Important Statistics State District Number of Villages Total 32,394 699 Inhabited 29,492 577 Uninhabited 2,902 122 Number of Towns Statutory 40 2 Census 188 3 Total 228 5 Number of Households Normal 6,237,147 116,022 Institutional 11,513 69 Houseless 6,121 64 Population Total Persons 32,988,134 716,259 Males 16,930,315 367,222 Females 16,057,819 349,037 Rural Persons 25,055,073 575,013 Males 12,776,486 293,595 Females 12,278,587 281,418 Urban Persons 7,933,061 141,246 Males 4,153,829 73,627 Females 3,779,232 67,619 Percentage Urban Population 24.05 19.72 Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011 Number Percentage Number Percentage Persons 6,042,305 22.42 175,358 32.42 Males 3,045,278 21.93 97,593 36.20 Females 2,997,027 22.95 77,765 28.67 Area (in sq Km.) 79716 2540.00 Density of Population (Persons 414 282 per sq Km.) Sex Ratio Total 948 950 (Number of females per 1000 males) Rural 961 959 Urban 910 918 18 Important Statistics State District Number Percentage Number Percentage Literates Persons 18,328,069 66.41 390,249 66.84 Males 10,882,519 76.84 238,780 79.78 Females 7,445,550 55.42 151,469 53.23 Scheduled Castes Persons 3,985,644 12.08 109,003 15.22 Males 2,043,458 12.07 55,346 15.07 Females 1,942,186 12.09 53,657 15.37 Scheduled Tribes Persons 8,645,042 26.21 6,903 0.96 Males 4,315,407 25.49 3,594 0.98 Females 4,329,635 26.96 3,309 0.95 Workers and Non-Workers Total Workers (Main and Persons 13,098,274 39.71 257,418 35.94 Marginal) Males 8,424,769 49.76 173,993 47.38 Females 4,673,505 29.1 83,425 23.90 (i) Main Workers Persons 6,818,595 20.67 143,324 20.01 Males 5,234,442 30.92 117,881 32.10 Females 1,584,153 9.87 25,443 7.29 (ii) Marginal Workers Persons 6,279,679 19.04 114,094 15.93 Males 3,190,327 18.84 56,112 15.28 Females 3,089,352 19.24 57,982 16.61 Non-Workers Persons 19,889,860 60.29 458,841 64.06 Males 8,505,546 50.24 193,229 52.62 Females 11,384,314 70.9 265,612 76.10 Category of Workers (Main & Marginal) (i) Cultivators Persons 3,814,832 29.12 83,126 32.29 Males 2,291,182 27.2 47,002 27.01 Females 1,523,650 32.6 36,124 43.30 (ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons 4,436,052 33.87 64,275 24.97 Males 2,341,700 27.8 35,684 20.51 Females 2,094,352 44.81 28,591 34.27 (iii)Workers in household Persons 455,162 3.47 7,934 3.08 industry Males 225,475 2.68 4,357 2.50 Females 229,687 4.91 3,577 4.29 (iv) Other Workers Persons 4,392,228 33.53 102,083 39.66 Males 3,566,412 42.33 86,950 49.97 Females 825,816 17.67 15,133 18.14 19 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : KODARMA DISTRICT PRIMARY Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6 number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 348 Kodarma - District Total 2,540.00 116,155 716,259 367,222 349,037 132,375 67,916 64,459 Rural 2,462.67 91,693 575,013 293,595 281,418 110,025 56,294 53,731 Urban 77.33 24,462 141,246 73,627 67,619 22,350 11,622 10,728 0032 Satgawan Total 303.86 12,012 74,520 38,183 36,337 13,914 7,067 6,847 Rural 303.86 12,012 74,520 38,183 36,337 13,914 7,067 6,847 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - - 0033 Kodarma Total 160.57 15,283 93,240 47,584 45,656 17,645 9,027 8,618 Rural 151.75 13,148 80,303 40,963 39,340 15,142 7,708 7,434 Urban 8.82 2,135 12,937 6,621 6,316 2,503 1,319 1,184 349733 Bekobar (CT) Urban 7.00 1,169 7,184 3,629 3,555 1,414 739 675 349734 Karma (CT) Urban 1.82 966 5,753 2,992 2,761 1,089 580 509 0034 Domchanch Total 325.30 20,871 125,387 64,076 61,311 24,576 12,477 12,099 Rural 314.26 18,187 109,578 55,915 53,663 22,035 11,197 10,838 Urban 11.04 2,684 15,809 8,161 7,648 2,541 1,280 1,261 349865 Domchanch (CT) Urban 11.04 2,684 15,809 8,161 7,648 2,541 1,280 1,261 0035 Jainagar Total 183.37 20,088 131,279 67,708 63,571 24,519 12,743 11,776 Rural 183.37 20,088 131,279 67,708 63,571 24,519 12,743 11,776 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - - 0036 Chandwara Total 232.05 13,629 84,914 43,961 40,953 15,994 8,252 7,742 Rural 232.05 13,629 84,914 43,961 40,953 15,994 8,252 7,742 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - - 0037 Markacho Total 228.04 14,629 94,419 46,865 47,554 18,421 9,327 9,094 Rural 228.04 14,629 94,419 46,865 47,554 18,421 9,327 9,094 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - - URBAN 801766 Kodarma (NP) Urban 6.47 4,337 24,633 12,941 11,692 3,853 1,989 1,864 Jhumri Tilaiya (Nagar 801767 Parishad) Urban 51.14 15,306 87,867 45,904 41,963 13,453 7,034 6,419 349733 Bekobar (CT) Urban 7.00 1,169 7,184 3,629 3,555 1,414 739 675 349734 Karma (CT) Urban 1.82 966 5,753 2,992 2,761 1,089 580 509 349865 Domchanch (CT) Urban 11.04 2,684 15,809 8,161 7,648 2,541 1,280 1,261 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Total/ Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2 109,003 55,346 53,657 6,903 3,594 3,309 390,249 238,780 151,469 Total Kodarma - District 93,885 47,509 46,376 6,152 3,210 2,942 296,147 184,511 111,636 Rural 15,118 7,837 7,281 751 384 367 94,102 54,269 39,833 Urban 16,787 8,594 8,193 383 202 181 35,006 22,076 12,930 Total Satgawan 16,787 8,594 8,193 383 202 181 35,006 22,076 12,930 Rural - - - - - - - - - Urban 15,428 7,826 7,602 454 221 233 49,695 30,607 19,088 Total Kodarma 14,318 7,252 7,066 389 189 200 42,651 26,406 16,245 Rural 1,110 574 536 65 32 33 7,044 4,201 2,843 Urban 667 339 328 2 - 2 3,565 2,163 1,402 Urban Bekobar (CT) 443 235 208 63 32 31 3,479 2,038 1,441 Urban Karma (CT) 17,547 8,830 8,717 2,355 1,203 1,152 64,034 39,676 24,358 Total Domchanch 15,652 7,859 7,793 2,352 1,201 1,151 53,697 33,653 20,044 Rural 1,895 971 924 3 2 1 10,337 6,023 4,314 Urban 1,895 971 924 3 2 1 10,337 6,023 4,314 Urban Domchanch (CT) 19,527 9,924 9,603 239 114 125 72,061 45,117 26,944 Total Jainagar 19,527 9,924 9,603 239 114 125 72,061 45,117 26,944 Rural - - - - - - - - - Urban 16,763 8,613 8,150 563 322 241 43,936 27,432 16,504 Total Chandwara 16,763 8,613 8,150 563 322 241 43,936 27,432 16,504 Rural - - - - - - - - - Urban 10,838 5,267 5,571 2,226 1,182 1,044 48,796 29,827 18,969 Total Markacho 10,838 5,267 5,571 2,226 1,182 1,044 48,796 29,827 18,969 Rural - - - - - - - - - Urban URBAN 3,270 1,691 1,579 289 153 136 16,645 9,647 6,998 Urban Kodarma (NP) Jhumri Tilaiya (Nagar 8,843 4,601 4,242 394 197 197 60,076 34,398 25,678 Urban Parishad) 667 339 328 2 - 2 3,565 2,163 1,402 Urban Bekobar (CT) 443 235 208 63 32 31 3,479 2,038 1,441 Urban Karma (CT) 1,895 971 924 3 2 1 10,337 6,023 4,314 Urban Domchanch (CT) 29 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : KODARMA DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Location Total/ code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 348 Kodarma - District Total 257,418 173,993 83,425 143,324 117,881 25,443 39,007 30,171 8,836 Rural 218,326 139,982 78,344 112,536 89,403 23,133 38,079 29,303 8,776 Urban 39,092 34,011 5,081 30,788 28,478 2,310 928 868 60 0032 Satgawan Total 29,713 18,564 11,149 16,848 12,426 4,422 5,264 4,565 699 Rural 29,713 18,564 11,149 16,848 12,426 4,422 5,264 4,565 699 Urban - - - - - - - - - 0033 Kodarma Total 31,050 21,599 9,451 17,126 14,140 2,986 2,563 1,726 837 Rural 27,140 18,660 8,480 15,197 12,348 2,849 2,445 1,613 832 Urban 3,910 2,939 971 1,929 1,792 137 118 113 5 349733 Bekobar (CT) Urban 2,531 1,697 834 765 704 61 110 107 3 349734 Karma (CT) Urban 1,379 1,242 137 1,164 1,088 76 8 6 2 0034 Domchanch Total 40,972 29,831 11,141 23,765 20,074 3,691 5,588 4,628 960 Rural 36,723 26,125 10,598 20,669 17,148 3,521 5,332 4,378 954 Urban 4,249 3,706 543 3,096 2,926 170 256 250 6 349865 Domchanch (CT) Urban 4,249 3,706 543 3,096 2,926 170 256 250 6 0035 Jainagar Total 47,273 31,030 16,243 21,236 17,428 3,808 8,507 6,882 1,625 Rural 47,273 31,030 16,243 21,236 17,428 3,808 8,507 6,882 1,625 Urban - - - - - - - - - 0036 Chandwara Total 46,326 25,016 21,310 19,376 14,973 4,403 6,901 4,280 2,621 Rural 46,326 25,016 21,310 19,376 14,973 4,403 6,901 4,280 2,621 Urban - - - - - - - - - 0037 Markacho Total 31,151 20,587 10,564 19,210 15,080 4,130 9,630 7,585 2,045 Rural 31,151 20,587 10,564 19,210 15,080 4,130 9,630 7,585 2,045 Urban - - - - - - - - - URBAN 801766 Kodarma (NP) Urban 7,378 5,917 1,461 5,251 4,743 508 58 54 4 Jhumri Tilaiya (Nagar 801767 Parishad) Urban 23,555 21,449 2,106 20,512 19,017 1,495 496 451 45 349733 Bekobar (CT) Urban 2,531 1,697 834 765 704 61 110 107 3 349734 Karma (CT) Urban 1,379 1,242 137 1,164 1,088 76 8 6 2 349865 Domchanch (CT) Urban 4,249 3,706 543 3,096 2,926 170 256 250 6 30 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of main workers Total/ Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2 24,197 17,377 6,820 3,912 2,600 1,312 76,208 67,733 8,475 Total Kodarma - District 23,157 16,404 6,753 2,955 1,784 1,171 48,345 41,912 6,433 Rural 1,040 973 67 957 816 141 27,863 25,821 2,042 Urban 7,928 5,378 2,550 359 234 125 3,297 2,249 1,048 Total Satgawan 7,928 5,378 2,550 359 234 125 3,297 2,249 1,048 Rural - - - - - - - - - Urban 1,850 1,420 430 358 280 78 12,355 10,714 1,641 Total Kodarma 1,798 1,370 428 308 239 69 10,646 9,126 1,520 Rural 52 50 2 50 41 9 1,709 1,588 121 Urban 51 49 2 36 31 5 568 517 51 Urban Bekobar (CT) 1 1 - 14 10 4 1,141 1,071 70 Urban Karma (CT) 4,527 3,779 748 751 538 213 12,899 11,129 1,770 Total Domchanch 4,081
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