f T THE Ml MmVol. XVII, No. 10; 1B78, 136. Sunday, Sept. Sunbula 19, 1357, SH. PRICE AF. 8 " f " wwwwt fi j x jwmvn Afghan Comrade TafcaM delegation arrives in j Gen.ZiahoM talks Im f Pyongyong j KABUL, Sept. 10, (Ba-khtar- ). According to a report reacting here the Meinidlly party and government atmosphere delegation of the Demo- - i i cratic Republic of Afgh KABUL, Sept. 10, (Ba-khta- r). had, Pakistani Ambassa-- i report H.E. General' Zia-- anistan neaded by Comr- Comrade Noor dor and some members, of iil-Ha- q Chief' ; Martial- - ade Dastagir Panjshiri, Mohammad Taraki, Pre- -- the Pakistani Embassy Law . Administrator' ofr member of the Political sident of the Revolution- in Kabul. Pakistan while his plane M Bureau of the Central ary Council and Zia-ul-Ha- q Prime H.E. General was leaving the . airspace' ; Committee of the Pennl- - Minister met His Excelle- e's and his entourage left of Afghanistan in a teleg - - P Democratic Party of ncy General q, Kabul for Tehran at 2:40 ram addressed to Comrade - Afghanistan and Minis Chief Martial Law p.m. yesterday. Noor Mohammad Taraki, ter of Public Works arriv Administrator of Pakistan , Present at the Kabul President of the Revolu-tionar- y ed in Pyongyang last Th- at Tapa-i-Paghma- n at International Airport to Council and 'Pr ursday and was welcomed 10:40 a.m. yesterday. Ge- bid farewell were Comr- ime Minister expressed by DeiQvoiv-Mon- . iPres-- Zia-ul-H- neral arrived ade Hafizullah Amin, gratitude for .the. hospita-'-. ident of Political Bureau 9:50 A i ... in Kabul at a.m. yes- Deputy Prime Minister lity accorded him during me central (jommitt-e- e terday for a brief unoff- and Minister of Foreign his stay in Afghanistan of Labour Party of. icial visit, on his own des- Comrade Moha- the Democratic Affairs, J and expressed desire for People's ire, on his way to Tehran. Aslam Republic of Korea mmad Watanjar, the health of Comrade Comrade Noor . Mohammad Taraki, President of the Revolutionary Council and and Under this courtesy call citezen of Minister of Interior and Noor Mohammad Taraki, Prime Minister , shaking hand with Gen. Chief Martial Law Admi- - Pyongyang. talks were held in a frie- other high ranking offici- President of the Revolut nistrator of Pakistan at had dinner ndly atmosphere. als, Ambassador of Paki- ionary Council Pr- with the delegation of ' and After the talks Comrade stan and some (members ... s the Democratic Republic ime Minister and the s.is'-i$-i Noor Mohammad Taraki, of the Pakistani Embassy prosperity and further of Afghanistan at its res President of the Revolu- in Kabul. advancements of the peo- idency and speeches were tionary Council and Prime According delivered. ' , to another. ple of Afghanistan. 11 Minister had a lunch wi- MiASBAMAMiK p.4f - " , According to another th His Excellency Gener- report the party and al Chief Mar- Afghanistan, Bulgaria sign government delegation of tial Law Administrator the Democratic Republic of Pakistan,' at Tapa-i-Paghma- n. of Afghanistan last Frid- ' cooperation protocol ay visited the birth place - On arrival at Kabul In- and museum of political SOFIA, Sept. 6, (Bakh- - ed authorities of the Mi-tar- ). ternational Airport His activities of Kim Jl Sung According to rep-- - nistry of Foreign Trade liiiiilff v Excellency General Zia-ul-H- fIlliif" President of the Democ- - rr:'i. orts reaching here, Com- of the People's Republic ratic and his compan - People's Republic merce .. Minister, Abdul oi Bulgaria, the protocol ions were welcomed by of Korea, cultural palace Qudus . Ghor bandi met on economic,' i technical. of the people, children's Comrade Hafizullah Amin President of State Council commercial and Deputy Prime Minister scientific and students palace and and tthe First ,t Secretary cooperation between the and Minister of Foreign saw an artistic perform- of the. Central Committee . two countries was signed Affairs;. Comrade Moha- ance of children. of the Communist 'Par-- , at .12 p.m, local time yes- mmad Aslam Watanjar ty of People's .Republic terday.,, r::::':,: ,..' ....', Minister of Interior, Ma of Bulgaria, Todor Zhiv-- ' According to another Soviet high jor General Baba Jan, kov, at his office, al JlQ;30.Jeport the protocol - - ; on acting of Chief Staffs, Shahr tiliie yesterday; cooperation and agreem- official Dost, here Mohammad De During the talks which ent on; transportation be- puty Foreign Minister for" KABUL.' Sent in Ba. ., lasted Jfor more than , 40 tween the Democratic Political Affairs, . Faqir' khtar). minutes , views were exch- Republic of Afghanistan Deoutv Minis Mohammad Faqir, Pres- anged on issues of intere- and People's Republic of ter for Political Affairs ident of Office ' the of st. Bulgaria was also signed of the Ministry, of Foreign Revolutionary Council, Comrade Noor Mohammad Tarake, President of the Revolutionary Council and ' According to another in Sofia today. Aiiairs, bnan Mohammad Dr. Mohammad Akbar Prime Minister while talking with Gen. Zia-ul-H- Chief Martial Law Ad- Dost on SeDt. 7 report at the end of the . The agreement was si- met and Mehr Head ministrator of Pakistan. - of the Office last round of talks betw- gned for the ' Democratic exchanged views with- of the Minister of Foreign een the delegation of the Republic of Afghanistan Ambassador Safranchuk, Affairs, Bismellah Sahak Demorcatic Republic of by, Commerce Minister, Bonn a high ranking official of Amin speaks to journalist - Governor of Kabul, Dr. Afghanistan headed by Comrade Abdul Qudus the Ministry of Foreign Sher Aqa, Kabul Mayor, Affairs of iss-- Commerce Minister, Co- Ghorbandi arid for Bulga- Following is the text of me Minister and Minist South. Dialogue, USSR, on some high ranking offic- What sort linn Mf1ntv.l At-- T . 1 mrade Abdul Qudus Gh- ria by Minister of Trans- interview of Comrade Ha- er of Foreign Af- of recommendations ials of the Ministry of your ssion of UN orbandi and the concern- - portation of that country. fizullah Amin, Deputy Pri-- fairs, of the Democratic Re- country expects General Ass- Foreign Affairs, Ali Ars-- from this embly and public of Afghanistan, gi- commission? other issues of interest. , . ven to Peter Wald, Co- This commission at 4 ", The talks which took pl- rrespondent of "Voice - of present is in contact with ace in an atmosphere' Germany" of Federal Re governments of Socialist co- public of and full under- Germany, untries in order to secure standing i their cooperation. identical views Q; Sir, do you think that existed, on most, of What do you the the traditionally good re- th- agenda of this year's lations between two ink of this effort to the on page 4) - countries which are now bring about East West co- . operation in" aiding develo- . represented by the Demo-- New cratic Republic of Afghan-- . ping countries? program istan and the Federal Re- A: As you know the North- public of, Germany may be' -South Dialogue or the for judicial frf maintained and even fur- Conference on Internation- ther strengthened? If yes, al Economic Cooperation -- enternees by which means? had failed to come to any KABUL, 3, (Bak-htar- ). 1 positive result, because of Sept. i I , In order to Why not, the friend- the lack of political will train .A: personnel of the judicial ly ties between the peop- - shown by the developed co- untries during and justice cadre of the . les Afghanistan Ger- the confer- of and judicial authority, ' many are rooted in history. ence. Afghanistan had not the Ministry of The people of Afghanistan participated in the confer- Justice in view of the valuable dir- it: i are acquainted with the ch-- ence, but has followed its ' ectives of the great aracteristics of the people proceedings with keen in- leader terest. As a member of the people, Comrade of Germany. The Governm- of the " Noor Mohammad Taraki, ents representing their pe-- Group of 77 Afghanistan's Secretary General of oples, shall take into acc- position on the various iss- the Central Committee ount these ties. The frien- ues discussed in the confer- of the People's Pa- dly relations between the ence is well known. Democratic rty of Afghanistan, Pres- Democratic Republic of Af- We the developing coun- ident the "Revolution- ghanistan and the Federal tries want an overall solu- of Comrade Hafizullah Deputy q ary Council and Amin, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs welcoming Gen. Republic of Germany, not tion of the world economic Prime Chief Minister has Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan at Kabul International Airport. only can be maintained but problems through the esta- arranged new programmes to could be develop- blishment of the new Int- hold further courses ed with mutual ernational Economic Order for judicial inter- Misaq calls greater development respect for nees. for ef orts freedom, national indepen- based on equity and equa- - f A KABUL, Sept. 9, (Bakht- devoted their life to party is by lity among source of the Mini- the that it hoisted for has been confirmed all dence, in all states. ar). Comrade Abdul Ka-ri- interests of the peoples Af- stry of Justice said that of the first time in dear toilers and peoples of the the internal affairs of each We wish and recommend Misaq, Minister of Fi- Afghanistan and a committee winch had their hand ghanistan the banner of world and the progressive other and cooperation free Mr. Brandt and his collea- nance in a function introd- have) never been been assigned to prepare stained class struggle under the countries and they not only political anti-toilin- g from aims or gues to use their influence these programmes uced Khair Mohammad with the blood of the no- leadership of the powerful extended their support to people's five interest and to exert pressure if weeks ago Sultani the new Deputy ble people of .
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