Possible arson investigated, A3 Hon'xfliAvn Thursday Putting you In touch December 2, 1999 Serving the Westland Community for 35 years with your world g$ VOJL'MF 35 NUMBER 52 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 66 PAGES * http: / observer-eccentric.com SEVENTH-FiVF Cevs C !••• BoauTown C^mmmUsmttotrntitfiwark, lite. IN THE PAPER On ice Lowe's TODAY picks COMMUNITY LIFE Under wraps: Need a pre­ sent wrapped? Scouts and date adults have the answer at their-booths at Wonder­ land Mall in Livonia./Bl to open AT HOME • Lowe's has set a date of June 14 for opening its Season's greetings: Visi­ doors. The home improve­ tors on the Christmas ment company has demol­ Wa[kJwuse tour, which ished the former Source •benefits Green mead His­ Club at Newburgh and War­ torical Park in Litfbnia, ren. will /hid a lot of ideas for BY DARRELX CI.KM STAKF WRITER decor that offers holiday dclem^oe.horaecoram.nt-t cheer/OB Lowe's, a major home improvement company, has demolished the former ENTERTAINMENT STM't PfKnoRY BRYAN MITCHELL Source Club amid plans for opening a Graceful: Jesica Wasczenski, 11, shows off a spin for the camera as younger children she helps new Westland store next June on -the teach to skate watch at Westland Sports Arena. southwest corner of New-burgh and HoUday tradition: Mark Warren. Perrine of Red ford will Lowe's is expected to bring 150 to 200 new jobs to Westland, including 70 direct the Schoolcraft Col­ to 80 full-llira positions ranging from lege Community Choir as Skaters, parents share views stock people to managers The company has torn down the old they si tig seasonal Source Club, vacant for five years, in favorites at Noel Night on hopes of starting new construction Saturday. /El soon. i on mayor's two-rink plans "We are anticipating an open-for- business day of June 14, and that's Dining: Try the Danish BY DARRELL CLEM All 'agrae on oi'n: puim, The city Association President Paui Bajia based on six months of ennstr,el.•.<:.." STAR WRJTEK desperately needs more ice space to said, "But I'm not sure how realistic Lowe's site development manager style pork at Nankin Mill dcleitt&oe.homecotn m, n«>t accommodate popular sports that the idea is, I gueaa I'm a pessimist." Joseph Hilton said Nov. 24 from his Tavern in West I and. It's estland hockey and figure leave some youngsters stranded on a Bajis' biggest fear is that city offi­ Sorth Wilkesboro, N.C., office just one of the many delL. skating enthusiasts are waiting list. cials will decide against a new recre­ City officials have hailed Lowe's far cious items you'll find on Wembracing Mayor Robert Thomas has'proposed (»o new ice ation center arid "nothing will get choosing Westland as the company Thomas' proposal for now,- ice sur­ surfaces for a recreation center that done" even at Wetftland Sports the menu./El he hopes to build between the West- Arena. faces, but not everyone is convinced Please sw LOWE'S, A4 the rinks should be tied to a new land library on Central City Parkway • "I want something to happen," be recreation center and the Kroner store on Ford He Wid.d. ., REAL ESTATE -Some favor two ru-w ice surfaces if said the current, sports arena could Figure skater'- and roaches s the city builds, a mult.) million-dollar be torn down, with the ite used lor Rachael Watkins.Al9. and Kristy Kudos: Builder of the recreation complex, but others indi­ bail fields. t jnerrr^trr took'TIThe' offfro *'Their cated they'd prefer a second rink The new center's estimated price skating inside the sports arena on Year, Hall of Fame mem added to Westland Sports Arena, tag $15 million to $LS million her deserve honors./Fl 6210N. Wildwood. "I love the idea," Westland Mockev Please see SKATERS, A2 a success INDEX BY DARRKIX CLJ::.I STAFF WRITER • At Home D . cklem-GVw.homet'onnn.net • Classified Index F5 Holiday season jobs abundant Westland Cioodfelluw.s - an organiza­ Autos G10 tion that raises money to buy Christ­ Home & Service Guide G15 BY KIMBERLY A, MOHTSON "Knowing that, I've always paid more usually $1 to $2 mas toys for needy children collected STAFF WRJTKR • an hour more, and I'm very flexible with hours." she said. $17,000 last weekend from newspaper Job* Gl kmort*on®oe,hamecomm.net sales, Rentals F9 Callan employs a-staff of managers and photographers Amid the holiday rushy local stores and businesses are try­ who take digital photos of Santa Claus and the Easter That easily topped past Pres-ident • Community Life Bl ing to meet the influx of shoppers by hiring seasonal help .to Bunny with mall customers Jerry Smith's? projection of Si;3,500. • Crossword F6 handle everything from Christmas tree sales and party <*. .- "It, went great," he said "We were • Entertainment E trays to wrapping gifts and making home deliveries. 'Strictly seasonal' elated, This year we had a lot of people who were really gracious We had no • Obituaries A4 But some business owners say a booming economy and a "This situation is strictly, seasonal," Callan said, "My staff plentiful job market are making it more •difficult for them to knows they can work for five straight weeks and make • Opinions . AIMS hire the employees they need • ' .. decent money I'm a firm believer in treating my employees • Real Estate FI '-hopping malls art: no strangers to the seasonal work very well.'1 GOODFELLOWS CI ,d Hose Mufarreh, owner of The Sundries .Shop But Alan Kaplan, owner .of A.Tisket A Tasket of Farming ••-- u<.' Westland Shopping Center, knows ah about needing ton Hills, said he has had some difficulty finding workers*. helping, hand during.the. holidays, "This will be the first year we've had a real surge in busi­ glitches or negative remarks." HOW TO REACH US Miifarreh and her staff operate the Holiday Gift Wrap ness," he said, "We're hiring people to assemble baskets but Good fellows members sold their shop located near Coney Island in the mall it's been hard because the unemployment rate is so low " organization's newspapers at city inter­ "I have my regular staff from the shop work there, and I Kaplan's sentiments echo throughout the retail industry sections, Friday and Saturday, capital­ Newsroom: 73*9532104 do hire about seven people who work until Christina* Eve," as a booming economy has the temporary- and full-time work izing on the pnst-Thank>.gi«'ing shop­ Newsrootn Fax 734-591.-72 79 she said, "They have to commit themselves to working the force moving from job to .job to find the best hourly wage. ping frenzy " "People wer;e stopping and they were Email. jbrown0oe.hom«comiti.n«t 24th or what would be the point in me hiring them? That's a Michigan Made, a specialty'gift store stocked entirely of busy time." products from the shite of Michigan, typically employs sea just dumping money," Smith said • Mightitne/Spons: 734-953-2104 Suzy Callan of PS. Imaging & Events supplies the digital • sonal help for evening store' hour.s, but owner Jane Kuhns "Some people gave checks for $100 or Render Conmieni Lite: 734-953-2042 photography service during Christmas and Easter at Wet­ said she's had to "make do" in the past bv working-extra $50. It was better than last year " Ciimaifiev Advertising; 734-5910900 land Shopping Center, Callan said she's lucky to have hours herself due to a jack ol'applicants The $17,000 raised was believed to "It's verv difficult to hire anyone right now There's just be-a possible record: Oispjay Advertising; 734-591-2300 return employees who faithfully help every year, but she has experienced difficulties in the past finding seasonal help. Home Delivery; 734-591-0500 " ! : ' Pleas*, see JOBS, A2 ~~ Please see SUCCESS. A4 'Taste of the Arts' combines arts and fine cuisine BY JULIE BROWN • 'Everything lias been Looks good: STAFF WHITER donated, which shows you LaVcrne Dudley and La Verne Dudley of rnkMer wa« the generosity. That really daughter -arnQng the proud parent* at TuesdavV shows you the community Taste of the Arts" at the.Hellenic Cul­ Raymtsha. 9, Be sure to ask about this tural Center. Her daughter, Raymisha, spirit.' sample the had created ft piece of artwork fbr the food at the money-saving card benefit. dacque-Murtin Downs Joy \fan(>r "I'm excited, I'm verv proud of her,' h\i,mih Ri'sniire* (\ nhr when vou ™errr»"jr-t =>:Kbtiiiii desst't i iahie said .Dudley of her daughter, a 9-yenr 77?,-.s- teas the renew your old fourth-grader at Elliott Elemen­ Ihe art teachers did a fabulous job gel tary.- "She'* really done well.". ting the students to donate their art first year for ""siibicription to your The family recently moved to Michi­ wc>rk The students did a fabulous inb " the event, a Hometown Newspaper! gan The WedUand Chamber of Com The event drew some ».»00 people fund raiser mere* benefit provided a chanc*1 for Proceeds support the chamber and I hi for the West them to get to know their community Family Resource Center land Cham This evening included tastes of good "This is awesome." said Jacqoe Mar food from area eateries Student art­ tin-Down* director nf tin- Fainilv her of Com work from Livonia and Wayne Went Resource ('enter "We hudf it and (hev metre, and land school* was up for auction are coming 1 Jm thrilled, the Family Nancy Barrbnft, chamber president "Everything has l'x*en donated v*!ia h Resource wan admiring the artwork.
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