SUNTANNED FROGS SPLIT FOUR IN HAWAII - PAGE 7 TCU Daily Skiff THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1996 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 93RD YEAR, NO. 61 Will U.S. default? Credit service threatens bond downgrade FROM STAFF AND WIRE Feb. 29 and April 6 "on review for pos- Armey. R-Texas. revived the possi- REPORTS sible downgrade." bility of default as a pressure lactic ear- "The positions being taken in the lier this week. Federal Reserve NEW YORK — One of Wall current debate over the budget and the Chairman Alan (ireenspan. himselt .i Street's chief credit-rating services debt ceiling have significantly Republican, reportedly \ isiled Anne) threatened yesterday to lower its qual- increased the risk of a default on the on Tuesday to repeal his view that ity rating on $387 billion in Treasury above-mentioned security obliga- America's financial creditworthmess debt, a move that could cause serious tions," Moody's said. shouldn't be used as a bargaining tool. problems for the federal government, Becker agreed with that assessment Becker said the downgrade threat said Charles Becker, an associate pro- of the reasons for the downgrade may bring about a resolution either fessor of economics at TCU. announcement, saying it was "proba- by raising the debt ceiling or crafting a "The long term effects of this action bly due to the ongoing budget crisis, budget deal because of the poten- could affect the government's ability along with the conflict over raising the tial shock to the municipal bond mar- to borrow money by forcing it to pay debt ceiling." ket. Because municipal bonds art- higher rates on its bonds." Becker said A downgrade would be a stunning tax-free, they are held by many of the in a Si///'interview yesterday. blow to the government's creditwor- wealths elites in our society, Becker The move by Moody's Investors thiness. U.S. Treasury bonds are said. Service marked the most dramatic regarded as the safest in the world This, he said. may help to bring reaction yet in the financial world over because they are backed by the full about a resolution to political conflicts the possibility of a historic event — a faith and credit of the United States because wealthy bond holders usually default by the U.S. government — as government, which has never have great political influence through a result of the on-going budget dead- defaulted on its obligations. their campaign contributions lock. Republican leaders who've taken a Democrats called the Moody's "Since the founding of our nation, militant approach to the budget talks move a reflection of Republican irre- the U.S. government has never had no immediate comment on sponsibility over the default issue defaulted on directly guaranteed Moody's announcement. Telephone "Some of these Republicans are bonds." Becker said. messages left with House Majority playing unh fire and ever.one could Moody's said it was placing Trea- Leader Dick Armey weren't immedi- sury bonds with interest payments due ately returned. see Debt, page S Name that TCU building BY JENNIFER LONGLE* itors Center, which is now under ommendation has not been declined TCU DAILY SKIFF construction, was named to honor in almost 17 years, Tucker said. Kelly for his contributions to TCU. Many universities resemble K'l From Sid W. Richardson to J.M. However, Kelly did not make the in then naming policies The I ni- Moudy. the names of prominent major donation for this project. versity of Texas system adopted TCU Dally skin/ »i,ik<- Slnis business leaders and alumni grace The majority of the S6 million rules in l°XX allowing its board to Barney Fife, also known as "Scarecrow," watches over the northwest corner of the the various buildings across campus. needed to build the alumni center consider naming ■ building for a Ranch Management parking lot. But many wonder why, out of all was provided by the Sid W. Richard- donor "when a substantial donation the alumni from TCU. these people son Foundation and the Burnett- has been made tow ard the construc- are the chosen ones. Tandy Foundation, Davis said. tion of the building to be named." "Most TCU buildings are But Chancellor William E. Tucker according to a Dec. 8, 1995, article New officer a real 'dummy' named after people who contributed asked these foundations to honor in The Chronicle oj Higher Educa- a large portion of the project cost," Kelly with the naming gift. The tion At least that's what Campus cials, is currently on duty in a said Bronson C. Davis, vice chancel- groups responded enthusiastically. Sonic colleges have changed the BY GINGER D. RICHARDSON lor for university advancement. Tucker said. name of the enure school for major TCU DAILY SKIFF Police Chief Steve McGee and the patrol car stationed in the north- administration say. west corner of the Ranch Manage- The naming gift is usually 50 per- "Kelly is a distinguished alumnus benefactors. Glassboro State Col- He sees no evil and hears no evil. Who is this great white hope? ment parking lot. But he. just like cent of the building cost, Davis said. who has provided significant leader- lege changed Us name to Rovt an Col- And although the newest member This fierce crime fighter? Meet any other officer, makes rounds in However, there are exceptions to ship to the university." Tucker said. lege of New Jersey after a SI00 of the Campus Police force isn't Barney Fife, the Campus Police the high-risk parts of campus — this policy, said Doug A. White, "1 thought that name made sense in million pledge was made b\ Henry capable of issuing parking tickets, dummy. including Stadium Drive and the deputy director of major gifts. Some every way." M. and Betty L. Rowan in 1992 he just may be the most effective The life-size mannequin, affec- Worth Hills area. donations are made in honor of an The Board of Trustees makes the Trinity College in Durham. N.C., weapon the university has against tionately called "Scarecrow" by individual, so the building bears thai final vote on a building's name based became Duke University in 1924 would-be criminals. Campus Police and university offi- see Dummy, page 2 name instead of the donor's name. on the recommendation of the chan- when James B. Duke donated $60 White said. cellor. Although the trustees have million to the school, according to The Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Vis- the last word, the chancellor's rec- ( hronicle article. BY ANDREW P. DDESIARDINS playing material to TCU's music col- TCU DAILY SKIFF lection. The collection dates back to the TCU's music department recently early '40s, the heyday of the big band received a gift of one of the world's era. What makes the collection largest big band music libraries. unique is that most of the scores are hand wntten manuscripts, Wilson said. Only a select few Alumni give copies of the jazz scores exist in the world, mostly among jazz collection professional band col- lections, he said. The practice of per- formers publishing to music dept. their music was uncommon in the post The library, originally owned by World War II era, Wilson said. Jazz big band leader Harvey Anderson, music played by big bands such as was donated by TCU alumni Bob and The Tonight Show band and the Mary Wright. The couple purchased Glenn Miller band was written specif- the collection from the Anderson ically for these bands and couldn't be Estate in 1994. found in music stores, he said. Curt Wilson, a professor of music Wilson had known Anderson since Ptinio ii\ Linda K.IVC and director of jazz studies, said the Curt Wilson, professor of music and director of jazz studies, relishes the new 'big band' acquisitions to the music depart- Anderson library will add decades of see Jazz, page 2 ment's library. News Digest Cause of G.I.'s death unclear Feds recall infant car seats FDA approves fake fat New home sales plummet Heart disease deaths rise K1LLEEN, Texas (AP) — An autopsy WASHINGTON (AP) — The govern- WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans will WASHINGTON (AP) — Fresh signs of a DALLAS (AP) - The number of U.S. failed to pinpoint the cause of death of a Fort ment announced yesterday that 15,370 infant soon be eating potato chips made with the faltering economy are emerging, with virtu- deaths from heart and blood vessel-related Hood soldier found dead under an express- car seats are being recallerj as safety hazards first zero-calorie artificial fat. ally no growth in the industrial sector and diseases rose in 1993 after falling steadily way bridge Saturday. Medical examiners in in car crashes. The Food and Drug Administration sales of new homes plunging to a seven- since 1980. according to new figures from Dallas said Monday that they found no indi- The National Highway Traffic Safety approved Procter & Gamble's olestra yester- month low. the American Heart Association. cation that Army Spc. James W. Dolan died Administration said the rear-facing Dream- day, over the protests of some scientists who Analysts said government reports yester- Whether the increase represents a rise in violently or of any external force. ride Ultra infant seats failed a crash test by called the fake fat dangerous. day underscored the economy's weakness the death rate from cardiovascular diseases Police now are waiting for the results of tipping towards the front of the car by more The FDA warned that olestra can cause during the fourth quarter and could help per- has yet to be determined, the Dallas-bassfl toxicology tests on Dolan's body.
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