2011 Issue 02 This year’s Sun Life sponsored concert 新城20聲光綻放音樂會 was We received overwhelming response from our customers, business held in high spirit on Aug 18 (Thursday) at the HK Convention & partners, guests and audiences of Metro radio, fan clubs, media, Sun Exhibition Centre. Life consultants and staff. Altogether we had a full house of 8000 Sunshine audiences. Life’s brighter under the sun 今年由永明金融贊助的新城20聲光綻放音樂會在8月18日假香港會 議展覽中心舉行,並於一片熱烈澎湃的氣氛中圓滿結束。 我們的客戶、商業伙伴、新城電台的嘉賓及聽眾、歌迷會、傳媒朋 友及永明金融理財顧問及員工均反應熱烈。是次音樂會共有8,000 名觀眾到場欣賞,全場爆滿。 Another perfect note from Sun Life 永明金融音樂會 再度在澎湃聲中劃上完美句號 Performing artists included: Joey Yung (容祖兒), Leo Ku (古巨基), Miriam Yeung (楊千樺), Edmond Leung (梁漢文), Denise Ho (何韻詩), Kay Tse (謝安琪), Richie Ren (任賢齊), Jade Kwan (關心妍), Ella Koon (官恩娜), and G.E.M (鄧紫棋). 當晚演出的歌手包括容祖兒、古巨基、楊千樺、梁漢文、何韻詩、 謝安琪、任賢齊、關心妍、官恩娜及鄧紫棋。 This newsletter is published by Sun Life Hong Kong Ltd. 此刊物由香港永明金融有限公司編印 Sun Life Cares About Sun Life Cares about Life the Tots Who Are In Need 永明金融宣揚關愛生命精神 永明金融為有需要之孩童送上關愛 To extend our caring to the needy, Sun Life Financial supported 永明金融鼎力支持由保協慈善基金舉辦的「生命傳愛行動」計劃, the “LifeCare Movement” (LCM) program organized by the LUA 將關愛延展至有需要的人士;並鼓勵各理財顧問向客戶闡釋該項計 Sun Life Shining Action strives to encourage its volunteer staff Foundation. We encouraged our Sun Life consultants to notify 劃,將部份保單得益捐贈予其指定的慈善機構。 members, consultants and customers to participate in a series of customers that they can donate a certain percentage of their sum community projects to help the tots of the Fresh Fish Traders’ insured to a charity of their choice. Primary School to adapt to Hong Kong. This year Sun Life Shining The LifeCare Movement was launched in 2005. Sun Life has always 「生命傳愛行動」於2005年正式面世。永明金融一直積極參與該項 Action joined force with the school again to organize another outing been an active player. In 2011, we had 87 Life Care Ambassador (LCA) 計劃。2011年,永明金融共有87 位生命傳愛大使及5位生命傳人。 for them--”Loving Disney”-- which took place on July 9 at Hong and 5 Life Care Referrer (LCR). Kong Disneyland. Roger Steel, CEO of Sun Life said,"Sun Life is committed to help More than 400 kids from the School and Sun Life volunteers joined 香港永明金融行政總裁盧德隆謂:「永明金融矢志協助客戶達至終 customers to achieve lifetime financial security, we would like the outing. All the primary students enjoyed very much and had 生財務保障的目標。我們希望理財顧問再踏出一步,讓客戶明白他 our consultants to go one step further and let customers know fun. They attended lectures at Disneyland and learnt how to draw 們都可以幫助有需要的人士。我們深明宣揚關愛訊息十分重要,亦 that they could also help those in need. It is crucial to share this cartoons and doing experiment. 對於能為「生命傳愛行動」計劃作出貢獻感到自豪。」 caring message and I feel really proud that our Sun Life consultants 永明陽光行動義工團隊積極鼓勵員工、理財顧問及客戶參與一連串 contribute in this program." 社區活動,以幫助鮮魚行小學的學童適應香港生活。這年永明陽光 If customers are interested to learn more about this LCM program, 如客戶欲了解更多有關「生命傳愛行動」計劃,請與永明金融理財顧 行動義工團隊再次與鮮魚行小學合作,於7月9日假香港迪士尼樂園 please contact your Sun Life consultants. 問聯絡。 為學童舉辦「迪士尼童珍愛心之旅」戶外活動。 逾400位小朋友及永明金融義工參與了是次活動。所有參與的學童 都均出席了由迪士尼舉辦的講座,了解如何製作動畫及進行趣味科 學實驗。他們非常享受箇中樂趣,盡興而歸。 231% Growth of AUM for Q2 228% 229% MCCSR Ratio* 基本持續資產盈餘要求比率* 第二季管理資產上升 MCCSR Ratio (%) 基本持續資產盈餘要求比率 (%) ** MCCSR ratio of 150% or greater is the capital target set by the Canadian As of June 30, 2011, Su Life financial had assets under 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 regulator, OSFI, for life insurance companies. 基本持續資產盈餘要求比率達 management (AUM) of CDN$473.6 billion. It had a Minimum 第四季度 第一季度 第二季度 150%或以上乃加拿大監管機構OSFI為人壽保險公司所訂立的準則。 Continuing Capital Surplus requirement (MCCSR) ratio of 231%, Strong financial strength ratings, capital ratios and risk management well above the Canadian regulatory requirement of 150% for life practices putSun Life in a position to capitalize on growth opportunities. insurance companies. 永明金融藉著高信用評級、高資產比率及有效的風險管理措施以加強業務發展。 S&P 標準普爾 : AA- 至2011年6月30日,永明金融集團管理的總資產為4,736 Moody’s 穆迪 : Aa3 (Excellent)(卓越) 億加元,其基本持續資產盈餘要求比率(MCCSR)為百分之 AM Best : A+ (Superior)(優秀) 二百三十一,遠高於加拿大法例對人壽保險公司要求的百分之 * All financial ratings are assigned to Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, the parent company of Sun Life Hong Kong Limited. 上述乃授予香港永明金融有限公司母公司。加拿大永明人壽保險公司 - 之財務評級。 一百五十。.
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