VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1880. NO, 49 PASSAGE TICKETS POETIC. HAR8H4L IteNAXE AMU HE DUTCH trashy lot. Give mo tbo first cro< History or Parly Names, What He Could Do Wltli IU THEIRONERA 'bat come to hand, &ud we'll cry qnii In tbe years immediately pr&oodi It Is computed tbat William H. Tan- SlTtBDiT R * . a THE HUSKING. Mfturioe De Saxe was a SOD of tbe King Tbe Freneiiaun looked at tbe Dtit. the Involution the English party uami derbilt's income on fifty-one million, of Saxony, and a floe ltd he wan—'all, man—tbe dutebman looked BQUI four per cent, government bonds pays The DoverPrlnting b'ompan ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, F.AI1L OPENING! of Whig and Tory came into use in tl strong and handsome, ond as brave as the Frenobmau—and then (hay bol country—the former being adopted him a daily income of five thousand It wu tbo pltmnt hairest timi, POET ORAM, N. J. lion. Bat tbe King, like a certain old burst ioto a roar of hnghter, so loi dollars. Tbis net* bim two hundred Wfaen collar blnB *re cloaelf itowed, those wbo in common with the Britii IJTOB all the Drinrim! linoi of itflamlt woman of whom joa may have heard, and hearty that tba officers who stoi Whig resiBte.1 the oppression of and eight dollars and thirty-three cents 00M on Knob StMtmu BluhrdL J} from Nan fork to Lin ' WE AM MOW FULLY FBSPASED TO Au& garreti bend beneath thotr load. BATES. AtoDBAPTSOS had so many children tbat be didn't by could not help joining in. noIonJBta, ond the latter beiug applie per hour, or three dollars and forty- AKPIBELAKD, BOOT AND BHOK EVEBY HAN, WOMAN And tbo old mallow haaatod burni- know what to do ; ss Maurice had saob 'Fairly caught I' cried tho Marshal, Brawaikblsd, long, and full cfioimt' in reproach to those who called them BBveu cents per minute; or five cents AND OmiVD IN MOERIS COUNTY, WE Xbroogb which tbe motednnllgb. itreami. a tot of elder brotuen as to have notand added, 'What's your name, my fli selrea Loyalist* Individuals were all per second, witboat counting fractions. K. A. BBNKBTT, M. D , mnoh ebsDoe of inheriting the crown, or fellow T Assuming that be is paid by the second, One Year. And vfDdi tlov rreBblr In to sliike culled Tories who sided with tbn motba HAVE EEOEIVED 0TEB. THEEE HDN- any thing also that woald keep him io •Dirk Hogat, from Sohercningen. BCOMCEOPA.THIO Tbe red pinion of tbo rnotited cooks, country in the war of 1812, but the bo cannot possibly epand his money, as DKED OASES OF BOOrs AND SHOES DUE- bread aud butter, bis father pent him JJaiM PHYSICIAN & 8UKGE0N, And the Jooio hij-mow'a scented looks 'Dirk Boganl' cried Baxe. Tli never was any orgnnization calling ; he could not select hia purchases, and oat to seek bis fortune, like many nnolli- vt>ry mfto I've been lookipg for I Ei lay down the pieces fast enough. Ha ADVERTISING RATES. INO THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, Are filled with Samranr't ripaned itores. self Tory among us. Cor. Blapkwell S Warren Sts., er priDoe in tbouo dajs. 80 he went EVIRY FAIR BEINl} MADE FOR US OF Ha odorona grmi ind barley iHoatea, e fouod him in & my I didn't ezpec At the close of the devolution, Ame: couldn't even throw it away—to pick np. (Onoo«ll«Dora Ulna,) over to Franoe. and entered tbe army From tbeir low ecsObld to tholr earea. at nil.' can political parties proper were firsi cost, recover, pick up aud cast away MATERIAL ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOB of King Loais XV. » riMiMltiulii BOVEB.H.J., OQ Eitok Htrden's otfaeo floor, '80 It seems/ said tho smith, grii developed under tbo names of Fade: igain, would tako bim two seco'ids, and IU > eo DlaeaHi of Women and Onlldren. and of tlie FALL AUD WINTER WEAR, AND WE Now, at tbat time there wu always a ling. 'I needn't ask who you are—yc if be worked tbroughont the twenty* E;o and Ear apeolaltloa. With ratuy an ftuiotmi'ti tlireoMng worn, iata, and tlie anti-Fuderaluta, wbo wisi 175 too IA/ tho lioapod ears of unbuuka-l corn, var ffoing on somewlie» or other, find are tbo Ooant de Sure, who was &1« bur hours witboat rest, he conld ouly ,110 Oao« Hoara 11 tu «1. M., I to S and T io I P. H. RESPECTFULLY INVITE OffR PATttONS ed for a Jeigae of convenience between IMOpd the French armies were fighting in evory wanting ta meet with a, stronger t j of one-bale of bis income. If it BIO AND THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND EXAM- And tliitber cime JOQDJ men and milda, thirteen independent republics, Tbi TOO BoneatL a nooa tbat, large and lov, part of Europe; and tbe king oared than himself. Docs it seem to yoa a were Lie design to scatter it ia such a aoo adoption ot u new constitution REUBEN BQWE, INE THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND THE Lit tbat itweot eve of long ago, very little who bis officers were, or 'ou had met with him now ?' triumph of tbe Federalists, md the; way, ho would hava to buy & machine lots 1 1 19 00 haiiDg leased the wbole of Hie proper.; whore LOW PRICES AT WHICH THEY ARE Tliey took tholr plaeQB tame bj obanoo, where they came from, if they were oalj 'Well, I raihor think it does, ssi. continued ia power through the two uc tperaled by ate-iia. Tbi9 woald involve boit.TirigcQkrgoirHnlith.H for the rotialror brave men and clever fighters, and Sovibff Maotilnci, PtroirmB. Munical iWru- BEING OFFERED AT And utlu-rs bv a raorrj TO!O*J Saxe, struggling his sliouldfts; and ministrations of Washington and tbi ie employment of a fireman, an eogi- uiGQta. oto. All kfmli of GoM, Silver and Or awcet untie Rulded to their choioo. ready to go anywhere he liked to Bend promised to give my pane whenever icer, and two feeders, uud, as the ma- Niafael Plating done. A Urge ftsgoi-twent of me of John Adsnts. line*. Huff ple»MDtly tho riang mooa, them. So, as you may think, it was lid meet with nim, here it is. And now, line mast work day and night to no< 9 " Good Becond-likiid Bowing Macbltim, from About the year 1792 tbe name of anti 1*1.60 up. A Hlouk of mtiiloal inatrunionti. Betireeu tlie skatliiwa of tbe mown, not long before oar Mend Maurice, who if you'll come along with me, and ser omplisb the task three reliefs or twelve 9 00] u on Breaniii 'ata. Dovur, Sumox Pt.N. J, federalists was dropped at Jefferson' em] wai quite as bruve aa any of them, aud 8 001 1100 18 00 Looked on thorn thro' Ibo great olni bongbi farrier to my headquarters' staff, lugges'ion, and tbat of Bepublicai men would be necessary, Aa none bnt 10 09 19 00 81 00 D iturdy boyhood, fOD-embrovned. a good deal cleverer thao most, began iromise you that you shall never ha1 ittilled worhmeu could do snob work, 10SS SB 60 idopted ia its plaoe. Tbis party elect 12 SOI ROOMS TO LET! On elrlbood,witb its anlid oiineB to make bis way. First, be got to be a nuts to repent of boviug met with Han- Me daily expense for hire would be US 00! 19 on 29 60 Q6 him Vice-Presideot with Adams ii IS 00 87 50 Of beallliral slrenjjtb aud painless aerrei Lieutenant, then a Onptain, then a iaede&axQ.' ,breo dollars each or thirty-six dollars a 18 10 k .700. and President in 1800, mid nB 41 00 1 32 00| A CUSTOM "WOItK! WE ABE CONSTANT- And jcBta vent roimd, and langlis that made Colony, aud at last, wbile he was still in 1804. It also elected tfadisoa day. To pay these hands it would only Josh Billings to Choir Singers. rtBOEKTAOI 1SDXO FOB K1XS1B. LOOU 10 M. & I. SEARING. LY IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF OUK Tlio houintdog anairer with his UOF). |,uite a young man, he came out OH .808, cud again in 1812, and Houroo necessary to stop the machine a Anil kei[i a«abo tlie b»ru-;ard fowl; Tie first thing to make a good quire TIOU 15 D1K» HO UNX. u-tr CUSTOM W0EK, OUR AIM BEING TO Count de Hn%at and FioM-Mnralial of .820. roctlon over ten minutes per day, jast And qnalDtold longi tholr Mhm lutiff tho Army of FlatiderA. with fifty tlioi ingeria to giggle a little. Put up your mg enouph to pay off and enough MAKE AS GOOD CUSTOM BOOTS AND During Jefferson's second admtnistra- ESTABLISHED IK 1851, H. P. SANDERSON, In Seruj dales and Vorkubire moon, ami men under him. hair in onrl papers every Friday site nooey wocld accumulate. There is a Ere Noinftti WiUUm trod their ahorei j ion, John Bandolph bolted from tbi telur Jn FAQOH and OABBJAaB WOOD WOBE, SHOES AS THE VERY BEST NEW YOKE Curiously enough, the one thing Mia soze to have it ID good shape Sunday lity tbat Mr. Tanderbilt does T>CBS J>RUG8 .nil MEDICINES,-f AIRTS, Republicans, and led over to tbo suppoi X UlNj Qlasa, Brn.htia, Per' *" CITY ESTABLISHMENTS AT MUCH LOW- And Ultifl, whoio merry llcenie ibook ills great general specially prided him' morning, If your daddy is rich yoi iot intend to throw away his money by of tbe Federalists a abort-lived fucttoj «»M byjAlHSS 4, OOODAUS, .
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