50¢ January 14, 2007 Volume 81, No. 2 www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Looking for Diocese and parishes place emphasis a sign? Vocation section offers personal stories of those who on vocations during jubilee year have chosen religious path. Pages 10-17 BY ANN CAREY SOUTH BEND — A systematic program to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life has Solemn been in place in this diocese for over a dozen years, but during this Sesquicentennial Jubilee Year, spe- proclamation cial emphasis will be placed on vocations. Every parish is being asked to devote at least one Jubilee year opens holy hour a month to prayer for vocations to the Page 3 priesthood and religious life. Further, all parishes are being called on to implement the Called by Name program in February, in which parishioners recom- mend young men and women they believe have the qualities to become Young Voice See more on a priest, brother or sister. vocation The Called by Name program St. Vincent de Paul School initiatives. was developed by the Serra Club, which has taken a leadership role in celebrates 50 years PAGES 10-17 engaging laity in promoting and Page 12 praying for vocations. The program was further refined by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Vocations and has been utilized sporadically in some parishes in the diocese over the past few years. MICHELLE DONAGHEY Today’s Wise Men This Sesquicentennial Jubilee year, Bishop John The diocesan seminarians gathered for rosary, Mass and a luncheon hosted by the South M. D’Arcy is encouraging implementation of Called Shaping a world by Name in every parish. According to Father Bend Serra Club on Dec. 28. In the photo are, left to right, front row, Tim Chupp, Drew Bernard Galic, vocation director for this diocese, the Curry, Chris Lapp, Zackary Barry, Bishop John M. D’Arcy, Tink Coonan, Kevin Bauman and based on Christ initiative works this way: The pastor gives a homily Vocation Director Father Bernie Galic; and second row, Andy Budzinski, Matt Coonan, Page 4 on vocations and the Called by Name program, urg- Matthew Soberalski, Jacob Runyon, Jason Freiburger, Jacob Meyer, Paul Mankowski, Ben Muhlenkamp, Cristian Reyes and Bob Lengerich. Not pictured are Gabriel Hernandez and Fernando Jimenez. VOCATION, PAGE 4 Back to the courts HARD WORK IN BIG EASY ICCL and CYO Indiana bishops release basketball returns pastoral letter on immigration Page 21 ing others as Christ himself. Together with I Was a Stranger and You all our sisters and brothers throughout the Welcomed Me: Meeting Christ state of Indiana, we embrace an authentic and enduring form of Hoosier hospitality in New Neighbors that goes beyond superficial slogans to the heart of what it means to be a community hen the king will say to those on his of faith that welcomes all who wish to Tright, “Come, you who are blessed by share our way of life. my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared In his first encyclical, “Deus Caritas for you from the foundation of the world. Est” (“God Is Love”), Pope Benedict XVI For I was hungry and you gave me reminds us that there is an intimate and food, I was thirsty and you gave me unbreakable connection between love of drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, God and love of neighbor. Because God naked and you clothed me, ill and you has first loved us — completely and cared for me, in prison and you visited unconditionally — we are compelled to me.” Then the righteous will answer him love one another. And in loving our neigh- and say, “Lord, when did we see you hun- bor, we meet the person of Christ. gry and feed you, or thirsty and give you Who is my neighbor? Not simply some- drink? one who is familiar and close at hand. Not CARINA BRUDI When did we see you a stranger and simply someone who shares my ethnic, Today’s Catholic assistant editor Don welcome you, or naked and clothe you? social or racial characteristics. In the When did we see you ill or in prison, Gospels, we learn that our neighbor is any- Clemmer works on a roof as part of a and visit you?” And the king will say to one who is in need — including those who recent mission trip to New Orleans. The them in reply, “Amen, I say to you, what- are homeless, hungry, sick or in prison. A ever you did for one of these least brothers neighbor may well be a complete stranger account of Clemmer’s journey — the first of mine, you did for me.” — Mt. 25:34- whose background, experience or social 40. standing is very different from ours. by a member of the Today’s Catholic staff We Catholic bishops of Indiana recom- — can be read on page 18. mit ourselves and our dioceses to welcom- LETTER, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JANUARY 14, 2007 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the The field is ripe for the harvest Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 of religious vocations PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy EDITOR: Tim Johnson Vocation Sunday ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer This is the weekend set aside for reflec- tion on vocations to the priesthood and the STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad consecrated life. While we are encouraged that we have 18 young men in the seminary Editorial Department NEWS (this is a correction from last week when I PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES said there were 17), and while this is the FREELANCE WRITERS: Ann Carey, largest number during my 21 years of serv- ice here and, while they all seem to be men Michelle Castleman, Elmer J. Danch, BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie Elberson, of quality and strength, men who would also make good husbands and good fathers, Denise Fedorow, Sister Margie we need many more. I am grateful to the Lavonis, CSC, Jennifer Ochstein, good Lord that these vocations are begin- Theresa Thomas, Kristi Ward To welcome the newcomer ning to come. Much credit must go to our There are no strangers in the Catholic priests, especially those who are focused on Business Department Church. Jesus offered himself on the cross youth ministry and have worked in our high BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice for the salvation of all. This is the founda- schools. They are convinced, as am I, that tion for the pastoral letter, which is released AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber the field is ripe for the harvest. God is today and is presented on the cover and attracting young people, and part of the BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol page 3 in this newspaper and in other [email protected] attraction is that they see the need in our Catholic newspapers throughout the state. diocese. In this pastoral letter, the bishops, our Advertising Sales Bishop John M. D’Arcy after his first Mass as a I also hope that those congregations teachers, come to grips in a matter faithful priest with his mother and father in 1957. which have served here historically, espe- Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) to the Gospel and to the long-standing cially the Holy Cross Fathers, who came to (260) 456-2824 teaching of the church with this phenomena This diocese has always welcomed the this area over 150 years ago, even before Judy Kearns (South Bend area) of recent years. We know that this influx, immigrant. In reading the manuscript of the the diocese was officially established, will (574) 234-0687 which increases daily, represents legal history of our diocese which is being writ- benefit from our efforts this year to foster Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY problems for our government. We neither ten for the jubilee, one sees this every- vocations to the priesthood. condone nor support anything illegal; but where. Indeed, my own parents were immi- Published weekly except the last we are moral teachers, teachers of the truth. grants. I recall their speaking of the preju- My schedule Sunday in June, second and fourth The truth underlying this letter is the digni- dice that they experienced, although I think While preparing these notes, I am also weeks in July, second week in August ty of every person as created by God and it was less painful than what our new immi- getting ready to drive to St. Martin de and last week in December by the redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. We Porres Parish, Syracuse, where I will offer Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, grants have undergone. I also recall their see this influx as a pastoral and spiritual joy, reflected on and spoken about down the Saturday evening Mass and be available 1103 S. Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort opportunity. Wayne, IN 46801. Second-class the years, when they became citizens of this for confessions. This is part of filling in for We have supported initiatives, which are great country. After a trip to her homeland, Father Terry Place, who has a serious can- postage paid at Fort Wayne, IN, and legal and moral and which are doable. The additional mailing office. my mother often recalled with joy the cer and is recovering in a nearby nursing same teaching authority, which has spoken words she heard as the ship landed in New home. Keep him in your prayers. I hope to out in this state and across the country and POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: York Harbor.
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