Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham (1004583-05) Ecological Appraisal June 2020 June 2020 0 | Page Quality Management Client: Barratt Southern Counties Project: Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham Report Title: Ecological Appraisal Project Number: 1004583-05 File Reference: 4583-05 EcoAp vf SB/CL Date: 16/06/2020 Copyright The copyright of this document remains with Aspect Ecology. All rights reserved. The contents of this document therefore must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose without the written consent of Aspect Ecology. Confidentiality This report may contain sensitive information relating to protected species. All records of Badger setts must remain confidential. Where this report is circulated publicly or uploaded to online planning portals, reference to Badger setts must be redacted and any maps pertaining to the locations of Badger setts removed from the document. Legal Guidance The information set out within this report in no way constitutes a legal opinion on the relevant legislation (refer to the relevant Appendix for the main provisions of the legislation). The opinion of a legal professional should be sought if further advice is required. Liability This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Aspect Ecology no other party may use, or rely on the contents of the report. No liability is accepted by Aspect Ecology for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the advice in this report. The content of this report is partly based on information provided by third parties; Aspect accepts no liability for any reliance placed on such information. This report is subject to the restrictions and limitations referenced in Aspect Ecology’s standard Terms of Business Contact Details Aspect Ecology Ltd Hardwick Business Park I Noral Way I Banbury I Oxfordshire OX16 2AF t 01295 279721 e [email protected] w www.aspect-ecology.com Contents Text: Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2 2 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 3 3 Ecological Designations..................................................................................................... 8 4 Habitats and Ecological Features .................................................................................... 12 5 Faunal Use of The Site .................................................................................................... 20 6 Mitigation Measures and Ecological Enhancements ...................................................... 33 7 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 40 Plans: Plan 4583-05/ECO1 Site Location Plan 4583-05/ECO2 Ecological Designations Plan 4583-05/ECO3 Habitats and Ecological Features Appendices: Appendix 4583-05/1 Proposed Context Landscape Masterplan Aspect Landscape Planning Drawing Ref : 7041/ASP4/CLM Appendix 4583-05/2 Desktop Study Data Appendix 4583-05/3 Evaluation Methodology Appendix 4583-05/4 Consideration to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix 4583-05/5 Legislation Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham Ecological Appraisal Executive Summary i) Introduction. Aspect Ecology has been commissioned by Barratt Southern Counties to undertake an ecological appraisal in respect of proposed development of land at Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham. ii) Proposals. The proposals are for the erection of 165 new dwellings and associated landscaping, parking and open space, including provision of an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace. iii) Survey. The site was initially surveyed by Aspect Ecology in April 2016 and August 2018, with further survey work undertaken in April 2020 in order to update the position and further inform the current proposals. Surveys were based on standard extended Phase 1 methodology. In addition, a general appraisal of faunal species was undertaken to record the potential presence of any protected, rare or notable species. The results of these surveys were also assessed in the context of the site surroundings, and supplemented, by data from the abutting Northern Distributor Road project (2018 (WSP) and 2019 (Stantec)) and the Ashridge Farm Barns application (2017). iv) Ecological Designations. The site itself is not subject to any statutory or non-statutory ecological designations. The nearest statutory designation is Holt Copse and Joel Park Local Nature Reserve, located approximately 0.6 km south-west of the site. The nearest non-statutory designation is Cantley Park Local Wildlife Site, located <0.1km south-west of the site at its closest point. v) Habitats. The site largely comprises improved farmland pasture bounded by hedgerows, with mature and semi-mature trees. A number of buildings and associated areas of hardstanding are present within the south west of the site, and a small water course runs through the eastern part of the site. The buildings, hardstanding and improved grassland are considered to be of negligible ecological value. The hedgerows represent Priority Habitats and are of moderate ecological value. The mature trees are also of moderate ecological value. Wherever possible these features (in particular mature trees) will be retained under the proposals, whilst new planting will more than compensate for any loss of hedgerows. vi) Protected Species. The habitats within the site provide potential opportunities for a number of protected and common faunal species, including Badger, bats, birds, amphibians and reptiles, with in particular the presence of bat species noted during survey work undertaken in relation to the adjacent NDR scheme. Accordingly, proportionate and appropriate mitigation measures have been proposed in order to safeguard the local conservation status of faunal populations under the proposals. vii) Enhancements. The proposals present the opportunity to secure net gains in biodiversity, including through measures such as additional native tree planting and more diverse habitats within the northern land, along with new roosting opportunities for bats, and enhanced nesting habitats for birds through new landscape planting and provision of nest boxes. viii) Summary. In summary, the proposals have sought to minimise impacts on biodiversity and subject to the implementation of appropriate avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures, it is considered unlikely that the proposals will result in significant harm. June 2020 1 | Page Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham Ecological Appraisal 1 Introduction 1.1 Background & Proposals 1.1.1 Aspect Ecology has been commissioned by Barratt Southern Counties to undertake an ecological appraisal in respect of proposed development of land at Ashridge Farm, Warren House Road, Wokingham. 1.1.2 The proposals are for development of the site including the erection of 165 dwellings in a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings with associated landscaping, parking, open space, construction of a new access to Warren House Road and the Northern Distributor Road (when constructed), and provision of an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), as identified at Appendix 4583-05/1. 1.2 Site Overview 1.2.1 The site is located in east Berkshire on the northern edge of Wokingham and comprises two separate land parcels, divided by the route of the permitted Wokingham Northern Distributor Road (NDR), which together form the application boundary (see Plan 4583-05/ECO1). Construction works associated with the permitted NDR have not yet commenced, such that the habitats therein remain largely continuous, and consistent with the site itself. 1.2.2 The site is bounded to the west by Bell Foundry Lane, an existing sewage treatment works and existing SANG land associated with offsite residential development, and to the east by new residential development (Kentwood Farm), which remains under construction, along with associated SANG provision. The southern site boundary lies adjacent to a number of agricultural buildings within Ashridge Farm, along with Warren House Road, with existing residential development within Wokingham situated beyond. North of the site is the A329(M) motorway and associated embankments. 1.2.3 The two land parcels making up the site (along with the NDR land between, together forming the application boundary) are dominated by agriculturally improved grassland fields, with associated boundary hedgerows and trees. A small watercourse (the Ashridge Stream) flows from south to north through the east of the site (which is understood to be permitted for re-routing within the east of the site under the NDR scheme). Other habitats include a number of buildings, areas of hardstanding and an existing residential garden within the south west of the site. 1.3 Purpose of the Report 1.3.1 This report documents the methods and findings of the baseline ecology surveys and desktop study carried out in order to establish the existing ecological interest of the site, and subsequently provides an appraisal of the likely ecological effects of the proposals. The importance
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