René Beauchamp 55 YEARS of SEAWAY SALTIES 1959 to 2013 compiled by René Beauchamp Updated in January 2014 List of ocean-going freighters which transited the St.Lawrence Seaway from 1959 to 2013, spanning 55 years. Because of lack of information for the very early years of the Seaway, this index does not claim to be a complete accurate list of vessels, but is believed however to be almost one hundred percent accurate. Canallers and other inland vessels sold abroad and reflagged in one of the Great Lakes ports before their departure for overseas are included. The details in this book update the ones which appeared in my publications Seaway Ocean Vessels and Seaway Ships published between 1983 and 2013. All the vessels listed are general cargos ships including heavy-lift vessels and ro-ro ships, also bulk carriers, supply ships and tankers. Spelling of names: Several vessels listed were known under a variation of their name, particularly the Soviet ships. See a partial list at the end of this document. Doubtful visitors: Because no official records exist from the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority for the very early years of the Seaway, it must be emphasized that for a very few ships listed in this book, it was impossible to verify if they actually transited the waterway despite reports they might have transited. Ships in that category include the FANNY SCARLETT and a handful of others. Details : Name of vessel, first year of transit in brackets, gross tonnage, flag, year built, and class of ship [if any]. The tankers are identified with the letter t. The T2s were tankers. Explanations: First year of transit: The year the ship transited the Seaway for the first time under her current name. It is indicated by the two last figures of a year. Examples: 65=1965, 98=1998, 11=2011, etc. Gross tonnage: The gross tonnage the ship had when she transited for the first time. This figure was altered in subsequent trips for several vessels. For shelter deck vessels, the CSD tonnage which is greater than the OSD tonnage has been used. The gross tonnage is broadly, the capacity in cubic feet of the spaces within the hull, and of the enclosed spaces above the deck available for cargo, stores, fuel, passengers and crew, with certain exceptions, divided by 100. Thus 100 cubic feet of capacity is equivalent to 1 gross ton. Flag: The flag which the vessel was flying on her first trip. On subsequent trips, several vessels were reflagged without changing the name. Year built: Year built according to Lloyd’s Register of Shipping or Lloyd’s Shipping Index. Class of ships and abbreviations: 36L C4 B26 Empire C1 Fdm Freedom C2 Fdm II Freedom Mark II C3 Fds Friendship 1 Fort SD14 Ftn Fortune SF Santa Fe GL German Liberty T2 HF Hispania Freedom Vic Victory Lib Liberty Vn Varna Park Wm Wismar The 36Ls and German Liberties were built in Germany. The B26s in England. The C1s, C2s, C3s, C4, Liberties, T2s and Victories in USA. The Empires were not standard vessels like the other types. They were vessels of various dimensions mostly built in England and vessels seized by England during World War II . The Freedoms were built in Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. The Freedoms Mark II, Friendships and Fortunes were built in Japan and the Forts and Parks, in Canada. The Hispania Freedoms and Santa Fes were Spanish-built and the SD14s in England, Greece, Brazil and Argentina. The Varnas were produced in Bulgaria and the Wismars in East Germany. Actually, the word Varna is not the official term for this type of vessels but so many of those ships built at Varna, visited Great Lakes ports that the term Varna has stuck to them. The same can be said for the Wismars built at Wismar, East Germany. Main sources of references Lloyd’s Register of Shipping............Lloyd’s Shipping Index ..........Marine News published by the World Ship Society ..........Telescope published by the Great Lakes Maritime Institute ........ the late Dan McCormick’s records ......... St.Lawrence Seaway documents ......... Port of Toronto archives ........ my own books Seaway Ocean Vessels and Seaway Ships. Websites: INNAV (Canadian Coast Guard), Port of Montreal, Great Lakes St.Lawrence Seaway System. Acknowledgements James Bartke, Raynald Dallaire, Malcolm Mackay, Yuna Milli and the lates George Ayoub, Dan McCormick and Albert Schelling. Cover photo: French Line CHICAGO in the Eisenhower Lock, September 14, 1968. Photo by the author. Flag codes ANT Netherlands Antilles CRI Costa Rica ARE United Arab Emirates CUB Cuba ARG Argentina CYM Cayman Islands ATF Kerguelen Islands, French Antarctica CYP Cyprus ATG Antigua & Barbuda CZE Czech Republic AUT Austria CZK Czechoslovakia BEL Belgium DDR East Germany BGR Bulgaria DEU Germany BHS Bahamas DIS Danish International Register BLZ Belize DNK Denmark BMU Bermuda DZA Algeria BRA Brazil EGY Egypt BRB Barbados ESP Spain CAN Canada EST Estonia CHE Switzerland FIN Finland CHN China FRA France COL Colombia FRO Faroe Islands 2 GBR United Kingdom MYS Malaysia GEO Georgia NGA Nigeria GHA Ghana NIS Norwegian International Register GIB Gibraltar NLD Netherlands GIN Guinea NOR Norway GRC Greece PAK Pakistan HKG Hong Kong PAN Panama HND Honduras PER Peru HRV Croatia PHL Philippines HUN Hungary PMD Madeira IDN Indonesia POL Poland IND India PRT Portugal IOM Isle of Man ROM Romania IRL Irish Republic RUS Russia IRN Iran SGP Singapore ISL Iceland SHA Sharjah ISR Israel SLE Sierra Leone ITA Italy SOM Somalia JAM Jamaica SOV U.S.S.R. JPN Japan SWE Sweden KOR South Korea THA Thailand KWT Kuwait TUN Tunisia LBN Lebanon TUR Turkey LBR Liberia TWN Taiwan LTU Lithuania UKR Ukraine LUX Luxembourg URY Uruguay LVA Latvia USA United States of America MAR Morocco VCT St.Vincent & Grenadines MDV Maldives VEN Venezuela MEX Mexico VUT Vanuatu MHL Marshall Islands YUG Yugoslavia MLT Malta ZAF South Africa MMR Myanmar (Burma) MUS Mauritius I Congreso del Partido (78) 9 328 CUB-75 SD14 Ace Pioneers (81) 9 811 JPN-76 XIII Congreso (75) 13 196 CUB-75 Ftn Achatina (70) 12 326 GBR-58 t. 26 de Julio (78) 16 247 CUB-78 Vn Achill (78) 4 815 CYP-73 A&J Faith (63) 8 610 USA-47 C2 Achilles (78) 16 406 GBR-72 A&J Mercury (63) 8 610 USA-46 C2 Acquamarina (07) 8 428 ITA-03 t. A&J Mid-America (63) 7 201 USA-44 Lib Acritas (71) 9 868 GRC-71 Fdm A.A.Hudson (65) 2 222 BHS-24 Acropolis (83) 13 638 GRC-72 Ftn A.G.Farquharson (87) 5 038 CAN-69 t. Activity (71) 4 884 PAN-50 A.J.Falkland (59) 2 352 SWE-48 Acuario (71) 5 779 ESP-71 A.V.Kastner (09) 12 072 BMU-87 Ada (83) 3 091 PAN-72 Aachen (05) 3 930 ATG-04 Ada Gorthon (00) 13 525 SWE-84 Aalsum (74) 13 458 NLD-65 Adam Mitskevitch (67) 3 816 SOV-56 Abbotsford (59) 1 864 GBR-55 Adamas (72) 10 008 GRC-69 Fdm Aberdeen (84) 5 070 PAN-82 Adamastos (06) 10 765 GRC-86 Acacia (77) 7 186 JPN-76 Adana (89) 10 937 LBR-70 Acacia V (87) 12 132 PHL-73 Adel Weert Wiards (70) 5 079 DEU-70 Acandi (76) 10 918 PAN-59 Adele R. (87) 10 190 CYP-77 Acavus (70) 12 326 GBR-58 t. Adelfoi (72) 11 693 LBR-50 Ace Hero (80) 9 653 JPN-77 Adelfotis (71) 8 846 GRC-56 3 Adelphi Yemelos (79) 10 459 GRC-77 Afric Star (76) 9 784 GBR-75 Aden (64) 9 943 GBR-46 Africaborg (10) 11 864 NLD-07 Adimon (98) 18 602 LBR-77 African Baron (62) 7 065 LBR-42 Ocean Aditya Kiran (82) 16 266 IND-76 African Comet (76) 11 309 USA-62 Admiral Purisic (79) 11 988 YUG-79 African Count (59) 7 072 LBR-44 Park Admiral Ushakov (83) 13 572 SOV-79 African Crescent (64) 7 972 USA-46 C3 Admiral Zmajevic (76) 8 569 YUG-65 African Dawn (76) 11 309 USA-63 Admitos (91) 15 684 CYP-75 B26 African Duke (61) 7 099 LBR-43 Fort Adonis (71) 12 180 GRC-59 African Express (80) 9 121 NLD-79 SD14 Adonis T. (82) 9 999 GRC-71 HF African Glade (63) 6 116 USA-44 C2 Adrian (64) 6 189 DEU-53 African Grove (67) 5 944 USA-44 C2 Adriana (59) 1 600 DEU-53 African King (60) 7 230 LBR-43 Lib Adriaticborg (11) 11 885 NLD-11 African Lightning (63) 7 974 USA-47 C3 Adriatik (73) 18 328 PAN-73 African Lord (60) 7 269 LBR-43 Lib Adventure (80) 8 832 CYP-77 Fdm African Mercury (77) 11 309 USA-62 Aegean (71) 10 929 GRC-56 African Meteor (77) 11 309 USA-62 Aegean Mariner (71) 11 063 GRC-62 African Neptune (78) 11 309 USA-63 Aegean Sea (98) 18 596 BHS-83 African Night (61) 7 266 LBR-44 Lib Aegean Sun (59) 7 058 LBR-44 Park African Princess (61) 7 220 LBR-44 Lib Aegis Athenic (78) 12 498 GRC-76 SF African Rainbow (64) 7 971 USA-46 C3 Aegis Atomic (74) 12 498 GRC-74 SF African Star (64) 7 971 USA-46 C3 Aegis Bravery (75) 15 205 GRC-71 African Sun (70) 11 309 USA-63 Aegis Britannic (84) 12 376 PAN-76 SF Afsar (86) 14 873 PAN-76 B26 Aegis Destiny (73) 15 387 GRC-70 Ag. Fanourios (86) 14 029 GRC-69 Aegis Eland (75) 11 837 GRC-60 Ag.
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