ithen VOLUMK XXXI. N<». 7. SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, MAY 27, lttll. Price Three Cents. THE BOY SCOUTS MONUMENT TO THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER DEAD. THE ELKS DEFEAT OF AMERICA YACHT CLUB AGAIN There seems to be a misunder^ On Tuesday evening a howling team standing in the minds of a great of tile Yacht Club went 10 New Bruns- many people regarding the organiza- I wick to play return match with the Adrian S. Applegate Elected Depart' tion known as the Boy Scouts it ! Elks bowling team of that city. Not- America. The idea prevails that Will Take Immediate Steps to Abate j withstanding some great buwiing was merit Commander—Members o the aim of the Boy Scouts Is Nuisances-Thirty Days Given toj^ n™ £2 S V Gen. Win. S. Truex Post, No wholly military. This is not true. There is no military meaning at- Connect With Sewer on Broadway; better." The event proved most tached to the name scouting. Boy ' 118, Report That They Were „ ,. , r ., r , joyable to all, and the Yacht Club Scouts do not carry guns, but each Splendidly Treated by the People one has his staff. Peace scouting - Ordinance and Sanitary Code memb(,rs were nyMy entertained. of Trenton. trains boys in the way of resource- Introduced. i The scow: fulness and self reliance and the ELKS 187 215 many other qualities which make The Board of Health held a regular Greenwald 164 195 188 v ; Veterans of the Civil War were them men among men. There is no meeting on Thursday evening. Prc- ! CarberrHirsh y 201943 118 Warmly welcomed to Trenton on intention of making the lads Into Kent—President Eulner, Sexton, Wil- j Harkins 169 147 167 Thursday and Friday of last week for soldiers or of teaching them blood- KOII, C.elsinon, Parisen, Mayor Welsn j Burton 193 203 191 the forty-fourth annual encampment thirstiness. Even the names which and City Solicitor Penrse. of the Department of New Jersey, 0 the officers of the organization bear A petition was read from property Totals 923 850 926 A. H. The session opening the con have not the slightest military sig- owners and residents of First street YACHT CLUB ventlbn was held in Masonic Temple nificance. ^^* in regard to a nuisance existing on Smith 141 203 187 and attended by between 600 and 8u\ The first company of scouts was that street caused by the How of foul Silk 1G5 200 176 of the men who answered the call of formed in Surrey, England, and boys water in the gutters. It was laid on Lambertson 134 202 146 Parker 188 President Lincoln. became greatly interested, so that I the table for future action, 128 183 The encampment was opened with within a year there were a hundred yr Report of Health Inspector Parisen Stephenson I(i2 169 208 prayer by the Rev. William T. Abbott, thousand Boy Scouts in Kngland, was read and filed. Totals 790 chaplain of the department. Mayor The idea spread to America, and The secretary showed a balance on 802 900 Walter Madden delivered the address America is all the better for it. The hand of $3T>1.12; which was received of welcome. The morning session movement became known as the Boy and tiled. •was devoted to the presentation and Scouts of Ainericn. Prominent men In addition to the petition in regard Chapters of B. S. A. reception of reports of the Depart- in all walks of life are devoting their to nuisance on .street, verbal ment Commander and other officers besi energies as Scout Masters and reports were made as to conditions at Metuchen To-day and of committees. committee men, to make the move- on Stevens avenue in the matter of The Department Commander, James ment a success. The boys like It be- dust, and verbal reports of complaints j A regular meeting of the Central Inglis, Jr., reviewed the past year of cause it affords them an opportunity from almost every quarter of the city New Jersey Assembly, Brotherhood of ., the G. A. R. in this State. He said of being useful nnd at the same time wire cited by various members of th(> St. Andrew, will be held at St. Luke's that because of the active interest dis- of having a genuinely good time. It Hoard. It was also stated there was Church, Metuchen, Rev. John F. Fen- played by Past Department Com- develops manliness and character, a general complaint from all the ton, Ph.D., rector, today, Saturday. mander Connelly, his predecessor, In and gives many a boy now ideas -)f people in the city in regard to con- The chapters of this city will attend. legislative affairs, little has been left life and its opportunities. ditions existing on Broadway, where The following will be the program: connections have been made with the to be done In that direction, aside What do the Boy Scouts do? Well, 4:H0—Senior and Junior Conference. •>u rface sewer. • from urging the payment of the ap- here is a clipping from one of the Topics—"Boys Ideals." Chairman, propriations which were passed by President Eulner stated he had rs- Wm. F, Leggo, President Long Is- London dailies, which shows whnt N the beautiful National cemetery at Arlington, Va., across the J'oioinnc the Legislature during his term. In the Boy Scouts in Knglnnd are doing 2clved numerous complaints from land, Junior Assembly. these appropriations was included from Washington, the monument to the unknown dead IN one of tlie most people on Main street and Stevens and whnt they can do in America. striking reminders of the puthos of wur. This memorial, erected l>y the "The Values of the Brotherhood to avenue in regard to the dust, that he $50,000 for tlie purpose of enlarging This editor says: "When ev»r any- I government In ISGIi, bears I lie following Inscription, which tells its own the Church." Chairman, John the Vineland Homo. Colonel Inglis hing happens, whon there is a rail- pathetic story: had taken occasion to go up those Thomas, President Long Island added that for some time past there way accident, or a horse runs away, "Beneath this stone repose the remains of 2,111 unknown soldiers gathered streets, and found that it was a very Senior Assembly. has been a waiting list of old soldiers :>r a house catches on fire, or a nui'i after the war from the fields of Bull Hun and tlie route to the Ruppahunnock. Teat detriment to the people residing C :00—Supper and Social Hour. and their wives, anxious to be ad- alls into the river, Boy Scouts seem Their remains could not be Identified, but their names and deaths are recorded on these streets; he thought it the 7:00—Evensong with Address by the In the archives of their countryi and its grateful citizens honor them as o: mitted. o appear as if by magic to make positive, duty of the Board of Health, Rev. William G. McCready, D. D., their noble nrniy of matters. May they rest In peace! September, A. D. 18GG7 '*-• Colonel Inglis said: "There could' hemselvea useful in any and every to get busy In the matter. That the rector St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn. be a somewhat greater degree of way. They are trained to deal with attention of the council should be Juniors and others who arrive early harmony, a trifle more of the fratern- emergencies, to give first aid to the ailed to the matter and they should can play baseball and other games, al feeling that should bind the com- sick and wounded, to stop runaways, abate the nuisance same as any in- deepening Channel af\[Red Men to Hold dividual would have to do. Mayor rades closer together, but as a rule to rescue and resuscitate the drown- CAMP 3(1, P, 0. S. of A. Welsh state Stevens avenue was a (this lack of perfect harmony is con- ing. Go where you will in England, At the meeting of Washington Camp Cheesequake Creek county road and it was proposed to / fined to but few individuals. So, I am Scotland, or Ireland, you will meet Joint Class Adoption No. 36, P. O. S. of A., it was unani- v happy to report that the fraternal Boy Scouts, and if you are in take up with the Board of Freeholdora j mously votc(1 t0 join with williara S- status of the department is excellent." Two dredges are at work deepening the matter of having that thorough- ' any trouble you may trust them Ahander Tribe, Imp'd. O. R. M., of Truex Post, No. IIS, O. A. R., in at- The commander commented upon the channel at the entrance to Cheose- fare oiled. Also that he would take- 0 help you out, if they can, New Brunswick, and Seneca Tribe. tending service at Christ. Church on the splendid support he has received ! quake creek. One machine is work- or every Boy Scout is pledged to do No. 23, of this city, will hold a joint with the council the matter of hav- Sunday evening, May 28. Therefore from his follow officers and the sub- ing at the outer bar, where the bottom ing Main street sprinkled and Broad- good turn when ever the chance class adoption in the Wigwam of the nil members are requested to meet at ordinate posts. He referred to the is soft mud, while the other is dredg- way given attention to allay the dust. comes." former tribe on Friday evening, June camp room at 7 o'clock sharp for the resignation of Major Rogers as com- ing near the draw taking out the hard Counsellor Pearse was given the The main object of the Boy Scout 2.
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