. A ( i ,4.:, PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1«, IM l £ « Manrl;p0ti?r !|mUt Lucky Seven Sale - Today — Stores Open Tonight Till 9 o ^Clock ^▼•raare Daily Net Press Run For tb* Week Ended T h e Weather MAIN STREET OPEN THURSDAY done S, 1981 ' ForeoMt ef D. S. Weather Bi n m MANCHESTER TILL 9:00 P.M. 1 3 ,3 3 0 Clear and eool afain tonight. Member ef the Audit Vow aromid SO. Friday moatly PHOMi Ml 3^123 B oreu of Oirealnilen sonny and warmer. High in 8Qo. Manchester— A City of Village Charts , VOL. LXXX, NO. 270 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1961 (Claoolfied Advertising on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Cuba Abstains State News LUCKY SEVEN SPECIALS! 19 Latins West-3 Protests to Russia Progress Pact Driver Killed PLUS VALUABLE FM GREEN STAMPS In Drag Race On Berlin Ref Barrier Waterford, Aug. 17 (/F)— Punt*''del Este, Uruguay,^ > Dillon received prolonged ap­ A 2-car drag race on a coun­ SECOND FLOOR SPORTSWEAR MEN’S kOTHINO-STRCET FLOOR Aug. 17 (JP)—The U nit^ plause, the most extended the JU S T .47 M EN’S ^ delegates had given any speaker. try' road encied in death Ia.st States and 19 Latin-Ameri- Guevara, after abstaining on the night for a 17-year-old Wa­ ENTIRE REMAINING S'TOCK | WASH art WEAR SUMMER SUITS 1 ^ J.77 can nations tciday signed the vote. ■ said the conference had es­ terford driver. East Reich 7 . 7 7 8,000-word charter of Punta tablished the "first link for real Killed in the crash of one of the LADIES’ JAirrZHI SWIMSUITS reg, to 29,95, dacron and rayon, dacron and cotton, broken peaceful coexistence in Americs." Asks Reds size*, regular, long, short, nominal charge for alteration* del Este, thus officially cars was Theodore Collett. One values to 29.95. 'knits, lastex. cottons, one and two-piece styles, He asserted the United States had of his patssengers, Theodore Price, i sizes 8 to 18. OUTDOOR LIVING-LOWER FLOOR launching President Ken­ voted for all parts of the charter 17, of Waterford, was hurt seri-1 CallsArmy JUST 83 MEN’S FAMOUS BRAND NAME nedy’s 820-billion alliance for and that this was an admission ously. I ENTIRE RE5IAIN1NG STOCR LADIES’ progress. Cuba abstained. A.S a result of tive cra.sh, SO- j Cut Illegal 5 Ft. RED CEDAR PICNIC TABLE 8-FT. SUDD Nationally Advertised Summer Suits ■ Secretary of Treasury Douglas (Continiied on Page Ten) year-old Clifton Stamand. Ne".v | COTTON SLACKS. PEI>AL PUSH€R5, i ^ . 7 7 London, waa arrested toda.v on j Volunteers reg. to 58-95, SSfr dacron polyester, 45"r rayon, 75''r i F.OO Dillon .signed for the United 7 DECK PANTS. JANTZEN and WHITE STAG ■ reir. 16 9fi. r t t n c h r rt rog. 11.99. all steel ron- dacron polyester, 25re cotton, broken sizes, regular, longs, m States. The 18th to sign, he was charges of delivering liquor to ; brnche.":. w rathor reai.at- ■struction. .safety ladder, warmly applauded. minois. ; values to 9.95. solids, prints, sizes 10 to IS. .97 .99 shorts, stouts, minor alterations, no charge. ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 Paris. Aug. 17 (A*)—Presi- Measures ant. nppds no *perial galvanized slide bed. There was no mention made at Convicts H b 1 d Stamand, police said, purchased !deni Charles dc Gaulle today treatm ent. the ceremony of Cuba's an­ I a case of beer for several of the Berlin, Aug. 17 (JP)—May­ 9 nouncement that he would not be j .vouths involved in the accident.' announced a land and air LADIES’ TWO-PIECE COORDINATES ' 10 MEN’S DACRON and WORSTED _ , He was held .under $1,000 bond. or Willy Brandt, advocate of 7 . 7 7 a signatory. 20 Hostages power buildup because of the values to 18.99. skirts and blonses. .skirts and jackets, wa.sh and ALL STEEL P U Y GYM SUMMER SUITS ■ "Venezuela, following an order of Police said Collett spotted an sealing of East Berlin by the a firm western stand against wear cottons, amel Jersey, solids, checks, prints and t^^•f^ tones. REOWOOD SETTEE by MICHAELS STERN. CRICKE'TEER. V-LINE i^.00 precedence decided by lot at the oncoming car and slammed on the Ea.st German Communists. East Germany’s clampdown reg. 29.99. 10 play fea­ STOUTS, reg. 55.00 and 60.00, broken sizes, regular, long*. M start of the 13-day conference, In Tennessee brakes. The racing car swerved w ith removable cu.'ihion.c. £ 9 tures, 2" tubing. 2 seat .shorts, stouts, minor alterations, no charge. 9 ! off the road., rolled over twice: and De Gaulle's announcement, on refugees, approved the reg. 39 95. ni.st or green signed first. .77 lawn swing. 2 seat air .97 Uruguay, the host country, was hit a tree. after a huddle with top de­ tone of the Big Three west­ cushions, steel band glide. 2 chain .swings, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 17 1.P1 — I Collett and Price were thrown UDIES’ JAMAICAS and BERMUDAS ’ la.st. Inmates in revolt at the main fense advisors, said French ern protests delivered to Mos­ spring.s. beautiful comfort trapeze ring. chinning from the auto. Two others in the cow today. In brief comment JANTZEN. W HITE STAG. SACONT, value* to 7.98. solids, for patio or porch. ™ bars, 1.000 lb. test. ^ ".Now our destiny is the work of Tennessee pri.son here nabbed 1.^ ground and air forces both in 19 MEN’S WASH and WEAR SLACKS i all and every one of us,” said I same car were treated for minor other prisoners, two guards ano (Jermany and in France will he said “Finally the right lan­ checka. plaid*, sizes 10 to 18. S reg. 8.99 and 10.99, charcoal gra.y, charcoal brown, black olive, 1.97 Uruguayan Foreign Minl.ster Ho- ' injuries at Lawrence Memorial tAu, na\w, plain and pleated fronts, size* 29 to 42. 50c charge ^ 9 three chdlian commi?.«ary clerks ; Hospital in New London and re­ guage.” mero Martinez Montero.” . We toda.v and held them hostage* In be reinforced. REDWOOD CLUB CHAIRS ALL STEEL PUY GYM for cuff.s. have opened wide the doors to an leased. the commissary. Waterford police aald the acci- ; By ,IOHN FIEHN By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Immense hope.” W arden L>mn Borriar said the LADIES’ SUMMER SKIRTS removable eusliion.s. reg. dent happened when the two cars, 1 - Washington, Aug. 17 (JP)— 4 . 7 7 reg. 19.99. 8 play fea­ .77 The alliance for progress is in­ group in revolt, believed to be arm­ iwere finushing a second race on a _ Bcihn, Allg. 1 i (jT*) -Ea.st values to 10.99. light and dark grounds, solids and pnnU. hip 24,99, rust or green cush- H .77 tures. tended to get the jump on the Tlie United States, Britain | | ions, steel band springs. MEN^ DRESS SLACKS ■ ed. apparently included two of the ' 2-miie stretch of the countr.v road.; German Communist leaders Btltehed pleated, impressed plests, sheath, sizes 10 to 20. reg. 12,99 to 14.99, 55% dacron, 45% w orsted wool. - charcoal iJ.11 spread of communism ' in Latin prisoners who led s day-long up­ Price, who owned the vehicle launched a gigantic military and France protested to Rus­ 13 America. rising at the same prison In Msrch gray, charcoal brown, olive, solids, plaids, checks, sizes 30 to 46. M I *’7 Collett I recruiting drive todav. Tliev sia toda.v that the Communist 50c charge for cuffs. ® In the closing hours Dillon and 1960. take the wheel for the race be-I_^ i i „ j __1 refugee barricade in Berlin is UW N HAMMOCKS Cuban economic czar Ernesto "They have at lea.«t two guns.v I cause "he was a better driver. " , nulhon mem- QUEEN ANNE CHAISE (CHE) Guevara traded bitter Bomar said, "and have demanded I The driver of the other car in-1 w rs of their youth organiza- “illegal.” They declared they LINOERIE and FOUNDATIONS--STREET aOOR reg. H.99, all steel sectional words after the United States and to talk to state a\ithorities about 7-olved in the race. P.ohert Brown. : tioil to volunteer for the expect the Soviet government reg. 16.99. aJcoa alumi- MCGREGOR SPORT COATS b| ^ 19 of the 20 Latin-American par­ some grievances." 18, W aterford, was charged w ith a rn iv . num frame, velon web- frame, woven variegated stripe .97 to “put an end to these ille­ .77 hammock, complete with pil­ reg. 22.95. w ashable cotton m adras pilaids, broken sizes H * J.77 ticipants approved the charter and The grievances were not spelled racing and speeding. - bing. 5 position adjust- H H out, the warden said. gal measures.” SEAMPRUF GOnON KNIT SLEEPWEAR i1 . 9 7 low. 37 to 46, regulars and longs. | | H | | a 1,000-word sum m ary to e.xplain ] the troop.s—now estimated Identical notes were delivered to 9 the program to Latin America's j we.stem authorities to number 1 the Soviet Foreign Office by em­ reg. 3.99. baby doll and short pajamas perfect for back-to- 200-mlIllon' people. (Continued on Pago Three) I,J3 to 134 school. small, medium and large. | H artford, Aug. 17 <.*P) — The ’ 110,000—cam e as the Big Three bassies of the three western pow­ M.4TCHING PLASTIC GAfiOON HOSE State Motor Vehicle Department's I Western Allies prote.sled to the ers in Moscow this morning and dally record of automobile fatili- Soviet Union against the Red har- then were made public in Paris, MEN^ FURNISHINGS and SPORTSWEAR I ricades that bar refugees and oth- London and Washington.
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