www.ukrweekly.com 'HE CBOFOAA|jg|SVOBODA П " ""^e І УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОА(ННИК ТИИР' U KR AI HI AN О АІІЧ UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKLY EDITIOWeeN k У VOL. LXXXVII. No. 103 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1980 25 CENTS U.S. consul to Kiev addresses Amnesty International: Over 400 UCCA executive board meeting repressed by Soviets in 1976-79 NEW YORK - Amnesty Interna­ Among the cases documented in the tional said in a report released April 29 report are those of persons punished for that Soviet authorities had imprisoned criticizing official policies, trying to or otherwise repressed over 400 dissi­ defend the rights of others, complaining dents — confining some 100 of them in to the authorities about individual psychiatric institutions — during a four problems, holding unauthorized religi­ year period ending in mid-1979. ous meetings, trying to leave the coun­ The human rights organization, try, and even, in the case of Crimean which has branches throughout the Tatars, trying to return to their home­ world, held a press conference at its land within the USSR A major category international headquarters in London of political prisoners is made up of in conjunction with the publication of activists for the rights of national and "Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR: ethnic groups. Their Treatment and Condition,"a 200- The report quotes Soviet laws and page revised and updated version of a official interpretations of them to show report first published in 1975. how the rights of expression and asso­ According to the New York Commit­ ciation can be used only to support tee for the Defense of Soviet Political approved viewpoints. It also shows how Prisoners, the cases of Ukrainian politi­ Soviet courts repeatedly violate even these restrictive laws in order to punish In the photo above, taken during the April UCCA Executive Board meeting, from cal prisoners Vyacheslav. Chornovil, Danylo Shumuk and Dr. Mykola Pla- dissidents. left are: Ivan Bazarko, Natalie ^Shizar, Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, David Swartz, Under the law against "anti-Soviet Wolodymyr Mazur and Ignatius M. Billinsky. khotniuk were raised during the ques- tion-and-answer session of the news agitation and propaganda," for in­ NEW YOftK (UCCA Special) - which he has mastered and speaks conference chaired by Dick Usting, stance, proof is required that the The UCCA Executive Board held its freely. Coming to Kiev in July 1978, he assistant to the secretary general of AI. accused acted with the intention of plenary session here Saturday, April 19, began his business chores concerning The Shumuk case, reported the undermining the Soviet system, or that with 25 officers in attendance. premises for thtf"office and for resi­ CDSPP, was the subject of a series of he knowingly spread slanderous false­ dences for.the consular personnel. questions in light of the fact that the hoods. In practice, courts ignore this The meeting was opened and con­ (Continued on page 12) ducted by Wolodymyr Masur, UCCA The overwhelming part of his daily dissident, who is in his mid-60s, has executive vice president. Initially, he routine work, he said, entails dealing spent 36 years in internment. welcomed David Swartz, acting U.S. with emigration problems, as many AI researcher. Clayton Yeo also consul in Kiev, and asked George people apply for immigration to the reported during the conference that Svoboda subscribers Nesterczuk, an advisor to the Ukrainian United States under the family reunion more than 100 Soviet dissidents had National Information Service in Wash­ plan. He also attended many official been arrested in the last six months, said ington, to introduce the guest from the functions, and met Ukrainian and other the CDSPP. to get one more State Department, who was invited to officials on the republic and union Amnesty International U.S.A., address the meeting. levels. He said that he visited almost all which is headquartered in fslew York, month of Weekly It is to be recalled that after the Soviet oblasts of Ukraine, and many cities - said the new report contains a detailed invasion of Afghanistan last fall, Pre­ Voroshilovhrad in the east, Lutske in account of Soviet authorities' use of JERSEY CITY. N.J. - The Ukraini­ sident Jimmy Carter, in protest against the north, Uzhhorod in the west and hunger, forced labor and dangerous an Weekly will be mailed to all Svoboda this flagrant act of aggression, recalled Odessa in the south. He also visited drugs as means to publish dissidents, subscribers for one more month, that is, the advance party of the U.S. Consulate Lviv, he said. much evidence of the abuse of psychi­ until the end of May. announced the General in Kiev until the time when As a rule, he added, he spoke Ukrai­ atry and an analysis of Soviet law as UNA Supreme Executive Committee. Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanis­ nian everywhere and in return he applied to non-conformists. The report This "automatic" mailing of The tan. received replies in Ukrainian; in cases covers the four-year period between Weekly to all Svoboda subscribers was Mr. Swartz greeted the UCCA Exe­ when his official contact could not publication of the 1975 edition and the to have been halted as of May I. preparation of the second edition in cutive Board in the Ukrainian language. (Continued on page 14) However, due to requests from many mid-1979. Svoboda subscribers who have not yet The total number of persecuted been able to fill out and mail their Soviet dissidents cited in the report Weekly subscription forms, the Execu­ In accordance with Paragraph 33 of the By-Laws of the Ukrainian National Association (400) does not include those already tive Committee has decided to extend the imprisoned in 1975 or the scores of new the deadline for all such replies to the cases in recent months, noted AI. REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING end of May. -',. і Th6' international human rights Beginning June I. only those who of the organization also noted that it believes subscribe separately to The Ukrainian there are many more prisoners of Weekly will receive the newspaper. SUPREME ASSEMBLY conscience in addition to those known The Executive Committee has asked of the in the West. The real number is veiled by that all who wish to receive uninter­ official censorship, secrecy and the rupted delivery of The Weekly return UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION threat of retaliation against those who the subscription blanks received in the will be held May 12-17, 1980 speak out against political imprison­ mail as soon as possible. at the Soyuzivka resort in Kerhonkson, N.Y. ment, said AI. For the convenience of readers, a Opening ol meehng Monday. May 12 at 10 a.m. Punishment may take the form of Weekly subscription blartk will be confinement in a labor camp or prison, published in each issue of Svoboda and , commitment to a psychiatric hospital, The Weekly during the month of May. JOHN 0. FUS, exile to a remote part of the Soviet Readers may clip out this formand mail Supreme President Union or banishment from the "of­ it along with the subscription fee to the fender's" home area. Svoboda administrative offices. m ж THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1980 No. 103 Carter pays tribute to Sakharov Helsinki monitors appeal for NEW YORK - President Jimmy world. His courage and his compassion cancer-stricken Oleksa Tykhy Carter joined the Coalition for a Demo­ for all human beings Have placed him in cratic Majority in paying tribute to the forefront of the struggles for Human NEW YORK - Members of the Tykhy was punished on March 4 by human..rights activist Andrei Sakharov rights and for international peace. His Helsinki monitoring group active in the being placed in solitary confinent where and, in doing so, reaffirmed his admin­ belief that only a world order founded Soviet Union's prison camps and places he developed stomach pains. Dr. Deni- istration's commitment "to the ideals of in respect for human dignity can be a. of exile appealed in an open letter on sova, the camp physician approved the justice, dignity, compassion and peace stable, fruitful world order has been behalf of Ukrainian political prisoner continued confinement of Tykhy. On for which Andrei Sakharov has worked heard - and echoed - far beyond the Oleksa Tykhy, who is reported to be March 10-12 Tykhy's state of health so long, sacrificed so greatly and achiev­ borders of the Soviet Union. His insis­ stricken with cancer and denied medical worsened, and he vomited blood. ed so much." tence that the great powers must work attention. Tykhy told the guard on duty about together to control weapons of nuclear Tykhy, a teacher by profession, is a this, but no doctor was sent to examine News of the president's April 24 him. - message to the coalition was reported annihilation has won him the' gratitude member of the Ukrainian Public Group by the New York Committee for the of all who seek peace. Above all, his to Promote Implementation of the Dr. Denisova came to see Tykhy the Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners. defense of those to whom freedom is Helsinki Accords. next day, but she stated that there was denied, and his persistence in that nothing to be alarmed about. Tykhy The president said in his message that The 1979 letter was signed by Balys remained confined, and by MarcrrI8. Sakharov risked "his security and defense despite mounting repression, Gajauskas, Aleksandr Ginzburg, Ed- have earned him the world's admiration after 16 days of the hunger strike, his perhaps his very life" for the human vard Kuznetsov, Mykola Rudenko, stomach was severely distended and his rights cause and noted that even after and respect.
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