i*^*'*",-«. b*p 1 m •; :\1 Parent's Day See-Page-9^ **? >^ The Bernard M. Baruch College 6> V Ar0£Dv^ Vol. LIX-No. 10 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1968 •'Jg|^J^jjfr> 389 A Free Press flood Drive This Thurs,R.C.A.' Condemnation Staffed; Refreshments Offered Action Is Expected This Week By STUART LINT>AUER . Contrary to rumors that have been spreading through­ out the school, I.F.C. will hold its semi-annual blood drive this Thursday from 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. in the Oak and Marble Rented Space Negotiations Dead Jo-eked On^Renovatfons^ -irOttnires-of-the Student Center. If you are between the ages The K.C.A. building- condemnation has been further stalled. The delay was called of 18 and 59, you may donate blood. For those between the "unexplainable" by Dr. Hyman, Vice Chancellor of the Board of Higher Education (R.H.E.). ages of 18 and 21, it is no longer necessary to obtain parental Dr. Hyman indicated yesterday that the proper papers "should be" filed with the N. Y. consent. State Supreme Court this ®£ — Blood Drive,, all prospective do- to Hunts Point in the Bronx- A claims they paid $_2._9_jrnjlIion for Donors who miss all or part Thursday or Friday at the -nors—will be examined in order two block segment of the pro­ the site, although this sum includ­ $£ a class in—order to give" blood latest. es a $500,000 donation to U.C.P. •will be issued excuse slips ex­ to determine their eligibility. In a related occurrence, the posed Atlantic Avenue site is in­ volved. by RJC.A. plaining their absence. Refresh­ Brooklyn campus promised to the In a discussion with Ticker Edit­ It is imperative that all of you Baruch College has been endan- ments, donuts (donated by Ala- .. _ i — «— — On August 5 the City Univer­ or, Associate Editor, and Student din), coffee, milk, etc. will be at least consider this opportunity 1 gered by the possible dissolution sity Construction Fund ordered the Council President, Vice Chancellor % served to those who have given to provide insurance for your- of the Hunts Point Meat Market State Dormitory Authority to ac­ Hyman conceded that the "project blood. selves and your families, and at i Co-operative. It was through this quire the building by condemnation has already been seriously endan­ the same time help your fellow co-operative that the -Ft. Green if necessary. The initial -steps have gered." The Vice Chancellor, how­ Last week, a report from Mt. man. Meat Market was • slated to move Sinai Hospital cited the increas­ yet to be taken; today is Novem­ ever, insisted that condemnation ing amounts of infected blood ber 19. The "condemnation" has proceedings will be instituted; he that have been donated to com- been plagued by several setbacks, predicte^, ^d^ th^e„ ,_„„cour. t vould be peti- ' mercial blood centers, and the re­ 3 MartyrsHo Be Honored most notably the sale of the build.- I tioned by Friday, sulting shortage of good blood ing to the United Cerebral Palsy I The law firm of Simpson, That- available. It ha^been necessary Foundation on September 17. Six I eher, and Barton is handling the weeks after the sale of the build- I action for the State Dormitory An- to" resort to such methods as In Center ProgramToday \ freezing blood in- order to pro­ — - . ing, the B.H.E. offered TJ-C.P. $1.6 I thority. In. an interview yesterday long the period during which the A tribute to the memories of John F. Kennedy, Hobert 1million for the building. U.C.P. 1 ccontinued: on Page 2> blood can be used effectively F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King will be held today in -H^Mood, if it is not frozen, must the Student Center lob"by at 12:15. The^ event is, being sppn- ?be »sed within 21 days for it to sored by 3obaiersLancr-by/the J* tt -«ffective.) At the Red Cross The program will consist~ °fftion „ TheSe words spoken fey readings and the presentation of a , ^^ B; BeIIush former Kis oup floral tribute by the Boosters on professor at Baruch, best explain, StudentAdvi behalf of the student body, faculty, the program according to AHisojfeL Students at City University will soon formally partici­ administration, alumni, and college We will be heard. pate in policy deliberations through a Chancellor's Student ah students the world over. Allison Advisory Council announced today by Dr. Albert H. Bowker, Berglass will be mis-tress of cere­ I monies. Refreshments will be serv­ Chancellor of the University. The new council will hold its ram ed. ^___. first meeting on December 3. *ffanization as *it sees fit, pro- Edward Kennedy's eulogy of his Dr. Bowker said that the move vided that no college may be rep­ brother Robert will be read by is a response both to increased resented by more than three del­ Prof. Gardner. Dr. Servine will re­ student demands for a voice in egates or their duly authorized cite "I Think Continually of Those University affairs and "a need alternates. The three delegates are Who Wheie Truly Great." Hal to represent (1) the day session Premer-wil^ -sead^Jv-R-K/s inau­ student government, (2) the even­ gural address. Prof. Mammen will ing session student government, recite "Thanksgiving 1963" a poem and (3) the graduate student gov- by Mollie Kazan. Other readings wil be made from speeches of 3tob-- __JW^here there is more than one ert Kennedy and Martin Luther chartered student organization in King. any of these three categories, the "You have a voice and your organizations shall be responsible voice should be heard. We cannot for jointly determining *heir rep­ remain a silent generation for then resentatives. The representatives we should not carry on the tradi- President Kennedy and alternates are to be selected for a term of one academic year ending June 30. Seats In Classes of 69,70,72 The first step toward formation of the council was taken last Douglas Lederman month, when the'Chancellor wrote Mr. Leonard Savoie will For Grab In CouncU^EIection to student government presidents V Election day at Baruch, will be tomorrow November for meaningful student participa­ speak at 8:00' PM tonight ra­ tion to help solve problems in proposing its establishment and the Regency Room of the 20th. But only a small turnout is expected for the eleetion many areas of interest and con­ inviting them -feo 'submit written George Washington Hotel on that will fill empty seats in Student Council and Ticker cern to the University." He named suggestions for selecting an ad- -"Issues in Corporate Account­ Association. illiaiii!llil!!!Hlii!iliilI!iii:ili;i:!!il:illili;!il!!l!ll:!li:Rnil!III!lllll!l!!!IIIIIIIi:iii:iHniill!!i Vice-Chancellor Robert Birnbaum hoc student steering committed, Neil Bergman is running unop­ That was the committee which ability." INDEX as his personal liaison with the posed for the Ticker Association. group. met this week. It included Doug­ A graduate of the Univer­ The T.A. acts as publisher of The Neil Bergman 7 ^ las Lederman of Baruch College, 1 sity of Illinois, Mr. Savoie is An ad-hoc steering committee, Ticker, it elects the editor, and pro­ Club News 8 • selected by students and composed Louw-.Shiang Liu' and Marshall the Executive Vice-President vides the funds needed to print Columns 3, £•, 6, 7, 11 of student government leaders Bryant of Borough of Manhat­ of the American Institute of the papers from most of the University's 15 tan Community College, Theodore There are two seats open in the Draft H Di Padova of the University Grad­ Certified Public Accountants. , Editorials 6 "campuses, met this week with Dr. Since 1962,Mr. Savoie has class of '69. Lewis Sturm and Stan Birnbaum to formulate its recom­ uate Division, Barbara Bernstein Hoff are running to fill the-posi­ Letters to the Editor 7, 9,10 Jl t headed the Educational and mendations for structuring the and Vincent Broillet of Kings- tions of class vice president and Music World -£ Council. The recommendations call borough Community College, Sam­ | Research Department of Price council representative. Parents Day 9 for the Advisory Council to be uel Lightbourn of Bronx Com­ Waterhouse. He is a member Three students are running to Sports 12 munity College, Robert E. Arrin- This View 6 composed of representatives of |_ of the New York Society of fill two empty seats in the class dell and Jean-Louis d'Heilly of CPA, and the Illinois Society of '70. They are Mark Frank, Pol- WTCai's Happening 7 each college, selected by each chartered student government or- (Continued on Page 11) of CPA. (Continued on Page 5) ;!!ll!l!!lll!IIIDlIi:!;M V Tuesday, November 19, 1968 Tuesday, November 19, 7963" THE Ti^K^fe^ Page Two THE TICKER -=57? City Improves Social Services Scholarship Checks as Students receiving Bernard M. Baruch College Scholar > ships apd/"r Grants are advised that the checks can fae_ Imaginativ picked up between 10 AM and 4 PM beginning on Wednes­ day, November 20. If you have been awarded a Baruch By NEIL LIEBERMAN In this period of crisis of our country, the New York City Department of Social College Scholarship or Grant, please come to the reception Services, the largest in the country, has accep ted the challenge to provide n€*w programs and area in the Student Center lobby during the above hours. At the Psych Society meeting last Thursday, the mem­ new policies to better meet .the needs of its cli ents ahd"encourage them toward fuller and bers indicated a desire to explore the field of Human Rela- PLEASE NOTE: These are NOT the N.Y.
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