ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO WOLCOTT’S «INSECTS OF PUERTO RICO» JENARO M ALDONADO C APRILES * and C ARMEN A. NAVARRO Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico OLCOTT, in 1948, published an annotat- dae; Dr. G. C. Steyskal-Agromyzidae, Neriidae, w ed list, “The Insects of Puerto Rico”, as a Otitidae, Phoridae, Pyrgotidae, and Richardii- revision of a former check list, “Insectae Porto- dae; Dr. Alan Stone - Chaoboridae, Culicidae, ricensis”. These two papers represent the most Dixidae, Psychodidae, Sciaridae, and Tabani- complete records of the insects of Puerto Rico. dae; Dr. Willis W. Wirth - Asilidae, Bomby- New records of the insects for the island have lidae, Ceratopogonidae, Ephydridae, Phoridae, been published since 1948, but no attempts Stratiomyidae, and Syrphidae. Their names have been made to compile these records into also appear immediately after the names of the a useful list. Moreover, a revision of the families which they revised. They are respon- literature available disclosed the need for cor- sible for the changes they respectively suggest. rections and changes in names in Wolcott’s Their cooperation is greatly appreciated and lists. Our publication is intended to be a we feel that without their assistance we could compilation of this information. Rather than not have fulfilled our goal. publishing just a list, we have used Wolcott’s Some new records were obtained from the work as a basis and made corrections and Zoological Record and the Biological Abstracts, changes in names wherever needed. This re- and from many publications screened during vision is up to May 1966. the course of our work. Wherever the infor- The revision of some of the families included mation was obtained in the abstracted form, in this paper was made by some specialists the original papers were secured and consulted. from the United States National Museum at Other new records were obtained from the Washington. Their names and the families collections of insects of Puerto Rico kept at that they revised are as follows: Dr. Doris the Biology Department of the University of Blake - Chrysomelidae; Dr. Richard H. Foote- Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, and at the United Tephritidae; Dr. Curtis W. Sabrosky - Astei- States National Museum. dae, Anthomyiidae, Anthomyzidae Calliphori- In “The Insects of Puerto Rico” the 3675 dae, Chloropidae, Lauxaniidae, Milichidae, species listed are distributed among 21 orders Sarcophagidae, Sphaeroceridae, and Tachini- and 273 families. The list does not include the families in the following orders: Thysa- * Present address: Cayey Regional College, Cayey, noptera, Collembola, Embioptera, Corrodentia, Puerto Rico 00633. Mallophag, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Ano- Carib. J Sci. 7 (1-2). March-June 1967. plura, and Thysanura. Wolcott considered the 45 46 MALDONADO AND NAVARRO Fulgoroidea as one family and the Order Strep- II. Order COLLEMBOLA siptera as the family Stylopidae of the Coleop- tera. This was the accepted practice at the (Families not given.) time he completed his work. The order Zorap- 1. Brachystomella agrosa Wray 1953, as tera was not included in his work. new species ( 11 7). The monographs published by Caldwell and 2. Dicranocentrus (Dicranocentruga) ja- Martorell (23, 24), Flint (44), Medina Gaud taca Wray 1953, as new species (117). (69), Ramos (78), and Smith (93) add many 3. Dicranocentrus (Dicranocentrella) ma- new species and new records to our insect rias Wray 1953, as new species (117). fauna. Since these monographs are readily 4. Dicranocentroides (Dicranocentropha) available, we will not consider these additions sabana Wray 1953, new subgenus to our insect fauna except when modifications and new species (117). are necessary. 5. Folsomia sylvia Wray 1953, as new Medina Gaud (69) lists 66 species in the species (117). order Thysanoptera, of which 13 are new records and 7 are new species. Smith (93) 6. Isotoma minor Schaffer, new record lists 45 species of aphids, of which only 15 (117). arc new records for the island. Flint (44) lists 7. Lepidocyrtus caprilesi Wray 1953, as 35 species of Trichoptera distributed in 22 new species (117). genera; 22 of the recorded species are des- 8. Portachorutes marnbatus Wray 1953, cribed as new and two as new records. Ra- as new species (117). mos (78) lists 22 species as new out of a total 9. Pseudosinella subfusa Wray 1953, as of 37 species for the families Cicadidae, Kin- new species (117). naridae, Membracidae, and Cercopidae. Cald- 10. Sphyrotheca aleta Wray 1953, as new well and Martorell (23) list 141 species in the species (117). Fulgoroidea (except Kinnaridae), of which 13 are new records and 70 new species. They III. Order DERMAPTERA deleted 28 names which they considered were misidentified or species whose synonymy was A. Family LABIDURIDAE not clearly established. In their revision of 1. Euborellia plebeja (Dohrn), det. the Cicadellidae (24) they recorded 135 species, T. H. Hubbell, from Guanica and of which 55 are new species and 14 are new Ponce, in DB (Department of Bio- records for the island. logy) collection. These six monographic papers add 233 new names to Wolcott's lists, which together with IV. Order O RTHOPTERA the 359 new records listed in this publication add to a total of 4, 267 species. On the other A. Familv ACRIDIDAE hand seven names are deleted for a total of 1. Orphulella bolloui (Rehn), det. T. H. 4,260 records for Puerto Rico. Hubbell, from Guanica Insular Forest The lists that follow are arranged in alpha- and Mayaguez, in DB collection. betical order. The numbers that appear in 2. Scyllina cyanipes (Fabricius), det. parenthesis after each species refer to the lite- T. H. Hubbell, from Mayaguez, in rature cited. DB collection. B. Family GRYLLIDAE I. Order THYSANURA 1. Hygronemobius alleni (Morse), new record (55). A. Family JAPYGIDAE 2. Oecanthus allardi Walker and Guer- 1. Neojapyx insulanus Silvestri 1948, ney 1960, (106). listed in (91). 3. Oecanthus niveus (Degeer), det. by 2. Parajapyx (Grassjapyx) sp., listed (49). Guerney, in DB collection. ADDITIONS TO INSECTS OF PUERTO RICO 47 V. Order MALLOPHAGA B. Family A PHIDAE 1. Monographed by Smith (93). A. Family MENOPONIDAE 2. Acyrthosiphon bidenticola Smith as new species (94). Colpocephalum (prob. turbinatum 1. 3. Amphorphora comemelinensis Smith Denny 1842), det. T. Clay; host: 1960, as new species (94). Columba livia, in DB collection. 4. Aphis craccivora Koch, as A. medi- B. Family PHILOPTERIDAE caginis in Wolcott p. 150 (93). 1. Columbicola columbae (Linn. 1758), 5. Hyalomyzus jussieae Smith 1960, as det. T. Clay; host: Columba livia, in new species (94). DB collection. C. Family CICADELLIDAE 2. Oxylipeurus dentatus (Sugimoto 1935), 1. det. T. Clay; host: Gallus, in DB col- Monographed by Caldwell and Mar- lection. torell (23). 2. Dikraneura althaearosaeae Caldwell 1951, as new species (26). VI. Order ODONATA 3. Elabra aureovittata (De Long), as Alebra in Wolcott, p. 123; as new A. Family LIBELLULIDAE combination (119). 1. Tholymis citrina Hag., in DB collect- 4. Empoasca wolcotti Young 1953, as ion, det O. S. Flint. new species (11 8). 5. Habralebra alliodorae (Caldwell) (26). VII. Order TRICHOPTERA 6. Laevicephalus nigripennis (De Long), det. D. A. Young, in DB collection. A. Monographed by Flint (44). 7. Omegalebra cordiae (Osborn), as Pro- B. Family RHYACOPHILIDAE talebra in Wolcott, p. 124; as new 1. Atopsyche trifidus Denning 1948, as combination (119). new record (33). 8. Omegalebra lenticula (Osborn), as Protalebra in Wolcott, p. 125; as new VIII. Order THYSANOPTERA combination (119). 9. Paralebra similis (Baker), as Protale- A. Monographed by Medina Gaud (69). bra in Wolcott, p. 125; as new com- bination (119). B. Family HETEROTHRIPIDAE 10. Protalebra nexa McAtee, as P. insu- Heterothrips oneillae Medina Gaud 1. laris in Caldwell (26); as new synony- 1963, as new species (71). my (119). C. Family THRIPIDAE 1l. Protalebrella brasiliensis (Baker), as 1. Echinothrips caribeanus Hood 1954, Protalebra in Wolcott, p. 124; as new as new species (58). combination (119). 12. Rabela tabebuiae (Dozier), as Prota- IX. Order ANOPLURA lebra in Wolcott p. 124, and Cald- well (26); as new combination (119). A. Family HEMATOPINIDAE 13. Rhabdotalebra brunnea brunnea 1. Hopopleura oenomydis Ferris, as new (Oman), as new record (119). record (48). 14. Trypanalebra ziczac (Osborn), as Pro- takbra in Wolcott p. 125, and Cald- X. Order HOMOPTERA well (23); as new combination (119). D. Family DELPHACIDAE A Family ALEYRODIDAE 1. Trialeurodes abutilonea (Haldeman), 1. Monographed by Caldwell and Mar- as new record (79). torell (24). 2. Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West- 2. Anchidelphax havanensis (Crawford), wood), as new record (79). as Delphacodes in Wolcott, p. 144, 48 MALDONADO AND NAVARRO and Caldwell (24); as new genus and nis in Caldwell (24), as new combi- new combination by Fennah (42). nation (42). 3. Caenodelphax teapae (Fowler), as 9. Parthenormenis virginia (Caldwell); as Delphacodes in Wolcott, p. 144 and suspected by Caldwell his genus Puer- Caldwell (24); as new genus and new tormenis is a synonym of Parthenor- combination by Fennah (42). menis Fennah as pointed out by Fen- 4. Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), as So- nah (42). gata in Wolcott, p. 144, and Cald- well (24); as new combination (42). G. Family PSYLLIIDAE 5. Sogatodes albolineosus (Fowler), as Delphacodes in Wolcott, p. 144, as 1. Carsidara concolor Crawford, new re- new combination (42). cord (25). 6. Sogatodes approximatus (Crawford), 2. Euceropsylla heyugramsa Caldwell, as Sogata approximata in Wocott, as new species (25). p. 143, as new combination (42). 3. Euceropsylla martorelli Caldwell, as 7. Sogatodes cubanus (Crawford), as So- gata cubana in Wolcott, p. 143, and new species (25). Caldwell (24); as new combination 4. Euceropsylla torus Caldwell, as new (42). species (25). 8. Sogatodes orizicola (Muir), new re- 5. Euceropsylla xerxa Caldwell, as new cord by Kramer (63) as Sogata; new species (25). combination (42). 6. Euphalerus antillensis Caldwell, as new species (25). E.
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