1 SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAYS – SL 140 Issued 01.03.14 Page 1 of 15 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rlys (1-43) and Canadian Pacific Rlys (50-93)

1 SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAYS – SL 140 Issued 01.03.14 Page 1 of 15 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rlys (1-43) and Canadian Pacific Rlys (50-93)

1 SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAYS – SL 140 Issued 01.03.14 page 1 of 15 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rlys (1-43) and Canadian Pacific Rlys (50-93) Former names: [ ] Distances in miles Gauge 4’ 8½” unless noted term = terminus a* b* c*: former names noted in 1913/1923/1936 CRGs Certain non-passenger locations shown in italics thus: (name) # names from Histories. #? passenger service? Reference letters in brackets: (a), location shown in public timetable, but no trains stop. z-f = zabcdef etc. CANADIAN NATIONAL RLY (CN) 1824.5 Clarence Avenue t5 (8) Ex Grand Trunk Pacific (GTP), Canadian Northern (CNo)& 1825.1 South Saskatoon a [Earl (Saskatoon) 1909G] > Canadian Government (CG) Rlys 1828.8 Saskatoon (CN) a+bcde (loop) ** (19, 32) Based on GTP PTT 1912 (a), CNo PTT 1914 (a+), CN PTTs 1833.* Saskatoon (VIA) f > 1925 (b), 1935 (c), 1956 (d) & 1976 (e) & VIA TT 2000 (f). 1840. Farley abcd ++ Also, CNo PTT 1908 (n), Waghorns Guide 1913 (j), GTP TT 1847.7 Grandora abcd 1916 (p), CNo TT 1917 (q), CN TTs 1928 (r), 1932 (r2), 1942 1852.4 Hawoods abcd (s), 1952 (t), 1959 (t3),1960 (t4), 1967(t5), 1971 (t6), Working 1857.8 Asquith abcd TT 1928 (w2), USA Official Guides (date G), Canadian Railway 1862.9 Juniata abcd Guides (CRG)1913 & 1923 & CP TT 1902 (k) 1867.4 Kinley abcd 1873.4 Leney abcd 1. TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE 1878.7 Normanton r * Distances via Saskatoon CN stn loop. 1880.6 Mead abcd ** bcde – all trains via Saskatoon (loop) 1883.9 Cazalet cd [Cazelot c* ] ++ 1918>1920, trains via Saskatoon (CP) between Duro and 1885.0 Neola ab Farley, via connections to CP 79 at Engen and east of Cory. 1892.6 Biggar a-f (4,5) 1901.2 Oban abcd 1567.5 Victor (SL144, 1 ) 1908.9 Palo bcd (Manitoba-Saskatchewan border) 1919.2 Landis abcd 1575.5 Welby abcd 1922.6 Cavell bcd [Coblenz a ] 1583.1 Spy Hill abcd 1929.2 Reford abcd 1589.6 Gerald abcd 1935.3 Scott abcd 1592.4 Cutarm ab 1943.8 Tako abcd 1596.5 Yarbo a-e 1949.5 Unity a-f 1602.6 Zeneta abcd 1961.1 Vera abcd 1610.3 Atwater abcd 1969.9 Winter abcd 1615.8 Bangor abcd 1977.1 Yonker abcd 1623.9 Waldron abcd 1983.6 Zumbro abcd 1630.1 Cana bcd 1989.1 Artland abcd 1637.8 Melville a-f (2) (Saskatchewan-Alberta border) 1645.4 Birmingham abcd 1995.9 Butze (SL138, 1) 1649.9 Fenwood abcd 1656.6 Goodeve abcd 2. REGINA – HUDSON BAY 1666.2 Hubbard abcd 1672.3 Ituna a-e 0.0 Regina (Union Depot) (8) 1679.8 Jasmin abcd 0.0 Regina (Albert Street Depot) (8) 1684.6 Kelliher abcd 3. North Regina (GTP) p 1690.5 Leross abcd 6.8 Victoria Plains abcd [Mulcahey a*] > 1695.8 Lestock abcd [Mostyn 1909G] 12.8 Zehner abcd 1703.5 Touchwood abcd 17.1 Frankslake cd [Arat a* ] 1710.3 Punnichy abcd [Franksburg a ] [Frank's Lake b ] 1715.4 Quinton abcd 23.0 Edenwold abcd 1720.7 Raymore abcd 28.5 Avonhurst abcd 1730.0 Semans abcd 34.2 Edgeley abcd 1735.0 Tate abcd 42.9 Muscow abcd 1744.0 Nokomis abcd 49.0 Fort Qu'Appelle abcd 1751.9 Undora bcd 53.4 Lebret abcd 1758.5 Venn abcd 60.0 Hugonard abcd 1766.8 Watrous a-f 62.7 Balcarres abcd 1773.1 Xena abcd 68.6 Gillespie abcd 1780.7 Young abcd (3) 74.2 Lorlie abcd 1789.3 Zelma abcd 77.8 Finnie abcd 1796.5 Allan abcd 83.2 Duff abcd 1805.0 Bradwell abcd 88.7 Colmer abcd 1812.1 Clavet abcd 96.3 Melville (1) 1819.0 Duro abcd ++ 103.7 Brewer abcd 2 108.5 McKim cd [Peoples ab ] 40.9 Adine 112.1 Otthon abcd 44.0 Wallisville 117.7 Enfin abcd 48.0 Dodsland 118.9 York Lake bc 51.3 Whitepool cd [Spur 50.3 r ] 122.5 Yorkton abcd 54.3 Millerdale jbcd 126.4 Young's Siding abc 60.7 Beaufield jbcd 128.3 Mehan abcd 67.4 Coleville jbcd 130.3 Pollock's Spur w2 73.7 Driver jbcd 133.4 Ebenezer abcd 79.5 Smiley jbcd 139.5 Gorlitz abcd 86.6 Dewar Lake jbcd 146.1 Burgis bcd 91.4 Hoosier bcd [Fee j ] 152.5 Canora (GTP) a(term) 97.5 Greene jbcd 152.7 Canora (CNo) a+b-f (25, 26) 104.5 Loverna jb(term)cd 160.7 Amsterdam bcd (Saskatchewan-Alberta border) 166.9 Tadmor bcd 111.6 Calthorpe cd 170.4 Hassan bcd 116.8 Esther cd 174.8 Sturgis b-f (28, 29) 121.9 Anatole cd 182.2 Lady Lake cd 127.1 New Brigden cd 185.0 Hinchliffe cd [Hinchcliffe c* ] 135.2 Sedalia cd 192.4 Endeavour cdef 141.6 Naco cd 197.4 Usherville cd 149.4 Littlegem cd 202.2 Ushta s 153.0 Hemaruka cd 205.9 Tall Pines e [Tallpines cd] 215.9 Reserve cdef (39) 5. BIGGAR – BATTLEFORD JUNCTION 225.2 Bertwell de [Kakwa c ] 231.0 Clemenceau cde 0.0 Biggar (1) 235.7 Akosane d [Etomami c ] 8.6 Oban (1) 246.5 Hudson Bay (38) 14.6 Lett jbcd 20.2 Salter jbcd 3. YOUNG – PRINCE ALBERT 26.3 Cando jbcd 32.3 Red Pheasant jbcd 13.9 Young (1) 40.7 Ibstone d [Charlton jbc ] 20.5 Ancrum abcd 45.3 Porter jbcd 26.2 Neely abcd 51.8 Dacer jbcd 31.9 Rutan abcd 57.0 Battleford a+(term)bcd (6, 88) 38.6 Meacham abcd 64.8 Battleford Junction (33) 45.7 Peterson acd [Petersen b ] 52.9 Totzke (1st) a 6. BATTLEFORD - CARRUTHERS 53.2 Totzke (2nd) cd [Totzke Tower b ] 56.8 Muskiki Springs c [Maskakee a ] 13.9 Battleford (5) [Maskakee Springs b ] 19.5 Lindequist bcd 60.6 Bremen abcd 25.5 Prongua bcd [Pronqua p] 69.4 Cudworth abcd 32.3 Sweetgrass bcd 73.4 Leofnard abcd 39.1 Gallivan bcd 80.9 Wakaw a(term)bcd.e (31) 47.0 Poundmaker d [Rossman b ] 84.6 Ens bcd [Cut Knife c ] 90.0 Domremy bcd 54.1 Tatsfield bcd 97.0 Hoey bcd 59.9 Carruthers bcd 100.9 St. Louis bcd 103.0 Gerrond bcd 7. UNITY – BODO 108.4 Red Deer Hill bcd 115.3 Holmes 0.0 Unity (1) 122.5 Cudworth Junction (38) 6.6 End Lake d 125.9 Prince Albert (2nd) (32) 11.2 Sunnyglen d 14.6 Reward d 4. BIGGAR – HEMARUKA 20.7 Donegal d 26.5 Salvador d 0.0 Biggar (1) 31.6 Hearts Hill d 7.0 Argo 39.5 Cactus Lake d 13.2 Duperow cd [Lydden jb ] 44.8 Cosine d 19.5 Springwater (Saskatchewan-Manitoba border) 26.6 Ruthilda 51.5 Bodo d 30.7 Downe 36.9 Ava bcd [Fort j ] 37.9 Spur 38.4 r 8. MARYFIELD – SASKATOON ** 1890 CP TT map 3 Regina-Saskatoon ex CP (1906) 26.6 Service a+bcd * Service diverted north of Grasswood onto Line 1 by 1967 30.4 Cowper a+bcd 37.3 Carlyle a+bcd 202.1 Butler (SL144, 11) 45.9 Wordsworth a+bcd (Manitoba-Saskatchewan border) 52.4 Willmar a+bcd 210.3 Maryfield a+bcd (9, 51) 60.3 Browning a+bcd 218.1 Fairlight a+bcd 67.4 Lampman a+bcd (13) 224.1 Doonside a+bcd 68.4 Luxton a+bcd (10) 231.6 Kelso a+bcd 76.0 Kingsford bcd 239.2 Vandura a+bcd 84.7 Bienfait bcd (55) 248.0 Langbank a+bcd 93.5 Estevan bcd 255.8 Inchkeith cd [Hawthorne a+b ] 263.3 Kipling a+bcd 10. LUXTON – RADVILLE 269.3 Dalzell a+bcd 275.6 Carlsberg a+bc 68.4 Luxton (9) 277.7 Peebles bcd [Kaiser Crossing a+] (11) 76.2 Cullen a+bcd [Crossing 1917TT] 83.2 Bryant a+bcd 280.8 Kegworth cd [Lovat a+b ] 89.4 Blewett a+bc.d(term) 287.4 Glenavon a+bcd 97.4 Chandler a+bc 292.9 Candiac a+bcd 102.6 Elswick a+bc [Ellswick q] 301.4 Montmartre a+bcd 111.7 Goodwater a+bc.d(term) 309.3 Kendal a+bcd 120.3 Colgate a+bcd 317.3 Odessa a+bcd 127.0 Dunning bcd [Webster a+ ] 325.3 Vibank a+bcd 133.1 Souris Valley a+bc 333.2 Davin a+bcd 139.7 Radville a+bcd 341.4 Jameson a+bcd 348.8 Dreghorn a+bcd 11. PEEBLES – HANDSWORTH 355.9 Regina (CNo/CP) a+cde (14) [Regina (Union Depot) b ] 14.1 Peebles (8) 356. Regina (Albert Street Depot) ab 22.6 Bemersyde rd 359.0 North Regina (CNo) a+bc [West Yard b] (12) 29.0 Corning rd 362.6 Greendyke s [Ardmore a+bc ] 36.7 Handsworth rd 366.7 Condie ka+bcd 370.5 Bredin bcd 12. NORTH REGINA – RADVILLE 375.3 Craven Junction kb 376.3 Lumsden ka+b-e [Long Lake ** ] 0.0 North Regina (8) 385.1 Disley ka+bcd 9.4 Rowatt jbcd 393.4 Bethune ka+b-e 16.7 Estlin jbcd 403.6 Findlater ka+bcd 23.5 Gray jbcd 412.3 Chamberlain ka+bcd 30.5 Riceton jbcd 420.5 Aylesbury ka+bcd 36.5 Bechard bcd [Lindley j] 430.1 Craik a+b-e 40.9 Lewvan jbcd 438.7 Girvan ka+bcd 49.0 Colfax jbcd 445. Finsbury k 56.1 Cedoux bcd 447.9 Davidson a+b-e 60.8 Worcester cd [Rainton jb ] 456.7 Bladworth ka+bcd 67.7 Talmage jbcd (13) 463.9 Smales bcd [Holder q ] 74.4 Mansur d 468.6 Kenaston a+b-e [Bonnington k ] 81.2 Weyburn b(term)cd (53) 474.2 Strong bcd 87.5 Union Jack cd 479.0 Hanley ka+bcd 90.3 Grassdale cd 488.7 Indi a+bcd 96.8 Clearfield cd 493.1 Dundurn ka+bcd 101.3 Dandonneau cd 500.4 Strehlow a+bcd 106.7 Radville (10, 14) 505.0 Haultain a+bcd 509.9 Grasswood bcd [Grindlay k ] > 13.

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