PART SBNDAY TRI£UNE: ~ULY 24. 1938 . • __ X~__ 22 ~ - A Belligerent Interlude in Wrigley Field j'43J33 CHEER \~~~~~~~~~lMOTORS-TRAFIC-HIGHWA. Y S CUBS TO DOUBLE I Lake Louise Almost Worth Touring Hardshi~ VICTORY,7-4, 3-1 Cincinnati Rallies with 5 Dean and Lee Defeat Runs in Sixth. Giants. Clncinnatl, 0, July 23 -(JP)-The Philties took advantage of four Red [Continued from first sport page.] errors for five runs in the fifth In- rung today, but failed to withstand a hitting attack in the sixth and the Reds won, 10 to 9 The Phils used rour hurlers to halt Cincinnati's sixth mrnrig rally, when five runs were scored on four hits Frey hit a homer with two men aboard Hallahan pitched four balls to Goodman, was sent to the showers, and charged with the loss. IvaI Goodman celebrated his 29th birthday by hitting his 26th horner in the third mrung with one on base Score' PHILADELPHIA UNCINNATI Ab R H P A Ab R H P A Jordan::lb 5 2 ::I1 0 Frey 2b 4::1.l 1 a Scb arein 55 0 0 U 0 0 Berxer If 4::1.l 4 0 Young55 2 1 0 2 1 Goodan rf 4 2 ::I4 1 ervess.n U U 0 U 0 McC'kIb 5 U 0 II U Baseball fans got everything including a good fight in Wrigley field yesterday. Players help Brackrf 5 1 2 2 0 Lomb'di c ::I0 1 a 1 W'ntr b Ib 4 1 1 10 0 Henh er e 1 0 1 .1 0 separate BIll Jurges and Dick Bartell who came to blows in the fourth inning and were ejected from Arnovtcb If 4 2 2 a 0 Craft of 4 0 1 ::I 1 IIlartm of 5 1 1 :.I 0 Rlg".::Ib 4 0 u 0 2 the second game. No. 19 is Red Corriden, Cubs' coach; No.9 is Frank Demaree; No. 17, Hal Schumacher Dav IS C 4: 0 0 21M3 crs ss 4 1 3 2 4 Mueller:lb 4 0 1 U a Walter. 11 :l 0 0 u 1 of Giants; No.4 (bending), Mel Ott, and No.4 (extreme right), Billy Herman. Mulcahy D all 0 :.I Schot t.u 1 1 0 0 1 Hallahan D 0 0 0 0 0 Passeau 11 0 0 U 0 0 Srni th D 0 0 0 1 0 i\ll1tneY::Ib1001 1 MAJOR LEAGUE AVERAGES °all 9 11 24 !! 3610 1::127 14 The Tribune road car has just completed a trip through the northern Rockies and into Canada's Banff ·Klem batted for Young 10 eighth. Ph iladef phi a , • ••• ., 400 050 1)00- II NA TIONAL LEAGUE. and Yoho national parks. Lake Louise gives the motonst a scenic memory almost worth the driving troubles Ciucrunat! 102 OU, 000-10 21.] [Inclu<1mgGames of Thurs(lay, July The Cubs encountered a bargain m on Canadian roads, much in need of improvement. R~~or~fedey m~S~~~ranRlti~:CIJ~\vf'~~;i~~ I TEAM BATTING. the first Inning of the second game. Pct AB R R HR SB Pct Arnovteh Marlm [2]. Frey [3J. Goodman They scored a run without a hit. r~J McCorwIck Lombardi I ~J Her sh ber'ger 291 Cincinnatt .' 2920 413 824 66 7 282 'I\\O base h its-c-Brack WeIntraub Arnovrcn :Ill!! PIttsburgh 28014 384 795 31 2::1 280 Jurges led off With a pass and im- :l:.i!nba:;rJ:eJle)j.hr~,~"bIeEL~~~~:;,an:se H~Tn'e 2!!7 St LOUIS. ,2938 378 806 51 24 274 mediately stole second, remainmg JlOICE OF TRAFIC .~!!O Clueago .... 2864 400 767 41 31 .268 r uns-s-Fr'ey 600dman Stolen bases- there while Herman was being Sch arein Berzer Goodman Sacntice- ,~73 New York . 2944 408 78& 77 18 .267 Yeung Double ptuy-c-Goodman to Hersh ~~~ Phlladelph'a ,2684 303 708 29 24 ,264 thrown out. Hack flied to left and NO SAFETY STICIl:ER. berger Left on hases-c-Philadetphra, 6 c..;111- Chicago, July 10 -Why do we still crnnatt ti Bases on balle-Mulcahy •i. .265 ~~~~~~Yn•... ~~~~ i~~~~~~~n .~g~Jurges started for third after the Hallahan 1 Walters. a Struck out-Mul- catch. Seeds' throw went into the have automobiles driving around In Chi- cahx 1 walters 2 Hi ts-e-Mu leahv 10 in TEA~1 FIEJ,DING. 61 3 mmnas Hallahan 0 In 0 [PItched to Pct DP TP PO A E Pct Cubs' dugout instead of to Ott, so cago Without vehicle or safety test stick- one batter 1 Passeau 2 m 1-3 Sivesa 1 10 1 976 ~hlca"o, 71 0 2240 957 70 .979 Jurges continued home. The Giants ers? Walters 8 In 42 3 Schott 3 in 41 3 WIld 97:1 New York •.. 75 0 2286 1080 83 976 I am referrmg to llcense number nrtch - Walters Wmmn" pitcher -Schott .973 balanced this run With one of their Losine pl tcher-c-Hal lahan Urnmres-Klem Brooklyn ... 78 0 2234 963 84 974 1-142062 issued to Thomas Gaughan, Sears and Ballanfant. Tlme-2.03. Attend .972 Boston '" 67 0 2069 930 80 974 own in the second on a pass to Ott, &nce-3 u19 97:l PIttsburgh .. 90 0 2218 1008 89 ,973 McCarthy's slngle, and Seeds' :fly to 1674 Hollywood avenue, Chicago 'I'his 972 Oinrdnnatt ., 81 0 2189 963 08 970 car does not have erther vehicle tag or T TRIP 97U Galan. c uro St LoUIS .. 79 0 2218 920 108 967 .95t! safety stickers. Is ~exemPt? I K. Phtladelphia 78 0 2132 860 101 .1l67 The fourth, climaxed by the Jurges- INDIVIDUALBATTING. Bartell unpleasantness, opened With BY HAL FOUST. [lncJudes pIa3 erg In ten or mor e games 1 Seeds smashing against the left field BY HAL FOUST. I POOR BUSINESS PRACTICE. AB R R HR RBI Pct [ClucagoTribune Press Service] Chicago, July 15 -Business films who [Chicago 'l'nbunc Press Servu·e.] wall in a vam effort to capture Reyn- Lallfaster, PhIl . 20 7 9 0 a .<4,50 Spokane, 'Wash, July 21. - [By delIberately destroy a piece or property Spokane, Wash, July 17 -[By Mail] olds' double. Reynolds went to third Lombardi Cm 0{0 32 91 11 53 365 Mail.I - The Tribune road car has m order to advertise their wares should -We're making a low cost tour of Wemtraub Ph,l .10~ 17 37 3 14 363 on Demaree's infield out and Hart- Just completed a tour of the north- be suppressed. the west. According to the Chicago Mancuso NY. 88 9 31 1 9 352 nee fetched him home on a fly to Berger N Y-Cin 182 37 63 8 26 .346 ern Rockies, climbmg among snow When I went to my car this cvenlng, Motor club, this IS the prevailing 1938 Leiber. Collins and Dean then sin- Mcdwiclc St L . 299 40103 11 62 344 capped peaks, where great rivers are I found a handbill stuffed under my travel trend-many miles on thin McCormIck Cm 343 53 116 2 61 .338 gled, the former gorng to third. born to flow to the Pacific ocean and wmdshleld wiper. In order to get this pocket books. Jordan CmPh,l 149 18 50 0 11 3,,6 Jurges hned a double over first, Col- Shoun St L 9 0 3 0 0 3:13 to the Gulf of MeXICO The trip cov- under the Wiper, the boy or man pulled There's a blanket roll and pup tent Goodman em 312 69 101 24 64 3;)4 lins scormg and Dean stepping at ered Yellowstone and Glacier Na- the WIper from its vertIcal posttlon Into in the luggage compartment of the Phelps Brk • • 161 24;2 4 41 .323 third. Hack. CI" . .322 64 103 0 32 .320 tional parks m the Unrted States and a perpendicular posttton, thereby weak- Tribune road car, WIth a grille, Dutch Darming, NY. 240 31 76 5 28 317 Jurges failed to observe the where- Banff and Yoho National parks in ening the wiper, although this particular oven, and a supply of charcoal bri- Laze eel, CI" " 95 21 30 5 18 .316 abouts of Diz and was almost to third H Martm PhI!, .316 41100 a 26 a16 Canada. WIper is of an Improved type that can quets. The luggage is in the tonneau when he discovered his mistake. By RIZZO PItt .. 276 52 87 8 55 .315 The days were spent in collecting be llfted. with a basket of tmned groceries. Gamb'c Cin ., 54 10 17 0 3 315 that time McCarthy had the throw m, Ott NY ... 307 73 96 21 74 .a13 Jurges started back toward second mental pictures to cherish for the V:lC:o~~ce~heanp::~:~leJ~~ ~1I~e~R:=~ After a 5 a. m. departure from Chi- Vaughan Pi tt .. 299 47 93 5 50 .Hl cago we drove until late at night to Suhr Pitt ••• 280 52 87 2 38 311 and McCarthy threw to Bartell, who remamder of Iife. We'll forget the ago makmg a similar complaint. J Brown St L . 190 31 59 0 15 .::111 dove into Jurges and tagged him just aches and dirt of long distance motor It may be that you can give su1ll.clent complete 716 miles for the day. We F Garms Bos 148 20 46 0 13 .311 travel and we'll remember the JOYs publlclty about such destructive methods were lucky in finding a $1.25 cabin J Moore N Y 256 38 79 6 26 309 as the latter started to slide.
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