Results NCAA National Wrestling Tournament sN P.I.4 ()won Slrvine Til. Stat, UnfoerlitrJ o/IOWG and thl People of Iowa CitJl iStablished In 1Soo Five Cents a Copy ASSOCllitea Press LeaSed Wlrp. ano WlrepbolO' ODIlf'd Press InternahoDll Leased WIre ju~' City. TO~3 . FrHfily. Marcb 27. 1m f "ea ac oan ' F e A ed Will Invade ' tof '~ "01 Sbn 'I'tondemns ~B ' hot -By -Sh o t orelgn I Mainland To Iys Need Help Tibet Senate Passes. CQmpromise Parliament Mov" high encr, ·Thinking Of To Back Statement the explosw the Earth' Reapportionment Bill, 37-11 -- I I'·, TAIPEI Formo a IUPIl - Pres· distributed ", ..... Id nt Chlane K i·Shek, drh' n ofl of foree In ariff Program the Chin mainl nd nine year spread over ago, said Thursday he would I ad of hours. j SUlowan Speaks At Act Calls For his NaUonllU t (orc I back "soon" , City Meeting 20,000 Beer-DrinkIng jf Tibet continued its rebellion ~ason oealn I the Chln Communi ts. l~ 'Economic aid should be a long­ College Students Chiang mad th n,hllne declar· I.el'm process, and not the 'shot-by­ S3 In Senate, otion In n 500-word me aile ad· &bot' program as we now have," dre St'd directly 10 the r bels of an SUI economist stated Thursday Harbingers Of Spring embaUI d Tibet. nig~t at Mason City. Vice pro~nt 1M 'Nmlor FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla .. were arrested Monday night.-20 on 118 In House j,''''' R. O'son, prof.slOr .nd Cheft Chtftt Hid In I .....rlto hHei .. econemics, tolel • Iroup' <upn - The robin may be the traffic violations and l4 for as· stetomoftt thlt tho Nltlon.ll.ts fA eduutors th.t our current harbinger of spring el&ewhere but sorted misdemeanors. including Loveless Hopes House .I,oedy ha4 hoIp04 tho Tibot... ""'In .leI progr.m, which r.· in Fort Lauderdale it·s a boisteri· drinking in public. Will Accept Plan entioComunish .nd weuItI in­ quires ,.,Iodlc .pprovil of Con· ous. beer·drinking invasion of "Most of the complaints from CN ... thl ••Id. 20,000 college students on Easter citizens have been about the '''''' Inellcet.s thlt "w. still DES MOINES \.f! - The con· The Natlo~li t Pllrllament mov· hay. to cIo • lot .. thinklnl lbout vacation. noise." he said. He said most po. troversial reapportionment i su M irnmMlately to put t eth Into ...r ,fo,.l,n .id progr.m .nd tho Harried police estimated there lice aclion has been to quiet what hurdled it fir I major barrier in thE' t t m nt . exp.nslon of world tr.d• ." were 10.000 in town Thursday and he called "over exuberence." the Iowa Legisllliure Thursday. The FrontL r Arf irs Committee .Olson spoke at the closing session that the horde would reach 20.000 Here are some of the re ults of Th Senate, on a 37-1l vole. or th Legi lature drarted a S('ri of a lO·week lecture series spon· this weekend. "exuberence:" passed the so-ealled Stuart plan of proposal to giv Chlanc author· sored by the lowa Council on Eco­ As the crowds increased. the Flr.men ,.,tumlng from • f .... after it survived a series or te t Ity to commit Natlonall t troopt to nomic Education. It was the Coun­ beer supply dwindled. .I.rm _re sloshed with IMor voles eliminating other propo al . the battle. Debate on th measurE" cil's fourth 8nn~al series held in II they ,.UId • b.r; They included the Governor's Ac· wlll open today. One tavern, Porky's Hideaway, A I.wn umbrtll. worth $4S wo. tion Committee plan and the sy . 01 patche fro m Kallmponc, Mason City at which SUI econo· offered all you can drink for $1.50. mists have been reviewing the eco­ stolon; tern submitted by Sen. David IndJa. quot d informed urces as His supply of seven barrels was flPIJI.ic status of the state and Thr.. boys tried .. cr.,h • Shaff I R-Clinton ,. saylllg the fiChUn, In Ula a and drained in the first hour. The bar· nation. coocI party .t tho Shtrwoocl ,.. Th. showclown yot, vicinlly had topped but there wal ( He,called for "some re·thinking" tender told hundreds of students t.1 - through • closed windlhf: Mortly .fter the sh.H no indication wh Ih r a formal waiting to get in that a Iresh trllck, OIl the tariff bargaining program Two st*nts from Doorfi.ld strDn9ly b.eW.d by the I.w. cea fire had been arr.nIlM. befun by the U.S. in 1934. The pro· load was on the way. Some waite d, Academy w.r. .rrest,d for Ferm Bur•• u, WI. rej.ct.d In The ources aid 1M hlnese but the thirstier dwnped hls lawn vam is still not a permanent part I Ihooti", oH flr~, Ind, f.vor of the on, oH.rod by Communist, stopped firlne Cir t furniture in a lake. and the r bels (ollowed. 'l'h y said p.m. Of our economic program, he said. Sam .Space A $60 set of bongo drum. WIS s.n. W .C. St"lrt (R·Charlton). E. M.,ket afld last year it was extended for a G_ Leonlrd, owner .. the mlMint from • nI,ltt cl". The Stuart prOpOsal had bl'en also that the Communi thad 4.-year term, the longest extension CHATTERING Sam Spice, Jr., Elbo Room, tstImatocI tftet c0n­ The residents of Fort Lauder· vlcwt,'Il as a compromise agree· blocked Tibetan l'erug s from ever approved. one of a group of monkeys bein, sumption .t tho boach weuld hit dale have varied emotions about ment on the whole reapportionment cro Ing the border Into India and The tarilf bargaining program trlin.d to bIll. the trill into 35 .... C.M .. boer • clay tofty the annual invasion. issue before the lawmakers. apparently had cut off maU de· IIhouId be put on definite term sp.ce, is strapped into. speci.1 .nd Saturday. Anothor bo.ch Chief Holt himselC takes a toler· Gov . Herschel Loveles hailed IIv ri I. basjs. he said. Foreign businessmen trlining device It the School .. bertondor wid hi. hit 15 the Senate action a " the first The slat menta by Nationalist H'.. ant view. Chill'" leaders did not ,Ive aDY DOW Jive in con~t lear I~at their Aviation Modicine, R.ndoIph Air . be""'• .• 4&y,.l-fl_ the nor.".' "They haven't really bl'(jft too tep In whal could be the mo~1 U:S . .marKet wil[ suddenly be 're· Forc. 8ase. The ,ci,ntists III,... forwa~d.looking , progres iv legL . d tails on how Formo a had or r.... ,- bad," he said . .\nd most bUfif!ess. could aid Tibet. Informed urc s ducied by putting our "escape Sam to unr.vel tho knotty physio­ Foit Lauderdale is the favorite men agreed. busitless was g~. lation. in lhe recent hi tory of cl.Ulle' ~ into' effect. This clause loglc.1 probl.ms of sp.c. tra",'. Iowa . said th y doubted that parHamen­ spot for college students 'acroSs Others were not so cha table. tary approval would mean on im­ ~ak~s it possible for the U.S. to -AP Wi,.photo the nation to gather during the Beachlron Hotel owner A. E. "It t hoped:' he added. "that ' ral~ tariffs when foreign products the House will accept the plan a mediate commitment of Nationalist Easter holiday!;. Most are orderly; Downward was ~ookin, for two awear to endanger the domestic passed by the Senate." troop and w apons. but the rowdy element is . large students who left without paying They pelntoct out tMt tho U.S. market of U.S.·produced goods. enough. '. The Sluart plan as amended Top Spring for a night's lodging. stato Dopertmont tt.. s.ld N .. "w. hOYI mi. ,rolt strid.s Police Chief J . Lester Holt set "You bet I'll press charges," he calls for a 53·member Senate based On area. The seven most tlen.llst Chine _uld not be fret f,rWlrd In IIIIr economic for.lln up a spe(,:iai branch of the police said. "It's time someone taught populou counties - Scott, Polk. Crashes Through Roof to ,Ivo Amorlc.n·."",I_ .rm, policy duri", tho Pllt 2S y•• ,.," station at the Beach. He switched these bums a lesson." Ol.on Hid, ".nd m.ior policy Enrollment· Linn. Dubuque, Black Hawk. Pot· HUGE WATER TANK Itop I M.nh.Han building crl5hed down t. third partl... 34 officers to the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Meanwhile, the fun continued tawattamie and Woodbury - each The 70-year-old Chlanf. making cJt • .,... sinco 1934 show WI Ire shift. normally manned by 4 men. and there was not a school book through the roof Thursday .ft,rnoon seriously i"juring II I.. st IIV.n .....r. th.t tho U.S. Is tho eco­ would be a senatorial district cn· penons. It smashed down throu,h thr., floors. The wr.cklge is be· his fir t statement since lhe Tibet· They were not' idle. 34 students in sight anywhere. titled to one senalor. an revolt broke out, said the No· nomic ,I."t .. the world." H. Since 1949 in9 ..arched for other poslibl. victims. The 6·slory bulldlnl is .t The remaining 92 counties would tion.llsts were "manning every dtocl'fllllr m.lor U.S. poIlcl •• th.t 147 W. 26th 51. b.twNn Sheth and Seventh AII.nues In tho millin.ry han held t ....hor .n Intlm.t., Final enrollment figures for the be broken down into 46 2·county possibl dfort" 10 help the revo- W t l D end g.rm,nt manuf.cturing IOctlo".-AP Wirephoto.
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