Thursday October 10, 1985 Vol. 81, No. 35, 16 pages Duke University Durham, North Carolina Free Circulation: 15,000 THE CHRONICLE ASDU aspirants register By TOWNSEND DAVIS want another ASDU post. Tim Walsh, vice- president for Engineering, has decided to After a last-minute scramble for ASDU serve in the Engineering student govern­ hopefuls Wednesday, 12 students had filed ment. "It was a decision I made months as candidates for the top five elected posi­ ago," said Walsh. "I like the way ESG works tions in the student government. because it's more flexible and less bureau­ Trinity juniors Robert Cox, Randall cratic than ASDU." Rainer and Brian Schneiderman, all frater­ The apparent candidate shortage prompt­ nity members, collected the 300 student ed student leaders to seek out and encour­ signatures required to run for the ASDU age students to round out the candidate presidency. Other candidates who filed pool. before the 5 p.m. deadline were: "In a democracy, you should have as many • executive vice president: junior Carol people running as possible," said young Smith trustee and Trinity junior Dave Nahmias, • vice-president for academic affairs: who, with senior class president Betsy Con­ juniors Hooman Sabeti and Rick Cendo and nell, urged other students to run. "I just freshman David Taffet wanted to make sure there was some • vice-president for student affairs: choice," Nahmias said. juniors Robert Moore and Chip Bsake He said most of the students they ap­ • vice-president for Engineering: sopho­ proached were either not interested or did mores Kevin Catlin, Joseph Pawletko and not think they were qualified enough to Tom Mazzucco. None of the eligible top executives in The Interfraternity Council did not ASDU chose to run, and early this week search for a candidate and has not decided only a handful of students had indicated an which ones to support, according to Barrett intention to run. "1 just didn't understand Reasoner, IFC president. "We have been why people weren't interested," said ASDU discussing it, but we decided to wait and see president Marty November. "I would like to who put their names in the hat," he said. MAUREEN CONLEYiTHE CHRONICLE see a lot of candidates because it pushes The three presidential candidates will A great place to start people to take a stand on the issues." each have $100 of ASDU money to spend Bill Lipscomb, vice-president for academic on their campaigns, and $300 will be split A member of the army ROTC program finds time between close-order drill affairs, declined to run because he is study­ among the other candidates and runoff and messing at the Boyd-Pishko to plan strategy for his mid-term maneuvers ing abroad next summer and says he doesn't costs. The election is scheduled for Nov. 5. against assorted hostile subjects. Pornography distributors hit hard by new statutes By WHIT COBB There are additional penalties for using the issue is often only looked at with regard children in pornography or prostitution. to freedom of speech. A new North Carolina statute designed Also, in businesses minors may entor, "The current law was passed to protect to stop the distribution of sexually explicit adult magazines must now be covered when minors, but it's also the first societal state­ materials has enabled authorities to crack on display so that they show only the title. ment that acknowledges the potential of down rapidly on distributors of porno­ "The old North Carolina law required a pornography for harm. graphy. judicial finding [of obscenity] before an O'Barr compared society's efforts to re­ After the law went into effect Oct. 1 two arrest warrant could be issued," said Peter strict obscene materials with limits on the adult bookstores in Durham were raided by Fish, professor of political science and law. use of alcohol or any other harmful sub­ police after undercover officers bought por­ "This meant that pornographic materials stance. "There is an analogy between the nographic materials there. Employees ofthe [declared obscene] could be changed or two, and I think anti-pornography laws stores were charged with disseminating removed before they were actually confis­ contain a more general statement about obscene materials. cated." The two-step procedure created a values." Police had warned businesses that might Catch-22 situation which prevented the "The strongest evidence that pornography be affected by the new law before it went enforcement of the law, he said. actually causes harm occurs when it relates into effect, and many pornography retailers A group of video store owners challenged to aggressive, non-consentua! sex," said cleared their shelves in advance. the constitutionality ofthe new law on the Susan Roth, professor of psychology. "Por­ "We had to take all the hard-core movies basis of First Amendment rights, but a nography spreads misconceptions of what and magazines off," said an employee of state Superior Court judge rejected their it means for a woman to be raped." Swinger's Book Store on Guess Road who argument and allowed the law to go into "It reinforces rape-myths, that women refused to be identified. "We've only got effect. However, that decision is being provoke it or like it, and desensitizes people Playboy and Penthouse left." to violence," she said. "I would not say that Under the provisions of the new anti- "It will be interesting to see what happens explicit sex portrayed in films is bad. It's the pornography law, selling or distributing when this case gets to the federal level," violence that is problematic." PLAYBOY obscene materials is now a felony. Also, a Fish said. "I would do things to make these kinds formal judicial hearing is no longer requir­ "There is a conflict between the 14th of materials less attractive to people," Roth Magazines not eliminated altogether ed before materials can be found to be Amendment [which guarantees civil rights] said. "I would try to tell them what in fact by the new pornography law must now obscene. and the First Amendment that is generally the real message of pornography is and be displayed so that only the titles The law requires individual communities not recognized," said Jean O'Barr, director educate them, and hopefully they would show. to impose their own guidelines on obscenity. of the women's studies program." She said become disinterested." Weather Inside ASDU Weather: The weather box. by double-secret Mirror, mirror: Newspaper magnate Robert Erburu, Formally abstract: R&R brings you through the executive vote of its auxiliary administrative committee president of Times Mirror, said the press should take mysterioius gates ofthe Duke Art Museum for a photo for endorsements and C.I.-runs, will sponsor a qualified social responsibilty and still be objective: "If [the media] exhibit on famed Soviet artist Alexander Rodchenko, candidate for the upcoming ASDU presidential elec­ don't get involved, who will?," he said. We don't know. who was allowed to develop his film for the occasion. tions. Applicants must be tall, dedicated, fraternity- If you don't know either, turn to page 3. See page 3. conscious, but not necessarily Duke students, since nobody wanted to apply. Mostly sunny Thursday, high Noway, HUSSein: Richard Fishman, officer of a Not for Women Only: Ladyslipper, a Durham- near 80. powerful lobbying group, told DIPEC members his based distributor of music for, by, about, and generally group is "vehemently opposed" to arms sales to Jordan. concerning women, has become the Southeast's exclu­ Hear why peace is not forthcoming. Turn to page 3. sive source. See page 4 of R&R. Ship hijackers surrender in Egypt World & four gunmen would not be released until it was determined whether anyone had been killed aboard the Italian cruise CAIRO, Egypt - Four men identified as the hijackers ship, the Achille Lauro. The report ofthe American's death of an Italian cruise ship surrendered in Egypt Wednesday originally came from the captain ofthe ship, Gerardo de National after a two-day drama in the eastern Mediterranean. Rosa. Hours later, Italy announced that an elderly, wheelchair- The Egyptian foreign minister had said the hijacking, Page 2 October 10, 1985 bound tourist from New Tfork was missing and was believed which began Monday, had ended with all of the 80 pas­ slain in the hijacking, his body thrown overboard. sengers and 320 crew members released unharmed. The The Egyptian foreign minister, Esmat Abdel-Meguid, hijackers, who had identified themselves as members of said the four hijackers had surrendered unconditionally a breakaway Palestinian guerrilla faction, had threatened to a representative ofthe Palestine Liberation Organiza­ to kill the hostages unless Israel freed 50 Palestinian tion. prisoners. Newsfile The official said the gunmen would be given safe conduct But at a news conference in Rome, Prime Minister Bet- out of Egypt to an undisclosed location. The disclosure of tino Craxi of Italy announced the "mournful news" that the arrangement was sharply criticized by the United Leon Klinghoffer, 69 years old, of New York City, a Collateral?: The Treasury borrowed $5 billion to States and Israel, which called for prosecution of the passenger confined to a wheelchair, was missing and avoid bouncing government checks already issued. The hijackers. presumed killed by the gunmen. Craxi said the Italian department raised the funds at an auction of 78-day A senior Egyptian official said Wednesday night that Cabinet would meet Thursday to discuss the possible Treasury bills. The money was needed to cover major Egypt still had the four hijackers in custody and that the extradition of the four hijackers. benefit checks, such as Social Security and civil service pensions, that were issued on Oct.
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