'Miss Annette Cribbs Pdtienfs April 14, I955TOR RANGE PRESS Pagt 17 To Enfer Weds George Willis Handiwork Miss Alma Annette Cribbs of Lomita married George Approximately fifty indivj- Tracey Willis of the same city during a recent evening Women.... candlelight ceremony at the Congregational church in dual entries in the fothcoming A Redondo Beach. Hobby, Art & Flower show will be hobbies to be displayed by Club News Society News The bride, daughter of Mr. er, wore a navy blue dress patients in Harbor General Hos­ MARY BARRETT, Women's and Mrs. Cecil C. Cribbs of sparked by pink accents, while Editor 2440 W. 256th street, was given pital. in marriage by her lather be­ the mother of the groom chose Inasmuch as crafts are a part a suit-dress fore the altar flanked by tall of black and white of the occupational therapy pro-, candelabras and offset by black large baskets accessories. gram which is medically pre- WOMAN'S CLUB FIRST filled with white stocks. The Friends and relatives of the Rev. C. T. Walberg read the couple gathered at a reception service. patients, such handiwork as TO JOIN KENNY held at the church following DRIVE The bride's sisters, Mmes. R needlework, copper enameling, the ceremony. W. Perry and R. A. Thompson, jewelry, woodwork, leather- ToiTance Woman's Club has been announced as tht served as matrons of honor in The new Mr. and Mrs. Willis, first Torrance work, and miscellaneous small women's organization to enroll for partici­ floor length rose-colored gowns. both graduates of Narbonne pation in the Sister Kenny Foundation's annual fund rais- Serving items, especially Jewelry as bridesmaids were high school, named Big Bear fash­ * ing campaign in May. Mmes. Arleen Cribbs, Bette ioned wtih Lake as their honeymoon des­ rhinestones and Mrs. B. T. Whitney has been Summerford, a^d Misses Shir- small semi-precious stones. Joy Kastrup and Jana Phifer, tination. They will make their CAR WASH appointed as Sister Kenny Day all wearing pale green formal According fro the advice of Chairman by Mrs. R. J. Rogers, home at 108-A So. Guadalupe in president, of the Torrance Wonv dresses. Redondo Beach. The groom is their physicians, patients are White IMC* Gown permitted to wprk a specified SLATED BY an's Club. The former Miss Cribbs employed at Union Oil Com­ amount of time either in the Four Hour Each chose for her wedding a gown pany in Lomita, while the bride Ward or In the occupational - Press photo DELTAS Club members will give four of white lace and net over is with Paul's Chevrolet in Tor­ therapy shop. HANDIWORK ADMIRED . Mr*. John Man- from left, is exclaiming over a lacy stole made hours of service on Sister rance. i'himmering satin. The fitted Emil Settlage Is in charge of 9«" of the Torrance JayCettes at left, admires by patient Mrs. Betty Malberg, while Mrs. If you see a group of twenty Kenny Day, May 11, between was of lace, and match- the occupational therapy depart- « crocheted doll made by Mrs. Rosy Martinex, Gladys Lucas, also patient, works on em­ or more girls in overalls, 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. to help raise Ing the lace W the gown was ment at Harbor-General Hospi- (not in picture) patient at Harbor Geieral hos- broidery at right. slacks, and shorts busily scrub­ enough money to assure con­ her prayerbook with which the Card Party tal, and with his help, the pa- pital. JayCette Mrs. Bob Waters, second bing and polishing cars in the tinued operation of the Sister bride carried a bouquet of or­ tients also edit their own month-^ gas station at 2624 West Carson Kenny Polio Hospital in El chid and hyacinth. Her veil was Planned At ly paper called "Harborlite," street Saturday, April 16. you Monte and its two Out-Patient of fingertip length. which is exclusively for the pa­ Grand Regents will kno\^ that they are the Clinics. The groom, son of Mr. and Sf. Catherine's tients. To further keep alive j Children Urged To Enter Delta Y-Teens working toward Enrolled groups will work Mrs. W. A. Willis of 25004 Cy­ their toward a Gold Candle or Silver The regular monthly card the patients' interest, they them­ Of CD A to fund for the YWCA Cen­ press street, Lomita/ was at­ selves tennial. Candle Award to be presented tended by party at St. Catherine Laboure participate in the func­ Hobby, Art & Flower Raymond Cribbs, tioning of the department. Show The car wash will begin at 9 at the second annual Recogni­ brother of the bride, as best parish hall, 3846 Redondo Beach Meet Today tion Day Breakfast at the Stat- an. Ushers boulevard, Torrance, will be The local Hobby, Art & a.m. Saturday, and will remain were Bob Perry, Discussion All talented children in the community are being is­ in session until 5 p.m. The ler Hotel on June 20. A Gold onnie Hall, Malcolm Wyat, held tomorrow night, April 15, Flower show on May 6, 7, and and plans for a sued a special invitation to enter their displays in the Candle Pin will be presented Don Hlbbard, at 8 p.m. Hostesses will be 8, will serve to further stimu­ dinner on April 28 to observe grils will require a very nomi­ and Frank Hill- Hobby, Art & Flower Show, May 6-7-8 at the Torrance nal charge for their work, and again this year to the'woman mycr. Mrs. Norton's district, and the late the Interest these patients the tenth anniversary of Court in behalf of the Sister Kenny affair Civic Auditorium. Each division in the show will have a all profit will be turned over to Junior Attendant* is open to the public. take in their respective hobbies. St. Catherine, Catholic Daugh­ children's section for hobby, art campaign. Miss Sharon Charland was and floral displays and the Centennial fund. ters, will be the purpose of a entry chairmen urge parents to Fund Distribution junior usherette In a pale green meeting this evening of the enter their children in all age Ninety per cent of funds formal; and Bobby Cribbs and past grand regents of the local i raised here stay here to support Steven Perry served as Junior Three Hundred View court In the home of Mrs. Frank Garden Slip groups. Fireladies the Sister Kenny Polio Hospital tisher§. H. Forester, 1416 Fern avenue. This year for the first time which is the only facility Mrs. Cribbs, th« bride's moth- in the Present at the meeting also Sale Held At a complete division in the Hobby Sef Gift, West specializing entirely in the */er« lubrication «( "'« will be Mrs. Frank A. Gately, Section of the show is .being treatment of poliomyelitis and LANOLIN it n«i 10 bring tech tbi Dawes-GarrisonRifes incumbent grand regent. Past using the Kenny method of Junior WC featured for children. Although care exclusively. iloom of youth. Three hundred wedding gup.sU gathered at the beau­ GadaetU Evenf meeting are Mrs. John Gitschier, the children's divisions In the | The Sister Kenny Fbunda- tiful La Venta Inn overlooking the South bay coast, at the A ways and means project A "Gift and Gadget" party lion. whi<?h is endorsed TURTOIL reception following: the recent marriage of Miss Patricia chairman of the dinner, and by the CREAM Mesdames Howard Owen, Jo­ consisting of a garden slip sale this year, this is the first time set for tomorrow. Apirl 15, at Social Service Commission, will ei*n<*«d with TURTLE OIL June Garrison to David Allan Dawes in the Torrance First highlighted the meeting of the need the service seph MacDonald, Thomas Bab­ children will be included in the 8 p.m. in McMaster's Hall, was of many more ntf ALPHA-fSTRADlOL Methodist church. Torrance Junior Woman's Club the topic of a recent meeting volunteers for its coming cam­ At the festive gathering bitt, Frank Farrell, Lyle O'Hora, floral section of the beck, and Alien Herring. A and Frank Forester. last evening in the clubhouse. show. of 1he Torranre Firelaciies at paign. Any individual, club or toasts were raised to the bride, junior male Also on the agenda of the meet­ The following are the entry the home of organization interested in help­ the daughter of attendant was Mrs. Sam Martin, Work Wonders! Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carty, as he carried the ing wore reports of the chair­ chairmen for parents to call. 2015 238th street. ing is urged to contact the Sis­ Earl W. Garrison of 2014 Mar- two rings in his role of ring men, completion of the revision ter Kenny Foundation office at in effective car* of tina avenue, Torrance, and her Betsy Ross Club Mrs. Gordon Jones at DA. 6-1617 During the session, commit­ bearer. of by-laws and the proposed tees were appointed, with Mrs. DUnkirk 8-0311. new 'husband, the son of the change in the point system. for hobby and art; and Mrs. Soloist Lee Hughes sang "The To Meet Tuesday John Thuss at DA. 6-0077 in the Sam Dial selected 1o head the David F. Daweses of West Ches­ Chairman of the garden slip Mrs. Ivan Kettering and MM. ter. Registering the guests at Lord's Prayer," "Through The floral division. committee in charge of the Fri­ Years," and "Because of You," The Betsy Ross Club will sale was Mrs. Sid Cans, and day event. The items will be Don Minor were appointed to the affair was* Miss Dorothy going at nominal prices wore The children's classification in begin plans for this annual Engleman.
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