24438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE August 29, 1967 RECESS UNTil... 10 A.M. TOMORROW annual limits on grants, establish a :flexible The increased cubic capacity of the loan interest rate, and for other purposes. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. newest Jet Trader makes it possible for President, if there is no further business aircargo operators to accept many cate­ to come before the Senate, I move, in DOUGLAS AffiCRAFT CO.'S EXHIBIT gories of bulky, low-density items previ­ accordance with the previous order, that OUTSTANDING AT THE PARIS ously considered unsuitable for air ship­ the Senate, in executive session, stand in AffiSHOW ment. recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow morn­ The Super 61 DC-8F will accommo­ ing. Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON. Mr. date lS cargo pallets, five more than any Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ other commercial air cargo transport. The motion was agreed to; and (at 3 tend my remarks at this point in the o'clock and 15 minutes p.m.) , the Sen­ Pallet size can either be SS inches by lOS RECORD. inches or S8 inches by 125 inches. ate, in executive session, took a recess The SPEAKER. Is there objection Overall length of the new jetliner is until tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30, to the request of the gentleman from 187 .4 feet. Maximum takeoff weight is 1967, at 10 o'clock a.m. California? 325,000 pounds, and maximum landing •• .... •• There was no objection . weight, 240,000 pounds. Mr. CHARLES H. wn.soN. Mr. The Super 61 can carry its maximum HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Speaker, during the past several weeks I capacity in passengers 3,900 statute have discussd the various American ex­ miles without refueling. With a maxi­ TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 hibits at the Paris Airshow. Today I mum payload weight limit of 77 ,500 would like to salute the Douglas Air­ pounds, the four-engine transport has a The House met at 12 o'clock noon. craft Co. for its participation in the nonstop range of 2,S60 statute miles. Rabbi Norman Zdanowitz, King's Park airshow. All Super 6ls are powered by four Pratt Jewish Center, Long Island, N.Y., offered One of the most popular American ex­ & Whitney JT3D-3B engines mounted the following prayer: hibits at Paris was the DC-8-61 jet on the wings, which have a span of transport produced by Douglas. This air­ O Heavenly Father, cast Thy counte­ slightly more than 142 feet. plane, flown to Paris by Eastern Ai~lines, The door to the cargo compartment nance and abundant blessings upon this is one of the new Super Sixty series of under the floor of the Super 61 DC-S has great land. Fortify it physically and the DC-8, 37 feet longer than .its prede­ been enlarged from 36 by 44 inches in spiritually and protect it against all its cessors and capable of carrying up to the standard DC-S to 56 by 57 inches and enemies. 251 passengers. has been designed as a sliding door rather Bless our illustrious President and the These new aircraft have been ordered constituted officers and leaders of the than opening outward. by a number of airlines throughout the Production of the Super 61 began in United States with wisdom and under­ world and the Paris Airshow offered an standing, insight and foresight that they 1965. The transport was rolled out Janu­ ideal opportunity for the European pub­ ary 24, 1966, at the Aircraft Division, may be instrumental in resolving the so­ lic and potential customers from various cial, economic, and political problems Long Beach, Calif., and made its maiden countries to become familiar with the flight in March 1966. that confront our glorious Republic. As Super 60 series. we approach LabCl' Day, we pray that Enthusiastic endorsement of the The introduction of the DC-8-61 jet Super 61 concept was evidenced even the representatives of capital and labor transport-the world's largest-opens a will realize that both are vital and in­ before the first flight. Eight airlines as of new chapter in the history of aviation. that date had placed orders for 2S of the dispensable partners in our unparalleled The Super 61 DC-8 is the first trans­ economic order, and that both must plan jetliners. port built to provide air carriers with a Air Canada ordered four; Delta Air and labor together in harmony in order commercial jetliner specifically designed to promote a better way of life. May we Lines three; Eastern Airlines, seven; to meet the current and predicted ex­ Natio~al Airlines, one; and United Air all be mindful of the unfinished labor of pansion. in air travel. liberating the oppressed, of banishing Lines, seven. Additionally, Trans Carib­ Increased in size, capacity, and effi­ bean Airways, Saturn Airways, and violence and hatred, and of making the ciency, the Super 61 demonstrates the pursuit of tru~h and virtue the highest Trans International Airlines each or­ capacity for growth inherent in the DC-S dered two Super 61 DC-8F Jet Traders. ideal and fondest ambition. design. It is the seventh new version May the United states remain a cita­ The Super 61 DC-8 is the first of three of the basic DC-S which made its maiden enlarged versions of the DC-8. The other del of freedom and ·a watchtower from flight May 30, 195S. which rays of light and hope shall be two, the Super 62 and Super 63 D?-S's, The giant transport is designed to are ultra-long-range transports designed beamed to those who are now living in provide efficient service at low seat-mile darkness, poverty, and despair. Hasten for international operations. and ton-mile costs on high density At Paris the U.S. Navy also displayed the day when the millenial hope of jus­ traffic routes where the schedule fre­ tice, brotherly love, and peace shall be versions of the A-4 Skyhawk attack air­ quency has reached near-saturation craft, also produced by Douglas. These established and will prevail throughout levels. the world. Amen. aircraft more than 2,000 of which have Capable of carrying up to 251 pas­ been m~nufactured, are an important sengers, the Super 61's capacity is more part of the Navy inventory and are per­ than 30 percent greater than that of the THE JOURNAL forming particularly well in Vietnam. series 50 DC-S, the largest DC-S now Other nations are interested in purchas­ The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ flying. ing the A-4 and the Royal Australian terday was read and approved. The Super 61 fuselage is extended by Navy has just taken delivery on the first adding a cabin section 240 inches long of 10 in the A-4G configuration. in front of the wing and one of 200 inches Mr. Speaker, I know that my fellow MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE aft of the wing. Baggage and cargo space under the Americans join me in commending the A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ floor are proportionately increased to Douglas Aircraft Co. for representing rington, one of its clerks, announced that 2 525 cubic feet-almost- equivalent to our country so ably at the Paris Air­ the Senate had passed bills of the fol­ that of a C-36-enabling an airline oper­ show. In addition to contributing sig­ lowing titles, in which the concurrence ator to pay the entire direct operating nificantly to our Nation's defense effort, of the House is requested: cost of the aircraft from cargo capacity. companies like Douglas have made s. 1467. An act to provide authorizations Super 61 DC-8's will reduce direct op­ America a· world leader in the aerospace to carry out the beautification program erating costs to less than 1 cent per seat­ industry. under title 23, United States Code. mile for the first time in aviation his­ S. 1504. An act to amend the Consolidated tory. Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, In its convertible passenger-cargo CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE as amended, to provide for loans for enter­ version, designated the Super 61 DC-SF SPEAKER AND PRIME MINISTER prises to supplement farm income and for KY OF THE REPUBLIC OF VIET­ farm conversion to recreation, remove the Jet Trader, the giant airliner will have a NAM annual celling on insured loans, increase the total cargo capacity of more than 12,600 amount of unsold insured loans that may cubic feet, compared to 8,810 cubic feet Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask be made out of the fund, raise the aggregate for the series 50 DC-SF. unanimous consent that there may be August 29, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 24439 printed in the body of the RECORD corre­ military leaders, decided that our term of and sufferings, but their dead count as much spondence between the Speaker of the duty was to be a transitional one, and set as the dead from all the friendly larids, and House and Prime Minister Ky of the Re­ out to establish the very rapid time-table they will admit no discrimination in an the for the advent of representative government. men's supreme tribute to freedom and human public of Vietnam. We are now reaching the final stage of that dignity. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it time-table. I see an urgent need, Mr. Speaker, for all of is so ordered. Of course, two years are a very short period us to keep an appropriate perspective in the There was no objection.
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