Vol 1, Number] Telephone 453-2000 Ext. 1083 Published Bi-weekly DORMS REASSERT AUTHORITY Provost’sOffice GeneralCouncil Issues Clampsgown NewRules John L. Stewart, Acting Provost Revelle College, released a Appealfor StudentSupport statement establishing disciplin- General Council has issued a ary policy for the durra residents. itself the rules an alien body in statement formulating action which it has no represented voice In a letter to the students two stimulated by a recent change points were established. All lacks real foresight.., the stu- in rule enforcement handed down dents of Revelle College refuse disciplinary matters will be by the Provost’s Office Friday. h:mdled by Dean Forbes’ Office, to execute judicial procedures This statement, contained in a two for the enforcementof rules they and not by the Provost’s Office page letter sent simultaneously as was the previous case. Auto- neither conceived nor confirm- matic expulsion from the dorms to students and administrators, el." The full text of the new revised the rules, liberalizing rules may be found on I). 4. will be punishment for any resi- visiting hours, assigning times dents breaking the rules. George Kurata, Chairman of for permissible in-room visiting, General Council, told the TIMES Dr. Steward’s letter states and clarifying the judicial pro- that he was aware of the poss- " Effective immediately, viola- cess for rule enforcement. The tions of the rules will begrounds ible inflamatory nature of the General Council stated that they Council’s action. It was his opin- for immediate dismissal from understood that their action was the residence halls." Although ion, and the opinion of other coun- "an open break withtheadminis- cil membersinterviewed, that a no mention is made of judicial t ration" which was necessary be- council or any other due process confrontation with the adminis- cause "enforcement and legisla- tration was necessary and inev- in the letter, an interview with tion must reside together in the itable. Whenqueried about poss- DeanForbes revealed that in his same representative body. The interpretation, infractions of the ible future liberalization ofdorm General Council letter explained rules, Mr. Kurata pointed out that rules wouldstill be tried by the the ideology behind their action student judiciary. This bodywould the rules must respect the more stating that, "The expectation conservative elements amon~the in his view, have jurisdiction that a society can impose upon (Continuedon page4) over the sort of sentence to be imposed. This contradiction has not beenresolved. Student reactiontothe increased ChancellorTakes Hard Line severity of rule enforcementand In an exclusiveinterview with the removal of jurisdiction from that if the administration were student hands is negative and theTimes, ChancellorGalbraith, pushed to the point where, in the ProvostStewart andDean Forbes light of their responsibility to widespread. Members of gen- stated that the administration had the University community, they eral council, the body which has previously handled disciplinary no alternative in the face of the had no alternative but to act student "ultimatum" but to take harshly it would lead to massive Regents Think matters of this sort, considered a hard line and to prosecute stu- division and bewilderment among massresignationin protest of the dents whoinsist on breaking the students and their friends in the administrations unwarranted in- old rules by following the G.C. faculty. Stewart concededthatthe tervention. proclamation. Galbraith stressed possibility that strong adminis- Twice Also significant is the resigna- that student governmentdoes not tration action mayunify the stu- tion, effective 18 February, of have authority other than that Dr. John S. Galbraith, Chan- "Thefaculty has the highest the chairman of the executive granted by the Chancellor acting dents also existed, but added cellor of the University of Cali- confidence in Chancellor Gal- that he hoped there would be no committee of general council, for the regents. Rule changes, he serious conflict on this campus. fornia’s La Jolla campuswho re- braith and affirms that the in- In giving his reasons for resign- pointed out, must be the result of signed last week is very far terests of this campus,the Uni- ing, Steve Harter cited adminis- from "resigned." versity, and the State will behest pressure as a major addministration - student com- ADVISE ON STUDENTPOLICY tration municationand the evolution of a Galbraith, a former history served by his continuation in of- factor. professor at UCLAand an ac- fice. Continuity of the present policy based on compromises at The programof action outlined knowledgedauthority on the Brit- leadership at UCSDis vital to the philosophical and practical by the administration has two ish Empire, was joined by one consolidate our accomplishments levels. Whenasked what would main points. First, that the ulti- of his top aides, Robert H. Biron, and to achieve our aims for the LATEBULLETIN happenif a large percentageof the matummust be withdrawn as soon vice chancellor for business and future." students decided to follow the as possible, and second that finance, in resigning. On their return to La JollaDr. Steve Harter, acting spokesmanrules set by their goveernment, strong efforts at communication Neither resignation was ac- Galbraith and Biron issued the forGeneral Council said, this the Chancellorsaid that though it be made. Dean Forbes empha- cepted by University of Califor- following statement: afternoonthe COUNCIL is meet-might deplete the dorms, all he sized this point by suggestingthat nia Regents who were meeting "Wedo not believe that it is ingwith the Administration. De-could do under the circumstances if the students had cometo his in San Francisco. Instead they in the interests of the University mandsfor an activestudent voice was ask if the students havebeen office with their complaints, instructed President Clark Kerr or of the San Diogocampusforus in universityaffairs are being looking for "alternative accom- rather than rushing to issue an to investigate the resignations to makea detailed public state- continued."Rules, after being modations." ultimatum, there perhaps could and submit a full report. ment at this time of the factors avnrovedby theChancellor must Dr. Stewart expanded on the have been sore e constructive Kerr and Edward W. Carter, which led to our resignations. be brought back to thestudents," Chancellor’s remarks stating agreements reached. chairman of the regents, refused The Regents have asked the pre- said Harter. comment on reasons given by sident to undertake an investiga- Galbraith and Biron in resigning. tion and to makea report, and Others were less restrained. we shall await that report be- Broadcasters from NBCandCBS BUILDINGB NOWUREY HALL Faculty members of the La fore determining what further are on campus. Julia campus met Monday to statements, if any, we should discuss the situation. Their make. meeting was not an Academic "But we owe it to the faculty Resident Assistants with whom Senate meeting, rather an in- and students and to the San Diego our reporters talked to, were formal gathering of some 170 communityto makeclear that our optimistic. They felt studt::ts faculty members who discussed actions were not impulsive re- to an immediateprob- wouldeventually attain their de- the matter in broad terms. sponses sired position with the adminis- Their sentiments, and those lem.There has been speculation of many La Jollans as well as a thatthe issue of a greatresearch tration. Somerefused comment vast majority of the student bodylibrarywas central to ourdeci- "K- are that Dr. Galbraith’s leader- sion.This is notthe case. The developmentof the library, of Dean Forbes issued statement. ship of the La Julia campus is Will not be made public until vitally needed. course,continues to be impor- Their statement reads: tant,but at this stage we have tomorrow.Reliable sources in- "University of California at the full support of the president dicate he has asked the Chancell- and the Regents in our library or to give his office control of San Diego was founded with one the dorms.This repnrt is unc,m- central objective - to create program. Our resignations re- f;rmed. a truly great and unique insti- late to the presentinstitutional tution of learning. The State of framework of the University. .K- California wholeheartedly sup- Theywere dictated by our belief In a letter sent this afternoon ported the conception. In a few that there are serious deficien- to the Chancellor the General years, there has emergeda small cies in the relationship of the Council madeclear its revision communityof outstanding schol- administration of this campus of the rules was not an "ulti- " ars and teachers vindicating the with the University-wide admin- matum" as has been charged. hopes of those whowere already istration, whichare likely to be The letter says the rules have here and of those who came aggravated rather than reduced clear student support, and are solely because of the promise in this era of decentralization an asertion of their rightful Friday, February18, the Regents of the University of California of this uniqueopportunity. unless definite steps are taken position. A willingness to sit decided, upon recommendationof the Chancellor, to name Build- "Difficulties experienced in soon to improvethe situation. downat the bargaining table is ~ B after Harold and Frieda Urey. Dr. Urey, who won the the continuing purs~lit of this "Thedevelopment
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