![Improved Cryptanalysis of the Stream Cipher Polar Bear](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn C h inese Journa1 of E lectron ics V o1.16,N o.3,July 20 07 Im proved C ryptanalysis of the Stream C ipher P olar B ear冰 H U A N G X iaoli1,2 and W U C huankun1 (1.The S tate K ey Laboratory of Inform ation Security,Institute of S oftw aFe, C hinese A cadem y of Sciences,Beijing 1 00080, C hina) (2.Graduate S chool of C hinese A cadem y of Sciences,Beijing 1 00080, C hina) A b stract ---—— T his PaP er gives a guess-and-.determ ine th e first ev alu a tio n ro u n d ,i.e.,th e eS T R E A M w ish es to carry attack against p olar b ear,w hich is one of th e cand idate p o lar b ea r to th e se con d p h as e o f it. st r e a m c iph e r s o f e STR EA M . V le c h o s e t h r e e d iffler e n t T here are m any attacks ap plicable to stream ciphers,such c le a r t e xt g r o u p s u nd e r di ffe re n t a s s u m p t io n s , a nd o nl y as key recovery attac ks[¨ lin ear cry p tan aly sis[7。,a lge b raic considered the flrst th ree cy cles in each grou P.Som e values , attac k s[ ,引 d istin g u ish in g a tta ck s [2,1 11 a n d so o n . . L a t e ly J . in each gro uP w ere recovered through k now n constant va l— M a ttsso n [101 a n d M H asanzadeh e£以 【9】presented guess—and- u es an d som e relation s in th e p revious and current g rou ps. . W _e recover th e in itial state of p olar bear com pletely w ith determ ine attacks on polar b ear w ith tim e com plexity O (2 ) tim e com plex ity 0 (236·80).In this respect,our results are and O (2 · ) resp ectively. m ugh be tter than that of the tw o recent attacks w hose tim e W e use a g uess—an d-determ ine attack on p olar bear.W e com plexities ar e 0 (2 0) and 0 (2 · ) resp ectively.O ur at— re d u ce th e a tta ck tim e co m p lex ity to O f2 00· 0 ) w h ich is m u ch tack is bas ed on know n p laintex t scenar io w h ich requ ires kn ow ledge of three d ifierent clear text grou ps,w h ere the low er th an th at in R efs.1 10 ,91.W e ch o se th ree different plain— flrst 12 bytes of each grou P cleartext n eed to be know n . text groups bas ed on different as sum ptions,and only consid— ered th e first th ree cy cles in each gro u p .T h en m ad e a gu ess o n K ey w ords —— C ryptan alysis,P olar b ear,S tream ci- tw o in te r n a l—s t a t e v a lu e s in t h e firs t g ro u p .an d o b t a in e d so m e p her,G uess-and-determ ine attack ,eS T R E A M . oth er in tern a l—state valu es.T h en m a d e a g uess on on e intern a1. state value in the second grou p.O n th e bas is of the obtained I.Introdu ction values an d som e relations in the first tw o groups.som e other values w ere com puted.In the third group,w ithout any guess Stream cip hers are im p ortant sym m etric encryption sys— w e com p uted the rem aining unk now n initial—state values bas ed tern .M an y strea m ciph ers are used w id ely in rea l lire su ch as o n th e o bta ine d va lue s in th e first tw o gro u p s. th e strea m cip h er E 0 Lf】.w h ich is u se d in th e B lu eto oth tech — n o lo g y fo r w ire les s c o m m u n ic a t io n s .H o w t o d e s ig n se c u re a n d fast stream ciphers has been a h ot research topic.M any old II.D escrip tion of P olar B ear strea m cip h ers ,w h ich w ere co n sidered se cu re a t earlier tim e , L et lI,0 ,田 denote concaten ation ,bit—w ise m odulo-2 ad — a re fo u n d to b e in sec u re la ter d u e to m o re e ffi c ien t cry p ta n al— dition.and ad d ition m odulo 2 resp ectively. L et + and . y sis.S o co ntin u o us effo rts to ca ll for sec ure an d fas t stream den ote addition and m ultip lication operations in the finite c iph ers h av e b ee n m a d e in recen t y ea rs . field G F (2 1 respectively.For sim plicity ·一m ay be om itted. In 1999 the E uropean C om m ission launched a project B yte/word are used to denote S/16一bit quantities resp ectively. N E S SIE 【 J. T he m ain objective of the project w as to p ut If a,b,c are bytes,in allbllc,a is the m ost sign ificant byte etc. forw ard good stream cip hers that w ere obtained after an op en L et Ts den ote the R ijndaelt~J S—box.If w = W l I1w2 is a 2-byte call and evaluation .B ut after seversl evaluation rounds.no w ord,then (叫)denotes Ts(叫1)IIT8(~ 2). strea m ciph ers are selected b ec au se o f insu ffi cient se cu rity .In P olar bear is a synchr onous stream cipher. It uses a 7一 2004,E C R Y P T -E uropean netw ork of excellence fo r cryptol- w ord Linear feedbac k shift register (LF SR 、R 0 and a 9一word ogy.started a new stream cipher project eST R E A M [ .It is L F SR R .T hese are view ed as acting over G F (2 1.B esides a m ulti—year e肋 rt to select new and secure enough stream the se reg iste rs.th e in tern a l sta te o f th e c ip h er a lso d ep e n d s o n ciphers that m ay becom e suitable for w idesp read adoption . a w ord quantity S and a dynam ic perm utation of bytes D 8. P o la r b e a r tsJ is o n e o f th e c a n d id a t e st r e a m c ip h e r s o f e S . T he cip her is m ainly designed for a 128.bit keY an d 256.bit T R E A M .It w as claim ed to be suitable for both softw are and internal state.T he Initial vector (IV ) can b e any num ber of h ar d w are im p lem en ta tio n .P o lar b e ar b elo n g s to P h as e 2 a fter bytes up to a m axim um of 3 1. M a nu script R eceived J uly 200 6 ;A ccep ted A p r.2007 .T h is w o rk is sup po rted by th e N ation al N atu ral Scien ce Fo un d ation o f C h in a (N o.60673068) and the C hina N ational 973 P rogram (N o.2oo4c B 3l8oo4). 转载 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn Chinese Journal of Electronics Electronics Chinese Journalof 2007 On each messageto be processed.the cipher initializedis cycles,R。is three (1)In first the stepped2,3,3 steps by taking the expanded key,interpreting the IV as a cleart— orderly and R isstepped 2,2,2steps orderly.Because S is ext blockand modified applyingroundslightly a five Rijndael initializedto 0,the cycle first of registers alwaysis clocked 2 encryption with block length 256.The resulting cipher text steps. block isloaded into R0 and R .D8 and S are initializedto Thereforethe probability that this assumption can be met equal to and zero respectively. The two LFSRs are first 0.5 is : 2一 . irregularly clocked through S.Two selectedwords fromeach for different.Thea;are probability 8 all first the (2)Let ofR0 and R arerun through Ds to produce4 bytes output. this is Then selected entries in D8 are swapped. Finally S and R are modified inpreparation for the next output cycle. 2 ×(2 一1)×...×(2 一7)/(2 ) ≈0.90 N ext state function Let l0= 7 and Z1= 9 be the (3)Let the following 16 a are all different.The probabil— different.Theprobabil— aall 16 are following the (3)Let lengths of the registers.R the 2+(【S/2stepped of is lengths mod2) J ityfor this is steps,where【s/2H morenot integer largest the denotes J thanS/2 .Andfollowing: the of consists stepeach 2 ×(2 一1)×⋯ ×(2 一15)/(2 ) ≈0.62 ·Set f +-- ·Setf +-- 。+Rt ,where, 0 。areconstants,J = 1 andJ = 5: The probabilitythat the three assumptions are allmet is ·SetR;+--R;+l'J=0,1,·一,f 一2; about 2一 × 0.90× 0.62≈ 2一 · . ·FeedbackR;一】 ,. assumptionsweguess瞒 Basedthese on andR 0.R and Afterstepping the two registers,do the following steps first from瞒 calculated beRgcan Ri0.Once and stages four the for i= 0.then repeat fori= 1. R ,R2,威andknown,T are R}0 known.Because fol— is the (1)d lla lIa lla lla lIa (1)d lla (R 一 ,R。t一2). lowing 16a aredifferent.T all caxlbe regarded as aconstant (2)Let (2)Let =Ds(a~),J=0,1,2,3. during the followingtwo cycles.The notation T usedstill is (3)Swap elements in Ds (3)SwapDs(aby in elements ) ,Ds(ai) , to denote Ds duringthe followingtwo cycles. Ds(a~)卜俄,Ds(a~) i. possible瞒 all through 0(2。 takes ) R}0Searching and Next, time.The successful probability of this attack step is about ·UpdateS accordingtoS S田 ll . 2一 ’ .Sothe time complexityof the firststep for successful ·UpdateR。according to磁 磁 田 ll 0(2。。· is attack and、.Therela- output groupinternal first where bj= where 0田.Output generation Output four bytes bo[[bzll62lIb3 tions and nonlinear update ofthe three first cycles under our assumptions are shown in Table 1.For the detailed process Let denote the ith output word,i = 0,1,that is, ofgetting other values,see Table 4.Table 4 means that we Z0=b0lIblandZ1=62lIb3. useknown caa-1 words and Table..cycle..relationto getdeduced Ifmore output bytes areneeded,go back andrepeat the wordsin each step. above process. In thesecond attackstep we choose the second cleartext group whichdifferent is fromthe group.W first make le three assumptions similarto those ofthe group.0nly first the first III.Description ofthe Attack assumption different is fromthat ofthe group.Thefirst first Let( 一1,R;+f +f 一2,·一, R oft )be state theafter assumptionas follows:Inis the threefirst cycles. stepped is steps ofprocessing,where theli is length of R . denotes 2,3,3 steps orderly and R is stepped 2,3,2 steps orderly. after update.Let z ,begroup,tththeith andcycle jth As statedbefore,the probabilitythat this assumption can be , m etis 2-4 outputword,1 i 3,1 t 3,0 J 1.Tomake simple, . let letT= Ts andT bethe permutation Ds afterthe cycle. first Theprobability that allthe three assumptions aremet is An importantobservation that is no matterhow each cy_ about 2一 ’ . cle of Ro is clocked,鹋,R2,.一,R24 Ro is of cle because constants are weR§.Under guess step this In and theobservation our , R2,.一,磁,R9, matter no that and R9,Roconstants are assumptions,wethree caD_recover some otherR:through the howeach cycle of R clocked,R is constant is becauseentries obtainedvalues and some relationsin thetwo first groups and
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