} 7 ' ■ '/■ 1." FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 1956 PAGE EIGHTEPN idimtdiieBtpr lEonting Arm gt Daily Net PrtiM Rim \ The Weather r« r Ik* WMk EwM FsaMast of D. 8. Weather Bereae Salvationists are reminded that March X4, 15M the self denial Ingatherini: for T.oaigtit fair aad cold. Lew Ja AboutTown missionary work of the Army will be Sunday. MaJ. and Mrs. Richai^ 11,955 the upper 2es. Runday fair, slight­ Th* nki^ <X Wilber Little wes Atwell, pommanders of the local McMbw af tba A««t ly warmer. High la the Inwey Ses. tmlntentionelly omitted from thope corps who left Manchester six Barcaa at arealaUaa Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm on eommltle^which hindled ar-' veal's ago for South Africa and raJtcementa foKthe. 30th annlver- who benefit by this fund, will soon *aiy celebratton^of Dtiworth-Cor- bo on their way home. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY. MARCH 31. 1956 (riassllM AdregHglag ea Bags ie> PRICE FIVE CENTS neU-<)uey Post, 108. AL. VOL. LXXV, NO. 154 (TWELVE PAGES) Mrs. Leroy Aspinwall, 42 Wood- ■ Mr. aiid Mrs. EhstKW’- NyqulSt, bridge St., past noble grand of Sun­ 40 caturcH 8t., left tWs morning set Rebekah Lodge, and the pres­ tot a fh’o '^’eeks stay ta Miami, ent district deputy, will be honored , Put on Your n iu , \ •. ■ hy a reception Monday evening at __ ------------------------------------- 7:30 in Odd Pellows Hall. All \ members are urged to attend and Etwief Bonnet^ i i the officers may wear their colored gowns. Red Radio Reports Boston,' March 81 (g')—The S iju a ra R ohii4 Weatherman laaya Shister Sun- j \T h e Gleaners Group of the day will be fair and warmer Ip I Sduth Methodist WSCS has set the For Soil Bank all sections of New Ehglahd I date of Thursday. April 12. for for the traditional parades. DANCING I their 'aprlng tummage sale. Mem- The Boston Weather Bu­ VKRXOX ORANOr i hers and friends are urged to set, Washington, March 31 (A*)-ti^ reau aaid the aix-state area I aside articles for the sale. tobacco and peanuts. weather picture took a turn E^XRT »ATt RDAY —President Eifiefthower’js «oil The other would provide up to for the better during the night en a P.M. to I t MMnlght Marjorie McBrlerty. daughter of bank program has won the 5450,000,000 a year for farmers an^ Boqth and central por­ Mr. and Mrs. Janes McBrlerty of exp^ted approval of Senate- who contract to divert 2S to 30 tions can expect to see the To the Mo*lr of million acre* of other croplands sun for part of today. R EV A rs RHVTHM-AIRE8 SO Coolldge St.; a student at the , Hpijse conferees as part of yniverslty of Connecticut, is i to grasg, treek or similar soil­ Clearing wisather Is expect­ With Boh McClatehey »1,700,000,000 in electlon- ed in most of New England to­ spending the Easter vacation at /vear payments to farmers. building practice*. Prompting her home. Both are designed to augment night. followed by fair and / In addlUon to the »1,200.000,000 farmers’ income while at the same warmer, weather for all sec­ H-W eapon T est Ban, soil bank plan of psyUg farmers time preventing continued over­ tions on Easter Sunday) Rev. ' Cecil MarshaU. an to take land out of production, the production of crops. Farm Income The Ideal weather followa a ordain>d minister of the- AMR conference committee voted yes­ has dropped sharply in recent series 'of late March snow­ Church wljo directed the youth terday to authorise 5500 million years. * storms which left the area ThrowThem program atMhe . South Melhodlsl additiqnsi for buying pork and Farm Friers Advance looking more like Christmas. Arms Freeze Urged Away Church Palm stm'day, will be at other perishable commodities not DONT sUgible for regular price supports. Some encouraging news came the chiirch for the remainder of yesterday from the Agriculture StlD ^eaty of wear left In the school year. He la ^ first yesf, 8tm undecided, as the conferees London, March 31 </P)—Moscow Radio naid to<lay RusaUi shoes when brought here for went Into a Saturday session, was Department. It reported that farm oxpert repalrtag. student at the Harlfoith^emlnary. prices advanced 2 pe. cent on the Liberal in GOP has accepted the basic idea of Preaident Eisenhower's "open, whether to make soil bank partici­ the average between mid-February WORK DONE WHHJS . The Woman’s Auxiliary iiKlhe pation voluntary, as the adminis­ skies” aerial inspection plan and has proposed a three-months VOV WAIT and mid-March, on top of a 1 per Hartford County Medical Assocla^ tration, asked, or compulsory as cent,Increase during the preceding Dims Hopes of arms freeze to be followed by all-around cuts in conventional tion will hold Us annual spring^ tha Senate voted. arms and armies. J meeting Tuesday at the Farming- / BABY SHOP Throat of Veto month. SAM YULYES ton Country Club. Ftrmington, be­ The soil bank pla was Eisen­ The 3 per cent ‘gain this yew Cut Nixon Bid Meanwhile, all hydrogen weapon tests would be banned. SHOE REPAIRING hower's major recommiendstion for was partially offset by a l*.i per The Russian proposal, as outlined by the official Boviet OP THE BETTER KIND ginning with a business meeting cent increase in price* of goods at S p.in. The guest speaker nil! be new farm legislaUon this year, but Waahlngton, March 31 (JPt — news agency Tasa, calls for immediate agreement on reducing 15 Maple 8L—Acroaa Prom Mrs. Ins Veslsl. representing Hats and Hat and Bag Sets first the Senate, and since then the and services farmers buy. The mid-March farm prices still, Vice Preaident Nixon appear* to­ conventional armaments. The Soviets say this step "will Pint National Parking Loti frdm Woodbridge to the General Senate-House conferees, have tied day abo\it as sure of renomination facilitate agreement on prohibition of atomic and thermo* Assembly. < It In with rigid price cupporta and however, were 5 per cent below Dainty nylon lacc for Ihn wen other provisions opposed by the those of k year ago and nearly 27 on the Republican ticket as any nuclear webponsand their removal from national armaments." one. Straw* and lacn for the Sj.59 SJ.SS per cent below the record high candidate could be 4*,i months be­ Rtisaia msds Its proposal at th*:................................. .......... .. older girls. Also fiower bands. admlniatrstion. TTrl* has raised fore the party's national conven­ ■ \ the threat of a presidential veto of reached In 1B51. fiv*-powcr U.N. disarmament i _ . $ 5 . 0 0 the entire measure. The Senate-House conference tion. talks In London, now closing their; I f Igk gb lT Rep. Hugh Scott of Pennsyl­ i ^ n d week. Th* United SUtee,! Kf U R 1 .C U 9 W U C U The soil bank plan, whicl^ has group has been, meeting all this vania, former Republican ndtion- / not yet come before the House, week seeking reconcile differ­ al chairman, dimmed further the BriUln, France and Canada also ^ Prt- 11 > was approved yesterday in virtual­ ences, between thp Senate and hopes of those who might wish O'C^Co-Uls ly the form agreed on by the Sen­ House farm bill*. ItX-recommenda­ to replace -Nixon aa he predicted I Business 1 alks BarbizfB** Ala-rran ate. tions are subject to' approval of last night the Vice President will wag made in eacret. some details a o 1 One of Us two sections woulfl both Houses after the'^flaster re­ had emerged from th* conference. g a n ZepkailP* Bailatc! cess end* April 9. The committee be President Eisenhower's run­ But th* Tee* report was the firet; ” kJ IT C< A t C; IX ROASTING CHICKEN^ provide 1750,000,000 a year for ning mate. four years as payment* to farm­ "The convention alone will make broad public disclosure. ‘ ’The ers who cut back allotted produc- I . (i'ontinued.on Pago Two) Its choice,’’ Scott said In a CBS new* agency gave theae details; \ Moaoow. March 31 OFI—Oonamu- It ik well to order ahead, hut if ^oi| edme in at Herd to believe this slip is 0 cotton blend. radio Interview, but he added; “I A three month*’ freeze on •'IJl*r " i rtUt party b ^ Nikita Khruahehav and armamenU at the Dec." aim other Boviet leaden apened the last Biiiiute we will still have a Rood selection It (eels like silk, is shadewproot and never think the ticket will be Elsen­ 1955 level. \ ■ hower and Nixon." After three month*, th* United j talKi laet night with Swedlah Pte- of chickens or capons, all excellent tii quality, a needs ironing. The styling is strictly Scott is looke<5 upon aa a mem­ mier ‘^g e Erlander who arrlvOd ber of the Uberal wing of thq^ State*. Soviet Union and Redi her* this week for a good will to u r.\ fine choice fok>E*»t«P. sophisticated. Permonent'crystol pleats make .*Wm« China begin' cutting their armed Christians GOP from which, most suree*- forces to a level of 1 to Lti mil­ ITie 'Soviet government h u an- the bodice ond llpunce. In Borbigon's magicol tlona for dumping Nixon reported­ lion men each. Britain and ntmfi,ced if will lift Ita baft on for­ ly have come in the past. France to 550,00 men each. The eign travel In Oeorgda and Arme­ blend of Docron, Cotton ond Nylon that stoys The Pennsylvania Hodse. mem­ reliction* would be completed, in nia-to permit Eirlander’a party to Season ber also is close to 'tbrmer'Gov.
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