_ .' '0 _ '- J- ';c' ~ - - AI -- cl = I F.... ~ d'~ -- "frS~~U 1 ,C '11 ., th l' o. ;;; kl ' d" tAd.F- J.,Moffltt of thIS place 'r~e _ " - r ~ 'l'~~l11ganstate Nopnill COll~e, Yp~ , '\1f~ Ray Dey, -Walled ~E', Wl.1l e way" ~n Ul!s1;- irt, and 'soot at. eYl age, Jus~over e mem-va an C(),,'}iley. n _ "- '... J -, ". ~ 0, : " SGanti F ,,-'. "~,,., beJ,ilis'ch;irged FTtda\'~ followi!l'" r washeclrigh! olfbytomorrow'srain. Here'. us more afthe solicitation L.~ RLca,of Piymauth, t·. =~~n Years :\go- ."" . IL G/ ~~!-s ,MpusikciaIJ$ W~ -':M';>T.bps' Ot '14e',sefiJ~e: 4aguel;;i@~;iid£" ' E,!-ed",'\ = <:-.' ~, -<:fwhH. House Paint fhat _ 25 ~ of 9c C $3. .• '1, 1- ("1' f ),[. t..- th 'J -.> / > ~ -" -, > lve .. Our" ar oncertsJ WilF1101i:i tiieir annual piCllic Tues- "'~. ,.an ,l\frs., Alfr ~fIIjmgton ct Uk' If I - I J'-ytoplOulet/uoo,.lCUlgan e"ralroaucOmEa~YI ,Hat"!) Cla:k, cbamnan of,me ' Thi5Yearc",j 'day;_Jlh1e;6 mCassBenfonPiiry!are-thit,p~,tsof.adaughter,born·1 Cl uay ~s!1Se c~nl -:.

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