UNIVERSITY 0~ HAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riet_Yr;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b& ~ . .. :. l i i ·,:\ .; · By KEVIN COSTELLOE staring.intently atthe text in front of than 500people last weekinJakruta · . rerri~inder ofth~- current presi~ JAKARTA,lndonesia(AP)- him. · alone, with moreviolenc~sweep- .· dential tenn, which lasts until His voice slow and trembling, · He added: "For· the support arid irig other towns and cities across ·.2003. President Suha1to on Thursday help from the people of Indonesia the nation. Habibie is only Indonesia's ,, resigned the presidency of Indo- that I have received during my Looking stunned,· the 76-year- third president since the country nesia, the economically crum- leadership, I ask for forgiveness if old autocrat turned the reins of · gained ndepen'dence from the bling country he's ruled with an 'there are any mistakes or short- power over to his vice.president,. Dutch in I 945, . iron fist for 32 years. · comings." beforeleavingtheomatepalacefor ·Installing Habibie in office un­ Suhru,to, sun-ounded by his top Just a few days ago, such a state- the last time as leader. · til 2003 is likely to anger opposi- aides and the nation's military mentwouldhavebeenunthinkab\e H.e was helped into his waiting . tion forces, which have been.de- .chiefs, stepped to the microphone from the head of the world's fourth car'by his eldest daughter, S~ti ·. mantling quicker refarms, a total at the presidential palace, .as a most populous country. Hardiyanti Rukmana, who revamp of the Suharto regime. military attache handed him the His· drab~ short-sleeved shirt served as a Cabinet minister and They are unlikely to trust such resignation letter to read. stopd in stark contrast to the orriate · came to symbolize ihe rampant a close Suharto ally. "I have decided to resign as the. trappings of· the Istana Metdeka corruption and nepotism that have That could also lead to further president of the republic of Inda- palace, where he'd received scores plagued the country. unrest in this country of202 mil­ nesia effective immediatley as of of world leaders since assuming BacharuddinJusufJiabibie, who lion people. the reading of this statement, power in 1966. · · had been serving· as the country's Gen. Wiranto, the armed forces, : Thursday,May21,"saidSuharto, A wave of unrest killed.more.· · vice.president;will serve.out the. Continued on ·page 73 / :~' .:...:...-~~.·-. .. __,.--~--·~·- ... ··-·-''·' ' ... _. ....... .. .._.... ......................... __..-_..,. _' .. __..' .. -·"······-·-·· ... ····-··-··--·-- .. -· ····---···-·'•" ___ .. , ... ~--·· -··-··---· ·---------------- . ___ _.._.....,_ __ ............ ... .._.._..-.... --.......-...... ---...... ----·····----· __ .. ______ ~-· t •• ::· t .,,. -:.~." ....., ___ •' •i', I > .,~ ._,~ _,.. 'i.. I,..~:,• I'.' ,"'t • ',I '• '' .,, ' ~,/ ..., •',:. ·Leaders report to people Teno: Gov't should explore Babauta warns US Congress : ~ ne~ altema:~!<;M~~dustries ~!!."~!~e away CIP funding '. ~· Variety News Staff Variety News Staff · · · i) ~OVE~OR_Pe~ P. Tenorio announ~ed ye~terday THE N?RTHERN Mar_iana Islands is facing a I;! h1~ admm1stration s plant~ explore_new m~ustnes that very senous threat of losmg Covenant infrastruc- ii might replace the gannent mdustry m case 1t phases out ture funding already approved by US Congress ::! of the CNMI. due to its failure to use the said grants, Washington i 1 "I believe the best approach is to encournge growth Rep. Juan Babauta said. • ·. where we can, to prudently manage ourresources and to In his State of the Washington Representative's work closely with the p1ivate sector to nurture and Office address yesterday, Babauta alerted govern- diversify our economy," Tenorio said in his State of the ment officials on the possible relinquishment of CommonwealthAddresstoajointsessionofLegislature some $ I 06 million. should the local government at the Multi-Purpose Center in Susupe. fail to find matching funds. The governor disclosed plans to create an Economic US Congress had appropriated $73 mil lion in Recovery and Revitalization Task Force that would be un-utilized Covenant funds by the end of last year assigned to draw up economic plans for the Common- for the CNMI, while another $33 million in fed- wealth. era! funds have been made ready for local use. 'foe task force, he added, would be required to "de- The local government can only tap Covenant velop a coordinated action plan to recover from the money as soon as it is able to come up with funds cUirent economic downturn, promote quality tou1ism to match it. and identify new indusuies to replace the expected "We are not spending our Covenant funds, and decline in the gaiment indusu-y." · I must alert you, if we do not use it, we could lose t: -: Pedro P. Tenorio Continued on page 42 Contil)ued on page 73 Juan N. Babauta 1 IJ L.:.:~·.~~:.::~~:==~~~~:::~=~::..~~...::::..::.:;.~::.~~~~T:7~~~7~~~~~-fir.1.8"?ff.:~:r.r,::;•7W,?Pj::.f£~~.0-~""•'l~~~~~~~t~M~~~~~~~~~ri;::;;,·,'_.,.j ..;/~,,.:~FOC~f1,p.7~,~z;~J ~urkowsk.i panel OKs a1nended· takeover bill By Mar-Vic C. Munar ~·Made in USA" label and tariff com1'nittee voted 16-3 in favor Variety News Staff free privilege, and the application of the substitute bill. THE US Senate Committee on of the federal minimum wage level The amendments. sponsored Energy and Natural Resources in the CNMI as provided in the by Murkowski and Sen. Daniel endorsed Tuesday the amended original bill. Akaka, were incorporated into version of a legislation that SB 1275 was proposed by the SB 1275 during a mark-up hear­ would place the CNMI 's immi­ Clinton Administration and spon­ ing Tuesday (D.C. time). gration under the control of the sored by committee chai1man Sen. The amendments were based US Attorney General. Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska). It on the testimonies presented by The amended version of SB was prompted by al legations about the CNMI and the Department 1275, however, seems to favor labor abuses and trade fraud hurled of Interior officials during the the garment industry as it elimi­ against the garment sector. March 31 hearing in Washing­ nates the 50 percent US citizen According to a press release ton D.C. hiring requirement as a condi­ from· the Office of Insular Af­ Under the substitute bill, the tion for the continued use of the Frank Murkowski fairs, Murkowski 's bipartisan Continued on page 71 PAC NEIJJSP.;FER STACKS tMARIA~AS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- M.A. Y .22 ,· i998 .. ---------- Senate action irks leaders Habibiet es over By AldwinR. Faj:rrdo sion of the bill which will place the riod of Covenant funding, Congress fedeml takeover plans. tives is to clean the problems beset­ By GEOFF SPENCER 1esearch. Vaiiety News Staff ultimate decision of making federal has provided CNMI with over $113 Sablmi this option is gum·anteed ting the CNMI. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Oncelabeleda"high-techdreamer'" WHILEeverybodywasengrossed immigration law applicable to the million for government operations under tlie 902 section of tlie Cov­ "Even if there's a takeoverof mini­ Bacharuddin Jusuf 1-Iabibie, by a newspaper, Habibie has his own with the State of the Commonwealth CNMI in the hands of the Attorney "and the Committee does not want to enmit, which provides for a negotia­ mum wage and immigration, we still Indonesia's newp1esident, has been a Internet site, mid model airplm1es address, US senators comp1ising the General," Benavente said. return to those days." tionbetweentliefederalandtheCNMI have to clean the mess out here," he f1iend ofPresidentSuhmtosince boy­ adom his office desk. Committee on Energy ,md Natural According to an executive sum­ The Committee has also adopted governments on miy given issue. said. hood. He also has backed costly, high­ Resources were deliberating on tl1e mmyofthe amendment, themmk-up an1endments to the bill to ensu11: tl,at ''We should sit together and ne­ Meanwhile, the CNMI House of A ti1ed and drawn Suhmto an­ tech projects_ ones that counter the amendments to the federal takeover provides for full extension of the indust:Iies tl1at depend on guest work­ gotiate to reach an understanding Representatives drafted a resolution nounced his 1esignation Thursday and spi Iitof auste1i ty refonns tl1at Suharto legislation. ImmigrationandNatiomtlity Act con­ ers for temporiuy jobs will have full to any particular issue, especially urgingtl1e US Congress to reconsider immediately nan1ed tlie flm11boymit signed under pressure from the Inter­ Local government officials, bm1k­ tingent on thcAttomey General find- access to alien labor. It also allows the on matters affecting the relation­ the Commonwealth's position and Habibie to finish out hiscwrent te1m, national Monet.-uy Fund. ing on reports tliat tl1e mm·k-up hear­ mg. transition provision for the hotel in­ ship of the US and the CNMI recommendation not to impose the which ends in 2003. The IMF ha~ been leading a$ 43 ing will take place Friday [Thursday The amendment substitutes an in­ dustry to be extended for additional governments," he stressed. federal immigmtion mid labor laws in There was no mention of a transi­ billionbailoutforlndonesiatl1atstm1ed in CNMI] wen: not as happy to hem· duslly committee for the mandatrny five-year pe1iods "as long as neces­ He, nevertheless, vowed to theCNMI. tional government and elections by in 1997. that the US Senate Committee has phase in of federal minimum wage. sary.~' work doubly hard with the local 'lne House, in a special session tl1e end of tlie year, which govern­ As the sponsor of such costly already voted in favor of the legisla­ The Committee said Congress has Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio, after his 902 panel for the Commonwealth Wednesday, wa, pressing for a con­ ment opponents had demanded. projects, Habibie is viewed as a liabil­ tion. recognized tlie different economic StateoftheCommonwealthAd<lrcss, lo retain its self-governing status. sultation meeting between the US Suhaito's hm1d-picked assembly ity by mai-ket 1111der.; and mistrusted House Speaker Diego Benavente, circumstances of tlie. tenitories and cmi only say he is not yet awm·e what "We will negotiate." and the CNMl govemmenL, on local appmved Habibie as vice president in by some in tl1e powc1ful militmy for in a letter to Sen.
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