State Historical Sooiety State HOUSG ~ ..•••.................. •.... ~ •.... ~ . I - ' " I . ,-,"\ ! "The Paper J OOicial Ne1f~paper I - r·." With J ofOrdand. '. ( I The Pictures" I Yalley County 1 I •••••••••••••••••••••••• l . !! _F. =e. ; ESTABLISHED Al?R1L 1882 THE ORD QUIZ, .ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARYcm__6,1936. VOL. 53 NO. 45 -- em ncnr T -- • I. '=',B - I ORD MUNY PLANTS HOLD OPEN HOUSE: ~~~e~~~w::e~fWoman Fatally Hurt In Leap IFrom' Bur'ning Truck j Years Of Progress . !. T· k F' c'· · .-.lI th L- W ' > j Ord Finds Way To Handle Snow Problent IC ets. or IVIC Train and Truck Collide on Ord Crossing l?rN oup oman ! Hio~:;~~~lf~=r:~ BO:q~~I!iJ~i~~Y ~~~d~~oW:;o~:r; .- or m_ Pure water in inexhaustible t quantity; light, availabl~ at any ~,\ ~ Mrs. John Yost Crushed Under' hour of the day or night by the I Sponsoring Organizations Hope .1 zqere pressing of a button! To For Attendance of 250 to Wheels When Christoffersen most of us these things ~re com- I Truck Caught Mire: monplaces of our daily existence. i Hear Jimmy'Lawrence•. They are provided at extremely low cost by Ord's municipal water: An attendance 01 250 men and Mrs. John Yost, 30, of Nortli and light plants, we use them as' women at the clVl9 banquet to be Loup, was fatally injured Saturday we use other modern conveniences, held at the Ord Jiigh schol audi­ when she leaped from a burning without regard for the years of, torium Monday ~teJ1.lng, Febr. 10 trUck and was crushed ben~ath its thought and labor or the expend­ is hoped for by s'~nsoring organ­ wheels. The accident happened iture of money from which they I izations, the Chamber of Com­ about noon on the Peterson corner evolved. merce. Rotary cl~b' and Business six miles south of Ord, Mrs. Yost Next week when Ordites visit and Professional Women's club. passed away at 5~30 p. m. In the their light and water plants, as Ticket selling wiil commence to- Ord hospital where she was at4 many will do in response to the morrow, ~, tended by Dr. C. J. Miller, "open house" invitation extended J. E. Lawrence" editor of the Also hurt in the unusual acd· by Mayor Gould B. Flagg and the Lincoln Star and One of Nebras­ dent was Stanley, 5-year-old son city councllmen, Commissioner ka's greatest pUbI!~ speakers, wlIl of Mr. and Mrs, Yost, who was I George Allen and his assistants. be guest of honor and will dellver thrown from the truck cab by his they will see two of the most mod­ "'\ the princl,Pal addresl!. He is driv­ mother and landed on his head on « ern and efficient such plants in '", ing from Lincoln Monday after- the icy. highway, cutting a deep the state of Nebraska. gash in the back of his head. He No Water FamIne Now. t:\)i,ii,ii~,:::~:$;t~"'"'l!%""1hM1itm,;::;m:');1iK~<gHlliitW!C:~""::;'11:::::;;;;,7;}.itL=::::t:L::::z"j! ~~~~d, j~.companied by George will recover, ,,"octors say. So far as Ord is concerned the Light Plant CODlpleted. Driver PainfUlly Bu.rned. days of water famine are over-in For the se~ond time this winter snow was hauled off business Ther~ are two "reasons for the Christoffersen, driver 01 . fact, to most of the present gen­ streets of Ord Tuesday and dumped in the court house yard, where It banquet being het~· at this time. the truck, suffered'second degree eration they a,re not even 'lJeld in wlll make the green grass greener next spring. M\lnday's bllzzard one being t~at Ul,e Chamber ?f A 2% ton load of coal was unloaded quickly and with the greatest burns of the face and hands while memory. They began back in '1884 left so much snow around the square that visitors to Ord could find no Commerce holds" ,{L banquet an­ of ease on east J street Tuesday morning when the Union Pacific motor, he was extinguishing the flames when lirst steps wer~ taken to parking places untll several shoveling gangs went to work. In this nually upon corppletion of itl! leaving Ord. collided with a truck driven by LillIe Hunter. Coal was by throwing snow on them. He provide a municipal water r supply picture by H. E. Jones is shown one of the trucks being unloaded. membership drive, which is under strewn all over the street and the truck smashed up considerably, as was atttended by Dr. F. A. Barta. by the then tiny village of Ord. to B,------------,--- way this weelt. Another reason is this picture by H. E. Jones proves. Neither train nor truck was going The Yost famlly ha<l been living supplant wells theretofore sunk by that the Ord electric plant recent­ very fast or damage might have been worse. And if the front end of on a farm six mlles north of NorUa j ,each indIvidual. house-hol~er. They oIy completed instaJ,lation (if its Hunter's truck had not hit the switch spown in thJs picture and there­ Loup but Saturday were moving i:·J~?::::r:;I;:ace . ~ ended in 1928 when the present Blizzard Monday Is J. new diesel equipment, is one of by deflected off the track th~ damage might have been worae also. ·It to Or<l to occupy th~ Mrs. Robert f1Itering plant was constructed. the most modern municipal plants Nay house, which they had rented. J. W. Llberski, perennIal candi­ was a bloodless accident, neither young Hunter 'nor his father. R. O. How many people who read this · t S· in Nebraska, and city omcials na­ Hunter, who was riding with him, being injured. Young Christoffersen, a com· article will reallze that, fi.rst an~ CaII ed W01 sInce date for political office from the turally deSire to acquaint Ord mercial trucker, was hauI1ng their last. providing for ~ municipal Elyria territory, threw his hat in- people with the etf1clenc~ 'of the household goods to Ord aIld in the supply of water in Ord has cos~ '15· St·11 S bZ to the race for thew~enunicameral city plant and celebrate comple­ truck were riding :Mr, and Mrs. the vast sum of $12&,000.00 or ,I U- er0 legislature Tuesday he mail- tion of the big job of instalUng and WPA Worker Jail.ed, Quiz Publisher On Yost and theIr five chlldren. more, the exact amount being im­ ed his fUing fee to the secretar;t testing the new equipment. Chic Two Others Fmed •'• In the cab with the drIver was possible to ascertain because part of state at Lincoln. Mr. L1berskl ~operatlng cand~c1ate organizations, ,.. with In spite of the blizzard Monday Mrs. Yost, who held In' her arms of, the city' councU's records for Six Inches Snow FeJl, }fe,rClUY has been a for one po­ rlag$~~ Wmter Va catIon ~pn., litiCal' offIce Or another In almost Mayor "'"tne council, morning's grist ot pollc& $::ourt _ • her one-:year.,o14.. Howard. early years are mIssing? At Zero M~rk, Win,d Strong; therefore decided to hold a huge business was t.he heavIest Judge Stanley, 5", sat between Mrs; Tod . When constructed in 1928 Ord's every election in the past 20 years civic banquet- 'and .invite as speak· I. but so far has always fallen short John L. ~ndersen has handled in and' Christoffersen. Mr. Yost lind present flItering plant cost less Cold Will Coptinue er Editor Lawrence, one of Ne­ a 10Jilg time. Anton Wegrzyn, a Sees 0d Me xIC0 the other three children, Bllly. 8, than $40,000 and has been emin­ of the'goal, although he usually receives many votes. braska's foremost advocates of WPA worker charged with drunk- Arlette, 7, and Donald, 3, were e}ltly satisfactory but for forty-five The worst storm since 1915, was municipal ownership. enness, was sentenced to serve ten riding in the truck box atop the ;years previously Ord city counclls what oldsters said Monday when Ladles W111 Decorate. days in jall at hard labor, Norval Camps at Brownsville, Tex., But furniture. ' had been experimenting with dif· six inches of snow fell in Ord, ac­ The banquet wlll be served by Loft was fined $10 for intoxication Takes Trip Across Border SUpped, FeU Under Wbrels. ferent types of pumps and pump­ companied by a strong north wind Legion Convention ladies of the Catholle church. and Paul Gard was fined $5.00 for Near the Peterson co'rner foot­ ing plants and in their experi­ and temperatures that hovered be­ Members of the Business and Pro­ assault and battery upon Frank To See Foreign Life. boards of the truck burst into I ments almost $100.000 was spent. tween 8 below zero and 4 above fessional Women's club wlll have Rysl\.vy. All plea<l gullty. flames perilously close to the gas­ ! Muny Light Plant In 19U. zero all day. The bUzzard was in­ To Ord In 1937 Is charge of decorating the auditor­ In sentencing Wegrzyn to jail Brownsville, Texas. oline tank and although the truck Jus't as Ord's water shortage tensified by the 18 inches of snow ium and also assist in sale of JUdge Andersen stipulated that if was proceeding at a 30-mlle speed f was permanently ended ~n 1928 so Dear Quiz: already carpeting the ground from tickets. John p. Misko, president he should refuse to work or if ,la­ This is Sunday, January 26, We Mrs. Yost threw open the truck ha.s the city's llIrtifich,1.1 llghting previous storms, much of It stil! of the Chamber of Commerce, wlll bor for him Is not available he is I problem been satisfactorily settled, Desire of Ord Post flrrived here yesterday at about door and leaped out with the baby • loose.
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