CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH,NO .29: 143-151,2000 Redescription of the megalopa of Plagusia dentipes (Brachyura: Plagusiidae) from Japan Juan Ignacio Gonzalez-Gordillo,Shinji Tsuchida,and Christoph D. Schubart Abstract.-Several megalopae of the ing found in the southern hemisphere, plagusiid crab Plαgusia dentipes were while P .dentipes de Haan,1835 is the collected 企・ omTateyama at the Pacific only temperate representative of the coast of Japan. The comparison of these northern hemisphere. specimens with previous descriptions of Two species of Plαgusiαa r e known this stage fr ・omJapan,revealed alack of from Japanese waters,Pl α:gusiαdentipes detail in the earlier morphological ac・ and P. squamosα( t h e latter as P . counts. Therefore,the megalopal stage of tuberculatα; see Sakai,1976 ;Miyake , Plαgusia dentipes is redescribed and 1983). While the occurrence of P .squa- once again illustrated. The new set of mosαi n Japan is r訂 e,P. dentipes is very morphological characters for this stage is common along the Japanese coasts. used for adetailed comparison with Tsuchida and Watanabe (1997)give ade “ other known megalopae of the genus tailed account on growth and reproduc- Plagusiα. The results allow preliminary tion of P .dentipes .Previously ,Watanabe conclusions on phylogenetic relation- et α1.(1 992)reported on the daily settle- ships within this genus of rafting crabs. ment of megalopae of this crab species and the influence of environmental fac- tors .Larval and juvenile stages of P. Introduction dentipes have been known for more than In the most recent revision of the ge- 60 years and were already mentioned by nus Plagusiα,Dawson (1987) recognizes Aikawa (1936,1937). Zoeal stages were eight species (or subspecies) and provides later described by Terada (1 987). Ohtake akey for their identification.Of these spe- (1963) gives a brief account on the cies ,only one,P. depressα( F a b r i c i u s , megalopa and the first juvenile stage, 1775),is restricted to the Atlantic,while while Muraoka (1 963) only published the other seven species form part of the morphological details of sexual characters marine coastal fauna ofthe Indo-Pacific. from the megalopa and first two crab Thespecies-specific distribution is mainly stages. All of these descriptions are in determined by climatic regions.Most of Japanese. the species are predominant along tropi- In recent years,larval and postlarval cal coastlines: i.e. P .immacul αt α morphology became increasingly impor- Lamarck,1818 ,P . integripes Garth,1973 , tant for systematic and phylogenetic P. speciosa Dana,1852 ,and P. squamosα studies (e.g. Rice,1980; Felder et αl. , (Herbst,1790) (t he latter being the senior 1985; Martin,1988 ;Clark & Webber, synonym of P. tuberculαt αL a m a r c k , 1991; Marques & Pohle,1995; Cuesta & 1818;see Schubart & Ng,in press). The Schubart,1999). Morphological studies remalmng specles are more common ln on crustacean larval or juvenile stages, temperate regions,with P. chαbrus especially those related to metamorphic Linne,1764 and P .glabr αD, a n a ,1852 be- molts such as crab megalopae,provide 144 J.1. GONZALEZ-GORDILLO ETAL imporlant information on the evolution of given are the arithmetic mean :t 95 % con- larval development within different phy- fidence intervals. The studied material logenetic units. However,the accuracy of has been deposited in the Instituto de the descriptions and setal counts is cru- Ciencias Marinas de Andalucia (CSIC) in cial for the use of larval and postlarval Cadiz (Spain) (no. PG/2000・1). morphology in systematics. Unfortu- nately,the descriptions and illustrations Description of the megalopal stage by Aikawa (1936, Plα.gusiαdentipes de Haan,1835 1937),Ohtake (1963),and Muraoka Megalopa (Figs. 1A-L,2A-E ,3A-C) (1963) are insufficient for modern stan- Aikawa,1936: 3-5 (only dards of morphological comp訂 ativework. second stage) ,p l. 2: figs. 2-3; Aikawa, Wetherefore redescribe and newly illus- 1937: 13ι137 (only second stage) ,fig. 36: trate the megalopal stage of Plagusia B-C; Muraoka,1963: 54-55,figs. 1A,2A , dent中es 企omJapan. The new description pl. VI: A; Ohtake,1963 :ι9,pl. III: figs. 1- allows to distinguish the megalopa of P. 14. dentipes from any other megalopa of not Pla.g usi αdent伊 es; Aikawa,1936: 3・5 (only 日rst stage) ,pl. 2:figs 1,5; Aikawa,1937: Plagusiαs o far described on the basis of 136-137 (only first stage) ,fig. 36: A ,E its morphology. Dimensions.一CL= 7.4 8:t 0.78 mm Material and Methods (6.62 - 8.27 mm);CW = 5.60 :t 0.85 mm (4 .4 5-4 .86 mm). Megalopa specimens of Plagusiα dentipes were collected from drifting Description.-Carapace (Figs. 1A,B). seaweeds near the tip of Boso Peninsula, Longer than broad and without spines. Tateyama,Chiba Prefecture,Japan on 6 Frontal region with two antennal clefts . May 1992 and some were fixed in 4% Tubercles and setation as shown on the formaldehyde in sea water. Other figure. Sternum (Fig. 1C). No spiny pro- megalopae were reared in the laboratory jections; many short simple setae at the and molted to juveniles. These juvenile proximal end. stages were used to confirm the identifi ・ Antennule (Fig. 2A).Peduncle 3-seg- cation of P .dentipes .The description of mented with 4+7+8+2,3+24 ,12 setae; the megalopal stage is based on 10 speci- basal segment bulbous. Endopod mens. Allappendages were dissected in unsegmented with arow of 6setae and 9 sea water under aWild MZ8 stereomicro- terminal setae. Exopod 3-segmented with scope,mounted in lactophenol and drawn many aesthetascs grouped in tufts on two with the aid of acamera lucida attached last segments; 4,4, 2 setae ,respectively. to aZeiss Axioskop compound microscope Antenna (Fig. 2B). Peduncle 3 ・seg- with Nomarski interference. The recom- mented,with 2+13 minute simple setae mendations for standardization in larval on the first segment,21 simple setae plus descriptions proposed by Clark et αl. 3plumose setae on the second segment, (1998) were followed. and 4setae on the third segment. Flagel- Measurements of entire specimens lum 8-segmented with 0,3,3,3,3+2,3,4,4 were made with an ocular micrometer on setae. a microscope using a total of six Mandible (Fig. 2C). Mandibular palp megalopae. Carapace width (CW) is ex- 3・segmented with 1,4+2 ,32 setae,respec- pressed as the maximal width of the tively. megalopa; carapace length (CL) was mea- Maxillule (Fig. 2D). Coxal endite sured 仕omthe 企ont ofthe carapace to the 合inged with 75-78 setae,4 ofthem strong posterior carapace margin. The sizes and terminal. Basial endite with 40-41 MEGALOPA OFPLAOUSIA DENTIPES 145 六七六 i B F E H A・C.F 'L 0 ・E Fig.1. Plagusiαdentipes de Haan,1835 ,megalopa: A ,carapace (dorsal B! ca:aI!_ ace.O.ateral . w);CEsternum;D,nrst pleopod;E ,fourth pleopod;F ,abdomen (dorsal view);G,abdomen (lateral ÷i e w ); H ,arstpereiopod;I,second pereiopod;J,third pereiopod;K ,fourth Peraopod,L , fifth pereiopod. Scale bars =1 mm . 146 J.1. GONZALEZ-GORDILLO ETAL . C C A.B D.E Fig.2. Plagusi αdentipes de Haan,1835 ,megalopa: A ,antennule; B,antenna ;C ,mandibule; D , maxill 叫e;E ,maxilla .Scale bars =0 .5mm . setae,12 setae on the inner lateral mar- eral simple setae . gin. Endopod 2・segmented with 10 long First maxilliped (Fig. 3A).Coxal and 2short setae on the proximal seg- endite with 25 setae. Basial endite with ment and 9+3 setae on distal segment. 4 60-62 setae. Endopod unsegmented with short setae and 3long setae on the 1setae near the base,5+4 median plu- protopodal margin. mose setae,and 17 minute simple setae. Ma泊lla (Fig.2E) .Coxal endite bilobed Exopod 2・segmented with 6distal plu・ with3ι38 setae on the proximallobe and mose setae and 9plumose setae,respec- 13 setae on the distallobe .Basial endite tively.Epipodite triangular with 55-56 bilobed with 30 setae and 38 setae,re- long setae. spectively.Endopod unsegmented with Second maxilliped (Fig.3B) .Coxa 田 ld 10 setae on the inner margin and 15 basis not well differentiated with 3plu- plumodenticulate setae on the outer mar- mose long setae. Ischium slightly differ- gin.Scaphognathite with approximately entiated bearing 18 setae. Merus,carpus , 180 marginal plumose setae and 15+5 lat- propodus and dactylus with 24,9 ,18 ,16 MEGALOPA OFPLAGUSI ADENTIPES 147 Fig.3. Pl α.g usiαdentipes de Haan,1835 ,megalopa :A ,fir 叫 maxilliped; B ,second maxilliped;C , third maxilliped.Scale bars =0 .5mm . setae respectively.Exopod 2・segmented Pleopods (Figs 1D,E). Biramous, with 6median modified serrate setae plus present on second to sixth somites. 6distaI plumose setae on proximal seg- Endopod offirst to fourth pair with 14,15, ment;9 on distal segment.Epipodite with 15,13 minute hooked setae,respectively. 78-80 marginal setae. Gill present. Exopod of first to fourth pair Third maxilliped (Fig. 3C).Coxa and unsegmented with 55,56 ,54 ,44 plumose basis not differentiated bearing 24+16 setae respectively. Exopod of the uropods plumose setae. Endopod 5・segmented 2-segmented,proximal segment with 8 with 70,30 ,30 ,23 ,19 setae. Exopod 2- plumose setae and distal segment with 36 segmented,not exceeding merus length, plumose setae. with 12 plumose setae 田 ld 3simple setae, Telson (Fig. 1F).Broader than long, respectively. Long epipodite with approxi- posterior margin rounded. Five pairs of mately 140 marginal setae.Gill bud mediodorsal setae.Margin with 8+8 present. minute simple setae. Pereiopods (Figs 1H-L). Allsegments well differentiated.Propodus of second to Discussion fifth pereiopods armed with apair of api- The usefulness oflarval and postlarval cal strong spines.Dactyli of second to fifth comparisons for brachyuran systematics pereiopods armed with 7strong denticles and taxonomy has been recently demon- on the inner margin.
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