(Honnecticut Sailg Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 **=- VOL. LXXX1 NO.^T STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1978 Lounges to be changed to rooms By MICHAEL T. CALVERT Sixteen dorms are affected by the Office of "We weren't asked if we wanted a fee increase or More than a dozen dormitories will have some of Residential Life's decision to create 138 new bed not — we didn't get it, so now we get this." their lounges converted into three and four person spaces by converting some study lounged into Sumner Cohen, director of Residential Life, has rooms next semester, the head of the resident rooms. Among the halls are Hale, Ellsworth, said because there was no increase in the room fee student government said Tuesday. Buckley, all four of the Alumni Quad residences, last November, tripling might be necessary to raise and a number of North Campus halls, according to money to cover increased costs. Larry Cafero, chairman of the Inter-Area Resi- For a list ol affected dormitories, see page 4 Richard Bigalow, a member of IARC and dent's Council (IARC). chairman of the WEBB (Watson, Eddy. Brock and Cafero said he was "disappointed" that IARC Belden) Council, said he thought the idea "stinks." The move, along with the conversion of Whitney had not been consulted more closely by housing on and said most of the students he had talked to felt Hall into a dorm, would mean 180 extra bed spaces the matter of converting the lounges, especially the same. He added, however, that students were and $80,000 in extra revenue for the UConn about the locations of the lounges to be converted. unsure how they would feel if the alternative to the housing department. "We've been getting it from both ends," he said. loss of lounges would be an increase in fees. Carter may force end to 71 day old coal strike By DREW VON BERGEN with both coal operators and UMW leaders, WASHINGTON (UPI) — President "Carter and he arranged further talks with the union Tuesday asked both sides in the 71-day coal Tuesday evening. strike to meet at the White House for "final Marshall also had scheduled an evening opportunity" negotiations and warned he session with the coal operators, but it was might order miners back to work if no cancelled without explanation after Carter settlement results. made his statement. United Mine Workers President Arnold Miller, in accepting the White House Miller quickly accepted the president's invita- invitation, accesed the BCOA of refusing to tion, but there was no immediate response resume negotiations, apparently basing his from the Bituminous Coal Operators Associa- statement on a letter he got from association tion (BCOA). leader Joseph Brennan Tuesday afternoon. Carter, in a personal appearance in In the letter, Brennan asked the union's theWhite House press room, did not invoke bargaining council to reconsider the contract the Taft-Hartley Act, which empowers him to offer it overwhelmingly rejected Sunday. order the 160,000 striking miners back to work The mine strike, in its 71st day Tuesday, is for an 80-day cooling off period. expected to cause mass layoffs in the next few United Press International But he made clear he might use the act if weeks because of energy shortages resulting The only vehicles on Washington Street in downtown negotiations at the White House fail. from lack of coal supplies. Boston are delivery trucks and taxi cabs as the emergency "That's one of the options available," he Because of those problems. Carter said he ban on private driving continued In the city Monday. An said. had directed Marshall to participate personal- estimated one-million commuters used the mass transit Under Carter's orders, Labor Secretary Ray ly in what he called "final opportunity" system for the first work day since the big storm. Marshall met separately Monday and Tuesday negotiations. Egypt to get U.S. jets, Israeli sales cut WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Carter intends F-15s and F-16s to Israel, would also sell the confidence." to sell Egypt its first U.S. jet fighters this year Saudis 60 F-15s — the finest fighters in the U.S. air while meeting only about half of Israel's warplane arsenal. But the decision seemed likely to infuriate Israel, aggravate the bitter U.S.-Israeli diplomatic dispute request, U.S. officials announced Tuesday. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance issued a written over Jewish settlements in occupied Arab terri- The officials said they expected the historic statement saying the breakthrough Middle East tories and mobilize Israel's Capitol Hill allies Middle East arms policy shift to generate "real arms decision "will not alter the basic military against the sales. debate" in Congress — which could block the sales balance in the region and will be consistent with the by majority vote — but indicated Carter feels the overriding objective of a just and lasting peace." "I will be interested particularly in finding out time has come to reward Egypt and Saudi Arabia whether there is a connection respecting the timing for their support of peace efforts and moderate oil Vance said the U.S. security commitment to of these sales, in view of the stalemate in the price policies. Israel "remains firm," but "Egypt, too, must have Egypt-Israel negotiations, and the U.S. position on The $4.8 billion package deal, offering short a reasonable assurance of its ability to defend itself Israeli settlements." said Sen. Jacob Javits. range F5's to Egypt and much more sophisticated if it is to continue the peace negotiating with R-N.Y. gether. Memorial Service BRIEFLY... Patten said he created a committee Former UConn president Albert N. of 25 corporate executives to review Jorgensen. who died Feb. 10 will be The Weather: Sunny with highs in the majors of the school and to honored at an informal memorial the 30's. determine their practicality. On the ceremony here in April. President committee's advice, the majors of Glenn W. Ferguson said Tuesday. Majors Merged Manpower Management and Labor Jorgensen was president of UConn Underenrollment has resulted in Relations. Management Science, and from 1935 to 1962 during a Univer- the cancellation of one major and the Production Management, with a com- sity growth spurt from 800 agricul- consolidation of three others in the bined enrollment of 36 students, tural students to 13.000 registered at School of Business Administration were merged into a single Manage- Storrs and at the five branches. that school's dean said Tuesday. ment major. Jorgensen's ashes will be flown Dean of the School of Business The new Management major will from Arizona and interred at the Administration Ronald J. Patten said stress a broader approach to manage- Storrs Cemetery in April, when the Executive Office Administration ment, while allowing students to take persons who wish to pay tribute may major, which has only five students electives focusing on the cancelled take part in the memorial ceremony. enrolled, has been cancelled alto- majors. Patten said. AfcertNals Ferguson said. ■ - (Htmmctxaxt HaUg Campua Serving Storrs Since 1896 Blizzard was really MARK A DUPUIS/Edltor-ln-C,hia» CRAIG K. SPERY/Butinaaa Manaflor JOHN HILL Ml/Managing Editor Grasso's windfall VIVIAN B MARTIN/Associate Editor - BUT, WHEN HE GOT STUCK in the snow on his way to storm central, By MARK A. DUPUIS he wasn't lucky enough to be able to A real peace hitch in to the armory. So, instead, he stayed where he was and jump Ella Grasso walked a mile, hitch- started other motorists' cars from the hiked a ride rom a telephone com- battery of his own car. No TV • Everyone is talking — pany truck and finally arrived at the cameras present. State Armory, now renamed the Part one of the Grasso re-election but are they really? "State Storm Control Center." campaign complete. She spent the night there, awake Part two began Friday when Grasso most of the time making decisions went before the General Assembly to Everyone is talking about peace in Palestinian homeland or the creation and announcements, going on radio present her 1978 budget. It included the Middle East, but no one involved of a place where the Palestinians will and television and letting the people all the right things: more staff for in attaining that peace is really doing have self-rule under Israeli authority. of Connecticut know what was going state agencies that peddle human anything about it. on and what the state was doing services, like the Department on The first concession that must be about it. ANWAR SADAT, the Egyptian made is for Begin and Sadat to talk. president who put the real hopes of Begin must stop his constant critic- peace on its way with his trip to ism of Egyptian proposals and go EDITORS NOTE Jerusalem late last year, is now behind closed doors to talk about ELLA GRASSO paraded into the shuttling his way around the globe giving up the idea of an Israeli Hall of the House of Representatives. Children and Youth Services which talking about this and talking about stronghand on the West Bank. And got 201 new jobs. Marching in front of the governor That's the same Department of was U.S. Rep Ronald A. Sarasin, Children and Youth Services that got R-5th., State Sen. Lewis B. Rome, so much publicity and criticism last R-Bloomfield, minority leader of the year when, under the Grasso auste- Connecticut Senate and State Rep. rity budget, a young girl from Gerald Stevens, R-Milford, House Hartford slashed her wrists in front of Minority leader.
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