The Franklin NEWS-rECORD secon~claB, postage pals VOL. 17, NO, 37 ’ TWOSECTIONS -- 24 PAGES SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873,THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1972 at Somerset,N.J. OSeTn TEN CENTS A COPY- $4.50 A YEAR ’He mingway Is Not Dead’... HILLBBOROUGH TOWN$HIF Council To Act On ’Facts’ Of Taxpayers Visibly angeredover a series of Mostof the other councilmen of being a prominentreal estate A moratorium on franchises k charges and accusations which also expressed dismayand anger speculator linked with township for cable TV systems will be appeared inthe Taxpayer’s at the contents of what one attorney Stan Cutler in a corn- discussed hy the council. A Association’s "Franklin Facts" councilman dubbed "the yellow plaint filed by the taxpayers similar moratoriumwas passed 1t-3 ’~" newsletter, membersof Town- rag," the "Franklin Facts" asking for the removalof Roger by the townshipof Belviderein ship council discussed measures order to allow the state to work PROPOSED newsletter, Paynoas assessor, has begunto .... SOUTHBRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP to deal with the turbulent The newsletter itself is being filea suit againstthe association, onasystemofregulationfor such L ~g G Ig N D situation betweenthe Taxpayers distributed asa flier by members Mr, Cutler termed the cable,contracts. and township administrators at el the association through- allegationthathewaslinkedwith A new traffic plan will be SBS~0ENr,~ their agenda session Tuesday unveiledfor the intersectioh of RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTUEAL ZONE out the township. The Dr. Mindelaa "out andout lie," N’4OR~S~0ENT~*~ZO~E-~UOOP~,0N night, headline reads "MoreCorruption claiming that he has never been Ronte 27 and Route 518 .’,near N-noEBS~mr,A~ zo,B Councilman David DeVries By Our Top Officials," and in any wayassociated with him. KendallPark. HaroldSursa, the R-~ RE~OENTIALZONE described theTaxpayers’ latest contains a numberof allegations Accordingto Mr. Cutler, Mr. ’township engineer, told the N-~o,Es~n~ Z0NB movesas having an "evil and against tax assessor Roger Payneis preparinga libel suit ’council that the p[ans cal[ed for a ,-~ aES,BE~T~ZOnE maniacal leadership" and at- Payne, Mayo Sisler, the against the Taxpayers,as is Mr. right - angle alignment of the ¢0~ME.~ tempting to "corrupt their Somerset Spectator, township Cutler himself, Several coun- roads anda traffic light. County ~t"I REGIONALBUSINESS ZONE communityinto a lack of faith in attorney Stanley Cutler and cilmen are also contemplating approval has already been given e- z ~,~. ~,E~S ro~: its leadership", tow~.ship council, concluding legal action, lethe drawings,according to Mr, s-~ ~aoa~oooBUS~N~SB ZON~ Mr. DeVriesfurther expressed with a statement that Franklinis At their regular council Sursa. a-o .~oHw~vO[VB~O~.Bur zoNe-euoo~ou his belief that the Taxpayers’ "one of the most corrupt com- meetingtonight, the council will Mr,Sursa also reported to the ,N0USm~. actions were politically munities in the Northeast". attempt to unite in taking action councilthat of the 32 letters that ~- ~ UOHr.~NU~ErUE~,~ ZONe motivated, and that they were Their latest charges, directed against the group. "Wewant to had been mailed to Bennet’s B UGHTMANU~CTUBING ZONE "no doubt planning an election Laneproperty ownersrequesting M’3MINING a MANUFACTURIN0 ZONE against the Spectator,allege that makethem substantiate those campaignin May. the Spectator pays no rent to charges," said Mr. Naruta. dedicationofthreeandahalffeet ~o~.SES~aC.-O~OB-~aS0S~rOEV "The council must unite to MayoSisler for office space in TheSomerset Spectator is also of land alongside the road for o~v o~- v~Ess~.~-v~usm~>.a~, protect our honesty. I’ve beenon the Sisler building on Hamilton preparing to take legal action widening purposes, only tg the councilfor years andI think I Street, andfurther claimthat the against the Taxpayers,said Mrs. replies had beenreceived. FRANKLIN’S PROPOSEDNEW ZONING MAP shows some A new R-40 zone whichmay be developed with P.U.D.options has canswear by everyone here. We paper is the "puppet spokesman Senz in an interview Tuesday Of the letters, only one changesalong Route 27, locatedat the lowerborder of the drawing. been added behind the existing HighwayDevelopment Zones. must take action," concludedMr for Sisler". afternoon, property ownerindicated that ha DeVries. , Mrs. Marsha Senz, editor of In other activity at the agenda waswilling to giveup the land to ’ "Ernest Hemingwayis not the Spectator, has answered’the session, the councilmen will widenand makesafer the road. dead," remarkedCouncilman AI charge about office renting by discuss a road openingordinance ActLonon BennettsLane will be PUD’S, Area Meeting Naruta, acting as deputy mayor stating that the Spectator does, whichwill control construction put off pending further study. that evening due to Mayor in fact, pay rent to workrequiring digging up paved The council plans to appoint Driver’s absence for business W.J. ConboyCo., a paint con- roads. Theordinance will also set Councilman David DeVries as reasons. "It’s the most tractor wholeases three offices downrules for coveringup holes liaison to the CountyRecycling Await Planning Board blasphemous thing I’ve ever in the Sisler Building and made by construction and for Program, seen, whenthe English language subleases, one of those to the safety devices to be Placed Stanley Cutler, township at- Franklin’s proposed new In an interview, Mr..),’inch is used to cut throats and Spectator. around such areas, torney, announcedthat an agent zoningordinance was the subject discussed the upcoming joint knowingly assassinate the Dr. Leo Mindel, whowas ac- The new salary scale and fromFeistandFeist RealEstate of a special meeting of the board meetingbetween Franklin, characters of individuals." cused recently by the Taxpayers preliminary 1973 budgetwill Co., in Newarkapproached him Council-Planning Board sub- North Brunswick and South also be brought up for the first recently concerning the committeelast night, The group Brunswick."If the three towns timethis session, possibilityof the sale of the Glen met to review comments and don’t get together now, we will The council will discuss a Gery Quarry property to the criticisms of their project which eventually be cutting our own township. were made at two informal throats becauseit wouldgive the To request Communityfrom theAction Somerset Programfor The quarry is asking $320,000 public bearingsheld last weekat state a wayto force a regional Cutler Replies a $500 grant to hire a fulltime for the 50-acre tract located on the Franklin Park Schooland the zoning plan on us," remarked Grantsman whowould work for Leupp Lane near JFK MunicipalBuilding. Mr, Finch, .in securing Boulevard.It wasalso suggested He also added that it would At the hearing held last es ’"°opcrating fund grants for that the property, if purchased, makea lot of sense for the three ChargWith Suit projects. ’ be used as parkland. Thursday, former Republican towns,as oneof their objectives, mayor George Consovoy had attacked the proposedordinance to set up a joint agreementon distance limits for gas stations Chargesofllbel will be brought "I categorically and absolutely on the grounds that state against the Franklin Taxpayers deny that I aver madeany at- enablinglegislation for planned alongsideRoute 27, Association by Township At- Lose "Franklinhas a certain tempt to purchase Mr. Tomaro’s Taxpayers unitdevelopment wastoo weak, tornayStanley Cutler, it was propertyon behalfof myselfor especiallyin allowinga distance limit on our side of the announeedTuesday in a formal anyelient, lnevnrmadehinlany Receiver Bid developertoabandon hls project road," Mr. Finch said, "but we statementissued by Mr,Cutler. offers,exerted any pressures or withno way of preventing It, can’t control what will go up directly across the street from In a recent complaint against discussedwith himthe sale of his property in any waywhatsoever. Township planner John us." He also added that it was tax assessor Roger Payne read ....... Richard Cohen, attorney for appointedreceiver, unfortunatethat gas stations in before the Somerset County "I categorically and absolutely the Franklin TownshipSewerage LeonardVliet, a t:ormer sewer Chadwicktold Mr. Consovoy at deny that f have ever been the hearingthat the PUD has Franklin seemedto be going up Board of Taxation George Authority, announced at the commissionerwho spoke during by variance along Route27. Eckardt, pres dent of the Tax- associated in any way with Dr. authority’s Monday night the publicportion of the meetiog,’ specificphases of development to Leo Mindel, He never was my preventabandonment, although payers, chargedthat Mr, Cutler meeting that an application by told Mr. Bessenyei, "Whenare waslinkedwithDr. Leo Mindelin client, mypartner, myassociate, the Taxpayer’s Association to you going to wake up?" Franklinto datehas no such or had any other business or controlsinits own ordinances. securing an alleged reducedtax have control of the authority Mr, Viiet told the authority that assessment on property owned social relationship with me, placedin the handsof a receiver the current series of lawsuitswas CouncilmanBruce Williams at Contest ~~,~Coun’~" ..t es"va by Dr. Mindel. Dr. Mindaldenied either directly or indirectly, was rejected by Judge Baruch "hurting the communityto no onepoint commented that the the chargesin a letter printed in "Finally, tl~e charge that I Seidman in Chancery Court in end.,and to stop the sewersfrom township,ifit kept its present COLORFULSWEDISH FOLK COSTUMES will be worn by a last week’s News-Record,
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