Pilot steers into fast company — SEE SPORTS, B10 PortlandFormer basketball player makes his markTribune in track THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2015 • TWICE CHOSEN THE NATION’S BEST NONDAILY PAPER • PORTLANDTRIBUNE.COM • PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND THURSDAYRSDAY Portland planners want to accommodate new businesses in the central eastside without pushing out traditional industrial companies there. TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO: PETE VOGEL NEW CHALLENGES FACE FUTURE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT senior planner Troy Doss, is how Bringing jobs, not much rezoning should be al- lowed to accommodate newer gentrifi cation, a key companies flocking to locate there, without hurting existing issue in planning industrial businesses. There’s also opposition to planners’ pro- OF FISH AND FAUCETS By STEVE LAW posal to bar OMSI from building The Tribune residential towers on vacant City spends $93 million to save species, keep drinking water fl owing land near its waterfront science Portland’s inner eastside museum. By JIM REDDEN TOP: Portland “industrial sanctuary” has The Tribune Water Bureau been a raving success — at- Walking a fi ne line fi sh biologist tracting new jobs throughout The inner eastside, 588 acres On a recent chilly Friday Burke Strobel the Great Recession. between the Willamette River morning, Burke Strobel walked retrieves young Now the city is finalizing a and 12th Avenue and between into the Lower Bull Run River fi sh from the 20-year land use and develop- the Banfi eld Freeway and Ross just above its confl uence with Rotary Smolt ment plan aimed at keeping the Island Bridge, gained about 1,000 the Sandy River in Dodge Park. Trap in the new jobs coming, without pric- new jobs during the Great Reces- Wearing chest waders as pro- Lower Bull Run ing out old-line companies the sion, and roughly 1,000 more tection against the freezing water, River in Dodge sanctuary was designed to nur- since the recovery. The city Strobel carried a plastic cooler out Park. ture. hopes to attract 9,000 more by to a large, revolving metal cylin- That could be a tall order. 2035, but the current zoning der anchored about 20 feet off- LEFT: A juvenile Portland’s inner eastside has won’t allow that, Doss says. shore. It was a Rotary Smolt Trap steelhead is become trendy in recent years, The main issue before the designed to catch and hold young weighed and attracting distilleries, software, Planning and Sustainability fi sh swimming downstream. measured after food and design companies, neat- Commission is whether to allow After reaching the device, Stro- being retrieved ly sandwiched amidst light-in- more flexible zoning on about bel lifted a hatch and scooped sev- from the Rotary dustry and warehouse opera- 200 acres zoned for industry, eral trapped fi sh into the cooler Smolt Trap. tions. This summer the district which would permit some em- and then waded back to the shore. TRIBUNE PHOTOS: takes a leap forward, with new ployers shut out by current zon- There he measured and weighed JAIME VALDEZ MAX and trolley service plus the ing. the fi sh, and clipped their fi ns so opening of Tilikum Crossing “We have had to turn multiple they can be accurately tracked if bridge. Those will improve pe- tenants away,” Michael Tevis of captured again. The information, destrian, bike and transit access Intrinsic Ventures testifi ed be- recorded in a notebook, will be to and from downtown, bringing fore the Planning and Sustain- passed onto the National Marine more gentrifi cation pressure. ability Commission last week. Fisheries Service (NMFS) to help AWARD WINNER There are two main bones of In 2006, the city tried the fl exi- monitor fi sh runs in the river. The Bull Run Dam 2 North Tower Improvement Project was so complex that it contention in the 213-page South- ble zoning on 48 acres between Although Strobel is a fi sh biolo- won three awards after the work was done: east Quadrant Plan as it goes Southeast Water and Third ave- gist, he does not work for NMFS or ■ Associated General Contractors of America Alliant 2014 National Build before the Planning and Sustain- nues, and it was a smashing suc- even the Oregon Department of America Award for Utility Infrastructure Renovation ability Commission on Tuesday, cess. Fish and Wildlife. He works for ■ Daily Journal of Commerce 2014 Top Projects Award the culmination of two years’ ef- The Southeast Quadrant Plan ■ Engineering News Record First Place Award for Infrastructure, Best Water/ fort by planners and community also lays the groundwork for See FISH / Page 2 Environmental stakeholders. The main one, says See SE / Page 3 A velvet rose for the Rose Festival much do we really know Introducing Velvet about the showy fl ower that SPRING ROSE SHOW Majesty, the 2015 grows in our gardens, some- Where: 2201 Lloyd Center times even climbing wooden When: 1-9 p.m. Thursday, June 4 centerpiece bloom telephone poles along our 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, June 5 streets? Web: portlandrosesociety.org By MICHAELA BANCUD The Rose Festival is called that For the Tribune for a reason. Every year before Spring Rose Show highlights: Rose Festival begins, a particular Rose Exhibit from the Washington Portlanders can take some rose is selected as the center- Park International Test Garden things for granted. Rain and piece emblem for the entire festi- Thursday, June 4: Public invited to roses, for example. But how val. judge and vote for Most Fragrant This year’s Collector’s Edition Rose rose is named Velvet Majesty. 5 p.m. Friday, June 5: ‘Georgiana Pittock’ will award trophies in full The royal stunner has a magenta character bloom, open-faced petals, and a 5:30 p.m. Friday, June 5: Show white center. roses distributed to the public by The rose-loving experts at Rose Society Dennis’ 7 Dees Nursery help make the Collector’s Edition se- white eye in the center, which is lection. Velvet Majesty, they say, a little unusual.” exhibits “majestic sovereignty of Tradition, of course, is what the highest order.” Rose Festival is also about. David Etchepare is a Royal Ro- “We’ve helped select the rose for sarian and rose specialist at 7 nine years now,” Etchepare says, Dees, who also happens to be “and we have people who collect chairman of this year’s Spring them every year.” Rose Show. He describes this His all-time favorite rose is one year’s Collector Edition choice as he named called Pop the Cork. “a disease-resistant fl oribunda CONTRIBUTED PHOTO: ROSE FESTIVAL FOUNDATION (multiple buds per stem) with a See FEST / Page 2 This year’s Collector’s Edition rose is the Velvet Majesty, which experts say is a royal stunner. “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to Portland Tribune deliver balanced news that refl ects the PEDALPALOOZA PARTY stories of our communities. Thank you — SEE LIFE, PAGE B1 for reading our newspapers.” Inside — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR A2 NEWS The Portland Tribune Thursday, June 4, 2015 Fest: Roses not hard to grow — ask Charold Baer ■ es — donuts and coffee are sup- smell” more than 4,000 blooms of Show. Judges, all of whom are “The Rose Society was started that especially delight Baer. From page 1 plied — until entries close at 9:30 that will be displayed in vases on American Rose Society accred- by Georgiana Pittock in 1889,” “Novices are always the larg- “My next all-time favorite is a.m. tables in an ice arena trans- ited, rate the roses on qualities explains an enthusiastic Baer. est section of the show,” she says. Sweet Spotlight. It’s a white rose The rose show is hardly a fl ash formed for the event into a color- such as form, stem and foliage, “She and her high-society friends “It’s always so great when they so fragrant it’s unbelievable.” in the pan event; it’s now in its ful rose arena. color and proportion. Every wanted to have a rose contest, say, ‘I can’t fi nd my rose’ and I tell A rose named Royal Rosarian 127th year. The Portland Rose So- Could this show be the sub- visitor can vote in the People’s and as a trophy she gave silver them, ‘Check the trophy table.’” makes his short list, too. “It’s just ciety — America’s fi rst rose soci- ject of Christopher Guest’s next Choice Award “Best Rose” and from her mantle.” Contrary to what many people a really gorgeous red rose.” ety — puts on the show at the movie? More than 100 competi- “Most Fragrant” categories. Lest you think the silver-toss- think, roses aren’t fussy, Baer This year’s Spring Rose Show Lloyd Center, its home for the tion classes and 80 trophies are Charold Baer is a retired ing Georgiana was privileged says. at the Lloyd Center will feature a past 33 years. The event is free given out at the fi nal ceremony, OHSU professor and master fl uff, she was also an early advo- “The show’s whole purpose is glorious array of the woody pe- and open to everyone; novices held at 5 p.m. Friday, June 5. gardener with a personal collec- cate for women’s rights, orphans to educate the public and help rennial on display to inhale and are strongly encouraged to bring Trophies are awarded in vari- tion of 1,000 rose bushes in her and single parents. She also re- them understand that roses admire. their roses to competition. Rose ous categories — Best Hybrid Southwest Portland yard. Her ally loved roses.
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