NATIONAL CONVENTION 1986 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SLAVIC STUDIES .18TH NATIONAL CONVENTION November 20-23, 1986 Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans, LA Hosted by the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contents AAASS Board of Directors iv Honorary Convention Chair v Program Committee v Local Arrangements Committee v Southern Conference on Slavic Studies v AAASS Institutional Members vi AAASS Regional Affiliates vii AAASS Affiliate Societies vii AAASS National Office Staff vii PROGRAM GUIDE 7 PROGRAM: DAILY SCHEDULE 13 Call for Proposals: AAASS 19th National Convention, 1987 63 Advertisements 64 Index of Advertisers 95 Index of Exhibitors 95 Map of Exhibit Area 96 Index. of Participants 97 Maps of Meeting Rooms 104 iii AAASS Board of Directors *Murray Feshbach, President (Georgetown U.) *Charles Jelavich, Vice-President/President-Elect (Indiana U.) *Dorothy Atkinson, Executive Director (Stanford U.) *Andrzej Korbonski, Treasurer (U. of California, Los Angeles) Victoria E. Bonnell, Member-at-Large (U. of California, Berkeley) John Bowlt, Member-at Large (U. of Texas, Austin) JosefBrada, AEA rep. (Arizona State U.) Timothy Colton, Member-at-Large (U. of Toronto, Canada) Istvan Deak, Member-at-Large (Columbia U.) William Derbyshire, AATSEEL rep. (Rutgers U.) Charles Gati, APSA rep. (Columbia U.) Bruce Lincoln{ Council of Member Institutions rep. (Northern Illinois u., Paul Lydolph, AAG rep. (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) Sidney Monas, Editor, Slavic Review (U. of Texas, Austin) Dennis Reinhartz, Council of Regional Affiliates rep. (U. of Texas, Arlington) William Rosenberg, Member-at-Large (U. of Michigan) Ivan Szelenyi, ASA rep. (U. of Wisconsin, Madison) *Sarah M. Terry, Member-at-Large (Tufts U.) Charles Timberlake, Council of Regional Affiliates rep. (U. of Missouri, Columbia) Reginald Zelnik, AHA rep. (U. of California, Berkeley) *Executive Committee iv Honorary Convention Chair Rochelle Ross, Loyola U., New Orleans, emeritus Program Committee Samuel H. Baron, Chair, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Lee Congdon, James Madison U. Ellen Mickiewicz, Emory U. Martin Miller, Duke U. Richard Porter, Vanderbilt U. Gertrude Schroeder Greenslade, U. of Virginia Ewa Thompson, Rice U. Local Arrangements Committee Lydia Voigt, Chair, Loyola U., New Orleans Toussaint Hocevar, U. of New Orleans Edward Lazzerini, U. of New Orleans Michelle LeVY, Xavier U. Thomas Owen, Louisiana State U. Samuel Ramer, Tulane U. Karl Roider, Louisiana State U. Sponsoring Regional Association: Southern Conference on Slavic Studies John Basil, President, U. of South Carolina Josef Anderle, President-elect, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Larry Holmes, Secretary-Treasurer, U. of South Alabama Hugh Ragsdale, Past-President, U. of Alabama David M. Griffiths, Executive Council, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill George Munro, Executive Council, Virginia Commonwealth U. Elizabeth Neatrour, Executive Council, James Madison U. Samuel C. Ramer, Executive Council, Newcomb College Priscilla Roosevelt, Executive Council, Catholic U. of America Sasha Saari, Executive Council, Ferrum College v AAASS Institutional Members Academic Travel Abroad Louisiana State University American University Loyola University, New Orleans Arizona State University University of Massachusetts, University of Arizona, Tucson Amherst Boston College Memphis State University Boston University Michigan State University Brown University University of Michigan Bryn Mawr College Middlebury College University of California, Berkeley University of Minnesota University of California, Los Angeles Mississippi State University University of California, San Diego National Council for Soviet & University of Chicago East European Research Choate Rosemary Hall University of Nebraska Citizen Exchange Council New York Public Library Cold Spring Harbor High School (NY) State University of New York, Columbia University Albany University of Connecticut, Storrs State University of New York, Cornell University Stony brook Council on International Educational North Carolina State University Exchange University of North Carolina, Current Digest of the Soviet Press Chapel Hill Dartmouth College University of North Dakota Defense Language Institute Northern Illinois University University of Delaware, Newark University of Notre Dame University of Denver Ohio State University Dickinson College University of Oklahoma Duke University University of Oregon East European Program, Wilson Center University of Pennsylvania Emory University University of Pittsburgh Florida State University Portland High School (ME) George Washington University Princeton University Georgetown University Rutgers University Grinnell College Shevchenko Scientific Society Harvard University Slavic American Cultural Haverford College Association University of Hawaii University of Southern California College of the Holy Cross Stanford University Hoover Institution Syracuse University Hudson Institute University of Tennessee, Knoxville I.T.S. Tours & Travel Tour Designs University of Illinois, Urbana Tufts University Indiana University US Army Russian Institute International Institute for Vassar College Advanced Studies Washington University, Saint Louis University of Iowa University of Washington James Madison University Wichita State University Joint Committee on Eastern Europe University of Wisconsin, Madison Kennan Institute University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Kent State University Yale University vi AAASS Regional Affiliates Central Slavic Conference Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference Midwest Slavic Conference New England Slavic Association Rocky Mountain Association for Slavic Studies Southern Conference on Slavic Studies Southwestern Association for Slavic Studies Washington, DC Chapter of the AAASS Western Slavic Association AAASS Affiliated Societies American Association for Southeast European Studies American Association for the Study of Hungarian History American Association of Teachers of Slavic & East European Languages American Council of Teachers of Russian Association for Croatian Studies Association for the Advancement of Polish Studies Association for the Study of Nationalities (USSR and East Europe) Bulgarian Studies Association Czechoslovak History Conference Modern Greek Studies Association North American Society for Serbian Studies Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences Slovak Studies 'Association Society for Albanian Studies Society for Armenian Studies Society for Romanian Studies Society for Slovene Studies Society for the Study of Religion under Communism AAASS National Office Staff Denise J. Youngblood, Assistant to the Executive Director and Convention Coordinator Christie Cochrell, Administrative Assistant Sandy Schneider, Secretary vii Program Guide Thursday, Nov. 20, 1986 Pre~Convention 7:00pm- 8:00pm 7:00om- 9:00pm 8:00pm · 9:00pm 9:00om - !O:OOom MAUl Committee on Subcommittee on Language Training East European Languages/National Advisory Comminee KULIMA H Albania After Haxha (Roundtable) PEACIITREE 1·2 Soviet Central Asian Collections at US Ubraries (Roundtable) GRAND 1·3 Forty Years of American Sovietology: Appraisal and Prospects (Roundtable) O'HARE 1-4 An and Politics in Soviet and East European Cinema RAMPART 1-5 Honor and Office in Musc"'l' DAUPHINE 1-6 The Peasantry in Nineteenth-Century Russia ROYALE US Dept. of Education, Title VI Workshop KENILWORTH 1·7 Manpower and Nationality in the USSR: Some Contrasung ViNPS VERSAilLES 1-8 Miracle or Band Aid? -An Evaluation of the Hun~arian Economic Development Program BURGUNDY !O:OOam - 2:00pm Subcommittee on I REX Language Proficiency REGENCY FOYER Welcommg Reception Hosted bv Lovola Umversu). · ASHLAND 4:00pm - 6:00pm Subcomm1ttee on ManuscriptS and Archrves 7 Friday,~ov.21, 1986 8:30am · !0:30am 10:40am - 12:40om 1:30pm ·3:30pm 3:40pm. 5:40pm 6'0Qom • 7:00pm MAUl 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 Literature in Jozef Konrad Power, Publishing, New Research in Post-1918 Slovakia Korz:emowski: and Printing Among Nineteenth- A Polish Muslims of the Century Russian Consciousne&S Russian Empire Publishing and In English Printing Literature KULIMA 2-2 3·2 4·2 5·2 The Local Press in Slovak Unguistics Siberian Regionalism Southeast Commurust Systems 1905·21 European Oral Traditional Poetry PEACIITREE 2·15 3·3 4·3 5·3 Aspects of Recent Joseph Brodsky as Demography of Soviet The Economics of Economic Reform in Poet, Playwright, Nauonalities Trotsk.ii's Socialist Countncs and Crit1c Revolution Betraved: A 50 Year Perspective (Roundtable) GRAND 2·3 3-4 4-4 5-4 Problems in the Aspects of the Social Democrats in l.Jterary History of '111eory Standard of living Power: Russia and Connections between and the 1beory of in the USSR Georgia Russ1a and Western Htstory Europe O'HARE 2-4 Council of 4-5 5·5 Soviet Aid Policies Regional Metropolitan Social Deviancy in in the Third World Affiliates Filaret (Drozdov): the USSR ActMstand Contemplative RAMPART 2·5 3-5 4-6 5-6 Kievan Rus' and Soviet Foreign Croatian Humanism in The Russian Economy Muscovy as Trade m the 1980s Renaissance Europe at Work m the 18th the New Israel Century DAUPHINE 2-6 3-6 4·7 5·7 The Pushkin Myth in The Pushkin Myth in New Directions in Institutional Sovier Culture, I Soviet Culture,II Soviet Elite Studies Developments in East European Socialist States ROYALE 2·7 3-7 4·8 Early Soviet Changmg Images: The Ufe and Art of Librarianship and Reassessments of Marina Tsvetaeva Bibliography: 20th Cenrury Three Studies HunJ.!anan Statesmen and Politicians KENILWORlH 2·8 3·8 4-9 5·8 ·me "UniVersity The Social History Or~anizational Commissars, Question" m of Late Imperial Factors in Bureaucrars, and Tsarist Russia: Russia Solidarity's Fate Teachers: The ReconsJderaiJons VIsion. Policy, and Pracuce of Soviet Education, 1917-31 VERSAILLES 2·9 3-Q 4-10 5·9 Natural Scientists, Russ1a and the The Gemrv Estate Bulganan, TechnoiOJ!:ISL'i, and Balkans: Literary m the 19th.
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