Calcutta Police Museum

Calcutta Police Museum

CALCUTTA POLICE MUSEUM SUBJECTWISE RECORDS OF SPECIAL BRANCH FILES (1920 – 1955) INDEX – II SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1595. 1595/05 PM 813 Part II 1943 Military Censorship Scheme --- notes and orders 1596. 1596/05 ,, 813 1944 Unclassified Censorship Reports 1597. 1597/05 ,, 813 (A) 1944 Censorship Liaison with C.I.D.S 1598. 1598/05 ,, 813 1945 Unclassified Censorship Reports 1599. 1599/05 ,, 814 1943 Application for the writ of habeas Corpus 1600. 1600/05 ,, 815 1944 Coal Dealers Association 1601. 1601/05 ,, 816 1944 Anonymous letters 1602. 1602/05 ,, 816 1945 Anonymous Letters 1603. 1603/05 ,, 816 (A) 1946 Anonymous letters 1604. 1604/05 ,, 818 1944 Permission to hold miscellaneous Meetings in Calcutta 1605. 1605/05 ,, 818 (A) 1945 Permission to hold Miscellaneous Meetings in Calcutta 1606. 1606/05 ,, 819 1944 Indo American Association, 86, Clive Street, Calcutta 1607. 1607/05 ,, 820 1947 All India Gurkha League 1608. 1608/05 ,, 821 1944 Bengal Biri Merchants Association, 4, Narikeldanga Main Road, Calcutta 1609. 1609/05 ,, 822 1945 Miscellaneous Association 1610. 1610/05 ,, 822 Part II 1945 Miscellaneous Association 1611. 1611/05 ,, 822 Part I 1946 Miscellaneous Association 1612. 1612/05 ,, 822 Part II 1946 Political Association 1613. 1613/05 ,, 822 Part I 1947 Political Association with Index Folder 1614. 1614/05 ,, 822 Part II 1947 Political Association with Index Folder 1615. 1615/05 ,, 823 1945 Miscellaneous Conferences 1616. 1616/05 ,, 824 1945 Reports of action taken under the Defence of India Rules 1617. 1617/05 ,, 824 (II) 1945 Reports of action taken under D.I.R 1618. 1618/05 ,, 824 (A) 1946 Action taken under D.I.R 1619. 1619/05 ,, 824 1947 Reports re. Action taken under D.I.R Bengal Special Power ordinance (ord Vi of 1946) and other ordinance and acts. {2} SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1620. 1620/05 PM 825 1945 All India Medical Association 1621. 1621/05 ,, 826 1945 Miscellaneous Meetings 1622. 1622/05 ,, 826 1946 Miscellaneous Meetings 1623. 1623/05 ,, 827 1945 Deserters from the Army 1624. 1624/05 ,, 827 ‗A‘ 1945 The Censorship of operational security prisoners correspondence 1625. 1625/05 ,, 827 1947 Deserter‘s from the Army 1626. 1626/05 ,, 828 1945 Firms Publications: --- Suitable for Security / State Prisoners 1627. 1627/05 ,, 829 1945 Volunteers (General) 1628. 1628/05 ,, 829 1947 Volunteers (General) 1629. 1629/05 ,, 830 1945 Miscellaneous Celebration in Calcutta 1630. 1630/05 ,, 830 1946 Miscellaneous Celebrations 1631. 1631/05 ,, 830 (A) 1947 Minor Celebration in Calcutta --- Religious and Political 1632. 1632/05 ,, 831 1945 Bengal Medical Relief Co – ordination committee 1633. 1633/05 ,, 832 1945 All Party Conference or Non Party 1634. 1634/05 ,, 833 1945 ―Money Circulating‖ --- Undertaking 1635. 1635/05 ,, 834 1945 Prisoners (Security / State) Treatment of 1636. 1636/05 ,, 834 1946 Prisoner‘s (Security / State): --- Treatment of 1637. 1637/05 ,, 835 1945 Prisoner‘s (Security / State): -- Interviews of and correspondence relating to 1638. 1638/05 ,, 835 1946 Security / State Prisoners: --- Interviews of and correspondence relating to 1639. 1639/05 ,, 835 1945 Relation among jail / M.C. Hospital / Special Branch and correspondence on any irregularity relating to. 1640. 1640/05 ,, 836 1946 Jail: --- Relation among Jail / M.C. Hospitals, Special Branch and correspondence on any irregularity relating to 1641. 1641/05 ,, 837 1945 All India News Paper Editor‘s Conference 1642. 1642/05 ,, 838 1945 Govt. Orders re quarterly Reports on WAR 1643. 1643/05 ,, 839 1945 Censorship of Telegraphic messages in/c/w the War 1644. 1644/05 ,, 840 1945 Santiniketan --- Bolepur 1645. 1645/05 ,, 840 1945 Santiniketan --- Bolepur 1646. 1646/05 ,, 841 1945 Clashes between civil + Military {3} SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1647. 1647/05 PM 841 (I) 1946 Friction between the military and the public 1648. 1648/05 ,, 841 (II) 1946 Friction between the military and the public 1649. 1649/05 ,, 842 1945 Evacuees from the Forecast 1650. 1650/05 ,, 843 1945 Miscellaneous Personalities 1651. 1651/05 ,, 844 1945 Miscellaneous Publications 1652. 1652/05 ,, 844 1946 Political Publication 1653. 1653/05 ,, 844 1947 Political Publication 1654. 1654/05 ,, 845 1945 Food Problems 1655. 1655/05 ,, 845 1946 Food Problem 1656. 1656/05 ,, 845 (II) 1946 Food Problem 1657. 1657/05 ,, 846 1947 Calcutta Corporation 1658. 1658/05 ,, 847 1945 Reports Weekly --- Regarding publications with held by the chief censor Calcutta 1659. 1659/05 ,, 848 Part I 1945 Cloth Crisis. Agitation in Connection with 1660. 1660/05 ,, 848 (II) 1945 Cloth Crisis --- Agitation in connection with 1661. 1661/05 ,, 849 1947 Ministerial affairs 1662. 1662/05 ,, 849 1948 Ministerial affairs 1663. 1663/05 ,, 850 File A & B 1945 Bengal un employed youth‘s union 1664. 1664/05 ,, 851 1945 Bengal Consumers League 1665. 1665/05 ,, 852 1947 Bengal list of July suspects 1947 1666. 1666/05 ,, 853 1945 Publication ―The Hindusthan‖ 2n illustrated quarterly journal in English edited by Sir N.N.Sarkar --- Published by D.N.Sarkar from 1721, Dharmatalla Street, Calcutta 1667. 1667/05 ,, 854 1945 Indo – Chinese Contact 1668. 1668/05 ,, 855 1945 Verification and Transportation of Civilians – By Air to and from Burma (Prohibition and regulations) 1669. 1669/05 ,, 856 (II) 1946 Release of Political Prisoners. Now it is Bengal Civil Liberties Committee. (C.P.I) 1670. 1670/05 ,, 857 1947 Association --- Indian Christian 1671. 1671/05 ,, 858 1945 Wavell Plan 1672. 1672/05 ,, 859 1945 Search of: --- 27, Theatre Road (Pan Shop of Birbahadur Panda) on 01.08.45 for U.S. Army--- Classified writings market. Secret. {4} SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1673. 1673/05 PM 860 1945 American Counter – Intelligence Bulletins 1674. 1674/05 ,, 861 1945 Marwari Relief Society 1675. 1675/05 ,, 862 1945 India Tomorrow Club 1676. 1676/05 ,, 863 1945 Relations between the Police Department and the legal Remembrances 1677. 1677/05 ,, 864 1945 Conference of Divisional Commissioners and Heads of Departments 1678. 1678/05 ,, 865 ‗A‘ 1945 Repatriated Allied Prisoners of war and Internees 1679. 1679/05 ,, 865 1946 Repatriated Allied Prisoners of war Internees 1680. 1680/05 ,, 866 1945 Publication the ―Statesman‖ --- Daily English Newspaper 1681. 1681/05 ,, 867 1945-47 Proscribed and Prohibited Publication 1682. 1682/05 ,, 868 (I) 1945 Agitation for the release of I.N.A. Internees 1683. 1683/05 ,, 868 (II) 1945 Not Available 1684. 1684/05 ,, 868 (II/A) 1945 Not Available 1685. 1685/05 ,, 868 (III) 1945 Not Available 1686. 1686/05 ,, 868 (IV) 1945 Not Available 1687. 1687/05 ,, 868 (D) 1945 Not Available 1688. 1688/05 ,, 868 (E) 1945 Not Available 1689. 1689/05 ,, 868 1946 Not Available 1690. 1690/05 ,, 868 (II) 1946 Not Available 1691. 1691/05 ,, 868 (III) 1946 Not Available 1692. 1692/05 ,, 868 (IV) 1946 Not Available 1693. 1693/05 ,, 868 (D/I) 1946 Not Available 1694. 1694/05 ,, 868 (D/2) 1946 Captain Rashid – day disturbances 1695. 1695/05 ,, 868 (D/3) 1946 Not Available 1696. 1696/05 ,, 868 (D/4) 1946 Not Available 1697. 1697/05 ,, 868 (D/5) 1946 I.N.A. Agitation --- Captain Rashid day Disturbances 1698. 1698/05 ,, 868 (D/6) 1946 I.N.A Agitation --- Captain Rashid day Disturbances 1699. 1699/05 ,, 868 (D/7) 1946 Action taken by Muchipara PS in/c/w February Disturbances 1700. 1700/05 ,, 868 (H) 1946 I.N.A Funds {5} SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1701. 1701/05 PM 868 (H/II) 1946 I.N.A. Funds 1702. 1702/05 ,, 868 (H/III) 1946 I.N.A Funds 1703. 1703/05 ,, 868 (H/IV) 1946 I.N.A Funds Folder A 1704. 1704/05 ,, 868 (H/IV) 1946 I.N.A Funds Folder B 1705. 1705/05 ,, 868 1947 Indian National Army Activities of 1706. 1706/05 ,, 868 (D) 1947 Captain Rashid day Disturbances in Calcutta. Observance of ---- 1707. 1707/05 ,, 868 (H)(I) 1947 I.N.A. Funds 1708. 1708/05 ,, 869 1945 Calcutta Port Security Committee Report 1709. 1709/05 ,, 870 1945 Agitation for Indonesian Independence 1710. 1710/05 ,, 871 1945 Assembly and Council Elections 1711. 1711/05 ,, 871 1946 Assembly and Council Elections 1712. 1712/05 ,, 872 1945 Not Available 1713. 1713/05 ,, 872 1946 Not available 1714. 1714/05 ,, 872 (II) 1946 I.N.A Personalities 1715. 1715/05 ,, 872 (III) 1946 I.N.A Personalities --- meaning ref. To specific members of I.N.A 1716. 1716/05 ,, 872 (IV) 1946 Not Available 1717. 1717/05 ,, 872 (C/I) 1946 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1718. 1718/05 ,, 872 (C/II) 1946 Not Available 1719. 1719/05 ,, 872 (C/III) 1946 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1720. 1720/05 ,, 872 (C/IV) 1946 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1721. 1721/05 ,, 872 (C/V) 1946 I.N.A. Personalities --- Calcutta (With Index Folder) 1722. 1722/05 ,, 872 (D) 1946 I.N.A Conference on 20.10.46 1723. 1723/05 ,, 872 (M) 1946 Not Available 1724. 1724/05 ,, 872 (M/II) 1946 Not Available 1725. 1725/05 ,, 872 (M/III) 1946 I.N.A Personalities (Miscellaneous) 1726. 1726/05 ,, 872 (M/IV) 1946 I.N.A Personalities (Miscellaneous) 1727. 1727/05 ,, 872 (M/V) 1946 Not Available 1728. 1728/05 ,, 872 (M/VI) 1946 I.N.A Personalities (Miscellaneous) {6} SL NO. KPM NO. SERIES FILE NO. YEAR SUBJECT REMARKS 1729. 1729/05 PM 872 (C/I) 1947 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1730. 1730/05 ,, 872 (C/II) 1947 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1731. 1731/05 ,, 872 (C/III) 1947 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1732. 1732/05 ,, 872 (C/IV) 1947 I.N.A Personalities --- Calcutta 1733. 1733/05 ,, 872 (M/I) 1947 I.N.A.

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