Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK.. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 all the cuticular layers to the surface of the cuticle. In 1997 the exo- and endocuticle, the PCs are usually oval in 4655. Fincke, O.M.; Yanoviak, S.P.; Hanschu, R.D. cross-section and about 0.3 m thick. In the endocuticle, the cross-sectional area of the PCs varies widely, from (1997): Predation by odonate depresses mosquito a- 2 bundance in water-filled tree holes in Panama. Oecolo- 0.01-0.15 m . The shape of the PC is determined by the gia 112: 244-253. (in English). ["In the lowland moist fo- macromolecular organization of the chitin-protein micro- rest of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, larvae of fibrils: the long axis of the channel is orientated parallel four common species of odonates, a mosquito, and a to the axis of the preferred orientation of the cuticular tadpole are the major predators in water-Rlled tree ho- microfibrils. The microfibrils tend to follow the line of the les. Mosquito larvae are their most common prey. Holes channel very closely. In fractures orientated perpendi- colonized naturally by predators and prey had lower cular to the surface, the PC resembles a ribbon-like densities of mosquitoes if odonates were present than if construction, which was clearly demonstrated by casts. they were absent. Using artiRcial tree holes placed in The strongly parallel orientation of PCs in the deep lay- the Reld, we tested the e ects of odonates on their ers of the cuticle changes within the microtrichia (MT), mosquito prey while controlling for the quantity and and they begin to be curved. Numerous PCs pass species of predator, hole volume, and nutrient input. In through the microtrichium, and most of them end on its large and small holes with low nutrient input, odonates side wall. PCs usually contain channel filaments about depressed the number of mosquitoes present and the 0.09 m thick. Usually, a single channel contained one fi- number that survived to pupation. Increasing nutrient lament, but channels located in the deep layers of the input (and consequently, mosquito abundance) to ab- endocuticle have from one to five single filaments. The normally high levels dampened the e ect of predation filaments were observed in the intact cuticle and in the when odonates were relatively small. However, the cuticle enzymatically treated with chitinase, while in the predators grew faster with higher nutrients, and large cuticle treated with NaOH filaments were absent. The larvae in all three genera reduced the number of mos- porous channel system of the odonate arrester is inter- quitoes surviving to pupation, even though the abun- preted as a device transporting adhesive excretions dance of mosquito larvae remained high. Size-selective from the epidermal cells to the cuticular surface." (Au- predation by the odonates is a likely explanation for this thor)] Address: Gorb, S., Max-Planck-Institut für Ent- result; large mosquito larvae were less abundant in the wicklungsbiologie, Spemannstr. 35, D-72076 Tübingen, predator treatment than in the controls. Because spe- Germany. E-mail: [email protected] cies assemblages were similar between natural and ar- 4657. Ohnishi, T. (1997): Ecological note on the ge- tiRcial tree holes, our results suggest that odonates are nus Nannophya pygmaea Rambur (Libellulidae, Odona- keystone species in tree holes on BCI, where they are ta) and fauna in Shonai, Toyo city, Ehime Prefecture, the most common large predators." (Authors)] Address: Japan. Bulletin of Ehime Prefectural Science Museum Finke, O.M., Dept Zool., Univ. Oklahoma, 730 Van 2: 37-39. (in Japanese, with English summary). [www. Vleet Oval, Room 314, Norman, OK 73019, USA. E- sci-museum.niihama.ehime.jp/bulletin/02/06-oonoshi. mail: [email protected] pdf] Address: stated in Japanese 4656. Gorb, S.N. (1997): Porous channels in the cu- ticle of the head-arrester system in dragon/damselflies 4658. Watanasit, S. (1997): Sperm displacement in (Insecta: Odonata). Microscopy Research and Techni- the damselfly, Xanthagrion erythroneurum (Zygoptera: que 37: 583-591. (in English). ["The ultrastructure of the Coengrionidae) - Variance in female sperm count and porous channels (PC) of the postcervical sclerite (SPC), genital morphology. J. Sci. Soc. Thailand 23: 115-122. which provides additional head fixation to the neck in (in English). ["Sperm competition was examined in the adult odonates, was studied using TEM and high reso- non-territorial damselfly, Xanthagrion erythroneurum in lution SEM microscopy. Single chitin-protein micro- a small freshwater lake (Forrestdale Lake reserve), fibrils, about 0.14 m thick, are arranged into channels which is close to city Perth, Western Australia. Mating with cylinder-like shapes. The axial rod of the chitin fi- pairs were collected along the shores of lake in 3 cate- ber (0.04 m thick) is located in the center of the cylin- gories: precopula, interrupted copula and postcopula. der. The orientation of the axial rods was three- Evidence of sperm removal in X. erythroneurum was dimensionally demonstrated after dissolving the protein found from two sources: counts of the number of sperm cover with NaOH. The PCs are arranged vertically to and penis / female genitalia morphology. Females cap- the surface and pass from the epidermal cells through tured during copulation had fewer sperm in their stora- Odonat. Abstr. Service 16 (August 2005) - page 1 ge organ than pre- and post-copula females. These re- totalled to 0.11 relative volume (%) of the arthropod re- sults suggest that male X. erythroneurum can remove mains identified from 626 gut flushing samples of Gray- rival sperm from a female's storage organ during copu- cheeked Fulvettas at Fushan Experimental Forest, July lation. The morphology of the penis shows that the 1994-April 1997. The frequence of occurence was distal appendage of the penis is a recurved flap-like 0.32%. Most important prey were Coleoptera and Hy- structure covered with small spines. These structures menoptera.] Address: Lien-Siang Chou, Department of suggest that the male scoops sperm from the bursa co- Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, pulatrix before or during deposition of its own sperm. R.O.C. After removing the sperm from the previous matings, new sperm is discharged through a channel which o- 4661. Garrison, B.A. (1998): Bank Swallow (Riparia pens on the tip of penis." (Author)] Address: Watanasit, riparia). In: The Riparian Bird Conservation Plan: a stra- S., Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of tegy for reversing the decline of riparian-associated Sonkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand, 90112. birds in California. California Partners in Flight. http:// E-mail: [email protected] www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/riparianv-2.html: (in Eng- lish). [Odonata are preyed by the Bank Swallow.] 4659. Watanasit, S. (1997): Size and mating success in a non-territorial damselfly Xanthangrion erythroneu- 4662. Horner, P. (Ed.) (1998): Wildlife survey in rum (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). J. Sci. Soc. Thailand freshwater ecosystems and adjoining terrestrial habitats 23: 61-74. (in English) ["Flight activity and reproductive on Melville Island, Northern Territory. Magnt Research behaviour of the damselfly Xanthagrion erythroneurum Report No. 1. ISSN 1444-8939 PRINT. ISSN 1447- (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) was observed over a 2 1981 ONLINE: 56 pp. ["Islands, comprising Bathurst year period (1989-1990). Marked insects were censu- and Melville Islands to the north of Darwin, Northern sed hourly between 0900 -1600 hs each day for 6 Territory, are of high natural and cultural significance. weeks in each year where, in addition to presence or Separated by a narrow, fast-flowing strait, these large absence, records were made of individual behaviour continental islands are approximately 70 kilometres including mating and oviposition. Evidence for male- from the mainland and are inhabited by the Tiwi people. male behaviour was tested using models of both sexes. Compared to the adjacent mainland, they include All observations and experiments were conducted at a mostly pristine habitat, relatively undisturbed by Euro- focal pond close to Perth, Western Australia. Sex ratios pean settlement and the effects of introduced plants of damselflies visiting the pond were male biased; ma- and animals. This report presents the results of a two les tended to arrive at the pond ahead of females. Se- week field survey (3-17 October 1996) of wildlife in xual maturity, as indicated by the first attempts to mate freshwater ecosystems on Melville Island. At the initial were measured for both sexes. Both sexes matured planning stage of the project it was intended to carry within 8 days from emergence. Daily survival rate was out surveys of freshwater ecosystems on both Islands, estimated by the number of times individuals returned however, a funding reduction restricted field work to the to the focal pond. Conservative estimates of survival larger Melville Island only. Conducted in collaboration were 80% for males and 70% for females. Males sho- with Aboriginal custodians, the survey aimed to assess wed no signs of agonistic behaviour either towards o- wildlife associated with freshwater ecosystems, inclu- ther flying or perched males or towards the models of ding the fauna occurring in the various terrestrial habi- either sex. X. erythroneurum showed no signs of territo- tats bordering the creeks and streams on Melville Is- rial behaviour.
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