Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 10-13-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 13, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 49, Issue 19 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 13, 1967." (Oct 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ Legal Question Raised on '66 Election By David ' E. Marshall said the Idea for the cbange or- days from the date of the petition. a committee of c"itizens att~U:: d 19i!lated wltb tbe former councll Baker says this p~edure Is in to In!'tigat~ a .fuit on the groun'<ls A peaceful political coup--unrec­ wbicb called tbe referendum elec­ line with the codes of most states. that the election ........ did not conform ognlzed by most Carbondale cltl­ tion and made the change. '~Usually special elections~ such \0 the state statutes? ' Zens,,:,-may have taken plJlce here M. M. Sappenfield' and John H. as t tbese," he Said. "are called Most of the principal legal per­ when the form of government was Baker. associate professors In SIU' s aft~r the petition Is received by ' sons involved In the change were cbanged In 1966. Department of Government, agree eltlier the Circuit Coun. County interviewed. All who were ·a9ced A question centers on tbe change that the cbange raises several aca­ Coun or by a Board of Supervisors agreed that the.Circuit Coun would In . City government from the old. demic questions. or Commissioners:' uphold the new system as a de factO commissioner form to the present Was the referendum election Helton. )IIbo .at tbat time was government. m,!"age{-councll form. called In accordance with Illinois legal counsel to the City Counell • . Was the change legal? State Municipal Statutes? If not. was Instructed by the council to al!jJbe~I~~~\~~~ ~:!.:;~ St~: ~~~: Recent investigation shows that why not1 draw up an ordinance calling for cuft Coun favor a contest suit trn;n the basis.. for calling the election According to the municipal codes an election. a regional state representative could may not have adbered strictly to (for cities with a population of less After checking with the Munici­ get legislation through the General state law. than 500.000) a change ·In tbe form pal League. he did. Assembly qulcldy to substantiate However, it doesn't seem to dis­ of city government must be Insti­ The ordinance, number 1326, es­ or "o'fficializeu the election and turb tbe, 'cltlzenry nor those con­ gated by a petition to the Circuit tablished the election for May ~4, proclamation. cerned specifically with' questions Coun. 1966. Sappenfield believes . the Circuit of legality. But 'there was no petition. The voters answered the proposi­ Cour.t would uphold the new coun­ The coup was the product of the After receiving the pE,utlon. the tion: "Shall tbe City of Carhon": cll-manager government of Carhon1 past City Council wbich acted on coun Is tben directed to scbedule dale. Illinois. adopt the Managerial dale. ,- the advice of the Corporation Coun­ a hearing on 1he sufficiency for an form of municipal government?" "'I'm sure the coun would rule ' sel J. Edward Helton. election. Tbat Is. If the petition The results were 1.9QI affirma­ the change as within the normal Tbe people were permitted to . carries enGIII!b verifiable names to tive votes and 944 opposing votes. afforded jurisdiction of t.he past voice their approval and tbe change warrant an~ erectlon. I There were 54 spolled ballots. coun~said. was made. The hearing must be called for Two days later Mayor Miller . Tbe petition method of changing . Helton said he gave his advice not less tlian 10 days nor more Baued a proclamafion that the man­ the form of municipal government after consulting Waldo Ackerman. tban 30 days after the petition Is agerial form of government was Is provided In tbe state statutes a representative of tbe Municipal recorded. .- offiCially adopted. to permit citizens to instigate a League's office In Springfield. change when the councll Is opposed \ setA~e~~~e f~~~g~I~~I~U~t rr::. At tbls point anotber question or divided on the Issue. Sappen­ Former Mayor D. Blan ~ y Miller . than 30 dars nor mo re than 120 arises: What would happen now If field said• . ~~~Tr--------------------~------~--~ DAILY EG¥rTIAN Southern Illirwis University Volume 8 Corbon.,Jal., /l1;no ;s~ FriJay, Ocfob.r 13, 1967 .Humber 19 Chawl}.er Spuly Com!!!~ttee To Send Letter~· to · Morris By George M. Killenberg ris when the request f~r !inessmen and property own- T he Chamber of Com­ addition the letter merce-sponS9red H 0 us i n g ~~~d~:~~~e:~e::::~ ~~a~ ' er~~ wil ~ Study Committee took its,first the president wanted to look ask Morris if University funds . WHERE mE FOOTBRIDGE MAY BE BUILT SOMED'AY step last I)lgbt at tackling 10- only into tbe administration and facilities wiU be made eaI problems arising from of the rules. not the policy available to conduct the study. Change in Plans SIU's current housing and mo­ surrounding tbem. Pre~ y tbe committee is tor vehicle regulations. "If we can't review the ,operating without funds. Ac an organizational meet­ Board of Trustees regula- The purpose of the letter. Ing Thursday night. tbe newly tions, to Committee Cbairman Scboen explained, is to solicit formed committee agreed its Sidney Schoen said, -, we're President Morris' opinions on DeJay of Foot&ridge first move would be to s'end wasting our time." the scope of the committee's a letter to SlU President Oe­ Ross and tbe other members study. ··We want MorriS to Iyte . W. Morris outlining the of the committee agreed that agree to the "pirit of the committee's plans for the in order to look at inequi- study," said one committee Blamed on 'Red Tape' study. ties in the administration of mc!mber. The committee Is the off­ University regulations, the -s,choen would not speculate spring of President Morris' policy bebind the administra­ as to whether the comminee ,.. A pile of red tape" ·has A representative of the Slm- request to local leaders that tion must be studied. delayed the" long-delayed be­ would be working under Mor­ mons Construction Co., De- the Chamber of Commerce Tbe letter will also include ris' ground rules. "We want ginning of construction of a catur. told the. Dally Egyp- conduct an Independent survey sample questionnaires which footbridge over the IC rail­ to see how Morris feels about; tlan Thursday that construc- on the eff"cts of SIU rules on . the committee plans to dis­ the plans so far before tak- road traclcs at U.S. 51 and tlon has been held up 'while the local community. tribute to students,., faculty I Harwood Avenue, according to the lC office and the Highway In the letter. which will be members, parents. local bus- (Continued on Page 16) an, offiCial at th~ company Depanment approved the pro- diaftell this week. the com- which contracted to do the Ject's plans. mittee is expected to Inform C b dIE II work. "The railroad requited that Morris that an examination ar on ·a e nro ment we Include protective glas s of the policy as well as the GUs Bode reflector screens on the por- administration of University . tlon of the overpass crossing hOl!sing and motor rules ' Increases by 1,072 Studen. ts, their tracks." the office said. should be Included in the study. He said inclusion of this na~dh:o~~ e:h:~~~~~t~\:~: . Fall qU'arter enrollment at Enrol1m~~ figures we re provision In the plans ac-· sm. Carbondale campus , is reported ~hu"r' day by Robert counted for tbe major ponlon A' .,. -'-k 1 ide' up 1.072 from lasr year. Tbe A. McGrat~ giscrar. of the delay. ~ lIS figure represents an increase The sophomore class The . final set of plans was of nearly six per cent over showed the greatest afnount submitted to John Lonergan, ..• Res taurant owner pro- the sam ~ dace a year ago. of ino;:re'!!'e of any class. The associate University arcbi- tests handiing of beer license .And i\ Is somewhat hlgber sophomores with 5,820 show teet, earlier this week, 'the request, page 2. than la~t year·s percentage an increase of 2,219 students official said. • • • Logan House Will ac- Increase of 4.8. over tbe 1966 fil1:Ures. He said all that remains be- cept' only students 21 or older. TQtal SIU enrollment this fore conBtt1Jctlon can begin page 6. ' year Is 27,188. with 19.260 ~raduate school enrollment 18 tbe formality of University ... Homecoming orcbesp-a students at Carhonilale and .Jumped . from 3,9.79 to 4,414. approval. announced. page 10. 8.528 students at Edwards- "Tbe total number of stu- • Lonergan was out of town •.• No weekend line for ville. Edwardsville has' an dents this year is a~ve tiJl> , Tbursday and. unavallable for Homecoming ' sbow ·tlckets. Increase of 965 studen~s this estimates projected for bu'd- comment. page 10. year: y-, get piirposes. "McGrath said. An announcement from the ••• New bus sChedule At this / time a 'year ago. .The projected figure was Gus says it really 18 'nec- ~s offlC!:-SePt,20saId starts Monday, J!8ge-t()~ . C8~ · campu. bad l8. ~ · 27.146.
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