MAR | APR 2020 NORTHAMPTON DON’T WORRY BE HOPPY CASK & TRADITIONAL CIDER NORTHAMPTON Upcoming Events March Beers CRAFTY BREWERY - SURREY MARCH 2020 1ST FOOTBALL LEAGUE CUP FINAL Crafty Brewery 4TH FOOTBALL FA CUP FIFTH ROUND WEEKEND Loxhill Biscuit (3.6%) 7TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS IRELAND V ITALY is beer brings a wonderful balance of sweet oral notes and a subtle orange nishing making it our favourite session beer. 7TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS ENGAND V WALES 8TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS SCOTLAND V FRANCE Pale Golden 10TH -11TH FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG Toast £67.99 PER 9 GALLON 12TH FOOTBALL EUROPA LEAGUE LAST-16 FIRST LEG Subtle Orange 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS WALES V SCOTLAND 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS ITALY V ENGLAND 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS FRANCE V IRELAND 15TH FORMULA 1 AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX MELBORUNE Crafty Brewery (4.0%) 17TH EVENT ST PATRICKS DAY Dunsfold Best A true English ale made with classic English hops, grain and yeast. Fuggles 17TH -18TH FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG and First Gold hops deliver the characteristic avour and nose 19TH FOOTBALL EUROPA LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG 21ST FOOTBALL FA CUP QUARTER-FINALS Caramel 22ND FORMULA 1 BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX SAKHIR Malt £69.99 29TH BOAT RACE OXFORD V CAMBRIDGE LONDON PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Bitter APRIL 2020 Crafty Brewery 4TH HORSEHORSE RACINGRACING GRANDGRAND NANATTIONALIONAL Hop Tipple (4.2%) 5THTH FORMULAFORMULA 1 VIETNAMVIETNAM GRAND PRIX MELBORUNEMELBORUNE Dry hopping addsa bold nish to this thoroughly thirst-quenching golden coloured beer 11THTH BOXINGBOXING DANIELDANIEL DUBOIS V JOE JOYCE LONDONLONDON 1188THTH - 4THTH (MA(MAY)Y) SNOOKERSNOOKER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHEFFIELDSHEFFIELD 1199THTH FORMULAFORMULA 1 CHINESECHINESE GRANDGRAND PRIX SHANGHAISHANGHAI 2233RD EVENTEVENT STST GEORGESGEORGES DAY Golden Caramel £70.49 PER 9 GALLON Bold ● Hoppy Please be aware that Brewer Increases will take effect from1st April 2020, log onto www.lwc-drinks.co.uk/price-increase-2020 Upcoming Events March Beers CRAFTY BREWERY - SURREY MARCH 2020 1ST FOOTBALL LEAGUE CUP FINAL Crafty Brewery 4TH FOOTBALL FA CUP FIFTH ROUND WEEKEND Loxhill Biscuit (3.6%) 7TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS IRELAND V ITALY is beer brings a wonderful balance of sweet oral notes and a subtle orange nishing making it our favourite session beer. 7TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS ENGAND V WALES 8TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS SCOTLAND V FRANCE Pale Golden 10TH -11TH FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG Toast £67.99 PER 9 GALLON 12TH FOOTBALL EUROPA LEAGUE LAST-16 FIRST LEG Subtle Orange 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS WALES V SCOTLAND 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS ITALY V ENGLAND 14TH RUGBY SIX NATIONS FRANCE V IRELAND 15TH FORMULA 1 AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX MELBORUNE Crafty Brewery (4.0%) 17TH EVENT ST PATRICKS DAY Dunsfold Best A true English ale made with classic English hops, grain and yeast. Fuggles 17TH -18TH FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG and First Gold hops deliver the characteristic avour and nose 19TH FOOTBALL EUROPA LEAGUE LAST-16 SECOND LEG 21ST FOOTBALL FA CUP QUARTER-FINALS Caramel 22ND FORMULA 1 BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX SAKHIR Malt £69.99 29TH BOAT RACE OXFORD V CAMBRIDGE LONDON PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Bitter APRIL 2020 Crafty Brewery 4TH HORSEHORSE RACINGRACING GRANDGRAND NANATTIONALIONAL Hop Tipple (4.2%) 5THTH FORMULAFORMULA 1 VIETNAMVIETNAM GRAND PRIX MELBORUNEMELBORUNE Dry hopping addsa bold nish to this thoroughly thirst-quenching golden coloured beer 11THTH BOXINGBOXING DANIELDANIEL DUBOIS V JOE JOYCE LONDONLONDON 1188THTH - 4THTH (MA(MAY)Y) SSNOOKERNOOKER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SSHEFFIELDHEFFIELD 1199THTH FORMULAFORMULA 1 CHINESECHINESE GRANDGRAND PRIX SHANGHAISHANGHAI 2233RD EVENTEVENT STST GGEORGESEORGES DAY Golden Caramel £70.49 PER 9 GALLON Bold ● Hoppy Please be aware that Brewer Increases will take effect from1st April 2020, log onto www.lwc-drinks.co.uk/price-increase-2020 April Beers SKINNERS BREWERY - CORNWALL Skinners Brewery Chapel Rock (4.0%) Light, Hoppy and Bursting with avour this pale ale hints of warmer times ahead. Straw Pineapple £78.98 PER 9 GALLON Citrus ● Lemon Skinners Brewery Hop ‘N’ Honey (4.0%) A amber ale which is balanced with a little fruit and sweet avours to give a well rounded nish. Amber Toffee £79.89 PER 9 GALLON Sweet ● Honey Skinners Brewery Betty Stoggs (4.0%) Copper coloured with a light malty aroma, a oral, even cedar taste. Copper Orange £79.89 PER 9 GALLON Malty ● Dry ST PATRICK’S REMEMBER TO STOCK UP DAY TUESDAY MARCH 17TH Price Fighter Feature Beer LocalLocal HeroesHeroes LangtonLangton -- LeicestershireLeicestershire AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy ee LaLangtonngton BrBrewewereryy waswas establishedestablished inin 19991999 atat thethe BeBellll IInnnn atat EaEastst LaLangton,ngton, rerelocalocatitingng toto oorperpe LaLangtonngton inin 20052005 ddueue toto incrincreaseeasedd prprodoductiuctionon cacapacipacityty.. HeHerere atat thethe LaLangtonngton BrBrewewerery,y, wewe prprododuceuce traditradititiononalal beerbeer usingusing ononlyly thethe nestnest ingringredienedientsts toto gigiveve thethe didisscerningcerning drinkerdrinker aa selectioselectionn ofof wellwell balancedbalanced andand distinctivedistinctive beers.beers. PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY InclinedInclined PlanePlane (4.2%)(4.2%) RainbowRainbow BridgeBridge (3.8%)(3.8%) AA RefrRefreshingeshing ambamberer colocolourureded bittbitterer wiwithth aa lighlightt BrBreweweded usingusing thethe nestnest AmericanAmerican hophop varietiesvarieties toto ooralral nish.nish. AA lalatete addiaddititionon ofof thethe AmarilloAmarillo hophop addadd aa cicitrustrus kickkick toto thisthis rerefrfreshingeshing golden golden beerbeer.. CiCitratra instilsinstils aa distinctdistinct cicitrustrus aavourvour.. FirstFirst BrBreweweded inin 2004,2004, && MoMosasaicic hopshops areare blendedblended inin plenplentifultiful amountsamounts toto andand namednamed aeraer thethe cacanalnal boboatat lili bubuililtt inin 19001900 atat deliverdeliver aa cocompmplexlex trtropopicalical nonosese.. CrispCrisp palepale maltsmalts FoFoxtxtonon Locks.Locks. cocombinembine wiwithth thethe hohopsps toto cracra thisthis thirstthirst quenchingquenching titipppple.le. AmberAmber GoldenGolden £76.59£76.59 £75.99£75.99 CitrusCitrus FruitFruit PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN TTropicalropical PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN BalancedBalanced CitrusCitrus ●● Hoppy Hoppy MaltyMalty SEASONASEASONALL ThomasThomas LiftLift (4.4%)(4.4%) TTopop LockLock (3.9%)(3.9%) AA generousgenerous addiaddititionon ofof cacaramelramel maltsmalts denesdenes thisthis AA rerefrfreshingeshing goldengolden bittebitter,r, veveryry smoosmoothth andand criscrisp.p. deepdeep cheschestntnutut aale;le; wiwithth aa sweetnesssweetness onon thethe palpalatatee SingSinglele hhoppoppeded wiwithth BrBrewewersers GoGold,ld, gigivivingng aa sweetsweet whicwhichh isis oosetset byby pinepine andand cicitrustrus aavourvour notes.notes. isis andand maltymalty balabalancence toto aa rerefrfreshingeshing warmwarm weweatatherher alale,e, isis aa luluscioscious,us, full-bodiedfull-bodied brbrewew whichwhich willwill leleavavee youyou perfperfectect forfor thethe ssummerummer momontnthshs aheaahead.d. wawantntinging ananototheher.r. ChestnutChestnut GoldenGolden CaramelCaramel ●● Floral Floral HopHop £74.99£74.99 HoppyHoppy £74.99£74.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN MaltyMalty ●● Fruit Fruit SmoothSmooth ●● Crisp Crisp £59.99 PhippsPhipps -- NorNorthamptonthampton PER 9 GALLON AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy PhippsPhipps NoNortrthahampmptonton BrBrewewereryy CoCompmpananyy hashas reretuturnedrned toto iitsts roroootsts inin aa ViVictctororiaiann brbrewewereryy inin thethe hearheartt ofof NoNortrthahampmpton,ton, 4040 yeyearsars aeraer Phipps'Phipps' BrBridgeidge StStrereetet BrBrewewereryy closedclosed.. The Brewery PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY AAdnams is a regional brewery founded in 1872 in Southwold, Suolk, England, PhippsPhipps IPIPAA (4.3%)(4.3%) DiamondDiamond AlAlee (3.7%)(3.7%) by George and Ernest Adnams. It produces cask ale and pasteurised bottled beers. AA classicclassic blendblend ofof GoGoldingsldings && FuFugglesggles hopshops gigivesves thethe AA palepale amamberber haharvrvestest aleale broubroughghtt babackck toto lifelife frfromom characcharacteteriristicstic EnglishEnglish aleale aavoursvours toto theirtheir full-bodfull-bod-- frfromom Phipps'Phipps' 19th19th cencentuturyry,, leleatathherer boboundund brbrewewer'ser's Annual production is around 85,000 barrels. In 2010, the company established the iedied beerbeer.. ee balbalanceance ofof bittebitternesrnesss andand sweetness,sweetness, boobooks.ks. isis isis thethe ooldestldest rerecicipepe wewe brbrewew totodaday;y; aa lighlight,t, alliedallied toto aa smoosmoothth hopphoppyy aeraer-taste,-taste, crcreaeatestes aa mostmost brbrigightht andand sparksparklingling aleale develodevelopedped inin thethe eaearlyrly 1860s1860s Copper House distillery for the production of gin, vodka and whisky. atat Phipps'Phipps' ororiginaliginal ToTowwcestercester BrBrewewereryy toto ooerer drinkabledrinkable pipintnt andand oourur agshiagshipp brbrewew.. rerefrfreshmeneshmentt toto thethe farmfarm woworkers.rkers. PalePale PalePale GoldGold Adnams HoppyHoppy ●● Spicy Spicy ●● Orange Orange £72.99£72.99 FruitFruit ●● Hop Hop ●● Floral Floral £79.99£79.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN Lighthouse (3.4%) GrapefruitGrapefruit ●● Malty Malty DrDryy ●● Crisp Crisp ●● Full Full Pale Gold PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY SEASONASEASONALL MidsummerMidsummer MeadowMeadow (3.9%)(3.9%) RedRed StarStar (3.8%)(3.8%) Adnams
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