
I I I . I ve -o nien Two new honors given at I un es a is e By Bon Frashure of the secrty after allowance Trhe yearly Awards Convocation pWThas names of the representatives estabished an Inde- for improvements. of the remang fraterriti'es were SexetResidence Development By Steve Portny field '64 for his "spirit, dedica- 3. The maxdmum. loan term antnounced last Mkght at a work- nhwhich may assist tindepen- The annual Awards Conlvocaton tion, and service" to Mffr. The will be 40 years. in meeting to implement the seon ivingid grops in improig. IRD Fund. was held last Saturday in Kresge new award came from a adexpaig 4. The minimum. rate of in- proposal by the Activities Devel- their housing fat Marshall. B. Dalton '15, Chair- Auditorium. Featured was the 0 oite administrtiors officers terest vEll be three percot. presentation of the Kar Taylor opment Board. Namned in honor 5. Gifts to the IRD Fund must man of the Board of the Boston of William L. Steward Jr. '26, anounced Jast FridaY. Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Compton Awards given in reco- Fund provisins provide that the prncpal wil niition of 'outanftng contribul- the award is ~given to students not be expended, and givers must Company and -a Life Member of who have participated The IRD Flund will be an en- the MITX Corporatimn, will chair tions in promoing high standards actively in dwnnt, thie income of which permit use of the income of the of achievement and good citizen- school activities. fund for any corporate purpose both the Alumni IFC! and the Saye be used by the Corporation central ship mithinn the MIT community." Recipents of the award are: of MIT. comnmittee. Robert zelman Bachrach '64, Ho- Tfrany Institute purpose. Ile Other 'Ibis year the recipients of the picalof thisfnd may be in- Alumni IFC members of the central ward Morri Brauer '65, John Mi- committee are Kenneth S. awards, all seniors, were: Robert veted at MIT's The administration also an- Brock chael Davis '66, Barbara Ann discretion in '48, Director of Special Gifts for Lee Blumberg, Richard Alan Car- las to fraternities and othier in- nounced the formation of an penter, Stephen Burket Miller, Dersmond '67, Ronald Lee Gilman Alumni Interfraternity the Alumni Eund; James H. Eac- ependent living groups. The re- Conference Robert Peter Popadic, Robert '64, Lansing Hatfield '64, Richard and a central committee ker '55, Secretary of the Alumni tqirements governing such loans to assist Hugh Scott and Janet Kay Sto- Lester Krasin '64, and Amiel in the operations of the IRD Fund IFC; Frederick G. Fassett Jr., 1il ie that: ber. The awards also gave recog- Shulsiner '64. The following or- and the Alumni Dean of Residence; Philip A. 1. The loans must be secured IFC. nition to the Summer Study Pro- ganmzations were also honored by As of last Wed~nesday, 14 fra- Stoddard '40, Vice -President for these awards: 'Me Baton Society, bymortgages. Operations and Personnel; Ken- gram at NUT for Highl School 2. Tile loan limit can range to ternities had announced their rep- Students. The Lecture Series Committee, 10percent of the appraised value resentatives on thee Altum. ! IFC. (Pledse JJfurn lo and the NUT Cheerleaders. Page 3 ) Two awards were presented 'Mle Everett Moore Baker A- this year for the first timne. The ward for Outstanding Undergrad- Frederick Gardiner Fassett, Jr., uate Teaching was presented thisi Ptarenits arrive at MIT, Award was given to Lanlsing Hat- year to Amar Gopal Bose, i a;,, s . Asso- gew lectures and labs ciate Professor of IElectrical En- gieering. EBy George BRussell 'AsFRO:TC: 3-11udent The Tau Beta Pi Outstanding More than 800 parents attended amxong tlop in Ug Freshman Award was given to gthe biannual Parents' Weekend, Stephen Burr Douglass and the Scott Paper Foundation Leader- held April 24, 25, and 26. Dean of wins twos awa|rds ship Award went to William gStudent Affairs Kenneth R. Wad- Ralph Brody '65. The Baton So- gleigh noted that attendance was Edward L. Arnn '64 is the re- ciety Awards for outstanding con- Wthe largest of any Weekend to cipient of two awards as an out- tributions to music were presspnt- date. standing AFROTC cadet. One is ed to Richard Sherman Bair '65, Parents came from as far as the Link Foundation-Arnold Air Glenn Stephen Oren-stein '64, John California to attend lectures and 3Ylicinaeli Rainier '64. and Janet laboratories and to meet infor~n- Society Award for outstanding I Kay Stober '&4. ally the professors, roommates, 0.-*-- ,; -'l -- scholastic achievement. This a- John 'reed Moter '64 received and friends of their sons and ward cDries a $1500 fellowship the Clifford Award as outstanding daughters at MIT. Parents' Week- --I- z - - - . for one year of graduate study. athlete of -hee year, and the Ad- Institute ever-y end is held at the Ann is one of two recipients in miral Edward L. Cochrane A- other year, alternatinkg with an the nation. ward for athiletic excellence and Open House for the general pub- I He is in Course VI and will sportsmanship was --presented to Elie. ' be return;.ng to MIT next fall as Michael Robert Williams '64. A CgMany families arrived Friday Act ^<.................-i a master's degree candidate with special award, the Eastern Col- evening in time to attend theatri- . t t& o that fellowship. lege Athletic Conference Merit gcal and musical productions - 'Me second award is the So- Medal, was given to Martinn Tur- gDrarnashop students performed .^ ciety of American Military En- ner Poe III '64. gIbsen's "The Wild Duck." The Vol 84 No I I Cambride a. gineers Award, given each year The Quadrangle Club Award EMITConcert Band held an open 8 9' SS., Wednesday, A~pr. 29, 1964 5c to the top twenty AFROTwC sen- for outstaydig freshman athletes rehearsal of a work composed for cies iors in engineering or science. was presented to Davoid Norman Kit, Engineering residenc Arnn is now Special Assistant Schramm and to Alexander Dan- Parents registered Saturday to the Comnmandanlt of Cadets. iel Wilson. Robert Neal Harvey Emonung and had the opportunity He is a member of Tau Beta Pi '64 was chosen Manager of the Wtoattend one of three demonlstra- 30 .N~f0 Fo i and Beta Kappa Nu, Electrical Year, and the Beaver Key 1ro tsionlectures. Special lecturers e$V i >rd grant Englgneeri.ng honor societies, and phy honoring a living group's %%,ereDr. Hans-Lukas Teuer, of Scabbard and Blade, the ROCIEhigh degree of athletic partici- gProfe-ssor of Psychology; Dr. In order to give engineering pro- their campuses and company posi- honor society. He has been comn-I pation want to Delta Tau Delta WHansMueller, Professor of Phys- fessors experience in practical in- tions. Funds will also be used to mander of -the Lt. Col. Jay Zea-I for the third straight year. Fics; and Dr. Warren M. Rohs- dustrial decision-making, the Ford defray the administrative costs of mer Squadron and a member of Major awards in athletic adl- Renow,Professor of Mechanical Foundation has set aside $300,000 the project. Alpha Phi O~mega. ministration went to: James El- gEngineering. to finance residencies in engineer- bert Allen Jr. '64, W~illiam Ralph Saturday afternoon, parents at- igpactice. Brady '65, Joseph Lee Kirk '64, Xtended informal talks with fac- Sixty faculty members will be APO Carnival grosses $1800 Saturday night, Henrys John Modetz Jr. '64, and Eultymembers and toured labora chosen to spend up to fifteen Kim Clyde Maxwell Sloat '64. Str aiiis pcaon eosr-monthsleave from their teach- PDT, AEPi, Grad Student Coun~cil win trophies The following received Minor Ptions included space war games ing positions at professional sala- Awards in Athletic Administra- oil the TXO and PDP-1 compu- ries. To ensure genuine learning 3,500 people attended the APO pha Epsilon Pi. The trophy for tionT: Steven Warren Brostoff '64, Fiters, an experimental study Of experience, the professors will Carnival Saturday evening, ac- the most original booth went to D:avid George Brown '64, Ronald ;q.the flow of abnormal blood, and work closely with engineers em- cordinrg to carnival chairman Stu- Graduate Student Council's wine Ira Mandle '65, Henryr John Rack ' experiments in crystal growth. ployed at the highest levels of art Shapiro '66. The carnival tasting booth. '64, and Donald Hermian Siefkes .X~usoh opttoetrtechnological decision-making in grossed $1800. A major attraction of the car- '65. BandNational Magnet Laboratory the cooperating companies. There were 26 booths at the nival was the piano-reduction -Were offered. Parents of Course CalW 3rmndietro carnival, sponsored by various contest. Pianos were smashed in- rzSXII majors toulred the new Cen- the Ford Foundations Science and grcups. Trophies were awarded to pieces small enough to fit Exanm schedule outf is,ter for the Earth Sciences. Engineering program, voiced "a for the first and second most through a .2-meter hole. Contest- On Sunday, parents were enter- grwn ocr htyUnger en- All students should obtain an successful booths and to the most ant teams were Walker Student examinationn schedule now at the Rtained at open houses given by gineering teachers lack awareness original booth. Staff, Phi Delta Theta, Baker JV Information Office, Room 7-111. §the resident housemasters and of maufacturing, marketing, fi- The trophy for the most suc- and Baker Varsity. Baker V~ar- Exams not listed or a conflict zglheir wives in the various dormi- nancing,,and other considerations cessful Mboth went to Phi Delta sity wan withi a time of 11 min- in exams, such as two, gri adbinfluence eDaefesnthat engineering deci- Theta, and second place to Al- utes, 1 secndie.
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