'V Average Dally Circulation Jlawteiltit gyrttitto wromssbAT, m A ndti Um Moptli of March, 164X X 8,105 toBlgkt wUh Hght alwwcLca/' Mra. Cllflord McNamara of S3 S. Moora, aoa at Mr. and lam eneoimigipbd during the eariy Meoibw at the Audit ^ < i / Mra. T9f6maa Moora, of 4 Oakland part of tbe/ypar. , H i t DIelalaa atraat Mitaitalned with a Johnison H[eads BareMB a< drentetlaaa.' Town card party a^^ar laat night atraatjf^Vho left two weaka ago yaa* The/ flo w in g delegates were MaiuftieHa^A City of ViUftge Chanty X for tha benalft' of the convention terday' with 82 Inductaaa from thta appothM to the Hartford County LDREN’ X t e taivEft «!• o( tha- fund of i t Margaret*a. Clrcla, town, la atatlenad at Miami Beach, Junior G. O. P. ^ n i^ tio n to be held in the Hotel ^oapiUI Euxmarjr win Daughtara of laaballA The eonfer- with the Army Air Corpb. Bafo|W Bond, Hartford, Thursday.. April II'fecU tonorrow from nine win take place in MllwaUkea. leaving ha waa honored with,^n 18; Margaret Rlstau, Ullllan Rey- / ■ JULPUNO.155 ( OB in the atora at 1069 Main WM, tha coming aummar. Tha df* parly by hla friends and preaepted RepubliCans Here Select sweida, Emest da.win bo rninraaented and at^eral with gifts. Ritchie, Frances Balllano and dele/ of tha mambara are giving benefit Tiie(r Officers at Tbeb* gates were appointed to the Stete ____ Claaa Beaman RubmU H. aodala. Wtnnera at bridge were Troop 11, Girl Scouts, will pre- •Convention to be held In the Hotel B,x*wl» haa bean home on a Mra; Feltar McEvltt and Mra. Ward .sent the one-act play, "School Annual Meet. Bond, Hartford, May 15. aa fol- W ork in g 1 from Newport, R. J., wae *:ranga, and in aetback, Mra. Wil* Daye." tohiglil at 7 o'clock at the lowb Cecil England, chairman; Joe \ a t a-party Sunday ava- liam §cully and Mra. P. R. Bran* Y. M. C; A., for pa'rentByjmd frienda victor Johnson, of PorJ Lutz, Frances Ballianoi^' UlUSn g, trlvM by hla grandparenta, nick. The luiaea were Mra. Mc- of the glrli. , ■ ^ was elected president Reymahder, Emest Ritchie. .Bad . 1 ^ Jamaa Lannoa ,at famara’a own.plcklea and pre* Republican Club at^^4he annual It waa announced that a drive CLOTHES \ for new membera would be initia­ Effect air \homa, \J10 Charter Oak lyvee and were greatly appre­ The Cosmopolitan Club will meet meeting and electl^d of officers afc^^VaiHy^va iblatlvea and ciated. After the gamM ^ e hoateaa Friday afternoon at Center church ted soon. \ ■ / ■ \ ^ I m re preaent. During the aerv^ aandwichea, cup oakea and house. The gtiest speaker will .be last night in the ^ s t Side Rec on The next meeting of the Young School street. Vice presidents, Republican Club will be held April of aVaning the honor coffee. , ‘ Miss Azubah Latham of' Cheatnitt \\ -XV- ^Boaot waa pTaaoited with a purae street, formerly of Columbia Unl- elected were: Gloconda Balllano, 27, at a place to be announced. An >2 Sectors Stuart Wasli^, Gladys Keith, Ern­ entertainment haa been planned j of money. A tmctoua buffet lunch The Mothera Circle of Ule Im­ verlitty's teaching staff. Her sub­ ject will be'‘Enco\iraglng Original­ est .Ritchie/ Frank Clancy, Mar­ and, refreshments will be served. t a a r^ . Beaman irwln la the maculate Cc^eptlon. will meet thia garet Rialau, Clarence Chambers I of M^. and Mra. Ruaaell H. Ir- evening at e i^ t o’clock at the ity.’’ Mrs. Maude Norton will be |J$Urvey o f Affected Cit- I o f'U Ridgaflald'atraet. hostess. and Margaret Napoli; secretary, ./ COATS home of Mra. Stanley Juroa of 03 Jennie Reymanderr 'treasurer, Ce­ Put the Blaat Boxy atylea in Navy. SiwI ic . Indicates' Com pli­ isling Told Paarl atreet. 9 The Woman’s Missionary society cil |kigland; assistant treasurer, In Blaat 10 to 16. \ Clarence Ewen. ' ance ‘Good* Mo ‘ 100 lAirgest Single Forc^ win meet tomorrow afternoon at Fnmaoea! Rdling Time, Bida are aaked at th^ local poat- 2:30 at the Emanuel Lutheran Committee Chairmen Per Cent’ and Employ­ Flying ForireRscs: Ever DANCE ofllce for the etorage' and care of church. At this meeting Mrs. Cal­ The following committee chair­ BURN/ ^ ig n s In c n .sing the govemment’e trucka. , They vin Davison and Mrs. Hllding Botin men were appointed: Executive: COAL/AND to ers Cooperating; Only Massed Blast Ship- Fri., Apr. 2 , 8 to 12 are now atored In the garage pwn- will receive contributions for the Bunnie Weiraan, Lillian Reyman- COKE ed by John Sml^ of 69 Hamlin "foodlesa food sale.” der, Jack Gordon and Joseph Lutz;, Few Ask Exemption. - ping and Air Fields of Modom and Sqaafes. atreet. The contract nine for. bhe entertainment committee: Frances More power to yoi^.. moreme pow- Southern S a rd in ia ; ' Art McKay’s Onhestra year.\ Balllano; membership, Jan 2Apad- er for Uncle,, Sam, if .voo,i boy F e a re d \ / Aviation Cadet William J. Cot­ Washington, April 1.—(/P) Biddlef mdge Pre­ Invasion Cari Wiganow^dri, A m p le r ter, son of Mr. and Mra.^ W. P. ka, Joe Lutz,' Robert Veitch, Mar­ coal now. Rum oil Is needed Hit Five Merchant Cotter of Btest Center street,, has garet Rlstau, Stuart Wasley and for the war effort. —The 48-hour Work week pared People of Adiiliaslon: successfully completed his schol­ Otto Herrmann; transportation, {vent into .effect in 32 laBor Report Allied Parp^t^ pig^j^^ Sm ash Vessels and 21 Sm aller »Ato!friNG AND Norwet^ ay$ Bor- Adalts 40& Children 25c. astic ahd' pre-flght training at thS Thomae Smith; speakers, Mrs. FIREl>LACB COAL short areas today and a sur- Troop»^ > m IS-tfrtoe, Craft During Raid- . PAPI’APl^HANGING University of Buffalo, and has been Ann Waddell; new^voters, Robert r Veitch; auditing, Harry Flavell, fvey of affected cities indicat- Strength fPanet Highlimd Park Good Work Beaaoaabla Rataa. transferr^ to the Unlveraity of Mountain»y Higldight Richmond, Vk. for training In ad­ Jamea Baker. SEAMAN TWEEDS these general results: At Japanese A M i e, d Headquarters in sCommiuiity Club vanced flying. The meeting usually held earlier /^UErUEL & SUPPLY CO. 1. Compliance, as descried 'ashington, April 1.—(JP)—In Of ^rman Jitter^ RAYMOND nSKE In the year waa advanced to the. North Africa, Ajiril I.- iuccesSora to Seaman Coal Co. KBy area directors of the mesaaga' prepared for the people —British and Amerii X PhoiM S384 Past mutrons of. Temple Chap­ spring date due to the gasoline and Pote Coal Co. and PLAIDS BritUh Infantrymen charge through a eectlon of the Mareth line In ’Tuiiisla during their ‘ ucce^ul London, /1 .— (/P)—• ^^S|ipply Lilies ter, No. 83, O.E.B., will hold their shortage and transportation prob-. ^Manpower commission, of Norway, Attorney General Bid' atteck on Marshal Ronuiiel’a Axis forces, which led to Rommel’a.Wlthdrawal along the coaat to the north. troops squeez^ tighter -/iilie, Boxya and fittad atylaa. Slzaa X II i monthly meeting Thursday eve­ "•good” to "100 p « ’'cent,” r- die tells ' Vidkun Quisling, Nssl I Axis in- 7 to 14. ployen are cooperating. (Radiophoto (rom dilro to New York). vise upon Axis divisi ning at eight o’clock at the home : r puppet ruler, that "the aource from 1 the Bal- Fliers ^Dter Attacks of Mrs:' Lida Richmond, 427 Main No Open IMtewie Tunisia today while ^ which you . borrowed etrength la Scandina- OfcD/ atreet. Mrs. Ellen Pickles wlH as­ 2. No caoeo of opbn deflance On Positions in New disclosed that the lamtst sin-: ^ sist the hostess. Members Upshle SKIRTS HATS Shad been reported to thk WMC. waning.,. .you are living on bor­ ■efe high- NOTICE Sizea 7 to 16. Wool ptekta rowed time." x e ^ ‘■gle force of U. S. Fot^ j ;ORD$ to be present are requestedxte *8.9810*13.98 Straws in nattml, rsd, S. RequezU for exomptlonx Reds Try to Increase a round- G uinea; 30 -i^'oot Gap tresses ever massed had la tar-'Ml*. notl^ Mia. Richmond. \ and plate colora. ross. *ivoro comparatively few, and The statement was e^tten for Allied par­ EFFECTIVE AT ONCE.. use by the Royal Norwegian Infor­ Blasted in New Bi^idge. blazied toe shipplng'^and air fiehte/. ^ yraot >a fmme principally from concerns achute troops had established of southern Sardmia, to w hich: plaffiBg fob BOW dMM. Carl E. Bolin of n t Cambridge l.arith a onjaU number of emplCyeo. mation service'in a booklet entitled Be Taken B Field Marshall ^ rw ln RommeL| OUR STORE WILL CLOSE strebt returned yesterday from the 4. Few woriterx will bo re- "Norway—After Three Years.” It a B a se /in the Norwegian Allied Headquarters in Ausi■ustra-' : 9Ha aadriiaM far aM rae- *2.98 to *5.98 Tempo of Offeasives mountains and had sallied out in looks for aid. / [arta tmapecBmaf «oaiilt^. Johnson Memorial hoapital where *1.49 to *1.98 ._jaaod for other Jobo, largely bo- will be broadcast to Norway and Ua. April 1—OP)—AlUed filersa oerk. TE^BRT n ig h t a t 5:80 ht underwent an operation. He la possibly to other occutfled coun (hit This Yekr raids on Naxi-controUed factories. ^ Spread Actm of Fire SUITS leauM virtually aU war 'planU and tered their attacks on Japanese Nearly lOC^For tresses, escorted ji gatUng aloog nicely. {many other concepts in the aflect- ;tiies. *1116 Norw.eglim government-ln- Tweeda and I^ d a .
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