.V .v.v.v.w Bomb Hoax Mars King Talk; J* Heavy Security Tactics Used An anonymous bomb threat ed outside the Union and in student ushers were to inform UW President Fred Harring­ last week put the finishing front of Mitchell hall, an ex­ them of any suspicious actions. ton's suite. touches on weeks of work de­ pected number of police and These ushers were given a run­ The audience was particularly nouncing the appearance of plain clothesmen were station­ down of what to do in case of attentive and enthusiastic, she Martin Luther King, Nov. 23. ed throughout the building. an emergency. said. Noting a particular tense­ The call was phoned in about The police department decides Police had King's complete ness, she said more students 7 p.m., about an hour before what precautions are to be itinerery from the time of the^ than people outside the Univer­ King was scheduled to appear. taken regarding speakers, Miss press conference at the airport/ sity attended. The audience was The building was cleared, Kay Ettla said. We just cooperate to where he was going, and who about 25% Negro. Ettla, Union coordinator, saia, with the authorities. We provide would be driving the cars. We really didn't expect much but nothing was found. some security for all controver­ Detectives stood guard in and to happen, she stressed, except Necessary precautions had sial speakers, she added, but outside the open booth at the perhaps at the door. Many irate been made because the threat those we're not sure of, are re­ airport where a special press people were outraged that they had been anticipated, Miss ferred to police judgment. conference was held; and un­ couldn't get in. Tickets were Ettla said. With bomb squads Plain clothesmen were in key marked cars escorted King to sold out three weeks after they and the fire department station­ locations in the ballroom and UWM where he had dinner in went on sale. lllilillill SLIC Decides Review IT" Things About You. mm Why Don't YOU of 111 Decide Things About SLIC? "Repulsion" I 1 P^Hl 11 Next Meeting: See 111: %$ Wed., Dec. 8 • IWM POST Union 221 Page Two mm. 3:30 p.m. :•:•:..:,.; •..•.•.••••• SIWSMW&S&VIV Vol. X, No. 14 THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1965 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee UWM'ers March Do Meters Procreate? About 10 UWM students and Despite promises from Alder­ last week. previously headless meters, Uni­ ises and progress of the park­ man Allen R. Calhoun, that in­ The newly installed parking versity student government ing problem at UWM as dis­ faculty marched in Washington stallation of additional parking meters border the University President Tom Katisch notified cussed by USG representatives, last week to protest the war In meters on UWM-b ordered from Downer av. to Cramer on Floyd Springer, director of Uni­ campus planners, UWM admin­ Vietnam and, as signs Indi­ blocks would be halted, the Kenwood and from Kenwood to versity relations. istrators, the Lakeside Commun­ cated, "negotiate peace in what hungry heads of pay meters Hartford on Cramer. Springer responded by send­ ity council, city traffic planners is not our war." have been affixed to their pipe Dismayed by the unexplained ing Calhoun a letter in which he and Alderman Calhoun. shafts and concrete bases as of attachment of heads to the reviewed the proposals, prom- Addressing Calhoun, Springer Tom Rose, a graduate stu­ stated "You intimated that the dent in Urban Affairs, who par­ only new meters which might appear would be along the ticipated, said "most students 1 are not for or against the war, south side of Kenwood boule­ just the ambiguity of issues. He "Good Faith" Clause vard, with further installation possibly deferred for 'months' Stressed most students did not pending completion of our know the Vietnam situation. studies." . "It's not enough to write the Termed Meaningless Springer also commented in president and congressmen . his letters that meters should we must put ourselves on the Promises of good faith in a person objectionable to na­ statement in their constitution, not have been installed now and matters of campus organization tional standards. and if the national rejects such that Calhoun should "personally fane," he said. "I'd much rather discrimination policies have Katisch said the state con­ a statement, then that organiza­ make and effort to have them have spent Thanksgiving with been denounced by USG Pres­ stitution has provisions for non­ tion should not exist on cam­ removed, at once, pending com­ my family," he said, "but stu­ ident Tom Katisch as "mean­ discrimination, and UWM must pus.", pletion of the agreed-upon dents should do this sort of ingless." follow the pattern. USL will debate the issue at study." thing." Katisch had supported a Discriminating organizations the Dec. 2 meeting. Katisch Katisch concurred with should not have the same rights said a new bill would probably Springer's conclusion and added Rose criticized the newspa­ "should" to "must" change in all organizational constitutions, and privileges given to other result, but he would not com­ that Calhoun had once ex­ pers including the Journal for demanding a "clearly stated organizations Katisch noted. promise. plained that installation of me­ playing down the march. clause concerning non-discrimi­ "They should write their nation­ USG was given control of ters was dependent upon the About 40,000 participated in nation. The "good faith" clause al organization and inform them stitutions when SLIC authority sentiments of the residents on that they plan to adopt such a had been transferred to it. any particular block. the march—including about 40 was later voted in by USL to Since the University has op­ from Milwaukee and at least allow for exceptions. posed installation of parking three busloads from Madison. "The bill avoids the basic is­ meters, Calhoun has contra­ The Journal had an extremely sue the original bill attempted dicted his original thesis by Conservative account of the to resolve," Katisch said. Policies Attacked putting in the meters, said number of people from Wiscon­ Calling discrimination a vital Attacking recent Post policy, Katisch. Soik based his opinion on a "The University administra­ sin in the march. "As usual, problem on campus, Katisch said Nile W. Soik, assemblyman of his acceptance of the "good Milwaukee Sentinel feature on tion has backed the USG park­ the Journal does not get things faith" clause would condone the the 19th district, has mistakenly the UWM POST, Dec. 1. ing proposal," stated Katisch, Straight," he said. postponement of the problem. requested that state funds be "Numerous constituents have "and I think that it is clear now Katisch said four groups, in­ withheld from subsidizing the telephoned me in protest," he that Mr. Calhoun has deceived Rose said President Johnson said. not only the students through apparently didn't get the point cluding Sigma Sigma Sigma, UWM POST. Phi Mu, and Phi Sigma Delta, In a letter to Chancellor J. In response to Soik, Klotsche USG but the University as Of the march, for one of his did not have the non-discrimi­ Martin Klotsche, Soik said: said, auxiliary enterprises, not well." aides told marchers reportedly nation clause in their constitu­ "... you have shown ex­ state taxpayers' money is used Calhoun a hypocrite? they should petition the Hanoi. tions because the national or­ tremely poor judgment in allow­ to subsidize the POST." He added "As apparent through the - Marches have always been ganizations to which they are ing taxpayers' money to pro­ that this calls attention to the contradiction between Calhoun's successful in changing Ameri­ affiliated would reject the lo­ mote the series of articles on need to go independent—the words and actions, he is, I be- can policy, Rose said. cal's charter if locals accepted "sexual mores'" in the POST." sooner, the better. (Continued on Page 2) Registration Period Set Fine' Arts: An advisory period Dec. 7-17 and fee cards will be accepted Students should double-check a hope, Chinetti said. U-grad. schedules for possible conflicts Art Mit. 304A will give continuing students a in the second semester registra­ Chinetti gave as a "rough Dance Mit. 124 and verify the accuracy of their sketch" of advisor assignments Music F. A. 120A Chance to review with their ad­ tion. study lists, he said. "Computers Theatre Mit. 124 visors their previous work, and the following list: Home Ec: Eng. 248 Sectioning will be handled by don't make mistakes, but hu­ Applied Science and Engineering: L&S: plan their courses for the sec- U-grad Engineering office, EB Freshmen & Sophs, in general BA & BS "12 to 15. people logging three mans do, and some of chem are Grad. Major prof, or Madison dept. rep. and Journalism Mit. 215 6nd semester, UWM Registrar weeks of eight-hour days." students." , Commerce: U-grad in professional courses Pre-Commerce . .Bol. 457 for advertising Applied Math and Physics ....Mit. 333 Peter Chinetti said today. Chinetti pointed out that The registration staff hopes All other ....Bol. 474, Commerce office Chemistry course Lap. 110A Education: Med. Tech J. D. Anthony, Lap. 574 Mailing of registration forms many registration "mistakes" to have a 10-day "buffer U-grad Chairman, Gar. 201 Special majors ....See Directory, Insert and fee cards, Dec. 6, will co­ could be eliminated by more period" before the beginning of Exceptional ed Vog. 200 Juniors, Seniors, Major dept. of., Phy. Ed Eng. 141 & Grads Directory Insert incide with the release of time­ care on the part of the students. the second semester. With 100,- Art Ed Mit.
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