__ ... u.$ ..*_... ep ....i. ~- Barber clips his way through 36 years of haircuts By Peter A. Salinas son's first cut and laughed about "I do a lot of preachmg," he promment Pomter whom he StaN Writer "Sam originally had hIS shop have had theIr haIr tended to for saId "I'm not a mmlster, but I wouldn't IdentIfy. Thirty-six years ago haircuts on the second floor of what is four generations the trauma that ensued Lang. preach m the absence of the "It was a beautIful day and cost a dollar, coffee was a dime a now the NBD buildmg on Mack "JIm was the first barber I ford has envelopes on hand for mmlster II warm," Langford saId. "He was cup and Jim Langford fimshed and RIvard smce 1927," he said came to 36 years dgO," sald DICk collectmg the hall' of first-timers Langford and hIS WIfe Kath. m the chair and really relaxed barber school and began workmg "He later moved to thiS loca- Speer of the Farms, as he had "We're known for OUI cuckoo ryn have two chIldren, Barbara WIth hIS eyes closed. His WIfe m Grosse Pointe tlOn" hIS hall' trimmed I've never clocks alOund here," Langford and TImothy. He likes boatmg walked up to the door and put After spending hIs entire Cd- HIs shop, Jim's Halrcuttmg gone to anyone else and I stIli bald about the wooden clock on (he owns a wooden 18.foot Ly. her finger to her hps for me to reer in the same shop, he retIred and Stylmg Shop, at 359 FIsher, have most of my hall''' the wall that has become an 1m. man Clinker Bul1t), huntmg and keep qUiet She then leaned over last Saturday IS dIrectly across from South's Langford IS well-known and portant part of the shop "It keeps th(> young ones enter. other outdoor actIvIties. He espe. and kISsed hIm I Jumped back, , . "It's the best job in town," football field Langford has sold well-liked throughout the area CIally hkes to hunt bll ds and has because I was the only one m saId the tall, 61-year-old father the busmess to Dave Brown, John Jensen brought m lllS son, tamed We'le on ow thIrd one" owned an English pomter and the shop and I dIdn't want to get of two "Some of the mcest peo- who's been with hIm for 21 MIke, 16 months, for hIS first Langford wIll remdln active Bnttany spamel punched" ple m the world have walked years haIrcut, makmg the .Jensens a He'll be fillmg m on vacatIOns "I go down south and I also HIS reCIpe for a good, healthy through my doors" There are dozens of famIlIes m three-generatIOn famIly of cus- fOl the thl ee bdrbers at the shop, and WIll be devotmg more tIme lIke to hunt up near Lmcoln, head of hair? Langford began workmg for Grosse Pomte that have, for tomers The baby's grandparents Clare and near MIO," he sald Sam Barker in 1952 He bought three generatIOns, gone to Lang- were on hand for the e\ pnt to the ChUlch of ChrIst m East He related a story about a See BARBER, page 17A the shop from hIm m 1957 ford, and several famlhes that Jensen's mother recalled her DetrOIt r.,~: ,Opera benefit 2A Pr:trents talk about hall parties 3A HfJll parties '5no fun worry parents 6A Demonstrating his knock.'em- , . dead technique for for throwing a giant snowball. S-year-old lesse ,~e:t!o;.~~.~~~ 7A Craig scoops up an armload, 'kids or baseball? 8A while Charlie Braun. 7, in the back displays his form. But before , "Choirs in review l0A he could fashion his monster ,PbitPpries 11A snowball. someone else took aim. ~ ~~~;" .. , , '-+;,<1 and lesse. alas. forgot to duck. , ... ; NOTith to do The action took place in the Park ?Wizard of Oz'........12A last week when school was can- >'" ({ ~~... S!1ltool news 14A celled due to snow. More photos of the heaviest snowfall of the sea- Hig6ie House son are on page 13A. : .4J''cbe torn down .....lBA /" Double double 19A h-:~.i ..J1t~b~k.., 2M. ,~. Jj ing uia11Wn 22A i I' 'd 'Oncefior women t",>i>~ ~ /~¥ S owners 23A A ~pecial delivery lB llere's Jeannie 2B Photos b) Sert Fmanlllie 'Phone call from Pavarotti 3B Just another Lent 4B Citizen volunteers help juvenile court Three Norsemen By Nancy Parmenter V I f h .signees 1C Staff Writer 0 unteers rom a vanety of "tay With t e family They at e, under some attack," Basham The commIttee IS gettmg to Volunteers are at the core of a backglOunds serve as advocates Bal samlan Sdld, "m a nutshpII, "aid "It's m danger of losmg the gether a package of alternative South is swept new attempt to Improve the suc fO! the court and as condUIts be. altel natlve" whIch would allow level of revenue from both De and preventIve treatments and off the ice 2C cess rate of the Wayne County tween the court and the com us to keep non-vIOlent offenders tlOlt and the state" lookmg for other sources of fund. What keeps your Juvemle Court. Plagued by the mUnlty Gettmg the \~Old out IS "uccessfully at home We have to AdVISOry commIttee members mg Last year It established a ticker ticking? 4C dIfficulty of dealmg WIth the their speCIalty ~et ,real conllol mto the young- went through an Ol'IentatIOn pe tax exempt Wayne County ,Juve. large numbers of abused and de Some of the members \\ere ster s lIfe ThIS means Imposmg nod, slttmg m comi: to momtor nile Court FoundatIOn to funnel 'Ironweed' and 'Having lmquent chIldren on an made surpl'Ised at what they found "I lImIts an~ remforcmg parental eXistIng condItIOns, Bashara donatIOns to programs that prove A Baby' reviewed .....5C quate budget the court m the was appalled at the lack of funds authonty ,>ald The reqUIred onentatlOn workable last two yea;s has tm ned to a to do the job," said one "Juve , The commIttee IS co chaired by gave them some background for "We feel there needs to be a commIttee mle comi IS not even In the com. Grosse Pomter George Basham puttmg fOlih suggestIOns for 1m better system," Basham saId "It puter age" and mclnde., low! IeSldents S provements take" money - and genel ally The court IS an arm of probate Gar~ Splll'l (,( 01 gld Mandich, "The court does a pretty good the needs of the state alld the COlllt. both of whIch are funded RlchalC! Ht.' 1 111ho died last Job With \\hat they have," he county outweigh (tIll' need., of by the county Given Wayne week). "'kp'- 1, (,('I mack, JOdn ""lid 'The commIttee has felt Juvenile COUIt) Thl' Il1l ,- \~ I II t County's austere budget, the Clt G('hl ke and I) "Ii '" VOVdclllOff f1U.,tlatlOns Just as the comi PtJ~~t'~ Izens' AdvI'>ory CommIttee and The 1I1lU tll.ill I "t,lf1ed ,m.! hI' the Juvenile courts need to come Richard A. Wright up WIth '>ome ne\\ \\ay" to solve old problem" for a week or so at a tIme, any By Pat Paholsky As fO!mel Pl eSldmg .Judge Y number of cars fJ am the factory Editor Glady,> BarsamIan saId to the The answer a '64 Rambler And over the yea! ", he ha<; DetrOIt FI ee Pl-e"", "We can no convertIble, a '67 Dodge Charger drIven hiS '>hare langeI do more of the "ame .. and an '82 AMC Concord statIOn "I like all car'i," hp say" But Some of the .lltel natIve pi 0 wagon when pressed, he admIts "If I 1-,'1,1111" mclude mtenslvP PlotM The questIOn What kmd of could have any CdI' m the world tlOn. \\ orkJl e"tltutlOn, lItel dCy car does RIchard A Wright, who I'd probably have a Ford Mm plogram" and youth d't"I"temcc, Wlltes about them for a lIvmg, tang What I really got e;tuck on all effOli'i to gl\E' "on](' structUl(' dnve? was Amcncan mue;c1e cals ilnd contlOl to a young pel "on'<; "I always kmd of liked "As I get older, I llke a little IIfp whJ1p allowmg hIm or her to Nashes," he saId "They're also a bIt of luxury," he adds good buy" Wnght, who has "pent nearly As auto \\'Tlter for The DetrOit 30 years as a wnter, dIdn't m News, Wright gets to te'lt dnve, tend to go mto Journall<;m After Student hIgh school, he went to work for a prmter "I had no partlculal goal and I rescued deCIded to go mto the army I A 12 year old -ev('nth grader wound up m language school" wa" pullrcl from the bottom of He spent a year m Monterey, the PlCrce Middle School pool Callf, studylllg RU""lan The Wednesday ilftel noon, Feb 10, army sent hIm to Germdny and \\de; rrc;u"cltHtpd by the where he \\orked With an mtellI phV"lcal cducatlOn lll~tl uctor geme gatherIng team developmg Accordmg to PI mClpal SU7 pi ogram" for keepmg tl <lck of anne Klrm. the "tllcl( nt wa<; III Ruc;s18n tank unit" tlw pool a" part of !wr ph} "lcal "I thought 'ienously of "taymg educatIOn clel"~ m the army and temg a RU"'iI'ln The "tudf'nt, who wa" un[on .,pecwll'it," hp "aId .,C10lh when .,he \\ "., blollght to It wae; a quantum If'dp fOI thl' the "UI1aC('.
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