Instauration@ SCULPTURE IN HITLERLAND Mutter Heimat (1939) by Fritz von Graevenitz o I must confess complete astonishment and bafflement at the attempts from all over the country, and especially from the national Re­ publican Party, to quash the candidacy of Da­ vid Duke for a state office! Who would have In keeping with Instauration's policy of anonym­o Most would agree with Tally Essen's premise imagined that an addled ex-President would ity, most communicants will be identified by the (Jan. 1989). His conclusion, however, is anti­ even enter the fray! My blood boiled when I first three digits of their zip codes. thetical to everything history is trying to tell us. heard that goofball, Lee Atwater, call Duke a By proceeding with tunnel vision and selective­ "charlatan and a phony" on TV. What hap­ o I thoroughly disagree with the article in your ly resisting such high priority issues as busing, pened to all of Reagan's gas about the govern­ January issue which argues in favor of making a gun control and abortion, ad infinitum, all in ment keeping out of the states' business? For deal with conservative Jews against the black the manner recommended by Mr. E, we have Bush, Reagan, Atwater, the Jewish and Negro menace. It was typical of naive 19th-century managed to establish the very ignominious pressure groups -- all of lOG -- to get so franti­ thinking. The argument way back then was that score of zero victories for our efforts -- includ­ cally involved tells me here is a candidate at Jews were well-heeled, so we ought to welcome ing Yonkers. Integrated housing in white sub­ long last who will work for white people. David them into the power structure. But far from urbs is one of the provisions of the enemy­ Duke's race has shown, by the hyperactive re­ supporting the status quo, they just bided their created "Racial Policy for the 20th Century." actions it drew from our enemies and the time till they were in a position to encourage, We are expected to dissipate our energy and depths to which they stooped, that democracy first, a wave of Russian-Jewish immigration funds on a diversity of targets and adversaries in this country is a sham. Duke was not only and, second, wave after wave of Third World offered for that purpose. Mr. E's advice could running against Treen; he was running against immigration. not be more counterproductive had it been de­ the entire liberal-neo-con-minority establish­ British subscriber livered by Henry Kissinger himself. Before we ment and its many tentacles. When Tom Hay­ discovered the existence and identity of the den ran for California state assemblyman, Jim­ D Prager and Teluskin, in their book, Why the Domestic Enemy, we could placate ourselves my Carter didn't prostitute himself by stumping jews?, claim the "doctrine of divine election with excuses for evasion of our true duty and for Hayden's opponent! Watching the perform­ has been the major cause of anti-Semitism." for blunders, such as WWI and II. But no more. ance of Reagan, Bush & Co. has motivated me Not for me it isn't. I don't think most people For those whose duty is not yet clear, I offer the to change my party registration from Republi­ give a diddly squat about that ludicrous claim. words of Francis Parker Yockey: canto Independent. Many people in history have believed they were 787 the Chosen People. Let them argue it till the end The mission of this generation is the most of time. It's the tribal conspiracy to stack the difficult that has ever faced a Western o If Americans get any stupider, they'll be in deck against mankind -- that's what troubles generation. It must break the terror by suspended animation! I went to Goodtime me. Give a Jew hiring authority whether in which it is held in silence, it must look Charlie's, a chain restaurant in a rich WASP medical or law school, academia or publishing, ahead, it must believe when there is ap­town. The muzak ruined everything. Virtually or in the entertainment field, and he'll load it parently no hope, it must obey even if it every song was lyrically an advertisement for with his tribesmen. They have their own "af­ means death, it must fight to the end ra­illicit sex, courtesy of those eternally concu­ firmative action" policy even as they promote ther than submit. Fortifying it is the piscent mud people or the white groups who the Negro version. It's the Jews' violation of the knowledge that against the Spirit of Hero­mimic them. What an obvious case of planned ethical rules of getting ahead that is the center­ ism no materialistic force can prevail. subliminal seduction. Restaurant patrons piece of anti-Semitism. Getting ahead was sup­ everywhere are having this stuff fed directly posed to rest on the individual, not on "connec­ 960 into their subconscious. Eateries should get out tions." That's why we have rules against nepo­ of the brainwashing business. If rock musicians tism. But nepotism (favoritism toward rela­ o Re Instauration (Feb. 1989, p. 6), John Rich­ don't quit promoting immorality, they should tives) cannot begin to cope with the Jews' tech­ mond, head of Kraft, ain't kosher. I know lots of be forced to melt their gold records and eat nique of promoting a whole nation. people who know him. them piping hot. 532 779 070 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Sculpture in Hitlerland ........................................................... 6 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Ninth International Revisionist Conference ............................ 8 Annual Subscription What Can Be Done ............................................................... 1 0 $25 regu lar (sent third class) Turgenev vs. Dostoyevsky (Part 111) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 $15 student (sent third class) Add $11 for first class mail Cultural Catacombs .............................................................. 16 $38 Canada and foreign (surface) Add $20 Europe (air) Inklings ................................................................................. 17 Add $25 Elsewhere (air) WASPishly Yours ..................•............................................... 18 Single copy price $3, plus $1 postage Notes 'from the Sceptred Isle ................................................. 19 Wilmot Robertson, Editor Jews Are Schizoid About Capitalism ..................................... 20 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Thoughts from the White Tip ................................................ 22 Florida residents please add 6% sales tax Third class mail is not forwardable. Satcom Sam Dishes It Out..................................•..................23 Please advise us of any change of address Talking Numbers ...........................................•...................... 25 well in advance. Primate Watch......................................................................26 ISSN 0277-2302 28 © 1989 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Elsewhere ............................................................................. All Rights Reserved Stirrings ....•........................................................................... 32 PAGE 2 --INSTAURATION -- MAY 1989 D Dear Satcom Sam: The Geraldo brawl was D What is more blatant or more exasperating D George Lincoln Rockwell was very good at little more than a royal publicity coup for the than the left-wing bias of TV's airhead news­ getting publicity. Even the liberal-minority Metzgers, Roy Innis, Geraldo himself (worth casters? Serial killer Ted Bundy made it quite media could not ignore his pranks and tricks. every broken bone and bruise he got) and the clear to Rev. James Dobson that pornography Humor was Rockwell's primary weapon. Quite Skinhead cult. Rivera succeeded in confusing had a great influence on his acts, as Dobson correctly, he did not try to debate the scientific the Skinhead picture even more by parading reported at a press conference. Then, as if on a rightness or wrongness of liberal-minority dog­ that gaggle of Jews, mongrels, junkies and fag­ Pavlovian cue, "anchorpersons" jumped in to ma, but treated it with the contempt it deserves. gots as New York City Skins. Contrary to what refute the claim, unanimously referring to Dob­ Rockwell, like his Jewish adversaries, real­ Sam says, these baldies did not "rally behind" son as "the religious broadcaster." And just to ized that you don't waste time trying to influ­ Roy Innis during the brawl. They cringed like make sure everybody knew that they're pas­ ence the Majority intellect. That's like looking the pathetic homos they are. Examine the tape sionately devoted to the cause of pornograph­ for a kosher pork chop! You manipulate the and you'll see that the only New York pinhead ers' rights, they showed pillars of society like Majority with its emotions: greed, fear, senti­ who even tried to get involved, a slack-jawed, Dr. Edwin Weinraub mouthing off about how mentality and humor. Having no folk culture, baggy-eyed white specimen, backed down after there's no known connection between porn Americans are savages who make a tribe out of taking one punch -- a well-executed left jab -­ and rape-murder. their generation. The result is strange fashions, from one of the longer-haired, pro-American 482 new but temporary dialects and incredible con­ Skins. formity among millions of teenagers. So far, the 112 D Enjoyed Tally Essen's piece, "Time to Re­ liberal-minority media and entertainment in­ Examine Our Priorities?" (Jan. 1989). But he's dustry have been able to channel these primi­ I have lost all my respect for the U.S. govern­ forgetting that Jews, being the great social en­ tive urges into things that are not only harmless ment. If I did not have family responsibilities gineers of the ages, are behind most of the (at least to them), but also profitable. But these and ties, I would expatriate to Austria or Switz­ country's problems. Take the Jews out of gov­ fads are not completely harmless, as the Jewish erland, to a relatively homogeneous country ernment and there's no more Israel-first foreign community also is suffering social disintegra­ with no Negroes.
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