Jan./ Feb. I 980 In this issue Volume 30 The Hotel Number 1 The Hotel Galvez Texas Aalto's Gift Victorian /nge1111i1y Hotel is a Hotel is a Hotel Architect How to rejuvenate an old scliool, in one easy lesson. Before: After: hen the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo School District in South Texas considered renovating their W 56-year-old school bu ilding, it seemed to be a time-consuming, expensive proposition. But SUR EWA LL® Surface Bonding Cement made it elementary. The old mortar between the bricks of the Sorensen Elementary School was flaking and had deteriorated to the point of jeopardizing the structural soundness of the buildi ng. Because SUREWALL Cement contains a glass fiber reinforcement in a cement matrix, it not only gave the building a new stucco-like finish that requires little upkeep, it also strengthened the structure itself, saving the old school for use for many years to come. The renovation took little over a month, and was an inexpensive answer to a complex problem. To find out more about new construction or remodeling with SUREWALL Surface Bonding Cement, write or call Barrett Industries. We'll be glad to give you the information you need. To make school building problems elementary. Barrett Industries Manufacturers and distributors of SUREWALL Surface Bonding Cement. Rt. 3 Box 211 Bl San Antonio, Texas 78218 (512) 651-6550 or toll free 1-800-292-5302. SUREWALL • is a registered trademark of the WR. Bonsal Co. Circle 12 on Reader lnqwry Card Seeing is believing, right?... Wrong! The most not iceable feature of CADO furnishings is em inent beauty, which is the result of combin ing the highest grade woods with today's finest craftsmanship. But there's a more important reason to specify award-winning CADO furnishings. And that's design. You see, CADO is a component system, where each unit functions individually, or combines to create an efficient and versatile office environment. The advantage? You can create according to exact specifications for display, storage or entertainment. From rugs, furnishings and lighting to our renowned wall systems, a CADO office is the unity of form and function, not just a beautiful room. Shown are a few of t he many components available to create a CADO wall system. ~Fluorescent light r----, To be used w it h D 30" track. I \ Magazine shelf. I \ ' I~ 112 Cabinet 109 Desk w ith drop front . 151 Bar cabinet with flap. w ith filing, tray, shelf. ,. ./ " DDDDDDD ~ 150 Record cabinet. 124 Cabinet w ith doors. 134 Cabinet w ith optional ' 110-F Chest of d rawers with fi le refrigerator. d rawer for legal or letter size. For informat ion on the complete line of CADO office furnishings, please contact :CADO/ROYAL SYST EM , INC. Dept. D, 155 Helen St ., So. Plainfield, NJ 07080. Showrooms: 1444 Oak Lawn Ave., Suite 543, Dallas, TX 75207/Atlanta/Chicago/Cincinna t i/Dall as/Denver/ 139 Cabinet w ith wooden Houston/Los Angeles/M iami/New York/Philadelphia/ framed glass doors. San Francisco/Seattle. Circle 3 on Reader Inquiry Card Contents In the News 15 Texas Architect is the official publication of The Texas Society of Architects. TSA is the official or­ ganization of the Texas Region of the American Aspiring to Excellence 23 Institute of Architects. Larry Paul Fuller ... ...... Editor TSA's 1980 President Boone Powell, Sa11 Michael McCullar . Associate Edjtor A 11to11io, takes this opportunity in the dec­ John Lash Advertising Director ade's i11aug11ra/ issue of Texas Architect to Sandy Otey . Circulation Managc-r outline ways in which TSA can enhance Hyder Joseph Brown, AlA . Editorial Consultant the quality and eco11omic vitality of Texas Contributing Editors life in the '80s. David Braden, FAIA; James Coote; Clovis Heim­ sath, FAIA; Peter Papadcmctriou; David Wood­ cock About this Issue 25 Publications Committee Alan Sumner (chairman), David Browning, Ben Canizaro, Jack Craycroft, Dennis Felix, Eugene The Hotel 26 George, Larry Good, Craig Kennedy, Dave Mayfield, Editor Larry Paul Fufler explores new Mervin Moore, Jack Tisdale, BaHY Weiner directio11s in hotel design and finds out how T exas Architect is published six times yearly by good hotels are made; i11cludes i11terviews the T exas Society of Architects, 2121 Austin with four T exas architects specializing i11 National Bank Tower, Congress at Sixth, Austin, the building type and a pictorial sampling Texas 78701. Telephone: 512/478-7386. Subscrip­ tion price is $8.00 per year for addresses within of eight Texas hotels. the continental United States excepting Hawaii and Alaska. ISSN: 0040-4179 Controlled circulation postage paid at Austin, Hotels in the Works 36 T exas 78701. A compendium of hotel proiects i11 progress Editorial contributions, correspondence, and ad­ i11 Austin, Fort Worth, Ho11sto11 and Sa11 vertising material invited by the editor. Usually, no payment will be made for articles. Publisher A111011io. gives permission for reproduction of all or part of editorial material herein if publication credit is given Texas Architect and the author when indi­ The Hotel Galvez 40 cated. Publications which normally pay for arti­ A look at a 1•e11erab/e Gulf Coast /a11dmark cles are requested to give consideration to the that indeed has seen better days but 011e author of reproduced byline feature material. which, under the architectural guidance of Appearances of names and pictures of products and services in either editorial or advertising does 10h11 Kirksey Associates of llousto11, e11ioys not constitute an endorsement of same by either the prospect of a "well-deserl'ed new the Texas Society of Architects or the American dignity." Institute of Architects. Nor does editorial com­ ment necessarily reflect an official opinion of either organization. A alto's Gift 44 BPA membership appli ed for May 1979. Ill co11i1111ctio11 with a11 exhibit on the works TSA Officers of Fi1111ish architect A/var A alto Ja11. 22- Boone Powell, San Antoni o President Feb. 12 at the University of Texas at Arling­ Lee Roy llahnfeld, Fort Worth President-Elect ton, Fort Worth architect Martin Price, a11 Jerry Clement, Dallas Vice-President Johnny Cotten, Corpus Christi Vice-President associate professor of architecture at UT- Jim Doche, Amarillo Vice-President A rli11gto11, recalls and appreciates Aalto's Paul Kinnison, Jr., San Antonio Vice-President ge11ero11s contribution to human comfort. Frank Welch, Midland . Vice-President Morton L. Levy. Jr., Houston . Secretary Nancy R. McAdams, Austin .. Treasurer Victorian Ingenuity 53 William W. Caudill, FATA, Houston AJA Director Co11trihuti11g Editor Da1·id Woodcock de­ T heodore S. J\faffitt, Jr., FAIA, scribes the hidden structural i11genuity of Palestine AlA Director two Victorian merca11tile buildings, one in Pat Spillman, FAIA, Dallas AJA Director Calvert and one i11 Hearne, 1111covered by George Loving, FAIA, Abilene Immediate Past President his Texas A &M architecture stude11ts during Des Taylor, Austin . Executive Vice-President summer historic surveys. TSA Board of Directors On the Cover: M. R. Newberry . Abilene Chapter Hotel is a Hotel is a Hotel 75 Darrell Fleming . Amarillo Chapter Atrium lobby of the Contributing Editor Dave Braden, FA/A, Chuck Croft Austin Chapter Hyatt Regency Dal­ Duane Cote Brazos Chapter Dallas, borrows from Gertrude Stein's ob­ las at Reu11ion, de­ Donald Greene Corpus Christi Chapter sen•ation of the rose to impart .wme insight James Wiley Dallas Chapter signed by We/to11 into the essence of this issue's featured W. E. Kuy kendall El Paso Chapter Becket Associates Robert LeMond Fort Worth Chapter of Los A 11geles. building type. A. William Modrall Houston Chapter Photo by Balthazar Calvin Walker Lower Rio Grande Valley Chapter Tom Mills Lubbock Chapter Korab. Coming Up: The Marchi April issue of Carroll Sinclair Northeast T exas Chapter Texas Architect will feature a lead article on John Williams San Antonio Chapter energy and architecture, an update of the Milton Bell Southeast Texas Chapter issue that won't go away, focusing 011 solar David Carnahan Waco Chapter Ernest W. Babb, Jr. West Texas Chapter and earth-covered altematil'es and th e at­ J. G . Dixon, Jr. Wichita Falls Chapter tending problems, hopes and technical John Krause . Association of realities. Student Chapters/A l A January/ February 1980 3 Introducing the SECURIT collection The Securil collection comes to you credenzas. And what is more Brazilian Sccurit Inc. straight from Brazil. made with our importa!1l. we can deliver immediately. 1296 A North Post Oak - Houston 77024 finest, exotic woods - ·'Pau F'erro'· and Why? Il s simple. Texas - Brochures available. "Louro". Our collection was specially Although the Securit collection is designed for the American needs by made in Hrazil,wehave it warehoused in Sandro Magnelli. and carefully made Houston. So you don't have to wait for by the besfBrazilian craftsmen. months lo sit in your new office. You can choose among three series, Come visit our Show-Room. and in sever al sizes, with suspended or discover the truly fashionable and ®SECURIT caster pedestals, and matching elegant Securit collection. And walk out Circle 4 on Reader Inquiry Card with a new dimension in office decoration . .. Ucsign I::xcellence Award .. · Texas Sociely of Mchitccts . 40th Annual Product-; ~xhibilion All you need Is the Wes~o;en: Lights? Westinghouse Open Office Office System. Lighting isn't attached to the building; The traditional office wasn<t It's part of the system. Since you don't designed for change. So what happens have to rewire, rearranging lighting can when you have to add people or equip­ be done quickly and easily. ment or make organizational changes? As your business changes or grows, you You have to move '"permanent" walls, need an office that can keep pace. recut carpet, rearrange overhead lighting, It's flexibility like this that can make rewire.
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