THE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, I 1921 'If . YANKEES MUST BEAT INDIANS AGAIN TO-DA- Y TO RETAIN LEA! Again TENDLER AND FRIEDMAN. Manager Miller Huggins Giants in Running ABOUT FISH AND FISHERMEN FIGHT EVEN CONTEST. Likely to As Result of Double Win IMIIt.AnBfjPIttA, Aug. 21 Lew Tcnd-l- er Send Shawkey Hy William E. In slinpo but differs In color and grows of Philadelphia and Sailor Friedman Simmons. a HIGH WATER. grt.it dial liirger. It Is n bright si of Chicago fought with honors even In ,,. ....... ,., .....ni.i ill imwJi in i ll mvi.i. lb ttie eight-roun- d wind-u- p of foftrTtaat Over 1,1 Leading I'Tm. rn"t-'-'.i weight f,0 Team trvm 80 bace Cleveland earn Pirate Aw-tii- 7li TV'i-- a'm. to pounds bouts ut tint Philadelphia National lo Miiur. tv.. .TI..V2 i,. 2.J17 ud Is 4,- l asi oiu of the really gtrat guine - - "H-- League Itasobnll Park last night. Moth 5' H?'- Vi ll '3 Hi 1H"' K,,,ln'1 "Io"K hc I'.iolllc Coast, &5f. : n Url ii'.ia S:i l aro lightweight. 'tT-to- - Si: i.Si Lil li most Oita- - n 11l'''' till i"- ninth, tho Nehr' and Backed CHANCE NOW abundant about Santa I Over I Cilv ''' Tiin Douglass, GREAT liWi-- MlJiulj.nl tLaiit. Add (jc Una A crowd eottinnted 2.1,000 persons OlKllglll ikromsc eraokrd fdr .1 im hMt Island. at n....in.l inner I .''mmi'iil unit ivi) wrm 11 ml l'lpp's micrl-UIU- Cubs liasily Capture Openint; TO REVIVE watched ho matches, all of which went Up With Fine Slugging, FOR GIANTS I I rlllb lCV 1 OrKdlS Willi Hon fly Kinr. Hip winning run, otlirr- - Tho hito .a I t 1 the scheduled eight rounds witll the ex- I 1 I (.'oM fmbnbly weather, modcrnto win' to. tin. lcsklr might linvc Game of Series at INTEREST IN N. L. RACE. fair Z l cept inn of tho second. In which Gcofgo Oreilt COIlficitJIlCO htt1'-'- '"I nluhtfall for huth wciu ut Rout Visitors. to Is tho preJIc- - Si ' their best. southeast south winds May nnd June. Of seven caught In on's Chancy of ltaltlmore scored a iTrfockout lion 'd.iy by tho wrller with a hlxteen- - Brooklyn. It win a ftvnt ilny for the Nnr York for over Harry Htono of lloston. 'strand line tvieh weighed over fifty n, Uy fun The ankers ilefftttfil Uunnr Kramer. 18S pounds, of Flos-to- ci.kvkla.smj. amk. Isaac Shuman. ri(rrdn. Wcnktlsh havo not nllogether loft pounds, and every fish mado n play the f ntlhtri fur the iroml time tn defeated Charley Lcdou.n 118, ot r"p,llK Yanks muit win Uiucr Cleveland Alexander's twirl- HEUK'S no telling at nil what It - "f fmn! flflcc" thirty minutes till' ClrvrlniitJ and mo Into plnre In liimalc'i A nkllt broutrlit sevtn- can on)y ,)() ,PS.,.iiJt,dl' 1)V Prnnrc, In the opening bout. J samo from I lie Indians It thoy ing was too much for the Uoblnsi. nnd these Giants aro capable of. ml flrt .t. t!ln orm Fistic News the rlrnn KenKne while the teen of them to the tlont of tho liele- - magnificent. There Is a difference m With the exception of occasional are to leavi' city tut lendorH i the Cubs won the opening gamo of Tliey permit tho worst, or near .iiif rrr this (tnnUt utui lime horn fnltrrlii? for Ihe van House, Hroad Channel, on Tues- - Individuals, but one fifty-on- e pound rntlles nn the part of the French box the the series, fi to 1. Only six ly the In tho league to taku twenty-fiv- e - of American Li'iikik'. The task of and Gossip hits wcio worst. ltvt montlii Midilfi.l.v lo life Htnl day evening. Kn.nk Hmlth wis tho '' n,fl.rr mln- er, Ihe Huston bantam hit him ut will. taking made off the famous plt".her. them iuto camp und turn , ute contest, I gave me more thrrc stuiltrht from llio lot'itlst By then the won hath gnmc from the llnitc. lucky man. They were all largo sped- - Kramer, however, was unable to put one, John Pollock Wllbert Hoblnson trotted out Kcrdle following day trounco roundly In icasur than any catch I ever inide. him off his font, , , is a hard but j. ch inumber of Hid and In lultlitlon to this, (irorgu fwrlly sArlped sur-an- Schupp tn oppose the Great Alex nnd mens. He also had one bass The fHh played entirely on tho d Hnrry Sto'im of Tioston, subsfltrfted New York Club In .nv.irc (if tho Im-- i a double engagement the best. First made hi (m ntj trromt home run of face, and I only saved It bv the skill for Harry Kid llrown of Philadelphia, .loe tho EngllMi heavy -- once more tho fiall southpaw fallrd to one nuke. portanco (if ltetkott, tlidy appear anaemic, hardly able to thf Meavon nnd need only thrre more II1IW 111 who wns said to have broken ft rib In att.nrhcd to the outcome go distance, (Illicit llltlt UllM'lll. Ill Ml.illlll.il!, welglii, wlio has been knocked out hy the full lie was hit hard Incredibly to heat the Nnttonul l.rnjtut rerord as the fish repeatedly rushed n round tinlnlng, was knocked out by Uaortro tho final contest unJ i.i iciidy to Unlit was wltlulr-iw- In Inning, stir about, and then nlfliost .Snappers are running freely in Chnnny of In tho second (jeorges C'lirpentler, Moran, the and the fifth hrld by Cnmith, tho boat, llaltlninrc. ' ' for evciy Inch of ground in order1 to Frank In this session, John U Stilllvan and on tho rampage. No Hay. They nre particularly nu- round. big hit The Ynnkcrs nre Imdlnff the Indian 131U pounds oomo out vlutorloua. American heavyweight, und other right wall. ILilnol one should say now they can't win Johnny Dundee, New the ball over the field by even point. Hut thry mutt brut merous in Flathinds liny, wliere t.nt. llliiKlinm .Wnlii fu Hi llnrvnril Voik. won from Joe Tlplltz. 132V4 PUHa--. fellows, has been matched for another Klllo-fe- r prove Manager Iluggitva of tho Ynnks still filed out, but Crimes walketl and tho pennant until tho llgurcs world's chninploiin to fisherman got fourteen on Tuesday. Tmek Ciiiarli. delpbln, In the Dundee battle in England. Ho has been singled. finished Schupp and the hnil tho advantage. In all but U "first bas two of lil Htftr liurlera roady lo That they haven't even an outside chance. on top of the heap. If the However, thoy were not very large, CAMItltllXli:. Mum.. Aug. 13. signed to meet Hoy McCormlck. the MIIJus took his ptacc. nnd second round. alcp in Hliawkuy and Mays. The Art Nohf and Shufflin I'hll Douglas unkeN win to-d- their ntiindluie will sjnappcrs bite best ou the Hood tide. "Hill" Illnghnm, who roarhed the Ilobblo madn a change In his linc-u- p Irish light heavyweight, who fought 7-- .CIlS tenia Inut season when Me It More former Is tho prob.iblo selection for came to for tho homo team yesterday be 6 on 14 lost, prrernlnKe t Harvard track Arlr Wins Honors Wltk ft yesterday. Hy Mjertt and Ivy Olson the filmsim nthletes enmr within half 111 Uio y several good fights in this country In a manner which, coupled with the The Indians Htandlujc wilt he 711 Tim United Anglers' lxague will tie. u mound nnd if ho rIvob oh both sat ot i tile bench at the start of hoii, a point of winning the Intercollegiate to- evening In l,ullli:er y Aug. 25. Nlcle- Rood an account of himself few months ago. They will cbme game. Myers's clouting of Kelly, Meusel, Hums and 17 lost, pciTeuliiKP .(105. meet Ibis tho ehamploiiKhlpR, signed up for CHICAGO. III.. Aria this after- tho Ilcrnlo Nels took lluildlllg. will be an experlen '0 of Kingman. Ariz., gether In a twenty-roun- d bout .it tho Hut If tho Indian win (hey will re- It unntlier vi ur annexed addtlonaI noon as Hoyt did yesterday, and place In the ccntro field and topped the nearly all the other Giants, reduced mnn-arlls- l, gain the lead ulthouKu thrlr meeting, but In addition IauiIh illie.ul. He alfo will net nr .nslstant trnpshontlug IniircLi yesterday when ho Qulnn tho day before, Yank follow- Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, batting order. "Chuck" Ward replaced tho leaders' margin of victories to muriln utlthor and of killing ns1''" of tlm Harvatd Atliletlo Asijneln- - won oter the unit res will be only one imtnt. contriver the American amateur 10. Olson however, was olic-hn- lf championship single tnrgcts, ers havo to worry Should London, Saturday evening, Sept. at short. Wurd, five and games and again nrtillelal lures, has promised to bo ' ' "".T i. V, at Iraturo little about. Tho filAiitn rut the limtes lend 'f1 rvent of tho llrnnd American landl-ea- n Shawkcy prove Htiffginri later removed from the same to malic put tho New Yorks In tho running. present and give a talk. position. They wink wobbly, will Ckirlcj Welnm. tho rimer kMtrwrfem rt fin- down to the jrnmes yetrnlay. If tnme will ntart Tiapsbnotliig Tournament hero. Ha way for a pinch hitter and Olson In ut the ntK'ii nu of tho college seninn. broke las out of 2(H) targets. Ario yes- not hpaltato to send In Mays to re- li going to tko a trip Wrrt It flrhu.
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